Every Day Upgrades the Monsters and Explosives Equipment

Chapter 168: [The little monster is about to be killed]

s: The last chapter was swallowed by [Crab Monster], some labor laws were changed, and I tried to rescue it...


Regarding the line of text floating on the head of his friend Yao Chen, Lin Shu was actually not surprised, because he had seen more powerful [negative energy ghost] monsters before, not just around him, even on the road, he actually saw it. Over [Negative Energy Ghost].

Living in the real world, in fact, not only monsters can be transformed into humans, but humans can also become monsters. Just as negative energy reaches a certain critical point, humans can also become [negative energy ghosts].

From time to time, he would see a lonely [negative energy ghost].

In Lin Shu's view, it was not that a hundred ghosts walked every day, but that people were collapsing. The desperate crying on the road late at night, the tearing down of the taxi, not only the content shot in the short video, but also the collapse of human negative energy.

For such a monster, Lin Shu is more sympathetic, just as he sympathized with the newcomer Huang Wen.

He also saw with his own eyes a sunny and optimistic newcomer being forced to become a ghost.

"Don't think about these unhappy people, just think about some happy things, really Yao Chen, listen to me, don't always be like this, you have to be positive and think more about positive things."

Lin Shu can only give Yao Chen such comfort now.

The lv1 level [Negative Energy Ghost] is really a little monster that was just born. Lin Shu hasn't gotten so frustrated yet, so he wants to kill this little monster that just emerged. After all, Yao Chen is also his good friend. Although he had been scalping wool before, now when the little monster was just born and was fragile, how could he be so cruel to use his hands to brush his experience? After all--

So little experience.

Lin Shu patted Yao Chen on the shoulder and comforted: "Really don't think about those who are unhappy. If you are really unhappy, you will quit your job if it's a big deal, and I will support you—"

"Of course it is impossible."

Zhang Yuan and Zhou Yu were startled, and just as they were about to sigh, they heard Lin Shu say the next thing with a smile.

When Yao Chen was so sad and uncomfortable, I forgive Zhang Yuan and couldn’t help but smile and said: “Yeah, Yao Chen, if you are really unhappy, you should quit your job and rest for a while and adjust your mentality. Really, there is no need to be unhappy all the time, work. You will definitely be able to find better ones. You don’t need to think so much. You are still so young now, and you can still make choices."

When Yao Chen heard what Lin Shu and Zhang Yuan said, he didn’t know what to say for a while. He actually thought about resigning, but he was worried that he could not find a better job after resigning. In addition, he didn’t know what to do after resigning. There is still a lot of pressure in my heart.

Zhou Yu also comforted: "You can learn like Lin Shu. He didn't often work overtime before, but it's not good now."

Yao Chen glanced at Lin Shu, thinking of Lin Shu's current changes, barely quit the postgraduate entrance examination, dropped out after the postgraduate entrance examination and re-examined the postgraduate entrance examination. Now that he is admitted to Huaqing University, he has to go to Huaqing University to attend school. There is no doubt that every time. They were all so courageous to take that step, which really made him admire, but he really didn't dare.

But it was not this incident that made him really uncomfortable and collapsed. It was his work feeling that he worked endlessly and overtime. As long as he thought about it, he felt very desperate, and there was darkness in front of him.

"I feel so useless now, especially when compared with Lin Shu, I really feel like I am useless, really like a rubbish. Real Lin Shu, I really want to admire you and think you are so amazing. No matter what you do, it’s so strong. Unlike me, I don’t dare to do anything. Even if I know I don’t like working overtime, I don’t choose to change.”

[Yo yo ghost call! The negative energy ghost screamed weakly, the negative energy aura enveloped itself, self-blaming, and not afraid of any aggressiveness. 】

Not afraid of any aggressiveness?

Forgive Lin Shu for almost smiling unkindly.

Well, when a good friend is so sad and uncomfortable, he shouldn't laugh, he should feel the same way, be painful and sad, think about what he thinks, and hurt what he hurts.

In fact, the point he wanted to laugh was the ghost cry of [negative energy ghost], not afraid of any aggressiveness.

This is completely different from the [negative energy ghost] that he has actually seen before. As expected, the level difference is still an insurmountable gap.

