Yanjing, Huaqing University.

   At six o'clock in the morning, Lin Shu woke up from his sleep, full of energy. He heard the sound of pattering outside. It seemed to be raining. He glanced at the balcony. It seemed that it was raining outside. The cold wind was gradually rising, and there was a chill outside.

Although the bed was very warm, Lin Shu still got up. This feeling is really amazing. If this is changed before, he may continue to linger with the warm bed for a long time, but now he can really be very happy. Decisively cut off the tenderness between him and the bed, and be a scumbag, decisively leave the bed, and tidy up the feelings with the bed, and make the bed.

   Lin Shu climbed down from the bed as quietly as possible. When he stepped on the ladder, Liu Zheng, who was sleeping on the other end, asked in a daze, "It's raining today, why are you up so early?"

   Lin Shu nodded, trying not to wake up the other two sleeping geniuses.

   Liu Zheng also admired Lin Shu for being too self-disciplined. Every day I get up at this time and go running to learn. The key point is that Lin Shu is not only studying all the time, but Lin Shu also participates in normal entertainment activities.

   Liu Zheng felt that he had worked hard, but compared with Lin Shu, he was really far behind.

   No wonder some people say that Lin Shu is a learning madman, and I can often see Lin Shu learning.

   Lin Shu took a look at the class schedule, took a book, and then went out with an umbrella on his back.

   Although it is raining, Lin Shu thinks he can still go to the library to study.

   It was raining in Yenching in September, and the sky was dark and deserted.

When Lin Shu was holding an umbrella to buy breakfast in the cafeteria, he saw many students walking to the library along the way. Many of them were very young and prosperous, most of them looked like undergraduates. .

   Lin Shu had to admit that those people worked harder and harder than him.

   This is what I fear most. People who are smarter than him and work harder than him are really stressful.

   Lin Shu knows very well that most of these undergraduates have high scores in the college entrance examination. If you know that his grades are good, but the college entrance examination has not been admitted to a school like Huaqing. When he was in high school, he belonged to that kind of student who had good grades, but not good enough to be able to go to Huaqing.

   However, in his college entrance examination, no one in the school was admitted to the top two universities, Huaqing and Yanjing, and the best impression seemed to be the Jiangsu and Zhejiang University.

Lin Shu shook his head and didn't think too much. After the library opened, he went to start his own study. Although the postgraduate students following Lin Shu were related to parallel robots, Lin Shu also followed in Shonan University before that. The instructor confirmed the research on machine vision inspection.

   Although Lin Shu dropped out of school later, he felt that that part of the research could not be given up. He could sort out the previous topic and try to publish a paper on the adaptive machine vision detection of continuous motion thread size.

   Threaded parts have the advantages of reliable structure, high stability and smooth transmission in the manufacturing industry, and they are also an important role in the manufacturing industry. Especially as the requirements of mechanical equipment for thread dimensional accuracy increase, it is necessary to strictly screen threaded parts. In Lin Shu's view, the current detection of key dimensions of threaded parts is mainly manual mechanical detection and machine vision detection, but compared with the existing machine vision detection, it is still a direction that can be improved, and this direction is before Lin Shu The research direction of the continuous motion thread size adaptive machine vision detection method.

   Lin Shu is looking up information and learning, and then he learns his experience.

   "Senior Lin Shu, I'm sorry to interrupt you, can I ask you a question?"

   Next to him, a girl with a round face looked at Lin Shu and asked.

   Lin Shu was a little surprised. Seeing that the girl was wearing a coat with short neck hair, it was obvious that this girl directly called him Lin Shu senior, not senior, because she knew him.

【Ding! NPC passerby Jiang Shan’s requested task: instruct him to do math problems and complete rewards 1. Jiang Shan’s favor +5; 2. experience +580; 3. gold coins +58.]

   For such a requested task, Lin Shu is not surprised. You must know that he used to squeeze the wool with a sheep. Now that he has such experience points, how could he not be able to brush it.

   Lin Shu put down the book in his hand, nodded, and said, "Yes."

   The girl Jiang Shan heard Lin Shu's words, her face instantly smiled, and she was relieved.

   "This is the math question for the postgraduate entrance examination."

   Jiang Shan came up to the topic and said: "Senior, I am going to review for postgraduate entrance exams, and I feel that high math is difficult."

Lin Shu didn’t care about what the girl said. He just started to look at the math question asked by the girl. He raised his brows. Although he was not a math major, he had participated in the postgraduate entrance examination twice after all, and his scores were very high. He should have done a similar topic before, a topic related to the median value theorem of calculus.

f(x) has a continuous derivative on (-∞, +∞), f′(1/2)=0, prove that there is ε∈(0,1/2) so that f′(ε)=2ε[f( ε)—f(0)].

