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Star City.

As always, Lin Shu started morning running exercises and learned from experience. Although Lin Shu still has laziness in his bones, I don’t know if it’s because the basic attribute of [Spirit] has 5. Lin Shu is now able to recognize it. Do it well, and there will be no more time to struggle and hesitate.

【Ding! If you are a player of something, you exercise, jog 5 kilometers, reward 1. Experience +893; 2. Gold coins +89.]

Compared with some young people's most exercise activities in contemporary times, taking takeout and express delivery, there is no doubt that Lin Shu still exercises a lot, but even then he will still call [Puppet Man] from time to time to become Lin Peipi and let the puppet man Squeeze it dry for twenty-four hours and start cooking, washing, and doing housework for him.

It's really caring child labor.

Lin Shu sat on the sofa, looked at the book, and glanced at the little puppet man who was cooking in the kitchen suddenly with some curiosity. The little puppet man was wearing a piece of clothing, a pair of wooden legs stretched naturally, and then he began to cut vegetables quickly.

Because today I am going to entertain a few old classmates to eat at home, Lin Shu specially asked the puppets to cook a table of food.

Looking at the swiftly working puppets, Lin Shu suddenly became a little curious. The puppets are magical props exploded in the game, but what exactly are such magical props made of, it is definitely impossible for a robot to do so. Really That's awesome.

So, what kind of programming can make such intimate props, although it is a little gold.

There is also the [Eye of Prophecy] before, and the [Copy Glove]...

Lin Shu just thought for a moment and shook his head. He had seen the magic of these props anyway.

After the little puppet of Lin Shu prepared the food, he quickly returned the little puppet to his inventory without wasting a minute and a second.

Yao Chen, Zhang Yuan, and Zhou Yu came to Lin Shu here to gather for a moment. When they came in, they brought some good dishes, and they were ready to cook together again. Although it was said that Lin Shu would cook for them, It's just to say that you can't really just watch Lin Shu cook alone.

But I didn't expect that Lin Shu had already prepared the food, which was very unexpected.

Moreover, this big table dish is still very rich, the key is that there are several big dishes, just like that looks very good, I have to say the color, fragrance, and now the "color" has surprised Zhang Yuan and others.

"Lin Shu, you made this table?"

"I did it—"

Lin Shu smiled and nodded, then asked, "Do you believe it?"

"I believe it all says you are Nezha Lin God, omnipotent."

Yao Chen sat down hurriedly, and told Zhang Yuan and Zhou Yu to sit down quickly and prepare to eat.

Lin Shu greeted Zhang Yuan and the others to sit down, poured a drink, and said, "How about you try it first."

Because they are all old classmates, naturally there will not be any polite places, and they start to taste the food on the table very casually.

"My god, Lin Shu really did this by you? It's so delicious too!"

Zhang Yuan tasted the stir-fried beef, and was instantly overwhelmed by its delicacy. She opened her eyes wide and said in disbelief, "You guys have a try, it's really amazing."

"Is it such an exaggeration?"

Yao Chen was a little skeptical of Zhang Yuan’s reaction. He felt that Zhang Yuan was exaggerating. He also took a taste of the dishes, and was instantly overwhelmed by the taste. He was shocked and said: "Mom, Lin Shu, when did you cook so well? Is it?"

Lin Shu naturally knows how delicious the food made by the puppets, otherwise he would not let the puppets cook for him from time to time. Although there is also a reason for his laziness, it is more that the puppets cook really delicious food.

If the puppet is not good to cook, he won't let him. No, it should be to let the puppet spend that precious time to cook. He might as well make it by himself——

That's it!

He might as well order his own takeaway!

Zhou Yu also tasted it, nodded repeatedly, and gave Lin Shu a thumbs up.

Yao Chen tasted other dishes, his eyes were really shocked, and he stared straight at Lin Shu as if he was looking at a complete stranger again. This man once slept with him, but he felt very strangeness.

This change is really big!

"Lin Shu, you really did this dish?"

Lin Shu smiled and shook his head, and said, "What do you think? Okay, I called the takeaway."

"No, you lied to me, right?"