You must know that he still remembers the feeling of being recruited by his former colleague [negative energy ghost] Qi Yuan's negative energy breath. It really means to fall into that negative energy breath involuntarily, like being surrounded by negative energy. He also became very negative energy. It was really a very powerful attacking technique.

But now looking at the attack of [lv negative energy ghost], it is really like a newly-born little bird croaking weakly, without the fear that [negative energy ghost] should have.

Lin Shu covered his mouth and tried hard not to laugh. After all, if he really laughed at this time, it would be too superficial brother.

Of course, he can actually understand Yao Chen's pain and despair in his heart.

Zhang Yuan comforted and said, "Yao Chen, don't think so, it's really unnecessary."

Yao Chen seemed to say what was in his heart all of a sudden, and said very uncomfortably: "I am telling the truth, and I really feel so useless. Of course, I also feel that I am so negative, but now I am really I feel very sad."

"Both life and work are really messed up."

This is Yao Chen's true thoughts.

Lin Shu can understand the negative energy in Yao Chen's heart. After all, he was tortured by the company's overtime culture at the beginning, but fortunately, he was strong and was not overthrown by the negative energy.

Lin Shu feels that Yao Chen, a newly born [lv1 negative energy ghost], also needs to learn to be strong.

So, how to make this newly born little monster strong?

Lin Shu looked at Yao Chen and said directly: "I think, Yao Chen, you really don’t need to be like this. When you encounter a little pressure, you will turn yourself into an overwhelmed look. When you encounter a little uncertainty, you will describe your future as bleak. It looks like a light and makes it seem like the darkest time in my life when I feel a little unhappy. I think it's probably just some excuses."


Yao Chen's heart felt like being stabbed, not only being stabbed, but more like being stabbed with a lot of knives mercilessly.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for your words like a knife, a few slashes cut lv1 monsters with negative energy ghosts, gain 1 experience +190; 2 gold coins +19. 】

Lin Shu felt a little bit embarrassed for cutting his good friend a few times, but such a trace of embarrassment quickly disappeared.

Lin Shu looked at Yao Chen and said directly: "Everyone is under pressure."

Lin Shu didn't say this casually, but he had seen and killed [Stress Monster] with his own eyes. When the pressure reached a certain critical point, he would turn into a terrifying monster and want to devour himself.

These are all Lin Shu has seen.

"You said I'm very good, but when I chose to leave for the postgraduate entrance examination, I was also under a lot of pressure."

Both Zhang Yuan and Zhou Yu nodded, knowing that Lin Shu's choice when he resigned naked for the postgraduate entrance examination must be very stressful. You must know that Lin Shu chose to resign for the postgraduate entrance examination after working for three years. At that time, there were many unfavorable ones. The voice was full, and Lin Shu's pressure was certainly not small at that time.

"Of course I know I will be admitted!"


The last sentence that didn't know whether it was Versailles, or whether it was confident or firm made everyone else silent.

Lin Shu continued: "Also, when I faced the threat of not being able to graduate at Shonan University, I chose to drop out later. Wasn't the pressure I faced? Later, my dad was injured and hospitalized. At that time, I had to take care of him in the hospital. , I have to review it, is it easy for me?"

Yao Chen was silent when he heard this. They all knew what Lin Shu was facing back then.

Yao Chen didn't even dare to think if he could persist under Lin Shu's situation?

"Of course, thinking about it now, it doesn't seem to be particularly difficult."


【Ding! Congratulations to the player, your words are like a knife, and you slashed lv1 monsters with negative energy ghosts, gaining 1 experience +100; 2 gold coins +10. 】

Not only Yao Chen felt hurt, Zhou Yu and Zhang Yuan both felt a little hurt.

Zhang Yuan smiled and said: "Haha, knowing that you are great, you don't need to say these words later."

Lin Shu said with a smile: "I just think Yao Chen, you don't have to be too uncomfortable. After all, everyone is under pressure. It's really unnecessary."

Just as Yao Chen was about to say something, he heard Lin Shu say something--

"And don't feel uncomfortable for you, there will be more uncomfortable time in the future."


Yao Chen's heart felt like he had been severely stabbed.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for your words like a knife, slashing lv1 monsters with negative energy ghosts, gaining 1 experience +190; 2 gold coins +19. 】

Although Yao Chen was stabbed, Yao Chen felt uncomfortable, but he knew more clearly that Lin Shu was telling the truth.

