Yanjing, Huaqing University.

Lin Shu stood on the starting line, waiting for the starter to start, Lin Shu was very calm, and the runners next to him didn't have that many ideas. After all, it was a 1500-meter long run that required endurance, so there was no run-up device or the like.

With the starter's gunshot, all the players set off quickly.

Although 1500 meters is an event where endurance and speed are at the same time, it is still more endurance and rhythm, but even at this moment of starting, the athletes are still running fast, obviously they all want to grab a good one first. Runway position.

Lin Shu's start is not slow, and he has explosive power. He also knows that middle- and long-distance running is more of a constant speed, but he can still sprint in the early stage and find a position slightly forward to ensure that he will not be pulled away by the person in front of him. At the same time, there are people who can get rid of the back as much as possible. Of course, the most important thing is not to be influenced by others while running, and you must maintain your running rhythm.

Obviously, Lin Shu's starting start has not been thrown off. On the contrary, the speed at his feet is faster than that of several competitors, the pace is faster, and the speed and impact are very powerful. Soon Lin Shu took the first place. The speed was quite fast, and he overtook the players behind the ground one after another, and easily distanced himself from the others.

There are players next to him who are constantly being surpassed by Lin Shu, really just keep surpassing.

The boy who originally ran third saw Lin Shu's speed so fast, directly surpassing him, and did not feel any anxiety in his heart. On the contrary, he was more contemptuous, because he knew very well that he would run so fast now that he would definitely fall behind in the first half. Cheng ranked first, and naturally it was the last half of the journey.

He is also an amateur player who knows nothing about running around.

Lin Shu didn’t know that he was surpassing what boys thought. He was indeed an amateur, but he didn’t go forward regardless, but he had already controlled himself to break out. Of course, he knew that 1500 meters was not a sprint. , There is still a long way to fight, and the thing that pays attention to is the endurance.

Precisely because of the clarity, Lin Shu was already controlling his speed and ran forward in strides.

The pace is really fast, surpassing the second-ranked player one after another.

The audience on the sidelines, especially the students of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, saw Lin Shu constantly surpass the previous contestants and ranked second. This kind of speedy painting really made them excited, all of them were excited, excited, and crazy. Cheer for Lin Shu.

"Come on, Lin Shu!"

"Lin Shu, come on! Lin Shu, hold on!"

"Come on mechanical department! ヾ(?°?°?)??"


Lin Shu is fast, really fast moving. In the eyes of many amateur viewers, Lin Shu's speed is really fast, and I also worry that Lin Shu rushes so hard in front of him, and whether he can hold on in the back.

"Lin Shu rushes so fast in front of him, okay?"

Zhou Bo didn’t know Lin Shu’s strength. He just saw Lin Shu ran very fast. He is now in the second position and is getting closer to the first sports player. He is a little worried that Lin Shu has not mastered the rhythm and rushed too hard. NS.

After all, the front speed sprints so fiercely, the back is easy to wither.

Liu Zheng was also a little worried, but seeing Lin Shu keep getting closer to the first place, the scene was really exciting, the adrenaline soared, pulling his throat to cheer for Lin Shu.

"Come on! Come on! Lin Shu!"

Obviously, the spectators outside the playground have seen this picture now. The chase of the 1500-meter long run seems to have already begun before. The fast runner is already chasing the first place and is about to follow. .

"Ah, Lin Shu is too good!"

Jiang Shan stood off the court, shouting frantically for Lin Shu, her eyes kept closely following Lin Shu's running posture, which really made her excited.

"Really, I ran so fast, he should sign up for 100 meters, 200 meters at his speed."

Standing at the starting line, Gao Qiang, a physical education teacher who was serving as the starter, also noticed Lin Shu's speed. His brows were slightly frowned. He was a little uncertain whether Lin Shu really understood the 1500 meters. How long will it take?

If it's just for the sake of being refreshed for a while, rushing so fast, the style of running to the leading position is simply a flash in the pan, there is no need!

However, the physical education teacher Gao Qiang is naturally professional. He noticed that Lin Shu's stride frequency is very stable, and the stride frequency is much higher than that of other players. Even compared with the players running in the front position, the stride frequency is quite fast. The most direct manifestation of cadence is speed.