Without special hesitation, Lin Shu thought about it for a while, and then said: "It's very simple, you make F(x)=f\'(x)-2x[f(x)-f(0)]F(0) =f\'(0)F(1/2)=f(0)-f(1/2) might as well set f\'(0)>0, that is, F(0)>0 if f'(0 ) Does not change the number on (0, 1/2), then f(1/2)>f(0), so F(0)>0>F(1/2) according to the intermediate value theorem, there is ε ∈(0,1/2), make F(ε)=0, so f′(ε)=2ε[f(ε)—……"

"That's it."

   Lin Shu wrote out the proof process in detail on the draft paper, and then asked: "Do you understand?"

   "Understood, thank you senior."

Jiang Shan nodded repeatedly, thanking Lin Shu for her explanation. She really didn't think of the answer at first, because she happened to see Lin Shu by the side, so she wanted to ask Lin Shu. After all, she knows the same scores as Lin Shu's entrance exam. .

   She is actually a little nervous. Although she has heard of Lin Shu's heroic deeds and super high postgraduate entrance examination scores on the Internet, she does not know if Lin Shu will give her a topic.

   She was really surprised that Lin Shu was able to give her the topic so patiently, and her attitude was so gentle.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for completing the task requested by the NPC passer-by Jiang Shan: Reward 1. Passerby Jiang Shan's favor +5; 2. Experience +580; 3. Gold coins +58. 】

   "It's okay, it's trivial, you're welcome."

   Lin Shu is very happy. It's that simple to brush up some experience points, which is not too bad compared to running three kilometers with him in the morning.

The key point is that Lin Shu found that this Huaqing school girl still has a lot of wool to be plucked, because in Lin Shu's view, the problem of the calculus median theorem just now is not difficult to prove, but since the school girl doesn't know it, so It proves that he may not be good at high numbers, and there are many knowledge points that I have not thoroughly understood.

   Lin Shu thinks this school girl should not be a genius.

Lin Shu didn’t know that it wasn’t that the topic was simple, but that the proof topic was not difficult in his opinion. This was because he had already thoroughly understood the content and knowledge of this aspect, so no matter how the type of the question changed. , He didn't think it was difficult.

   "Is there anything else you don't understand?"

   Lin Shu asked.

   It seems that there is no lack of wool around him, just the eyes to find wool.

  Since a sheep has been found, you can ask more if there is any wool to stalk.

   Jiang Shan was very surprised. She stared straight at Lin Shu. She didn't expect Lin Shu to be so passionate. No, Lin Shu should be like this.

   You must know that she knows that Lin Shu has always been chivalrous and courageous. He is really a very kind person.

Now, Jiang Shan really realized that Lin Shu was so kind and passionate in private. It really surprised her and surprised her. If it weren't for her fandom, she would definitely post a post to praise Lin. The book is approachable and gentle.

   Jiang Shan quickly turned another question for Lin Shu to explain.

   "This question is simpler, dy/dx=(xy^2-cosxsinx)/(y(1-x^2)), y(0)=2 to find y."

"You first consider the equation: ydy/dx=xy??/(1-x??), separate the variables to get dy/y=xdx/(1-x??)=-d(1-x??)/ [2(1-x??)], the integral is lny=-(1/2)ln(1-x??)+lnC??=ln[C??/√(1-x??)] , So y=C??/√(1-x??), and then replace any constant C?? in it with the function u of x, and then take the derivative of x to get: dy/dx=[(du/ dx)/√(1-x??)]+[ux/√(1-x??)??], then you can get u(du/dx)/(1-x??)+xu ??/(1-x??)??=xu??/(1-x??)??-cosxsinx/(1-x??), so udu/dx=-cosxsinx, separated variables are udu =-cosxsinxdx=cosxd(cosx), the integral is u??/2=(cos??x)/2+C/2, so u=cosx+C..."

"In this way, the general solution y=(cosx+C)/√(1-x??) is obtained, and the initial condition y(0)=2 is 2=1+C, so C=1, so the special solution is: y =(cosx+1)/√(1-x??)."

   Jiang Shan watched Lin Shu give her the topic so meticulously, staring at Lin Shu closely.

   Forgive Jiang Shan for asking for advice sincerely at first, but she was still a little distracted when such a handsome senior gave her a topic.

  The tone is gentle, the skin is good, the key nose is good...

   There is also serious Lin Shu, so handsome!

