I don't know if it was the physical needs that prevented Lin Shu from lying down, or his 5 mental attributes that were not too powerful, he finally got up from the bed.

Even if every movement feels like the thigh is pulling him, ask him to go back and lie down.

The sour taste really made him indescribable.

As soon as you lift your leg, there will be cells in the lower body shouting.

But Lin Shu walked towards the toilet step by step.

After finally solving the original physiological needs, Lin Shu looked outside the balcony, and the dawn was late in the early morning of autumn. Maybe it's because Lin Shu is arranging more time for morning exercises, but now it's only five o'clock.

Lin Shu hesitated. He didn't know whether the small training plan he had just set up should continue.

He really feels sore all over now, does that mean he should rest today and stop training?

After this thought came out, Lin Shu felt that it was impossible. A stronger voice in his mind was telling him that he should insist, he can still persist, and he can't just lie down like this, but his body aches and not. My leg was broken and I really couldn't move.

In fact, it may also be that Lin Shu is really too delicate, too caring for himself, and feels painful for a little muscle aches, but in fact, such aches are very common at all. A person who has never exercised suddenly ran for a kilometer. Muscle aches the next day.

Just go slowly.

Of course, he must make certain adjustments to yesterday's small training plan today, and he may get used to it after training.

With this thought, Lin Shu finally walked towards the playground after washing.

Before dawn, although Lin Shu felt sore thighs while walking, he still started to warm up on the playground, and then started jogging for 5 kilometers.

It’s really just jogging. Lin Shu didn’t know where his courage and persistence came from. He actually ran on the playground. I felt sore every step, but it didn’t seem to be that terrible to run. He was even stronger than he thought.

Lin Shu trained too hard yesterday. He already knew that he would naturally not choose such a heavy amount of training today. He also knew that the symptoms of leg pain after exercise would continue to be exercised the next day, but the intensity of the training had to be adjusted.

This is mainly the result of the local accumulation of lactic acid after exercise. Appropriate exercises, such as leg press or thigh stretch, leg swing, or lightly tapping with your hands.

Ding! Congratulations to the player for running 5 kilometers in the morning and gaining 1 experience+1059; 2 gold coins+1058.

Maybe there is a kind of power from the soul, and Lin Shu really persisted slowly.

After jogging, resting and stretching, Lin Shu felt that he had adjusted well, and then he was ready to start the next set of training. Of course, the intensity was not as great as yesterday. It was just high leg lift training. Every high leg lift training was very slow. Lin Shu I also deliberately let my body and bones move.

He was far stronger than he thought, and the pain was not as terrible as he thought.

And Lin Shu also checked on the Internet to go jogging or practice yoga or swimming when the muscles are sore. It can make him recover faster than if he is lying in bed and screaming "Ouch, oops". After Lin Shugao's leg-raising training, he stretched again and went directly to the swimming pool to swim. This kind of swimming training might be more suitable for his current situation.

On the fourth day, Lin Shu continued to get up early to train. Maybe it was a real habit, or maybe the initial soreness had been relieved a lot.

Lin Shu started his own small training plan again, of course this time it was really a small plan!


Ding! Congratulations to the player for your persistence in training, speed is supreme, agility attribute +1

Agility +1?

Lin Shu was very surprised. He didn't expect to increase his agility attribute by 1 point so quickly. You must know that he only increased his charm attribute by 1 point not long ago.

Of course, it's not too long to speak of it. It has been two years since Lin Shu's agility attribute has finally increased by 1 point. It is not that easy.

So, so far, his basic attribute is only the intelligence attribute or 3

This kind of mental stubbornness makes Lin Shu very bad.

Regardless of whether it is obsessive-compulsive disorder or a stubborn perception of his own intelligence, Lin Shu now feels that he is really embarrassed, but only one intellectual attribute is still untouchable 3

Lin Shu was a little depressed in his heart, but he didn't know any good way to increase his intelligence attributes.

After all, he has been studying and learning experience seriously.

Could it be possible to let him eat more walnuts?