"Be uncomfortable during working hours. There is no need to be uncomfortable in such precious time now."

Zhang Yuan and Zhou Yu couldn't help laughing when they heard Lin Shu's words.

Yao Chen nodded weakly, trying hard to stop thinking about the unhappy things, and said, "Yes, this is why I often stay up late now. I feel that I have too little time. After working overtime, I compressed it. My own sleep time, and then just staying up all night."

As he said, Yao Chen was enveloped in negative energy again, and sighed dejectedly: "The key is that I don't know when this day will end, and when will he be heady."

"Just wait until this time is over--"

Lin Shu smiled comfortingly and said: "At that time, you can be busy for a while."


Yao Chen felt like he had been stabbed in his heart again.

Well, this time it's not a feeling, but it's really been cut again.

I'm really heartbroken. After I've been busy for a while, and there's another, I instantly feel that life is an endless loop of busy overtime.

I want to cry even more, sadness flows upstream...

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, your words are as sharp as a knife, once again slashing lv1 monsters with negative energy ghosts, gaining 1 experience +180; 2 gold coins +18. 】

Although there was a newly born lv1 level [negative energy ghost] in front of him, Lin Shu suddenly felt that he should let Yao Chen, a newly born little monster, recognize that this cruel world is not as beautiful as he thought, and he does not experience it. Wind and rain, how can such a little monster grow up?

He must tell this [lv1 negative energy ghost] Xiao Mengxin how to be strong and how strong.

He swears that he is definitely not for the purpose of fighting monsters to gain such a small amount of experience.

Lin Shu is not someone who lacks experience points!

We must know that in the vast Amazon plain, there is a kind of eagle called the eagle eagle, which has the title of "King of Flying". With its long flight time, fast speed, and agile movements, it can be called the king of eagles. It is generally difficult for small animals to escape its capture. But after such a baby eagle is born, if he does not enjoy a few days of comfortable days, he will undergo the almost cruel training of the mother eagle.

With the help of the mother eagle, the young eagle was able to fly alone in a short time, because the young eagle, who was timid and unable to fly, was thrown to death by the mother eagle.

Let's fly!

[Lv1 negative energy ghost], you just came out to see the world, you need to fly bravely alone.

Be strong, lv1 level little monster!

Zhang Yuan and Zhou Yu kept laughing while listening to Lin Shu's words, because they clearly saw the change in Yao Chen's expression. It felt like someone was lamenting themselves and self-pitying that I was bad, and there was someone next to them. Then he said, yes, you are terrible.


Yao Chen couldn't laugh or cry, especially when he saw Zhang Yuan and Zhou Yu both laughing, his negative energy aura seemed to weaken a little.

Yao Chen looked at Lin Shu and said helplessly: "You really are my good brother, thank you for saying this to comfort me."

Yao Chen really didn't know how to continue the negative energy grief by Lin Shu's words. This was not the picture he wanted at all, and it shouldn't be such a plot development.

It turns out that this is how the good brothers came here!

The knife was so beautifully inserted that he was caught off guard, completely out of his expectation.

Lin Shu patted Yao Chen on the shoulder ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and said, "Okay, you don't think so much. If you really feel pressured after resigning, you can live with me directly after resigning. Anyway, I will go to Yanjing to go to school later."

When Yao Chen heard Lin Shu's words, he finally felt a touch of warmth in his heart. He deserved to be a good friend who had slept with him.

Although Lin Shu feels that the newly born [lv1 negative energy ghost] is weak and helpless, and even a little cute, but there is no way he can be an experienced player.

The little monster is about to be strangled in the cradle.

"If you really can't hold it, there is me, I will always be behind you to support you."

"I will stay with you no matter what."

Moved, warmed, healed...

A warm current drew across Yao Chen's heart, as if the warm light illuminates his world and dissipated the dark cloud in his heart.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for casting the Great Compassion Curse, the Buddha's light shines, the holy light bathes, and even the pure air of the sun shines and influences the lv1 monster negative energy ghost, gain 1 experience + 1980; 2 gold coins +198. 】

"Of course, if I have a girlfriend, you can go away quickly."

"Hahaha...!" divdiv

Every day, I am upgrading the monsters and explosive equipment https://

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