Lin Shu is already close to the number one player, and seems to be about to surpass the number one player.

The first boy naturally noticed Lin Shu beside him, and he was a little surprised. He didn't expect someone to rush faster than him, and it was already 250 meters faster, and the speed could be maintained to this point, so he really let him Very unexpected.

There were some fluctuations in the boy's heart, but soon he adjusted his mentality and kept his breathing and rhythm. He knew that rushing like Lin Shu would definitely not last long.

In this way, the boy watched Lin Shu pass him.

Lin Shu naturally knows to control his breathing and rhythm, but this is already the rhythm and cadence he has controlled. He is really full of power now, and he knows very clearly that he can accelerate, but he He didn't speed up steadily, because he knew that it was not even halfway, and it was not yet time to sprint at full strength.

high speed!

The speed is really fast!

This is the same idea of ​​all the audience off the field. Everyone's eyes are gathered on Lin Shu, who was in the first place. It is truly eye-catching.

Because that person's speed is really fast, and the gap with others is getting bigger and bigger.

Even the second place is visible to the naked eye from Lin Shu.

The second boy looked at Lin Shu, who was running in front of him. He was very surprised. He originally thought that his biggest opponent was another sports student, but he did not expect that such a dark horse would be killed. This speed continues.


It's almost a lap, and the speed hasn't fallen yet, where is this ruthless person?

The second boy, as a sports student, knows very well that there will always be some amateur players who do not know the heights of the sky and the ground is rushing very hard, but they often do not work for about 200 meters, and then they are overtaken by other players again and again, and finally the tail is lifted. The speed of the runner ahead of him hasn't slowed down, and it seems to be running at a constant speed.

This made him a little nervous and couldn't help speeding up his pace.

Zhou Bo saw that Lin Shu had finished a 400-meter lap, his eyes widened. He couldn't help but wonder if he could get Lin Shu to sign up for the 400-meter event.

"My god, Lin Shu is really amazing!"

Hearing Zhou Bo’s words, Liu Zheng nodded repeatedly. He also felt that Lin Shu was so strong. Such a speed could be maintained for such a long time. This endurance is really okay. Even if Lin Shu can’t persist now, it’s already very powerful. Actually leading the last by such a long distance.

Although it's easy for some runners to be trapped in a long-distance run like 1500 meters, it seems that it might be someone else's circle in Lin Shuhua!

It's not bad!

Time is going!

The starter's physical education teacher Gao Qiang looked at the stopwatch in his hand, and he was still walking, but he realized that the student who ran first was very good, but he just didn't know if he could keep his current position.

If it is said that Lin Shu's speed does not fall very much later, I am afraid it is...

Gao Qiang, the physical education teacher, shook his head and shook off the unrealistic idea in his mind. He felt that Lin Shu's speed would fall very quickly, and it should not work soon. He will soon--


However, it seems that some things are not what Gao Qiang thought, or what the previous players thought. Lin Shu's combat power on the runway seems to be really strong, and he can still be so strong after holding on for so long. This combat power It's really not so strong.

It should be dying!

But Lin Shu's obvious speed has not slowed down, it seems that he has been running at a constant speed at this speed, and there is no obvious sign of weakening.

Time just passed unconsciously.

Lin Shu surpassed the previous player again, and this time the surpass was a loop!

Lin Shu covers the last one for a full circle!


Such strength is really too strong!

This idea is the only idea shared by everyone present at this moment. It is really too strong, too strong, and too long!

This speed is really an absolute level of crushing!

Everyone's eyes closely followed Lin Shu, who was in the first place, and they watched him constantly running forward, constantly surpassing another player, and surpassing another player. It really means taking the lead and taking the lead completely. The two sports students who had tried to bite Lin Shu were also thrown away by Lin Shu, and Lin Shu was really still running, the speed was really terrifying.

Those two legs are really like small electric motors, running non-stop. The key point is that the speed of this small motor has not dropped very much. Such endurance and endurance really shocked everyone.