Lin Shu shook his head, threw off the thought in his mind, and looked at the basic attributes on the personal virtual panel in front of him: Spirit 5, Strength 4, Constitution 4, Agility 4, Intelligence 3, Charisma 5, Lucky 4, he tried After moving for a while, I didn't seem to feel any difference after the increase in the agility attribute of the body.

Lin Shu also tried the 50-meter sprint to speed up again. He didn't know if it was the illusion caused by the increase in attributes, or he had such a speed in the first place, and he felt quite fast.

Lin Shu didn't think too much, as always, he continued to train and learn to learn experience.

Lin Shu

Level lv29

Level experience 375860360000

Unknowingly, the level experience progress bar has already reached the upgrade, Lin Shu didn't hesitate, and clicked the upgrade button behind him.

Ding! Congratulations to players, you successfully upgraded to lv30!

Ding! Congratulations to the player for successfully upgrading, reward 1 experience +2058; 2 gold coins +205; 3 mysterious gifts 1 copy.

Yeah! (▽)Happy

He has successfully upgraded to a level again, and I don't know what kind of magical equipment can be exploded this time.

Because he is about to participate in the graduate sports meeting, Lin Shuting hopes to explode a props and equipment that he can use, otherwise he explodes a language eye that can make him rich.

Looking forward to Lin Shu, he clicked on the mysterious gift in his personal inventory, and then what appeared was a fruit of blood.

The warm-blooded fruit is full of energy, enthusiasm, and passion within 1 hour after use. The price is 8888 gold coins.

Seeing such a fruit of blood, Lin Shu was unavoidably disappointed. After all, it was so difficult for him to upgrade before he had the opportunity to get a mysterious gift. He didn't expect such a cheap fruit of blood.

How to buy it, it is not an exaggeration to say that with his current gold coin balance, he can buy and eat the blood fruit at will.

Although Lin Shu was a little disappointed in his heart, he also felt that the blood-blooded fruit could be eaten before he participated in the competition. Although he didn't know how powerful this blood-blooded force was, it was better than bursting out a bottle of sleeping pills.

That is the real cheap gift, he has to think about it if he sends it to him, and of course he has to accept it.


This time passed quickly, and I unconsciously arrived at the day when the latest graduate sports meeting of Huaqing University was held.

On September 25, the 28th Postgraduate Games of Huaqing University was held in the playground of Dongda University. Nearly 1,000 teachers and students from 39 departments participated in the games. Because it was an official event hosted by the university, there would naturally be many campus leaders. Come to give a leadership speech at the opening ceremony, such as the deputy director of the school administration committee, the director of the school sports committee, the director of the school sports department, the director of the school party committee graduate work department, the school party committee graduate work department deputy director, and the school league committee deputy secretary, senior postgraduate team officials... …

And because it was the Huaqing University Graduate Student Association, it was naturally very attentive. The opening was also a lot of sponsorship. The venue was very hotly decorated, with various flags and promotional slogans very lively.

Lin Shu and Liu Zheng stood below and watched the dance performance at the opening ceremony. They have to say that the work of the graduate school is really excellent, the sponsoring unit supporting the event is also very good, and the stage equipment is excellent.

"In order to create a campus atmosphere for national fitness, this year's research and sports meeting will set up competitive competitions..."

After the leaders finished a series of far-sighted speeches, the 28th postgraduate sports meeting of Huaqing University officially began.

The research and sports meeting schedule is two and a half days. The 800-meter and 1500-meter projects that Lin Shu participated in were not scheduled on the same day. It was very friendly to him. The most important thing is that both the 800-meter and 1500-meter projects are directly scheduled. The finals are played together. There are not so complicated preliminaries and finals. As for the 100 meters, they are divided into preliminaries and finals.

I don't know why the 1500m pre-finals are arranged in the afternoon of the first day, while the 800m pre-finals are arranged in the morning of the second day.

Regarding the competition, I don’t know if it’s training confidence, or Lin Shu feels that no matter what, there must be task rewards after participating. The mentality is still normal. After all, this is just a school sports meeting, not an international arena, and he is not playing for the country. , The most is to represent their mechanical department to play.