Yao Chen asked while eating the food on the table, "Did you really make it?"

"I'm not saying this, you don't believe it, this is called a takeaway."

Zhang Yuan asked, "Which one is yours! This is too delicious."

Lin Shu said with a smile: "If it tastes good, you can eat more. If it tastes good, then why bother about who made it."

Yao Chen and others are still complimenting Lin Shu's delicacies on this table. Obviously, the chef who actually cooks this table of delicacies will not receive these compliments.

More importantly, even if the chef hears these compliments, he will not be happy.

After eating here, there is no Lin Shu involved in the washing and cleaning, and Yao Chen is directly responsible. Who made Zhang Yuan and Zhou Yu the two girls? Yao Chen, who is gentlemanly, said that he was responsible for washing the dishes. Zhang Yuan and Zhou Yu also humbly gave Yao Chen a self-recommendation.

"I'm just being polite, you two really don't fight at all."

Zhang Yuan smiled and said: "Hahaha, such a good performance opportunity should be let you perform."

Zhou Yu and Lin Shu sat on the sofa, chatting and eating fruit.

Zhou Yu looked at Lin Shu and couldn't help asking: "Is that Lin Hua classmate okay?"

Because Lin Shu has been taking care of this matter, many friends around him naturally know about it and have been paying attention to it all the time.

"Fortunately, she is back to school now."

"That's good."

Zhou Yu sighed, "Hey, you did help the deaf-mute woman find her daughter, but this matter may still be unacceptable for Lin Hua for a while, but unfortunately this is nothing else. Wait for time to pass. It might be better."

Lin Shu nodded, he thought so too.

"You have to go to Yanjing after school starts. It may not be so easy to meet afterwards."

"Yeah, the key is that you can't eat the food you cooked Lin Shu, it's a pity."

Lin Shu waved his hand and said, "Don't think about those. I didn't make them. Go out and eat."

Yao Chen interrupted here and said, "Brother Lin, how about you say I go to Yanjing to work with you?"

Lin Shu was surprised and asked, "Do you want to go to Yanjing? Why haven't you heard that before."

"As far as I am working, I have to work overtime every day. I'm off work today and I'm still looking for me. I'm almost annoying."

When Yao Chen talked about this, he felt bitter and said depressed: "I wanted to quit and change a job, or I would go to Yanjing with you."

Zhang Yuan hurriedly persuaded: "I advise you not to think so well. There are not many jobs that do not work overtime. You may not find a better one with bare resignation. Moreover, you are more difficult at Yanjing, the pace is so fast, and the frontline I am afraid that the overtime culture will be more serious in big cities."

Zhou Yu also said, "That is, the work is the same, it is the same everywhere, overtime is everywhere, 996 is rampant. This is a fact, there is no way, almost all people work overtime in a society, and the "Civil Servants Law" stipulates, Civil servants are not paid for overtime work. The state advocates that civil servants must have a spirit of dedication. Enterprises that pay wages in accordance with the "Labor Law" are under the management of the government, and the government also keeps its eyes closed. This is the general background."

Yao Chen's entire face was full of sadness and despair. He looked at Lin Shu and asked: "Lin Shu, you study the law. Tell me, why can't the labor law control them?"

"Under the world, there is no labor law!"

Is there any labor law in the world?

Hearing Yao Chen's question, Lin Shu couldn't help laughing. How would he answer this question? He shook his head. Said: "I am not studying law, I am studying machinery, pure science and engineering, law is just a hobby. If your company does not pay you overtime wages, you can sue him, but there must be evidence of overtime, many Sometimes there is insufficient evidence, and the result is that the arbitration request is rejected."

Lin Shu added: “The Labor Law and the Labor Contract Law are the best laws for workers, but many workers don’t know how to use them and dare not use them. The law is really biased towards workers. It’s just that I don’t think so much. I don’t bother to collect evidence and file a lawsuit to pay overtime. You must know that the law pays attention to evidence. In the law, facts that are not supported by evidence are not facts. So. In order to guarantee workers’ overtime wages, first of all, the employer’s attendance account will automatically evade evidence such as overtime attendance, and the worker himself only knows that he did work overtime, but he cannot produce valid evidence of overtime. Secondly, who advocates who provides evidence? Since workers advocate overtime wages, they should show tangible evidence. Evidence also emphasizes the chain of evidence. If workers collect only a few words of overtime evidence, the legal effect is limited and can only be partially supported. Finally, the law is needed. Cost, time cost and energy cost. It’s no wonder that some people have won the lawsuit but lost money."