Everyone thought that Lin Shu ran very fast, and the audience was watching, but Lin Shu himself knew that he was tired now, really tired. He was not a superman and had no teleportation function. People outside the court watched him run. It was fast, very cool, he knew that he was really uncomfortable, and he was really going to die.

This is all because the oxygen in the body is rapidly consumed, the physical energy has dropped a bit, and even the breathing has begun to become disordered.

He knows very well that in the middle and long distance running, the human body consumes a lot of energy and requires a lot of oxygen. Therefore, he must control his breathing rhythm. In order to increase pulmonary ventilation, he breathes with his mouth and nose at the same time. The breathing rhythm is also in line with the running rhythm, using three steps to breathe out and three steps to breathe in.

But this does not mean that his breathing can be maintained well. He knows that he has a "extreme" now.

During middle and long-distance running, the oxygen supply lags behind the body's needs. When running to a certain distance, the chest will become stuffy, the breathing rhythm will be disrupted, breathing difficulties, limb weakness, and the feeling of difficulty in running anymore. This phenomenon is called Extreme". This is also a normal phenomenon in mid- and long-distance running.

When the "extreme" appears, you must continue to run with a tenacious will, while strengthening your breathing and adjusting your pace. In this way, after a certain distance, the breathing becomes even, the action is re-elevated, and all discomforts disappear. This is the so-called second breathing state.

Lin Shu's pain is not seen by others, and he knows it very well.

Lin Shu is really relying on his own willpower to persevere, adjusting his pace and breathing.

"come on!"

"come on!"

"Lin Shu, come on!"

Cheering sounded one after another, but Lin Shu didn't hear those sounds at all. If the fueling pipes were used, the Chinese would have won the championship in the 100-meter race.

Although Lin Shu was already in pain, he was still running, still running forward, insisting entirely with his own consciousness.

Originally, those people he was going to lose very quickly, and the players who would soon be decimated could only see Lin Shu surpassing them, throwing them away, really making them invisible to Lin Shu's car taillights.

Lin Shu must be grateful that the continuous effect of the blood fruit has not passed. He still feels full of strength now, but he still feels very tired and still feels short of breath.

But he was still running forward, just running hard all the time.

Run, chase...

In the setting sun, an old man with strong endurance was chasing, running, not chasing his youth, but like he was desperate, trying his best to chase the monster, sick and mad zombie.

"Come on! Lin Shu!"

Everyone is cheering for Lin Shu!

The physical education teacher Gao Qiang became more shocked as he looked at him. He really opened his mouth and was speechless. As a teacher of physical education, he naturally saw that Lin Shu was already very strong at this level, and he could even say It was beyond his imagination. It was necessary to know that the sports student behind had been dumped some distance away.

His staying power is really too strong!

It's so long lasting, this endurance is really too strong, it's incredible.

As a physical education teacher at Huaqing University, Gao Qiang naturally knows that Lin Shu is not a physical education student, but now Lin Shu's performance has shocked him to the point. This is even more powerful than a physical education student!

In addition to Gao Qiang, the sports teacher, referees and players in other sports on the playground have also noticed the current abnormality on the track.

Everyone seemed to realize that something great was happening.

More and more spectators rushed to the side of the runway to watch.

Even if they didn't go to the edge of the runway, there were other sports students and teachers who noticed the particularly conspicuous player on the runway.

The crowd that seemed lively at first gradually calmed down, but when it calmed down, the crazy shouts were suppressed.

There is only one feeling in everyone's heart--

That handsome guy is running so fast!

So handsome!

Lin Shu had no thoughts at this moment~www.wuxiamtl.com~ just ran forward mechanically, insisting very heavily and painfully, just like that really is insisting on stubbornly, not letting his speed drop too much, and clenching his teeth.

"Come on, Lin Shu punched one last time, the last 400 meters!"

The last four hundred meters?

The last lap?

Why not the last meter?

Even though it was painful, Lin Shu still speeded up the charge, and finally made a charge, for the experience value!

Lin Shu's speed had already declined, but at this moment he was speeding up and sprinting again.

The final sprint!

Time just passed bit by bit, everyone in the audience stared at Lin Shu closely, and someone was already waiting at the end.

"The line is crossed!"

An anxious voice appeared and asked, "How is it?"

"How much time?"

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