Every Day Upgrades the Monsters and Explosives Equipment

Chapter 170: [Old man chatting and playing game madness]

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Lin Shu still has a very clear understanding of himself. He didn't think that he was very awesome when he was admitted to Huaqing University as a graduate student, because he knew very well that his talent was really not high. The basic intelligence attribute is only 3, and it has not risen.

Lin Shu doesn't know when he will increase his attribute points.

There is no doubt that since he is not a genius, he has to work harder. After all, the talents of Huaqing University also work very hard.

Although he is not a genius, he is not a dumb bird, and he naturally knows that diligence can make up for clumsiness.

After Lin Shu reported here, I went to the postgraduate dormitory. The living conditions in the dormitory are not bad. It is a quadruple room like Shonan University, with bed and table, private bathroom and balcony, but it is a bit older and the room is fairly spacious. .

One of the roommates in the dormitory is Lin Shu's acquaintance, Liu Zheng, a math monster and social expert whom Lin Shu met in the previous interview.

The other two are all graduates from Huaqing University, one is Zhou Guan majoring in environmental science, and the other is Jiang Yifan majoring in mathematics.

There is no doubt that these two are both excellent people, because Lin Shu saw a pile of certificates in Zhou Guan’s drawer, and also saw Jiang Yifan’s various medals. More importantly, Zhou Guan also served as a cadre in the student union before Zhou Guan. Absolutely. The proud son.

Generally speaking, schools like Huaqing University rely more on their students to learn independently, which is a stocking. People who work hard will naturally be better.

In such an environment, Lin Shu really didn't want to work hard.

Not to mention that his spiritual base attributes are quite terrifying. Naturally, he was not surprised by the excellence of his roommates. He knew very well that he had to work harder.

Lin Shu chose mechanical engineering as a major. You must know that mechanical engineering can be said to be the mother of industry, and it is naturally a very complicated subject. Master's degree students must take more than 36 credits to graduate. The courses in the first semester are still relatively tight. The main courses are Introduction to Mechanical Science and Technology, Basic Mechanical Design, Basic Manufacturing Engineering, Basic Control Engineering, Basic Testing and Testing Technology, Engineering materials, theoretical mechanics and material mechanics, heat transfer and thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, modern design technology, manufacturing engineering information technology, finite element analysis...The key is that there are various exams and papers.

Lin Shu knew this very clearly before.

"Lin Shu, get up so early to go for a run?"

Liu Zheng was very surprised. Lin Shu got up so early just after school started. It really made him a little surprised. The key is that Lin Shu went to class after the run and went to the library to study later. This really made him. Feel a little pressure.

Lin Shu directly said, "I'm used to getting up early."

In fact, because Lin Shu drank sleeping pills, the quality of sleep was very good, he was full of energy, and he woke up early. After all, his ordinary bird naturally wants to get up early and fly.

Liu Zheng nodded, I have to say that all students with good grades have their own set of learning opportunities, and there is no need to ask more.

However, because Liu Zheng and Lin Shu are in the same major, they will naturally go to classes together if they have many courses together.

"When did your mentor say to let you join the group?"

Lin Shu said, "The tutor is not at school, he is still outside, saying that he will meet with us after he comes back, and let us read more documents first."

Liu Zheng nodded, expressing that he knew it, and said with some worry, "Now that school has just started, I am still worried that I can't adapt. It's because you are good, and you have adjusted your study state so soon."

Liu Zheng believes that Lin Shu is very strong and self-disciplined from the bottom of his heart.

"Then you are wrong."

Lin Shu thought he was getting up early, but when he got up early and went for a run on the playground, he could see that many people were running in the morning, exercising, or endorsing books, and some people arrived earlier than him. The thing is to go to study at dawn.

This really made Lin Shu feel in awe, and had to admire it.

"I'm going for a run. Many people are in the playground, and I saw many people go to the library along the way. They are really strong."

Liu Zheng said directly, "You are also very good."

He is a ghost. Lin Shu really didn’t think he was any better. You must know that all of them are students who are younger than him. Even if they are younger than him, the key is that it is the real ones that make him feel the pressure. A genius, like he would meet a new lecturer assistant, who is actually two years younger than him.

When hearing this news, Lin Shu's heart was--

He is really old.

He used to think he was still young among his classmates, because he was only twenty-one when he graduated from university, and he was young, and he was only twenty-four after three years of graduation. Now he is twenty-six in a blink of an eye. Feeling young but not young anymore, the young man on the podium was actually a lecturer and assistant at the podium of Huaqing University at the age of twenty-four.

Ma Dan, is this a genius?

Old, really old!

But the old Ji Fuping has a great ambition, and if he doesn't fight hard, he will be really old.

Lin Shu feels that he can't lose and he must work harder. You must know that old people can also be crazy about games, but just play games, who is afraid of whom!

If you can’t learn from others, isn’t it true that you can’t play games and experience those geniuses?

If you refuse to accept, roll up your sleeves and just brush!

Ding! Congratulations to the player for running 3 kilometers in the morning and gaining 1 experience +569; 2 gold coins +58.

Ding! Congratulations to the player for studying hard for 2 hours and gaining 1 experience + 1259; 2 gold coins +120.

Ding! Congratulations, players, you have studied hard for 4 hours, UU reading www. uukanshu.com gains 1 experience +3989; 2 gold coins +390.

Ding! Congratulations to the player, you continue to check in for 1 hour, gain 1 experience+1590; 2 gold coins +158.

Experience began to keep rising.

How Lin Shu hopes that he can have an on-hook artifact that will allow him to spend 24 hours on-hook in school to learn experience, so that he can go and play.


No, he is playing games now.

Lin Shu didn't know that in his eyes, the school was full of geniuses, he was just an ordinary and ordinary student with ordinary talent.

But he who was the focus of everyone’s attention, unknowingly, he kept getting up early to exercise. The scenery of serious study has become popular on the campus. In the eyes of others, he is also a terrifying existence, arrogant and arrogant. Can see the shadow of his passion for learning.

"The senior Lin Shu from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, I'm really convinced, really good at fighting, the whole thing is a learning madman!"

"Another great horror is about to be born!"


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