It turns out that Lin Shu looks better than online. I don’t know if Lin Shu is single. It seems that there are no friends of Lin Shu on the Internet. I don’t know if Lin Shu will fall in love or what kind of girl she would like if she is in love. What kind of personality would be Lin Shu's favorite?

   Jiang Shan's thoughts spread out instantly, and countless thoughts proceeded as fast as mathematical formulas.

   Lin Shu frowned slightly. I don’t know if Jiang Shan didn’t listen to his topic carefully, or he was a little more complicated, and his eyes were a little strange, and he asked, “I still haven’t figured it out?”

   Jiang Shan was taken aback, and came back to her senses.

   Lin Shu didn't feel impatient, after all, it was wool, maybe he spoke too quickly, and said, "Then I will tell you more."


   Do you want to be so warm!

   Jiang Shan didn't dare to be distracted anymore, but she was already very nervous, and began to listen to Lin Shu's topic carefully, and her eyes focused on the formula deduction on the draft paper, but she did not dare to disappoint Lin Shu's heart.



   Jiang Shan nodded, she really understood, Lin Shu said in detail.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you once again completed the quest of NPC passer-by Jiang Shan: Reward 1. Passerby Jiang Shan's favor +2; 2. Experience +580; 3. Gold coins +58. 】

   Jiang Shan looked at Lin Shu, and she really felt from the bottom of her heart that those online comments were not enough to describe Lin Shu's goodness. This feeling was like seeing her idol and discovering that the idol cares about herself very much.

   Although Jiang Shan didn't pay much attention to Lin Shu, now that a handsome and gentle senior like Lin Shu talked to her about the topic, she would inevitably have some different thoughts in her heart.

   For some reason, before Lin Shu said it, Jiang Shan took the initiative to ask Lin Shu another question.

   She can guarantee that she really doesn't understand, and sincerely ask questions. Of course, more reasons are also because such an opportunity is really rare. Lin Shu's topic is really too good.

   She is really bad at high maths, but I don’t know what's going on. Many students in the class are very used to the teacher's leaping lectures. She really didn't keep up with the content of the class, and it was very difficult to follow.

   Now that it's hard to have such a good senior give her a detailed topic, she will naturally cherish it.

   Lin Shu suddenly felt that Huaqing University is not all genius scholars, it seems that scholars also exist.

   He didn't know if the passerby school girl in front of him was a scumbag, but at least it was really bad in terms of high numbers. He really found these two questions not difficult.

  Of course, Lin Shu will not refuse the inquiries of school girls, after all, they are all experience points!

"This question is actually similar, xydx+(2x^2+3y^2-20)dy=0, y(0)=1 to find y. Multiply both sides of the original equation by the integration factor y?? to get xy? ?dx+(2x??y??+3y^5-20y??)dy=0. Since??P/??y=4xy??=??Q/??x, (1) is the total differential Equation, so the general solution is..."

【Ding! Congratulations to the players for continuing to complete the NPC passer-by Jiang Shan's requested task: reward 1. Passerby Jiang Shan's favor +1; 2. Experience +580; 3. Gold coins +58. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you continue to complete the NPC passer-by Jiang Shan's request task again: reward 1. Passerby Jiang Shan's favor +1; 2. Experience +580; 3. Gold coins +58. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you continue to complete the quests requested by the NPC passer-by Jiang Shan...]

   Lin Shu directly told Jiang Shan several questions and brushed up some experience points.

  Lin Shu even wondered if he could do training while helping others with the topic~www.wuxiamtl.com~, but training might become his own job, and it should be the same as before.

  Because Lin Shu still has class in the morning, he still has to go to class, so naturally he can't stay in the library all the time. He directly said to Jiang Shan, "Sorry, I have to go to class, and I can't give you any more topics."

   "Senior, can I add you to WeChat?"

   Jiang Shan looked at Lin Shu expectantly, so approachable, the senior who was willing to talk about the topic really didn't let her be moved and liked it.

   The key is really too warm.

   Lin Shu thought for a while, nodded, and said: "Yes, you can ask me if you don't understand?"

   "Ask me anytime."

   Very warm senior.

   Lin Shu is really a warm man!

   Jiang Shan thought so in her heart and nodded.

In Lin Shu’s opinion, such a young girl asked him if he didn’t understand. Although it’s not as good as the twenty-hour online on-hook brushing experience artifact, the school girl’s sincere task of studying is actually taking the initiative to pull her own wool for him, and even It doesn't require him to take the initiative to talk, which makes him feel very happy.

   is really an understanding sheep!



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