"Furthermore, the "Labor Law" you mentioned is actually one of the articles in the "Labor Law" Article 38 [Minimum Guarantee of Rest Days] Employers should ensure that workers have at least one day off each week. This law means that , The company guarantees that you can take at least one day off a week."

Hearing Lin Shu's words, Yao Chen felt hurt, and more importantly, he felt deceived.

Why is there such a law?

What are you doing?

Yao Chen asked with a question mark on his face: "What? There is such a thing?"

Lin Shu nodded and said, "If you want to claim overtime pay, etc., it is recommended that you keep a series of evidences, and you can stand on the legal principle first. By the way, I must remind you that there is a very important point, even if it is There is a check-in as proof, as long as the application is not submitted or the application is not approved, it is not considered as conclusive evidence of overtime."


Yao Chen also looked dazed.

Do you want to do this?

"If you just want to find a lighter job, there must be some."

Yao Chen said: "There is a ghost! My colleague resigned and moved to another company a few days ago. Although the salary has risen, the overtime work is even worse. The key is that the previous HR told him not to work overtime. Regret dead."

"I don't know which company I can switch to to be better now. I definitely can't jump down, and it doesn't make any sense to jump flat."

"I actually interviewed a company earlier, but when I applied for a job, the manpower would ask me whether I would accept overtime. At that time, my heart was very annoying. How should I answer? Accept it or not. If you don't accept the estimate, you can just go straight. If you leave, if you accept it, you will ask if there is any overtime pay, other subsidies, etc. Guess how he told me, he actually said that he would leave work normally at six o’clock in the evening. If you have to work overtime, it will be after nine o’clock in the evening. Calculate overtime."

Yao Chen became more and more angry as he spoke, and said in a deep voice: "I'll be forced to go, then I was all ill!"

Zhang Yuan on the side also sighed: "In fact, our company now has a lot of overtime work. Anyway, I have to work overtime for a long time on Saturdays. I usually have to work overtime from time to time. In fact, I don’t understand. What will be done more?"

"Lin Dashen, would you please talk about why overtime work in all walks of life has become regular now? The provisions in the labor law on working hours, overtime, overtime pay, and time off, etc. are all in vain. Why is there a legal provision related to the vital interests of the people? Can't get any strong protection?"

Lin Shu felt a big head. He didn't know why a good gathering had to discuss such a serious and sad topic.

Of course, he can also understand Yao Chen's helplessness and the low pressure negative energy on his body, because he had had this experience before, but he finally chose to leave.

"Why do you want to ask me such a difficult question? I just said that the labor law restricts units and protects workers. However, whether it can be guaranteed or not is the initiative of many organizations and individuals to be useful~www .wuxiamtl.com~Zhou Yu is currently working at Shonan University. Although the work is not easy, but fortunately, unlike Zhang Yuan and Yao Chen who work overtime as much, I can only sigh: "I think it may actually be too much. However, the labor law must be implemented on the one hand, and the enterprise has to go bankrupt. More importantly, the law does not blame the public. As long as all capitalists break the law together, there will be no problems. Therefore, the capitalists all over the country unite and break the law together. Under such circumstances, the proletariat migrant workers are hurting each other and crazily involving. "

Zhang Yuan said angrily: "After all, I still don't want to control it. After all, working overtime will benefit countries with economic growth."

Yao Chen sat on the sofa and said sadly: "What should I do, when I think of going to work tomorrow on Monday, I feel so sad."

"The happy time just flows away bit by bit, it's too short, I really want to cry."

Lin Shu patted Yao Chen on the shoulder, glanced at the line of text that suddenly appeared on Yao Chen's head-[Lv1 Negative Energy Ghost], and comforted: "Don't cry!"

"You are not alone."

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