Moreover, his representative has not been selected, but no one wants to participate, he is the only one to participate.

The Department of Mechanical Engineering is naturally aware of Lin Shu, a celebrity. Not to mention the heroic incidents that Lin Shu posted on the Internet before, but that Lin Shu’s self-discipline performance after being admitted to Huaqing University was not allowed. The students of the Department of Mechanical Engineering were named role models.

The graduate students of the Department of Mechanical Engineering will naturally cheer for Lin Shu. They also know that this is because no one wants to participate in these two long-distance running events.

In addition to students from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, many students from other departments also defected to cheer Lin Shu.

"Come on, senior, come on!"

"Come on! Lin Shu!"

Here Jiang Shan and freshman Yang Yu also came to cheer for Lin Shu.

"Come on! Senior Lin Shu!"

Lin Shu listened to those people cheering for him, his face was full of smiles, he was not particularly stressed, he knew that as long as he worked hard, he felt that he should be fine.

He also knew before that if it is a men's 1500 meters, the standard for international athletes is 3:38.20, the standard for athletes is 3:48.00, the first-level athletes are 3:54.90, the second-level athletes are 4:15.00, and the third level. Athletes 4 minutes 40 seconds 00, junior athletes 5 minutes 00 seconds 00.

Although Lin Shu hadn't measured the time accurately for himself, he still felt that he wouldn't be too slow to run down.

Especially after Lin Shu ate the fruit of blood, it was really not an illusion, but a real feeling that he was full of power. The passionate and passionate feeling made him feel that he can now single-handedly fight ten monsters, even if it is. Ten sickly zombie monsters, that's absolutely--


Lin Shu felt that he was full of power now. It would be difficult for him to single out ten mad zombies, but if he was asked to chase mad zombies again, he thought it would definitely be faster and stronger.

"Lin Shu, come on, I believe you, you can."

Liu Zheng gave Lin Shu a 10l glucose syrup here, thinking about letting Lin Shu drink it to replenish energy. After all, 1500 meters is a very consuming project, but Lin Shu directly rejected it. He doesn't need it now. Glucose syrup, because he has eaten warm-blooded fruits that are more useful than glucose.

"Lin Shu, come on, don’t be under pressure. I saw that there are two athletes over 1500 meters, one is from the track and field team, but I heard that he is not specializing in 1500 meters, and the other seems to have practiced sports before. Yes, I haven't run away now."

"You take it easy, and the most important thing is to participate!"

Zhou Bo is naturally very grateful to Lin Shu for agreeing to sign up for the two very tiring projects of 800 meters and 1500 meters. Although he also hopes to have good results, he knows more clearly that someone can come to participate in such projects. , As for the results, it’s fine to do your best, not to mention that there are sports students in it.

Hearing Zhou Bo's words, Lin Shu smiled and nodded.

Although he is full of enthusiasm now, but he will not directly magnify the words and say which place he wants to get, enthusiasm is his state~www.wuxiamtl.com~ is not his strength, the strength depends on the final game result.

Although Lin Shu is an amateur player, he is really prepared for the graduate sports meeting with great care.

The game time is approaching, and all the players have checked in on the track and are ready to start.

Really speaking, sports can be unconsciously exciting in many times. Whether it is the players on the field or the spectators off the field, watching that kind of speed and passion burst, the players rush to surpass and reverse surpass, then This kind of intense and exciting sense of participation can actually make the audiences off the court heartbeat, the adrenaline soars, it makes people excited, can't help but shout cheers, come on!

Lin Shu is ready. He really feels that his whole body is full of strength. He has already begun to press his legs to move his ankles before the starting line. It didn't take long for the starter of the physical education teacher to put the contestants in position on the track. This also means that the game is really about to start.

The starter stood in front of the starting line, staring at the movements of each runner, raising the starting gun in his hand.

"Everyone is in position, ready..."


With a clear gunshot, the contestants before the starting line ran out instantly.

Every day, I am upgrading the monsters and explosive equipment https://

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