PS: T_T is uncomfortable. Chapter 103 was eaten by the fascinating [Crab Monster] again. It's hard to guard against. It should be difficult to save it...


   Yenching, Yenching University.

Xu Hui ran into Lin Hua’s dormitory excitedly and asked anxiously: "Lin Hua, have you watched that video on the Internet, Lin Shu scolded those teachers, it’s really awesome! The scolding was too harsh, too bullish! NS."

   "My God, Lin Shen is worthy of being Lin Shen!"

Lin Hua was originally watching that video. She should have been paying attention to the video of Shonan University jumping from a building that was exposed online from the beginning. The Lin Shu in the video is still full of justice and bravely. She stood up and desperately tried to save people. At that moment, her heart was really nervous. Fortunately, after the thrill, Lin Shu rescued the senior, but some of the following things made her very worried for Lin Shu.

   She didn't know what kind of pressure Lin Shu was facing until now the video was exposed.

   Lin Hua felt half happy and half worried. She didn't know what would happen if Lin Shu called those people unrelentingly in front of her as cannibals.

   What are the consequences behind this.

   Lin Hua hesitantly turned out WeChat. She wanted to send a message to Lin Shu, but she didn't know what to say.

   Like netizens, she is just a spectator after all, and she is not the Lin Shu at the center of the storm at all. They can't appreciate the huge pressure and difficult situation Lin Shu is at this moment.

   Xu Hui frowned when he saw Lin Hua, did not speak, and couldn't help asking, "What's the matter?"

   "Why don't you speak?"

  Linhua looked at Lin Shu in the video. The thin but tough figure couldn't help but said with some worry: "He scolded those people like this, and this video was exposed, and he didn't know what the consequences would be."

   "The secretly filmed internet celebrity blogger is for traffic and popularity. He doesn't even know that this is completely letting those things on the table, Lin Shu he—"

What will happen to   ?

Xu Hui nodded and agreed with Lin Hua's words, but quickly shook her head with a smile, and said, "Those people can no longer do anything to Lin Shu. Now so many people on the Internet are scolding them. "

   "The pressure of public opinion is so heavy, they dare not."

   Lin Hua frowned slightly, the worry in his eyes did not disappear, and said softly: "I dare not now, what about after?"

   Lin painting still feels a bit heavy.

   Xu Hui patted Lin Hua on the shoulder and said, "Lin Hua, don't worry about it. Look at how handsome and domineering Lin Shu is. I find that I am about to fall in love with him. It's really handsome."

   "As expected, he is a forest god, he is really a god-like figure, and mortals of my generation can only look up."

   Hearing Xu Hui's words, Lin Hua couldn't help showing a smile on her face. The smile was as clear as water, reflecting Lin Shu's figure, every action and every word made her heart pounding.

   is so handsome, really scolded too well!

   Lin Hua thought so in his heart.


   The students at Shonan University also didn't expect Lin Shu to curse such words in front of the teachers. People who watched the video all said that they would kneel to Lin Shu.

   is really kneeling!

   This is really too strong.

   This is the real warrior who dares to face the cruel life and the dripping blood.

   Lin Shu is definitely an idol in their hearts now, really a god-like figure.

   is a warrior in their hearts.

   But, they really want to know what happens when the warrior scolds those cannibals now exposed?

   Now that the school has been scolded to lose face, then how will they deal with this matter, how will they deal with Lin Shu.

   Because of the words in the video, their hearts are very excited, and they feel the blood boiling all over their bodies.

   In the darkness, there is no light, but Lin Shu is the faint light, like a torch trying to illuminate the darkness in front of him.

   All this is so shocking!


【Ding! Congratulations to the player, your words are like a knife, you cast a spell and take advantage of the world’s key Zong Haoran’s righteousness to incarnate thousands of flying swords. The sword aura is like a river. 1. Experience +10520; 2. Gold coins +961. 】


【Ding! Congratulations to the player, your sword is flying out of the sky, and the sword is in all directions, causing certain damage to the Lv2 monster rumor old monster, gaining 1. experience+1250: 2. gold coins+121.]

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you have a sword to the west, sword light for 19 miles, killing monsters in the air, causing serious damage to Lv1 monster rumor old monster, gain 1 experience +1507; 2 gold coins +150. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you are awe-inspiring, righteous, yelling in the air, tearing up Lv3 monster rumors, old monster...]

   Seeing the monster-killing experience that popped up in front of him from time to time, Lin Shu was a little surprised. It is not strange to harm the [Cannibal] monster, but it is strange that so many [Rumor Old Monsters] were killed by him in the air.

  What are the rumors against him?

   Lin Shu was a little curious, but he didn't think about it anymore. He was very happy looking at these experience points.

   Not bad, really good.

Lin Shu naturally knew that the online video was secretly shot by an internet celebrity blogger for traffic topics. UU reading didn’t know how to get into the school. It is very likely that the school would be held accountable, but that’s not Lin. Books need to be cared about.

   Lin Shu didn't actually feel scared or uneasy. On the contrary, he would like to thank someone for posting the video.

   If ghosts want to eat people, how can people not fight back.

  The killer will kill the heart, the killer will see the light!

   Lin Shu knows that his remarks really meant that those cannibals pretending to be innocent and being worthy of others were scolded to lose face, and they were not admitted to the hospital with anger. It was considered that they were strong and bones.

   But he is still in the palms of these people. Lin Shu knows this very well.

   Even if he doesn't move him now, but he can't tell later, then he must find a way.

   So after borrowing the sword from the key sect of the world’s first sect, should I continue to borrow the sword to kill the monsters, or should I wait for work, take advantage of the fire, fight the monsters, slam the west, draw salaries from the bottom of the tank, hide the sky, and the golden cicada escapes from the shell...

   Lin Shu took a look at Weibo, and he knew that in fact, he still had the best trick in his heart, to retreat for progress and walk for the best strategy?

   The Weibo of Lin Shu, the focal point of the public opinion topic, was updated. He posted on Weibo, "If I had never seen the sun, I could have endured the darkness."

  The key is after this sentence, Lin Shu wrote, "I said: Don’t scare me, I am not scared. It is the same now, I am not scared, but the last half sentence may be different."

   With the release of Lin Shu’s Weibo, there is no wind and no waves, and there are rumors —

   Lin Shu was constantly pressured and forced to drop out of school.

   It can be said that this rumor and Weibo instantly caused an even more explosive sensation.

   is really an explosion!

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