The video that Lin Shu suddenly exposed on the Internet questioning the people in the school for being cannibals swept the entire Internet like a violent storm. Whether it was originally concerned about the incident of Shonan University’s jumping from a building, it is now spreading wildly on the Internet. This video.

  Whether it is Weibo or a certain voice, these are the hottest topics in real-time hotspots on various video websites.


  #Lin Shu scolds those cannibalistic ghosts#



  #Don't pretend to be innocent#


   It can be said that at this moment, it is really a succession of topics rushing to the hot search, with continuous boiling heat and number of views.

The topic has exploded. Every sentence in the video has been repeatedly discussed by netizens. Many video bloggers took advantage of this enthusiasm to edit Lin Shu’s remarks, and they continued to ferment and spread because Lin Shu was in the video. Every sentence said in it is so awesome, so handsome, so fierce!

   Whether it is the edited video with text, or the series of questions and scolding by Lin Shu himself, it is shocking and angry to the fierce roar, which really shocked the netizens who saw the video.

   "Lin Shen really scolded too well, my idol, you are really too brave, only you dare to tell the truth!"

   "Look at you crying, you have to be so angry that you can scold such words, scolding is too good!"

   "Yes, those people are just a group of cannibals! None of them are innocent, decent, who knows who is right and who is wrong, and they think about right and wrong, dealing with people who ask questions, bah!"

   "Lin Shen, you are really great, I feel sorry for you to face such a lot of pressure alone."

   "You're so handsome! The words Lin Shu scolded are really so cool, I really am my male god!"

   "Why treat Lin Shen this way? Why can't those ghosts face their mistakes directly!"

   "I'm so angry, I can't wait to take out a gun directly, rush in directly and make those people abrupt."


Obviously, this matter is really getting worse. Shonan University has not really solved the [cannibal], but is constantly putting pressure on Lin Shu. This really makes all netizens surprisingly angry. , The key is that the video clearly exposes Lin's concerns and conceited remarks to everyone.

   The dark minds of those people are naked in front of all netizens.

   were all stripped off their human skin masks and stripped clean.

It’s not the first case that there are ghosts who are good teachers who are eating people. It is true that the incident at Shonan University did not really kill people because of Lin Shu’s saving people, but now things are more troublesome than those students in the past. The jumping incident is even more serious and terrifying.

   "There are really too many things like this. They must be resolved, and they can't just end like this."

   "I empathize with what Lin Shu said, those people are really cannibals, they have been squeezing like crazy."

   "I feel like I can't hold on anymore, but I really cried when I saw someone speaking for them like this."

   "Who still remembers that poor doctoral student from Lingnan University who died last year was also eaten cleanly by cannibals."


   Public opinion continued to ferment, and all sectors of society began to pay attention. Many well-known big Vs also liked the video that Lin Shu scolded.

Because what Lin Shu said now is really spreading the darkness on the table, and he still tears off the underpants of the professors who are aloft, and put them on the table for the exhibition. To see how innocent they are.

   This really caused a huge sensation.

   And the one who is on the cusp of this public opinion is naturally Shonan University.

   Obviously, now that this video is released, Lin Shu scolds them as cannibals and spreads on the Internet. It can be said that the entire Shonan University is completely in a situation where public opinion is very unfavorable and very passive.

   This is even more terrifying and terrifying than Lin Shu's euphemism on Weibo that he received concern from his studies.

   Now even if I want to suppress it, I can't suppress it at all.

   The official Weibo of Shonan University is full of scolding from netizens, all of them calling them a group of cannibals.

   "@吃人鬼大学, do you have a group of cannibals?"

   "Shonan University has raised a ghost named Yang Gui, who has been bullying and squeezing students for a long time. Do you want to continue to raise cannibals?"

   "Why don't you respond? Why are you so shameless that you still threaten Lin Shu, are you human? Oh, you are not human, you are a group of cannibals!"

   "Yes, Lin Shen is right, you are a group of cannibals! I advise you to improve your reincarnation, re-behave, and don't be ghosts all the time."

   "I beg you to be an individual! Lin Shu is so good and has a sense of justice, and you still want to put pressure on him. It's really too much, too disgusting."

   "Let go of Lin Shu, and quickly apologize, if you still have a little can you stop being embarrassed in front of your students, and truly be a good example of others!"

Obviously, Zhou Bo and those people did not expect this situation to be like this. They regretted it and were also very angry. Originally, Lin Shu scolded them in front of them that they were not humans, they were human-eating ghosts, but now they are all in front of them. The human face scolded them.

Originally, Zhou Bo thought it would be nothing more than waiting for the heat to go down for a while. Obviously, the method they used before will not work this time. On the contrary, even if no lives were killed this time, it was more troublesome than before. It has to be bigger and terrible.

Obviously, the current hot search is fermenting. Many media reporters have come to the door for interviews, and those various media bloggers are also using this matter as a topic, constantly attacking, swearing, ridiculing, and destroying the school’s reputation. It really became the object of everyone's ridicule, and they really became a joke.

   The most important thing is that the secret video was uploaded. Now the whole school and their faces are completely lost.

   They were accused by a student who pointed to the nose in front of them and called them a group of cannibals. This incident was made public. This is the most angry and unacceptable thing for them.

   One by one, they lost all their faces, just peeled off their human skin, stood naked, scolded by all the netizens, and ridiculed and whip their bodies.

   Lin Shu is not scolding them.

   This is hitting everyone in the face!

   And still not showing any affection, slapped them in the face very frantically!

   beat them with a swollen nose and a swollen face, and they had no face to see people!

   The most important thing is that all their dignity and prestige have been beaten up completely by Lin Shu's public curse.


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