Every Day Upgrades the Monsters and Explosives Equipment

Chapter 102: [Mountain rain is coming and wind is full of buildings]

   Shonan University.

   Lin Shu really didn't care about the threats and scares of the ghosts in the school, on the contrary, he still thought it was a bit ridiculous.

   Of course, he admitted that in front of the dean, department heads, professors, and the teachers, he said that they were not humans, they were cannibals, and there was still a certain amount of pressure.

   But, this kind of scolding feeling is really cool.

   is cool!

  呸, but a group of cannibals scare anyone!

   Lin Shu feels a little bit arrogant and niubility.

   But it's not him who can't see it, it's the ghosts. What's so scary about him.

   cover up, pretend to be a ghost, and deliberately scare people, but they are all a group of ghosts.

How Lin Shu hopes that he can explode a god-level weapon and kill all those cannibals with a single blow, so that they will be wiped out. Otherwise, a set of invincible sword formation equipment, a burning sun furnace, from all directions of the five elements and gossip, Thousands of swords were sent out, all the lonely souls and ghosts were swept away, and this place was burned to the ground, and it was destroyed directly—

   The picture must be beautiful and gorgeous.

   Lin Shu shook his head, shaking off the wonderful picture in his mind, remembering that he saved the life of NPC Brother Lin before, and there is still a mysterious gift that has not been opened.

   I have to say that the reward for saving the life of an NPC is very rich. In addition to 160,000 experience points, there are more than 10,000 gold coins, and the most important thing is that there is a mysterious gift.

   Lin Shu clicked on the mysterious gift in the inventory very expectantly, and saw that one soon appeared in the inventory——

  【Health Potion】: It can restore a certain degree of health after use. Remarks: The degree of recovery is different for different levels. Price: 4444444444 gold coins.

   Lin Shu was a little surprised by the equipment that broke out, but there is no doubt that it is definitely a very good equipment.

   After all, this is a potion to restore health!

   It may be that the medicine is cured, but unfortunately there are restrictions. Different levels of recovery are different, and I don’t know what level I’m currently at Lv28.

  Although there are restrictions, Lin Shu still feels very satisfied. This can be regarded as giving him a free insurance.

   Lin Shu glanced at the virtual black mini-doll pattern on his wrist. He now has a [Disaster Relief Doll] that can protect him from disasters, and now he has a [Health Potion], which can really be said to be double insurance.

   Lin Shu feels that she has good luck and will not be afraid of getting sick in the future.

   However, it would be better if one more monster killing artifact could be revealed later. Then he was wearing a body armor, holding a knife to kill ghosts, and slashing it up and he would be invincible.

   In a few days, the scores of the subjective questions of the law examination will come out. He is very confident that he can pass the legal qualification examination. At that time, he will complete the second dungeon task, and there will be new mysterious gifts.

   Lin Shu is looking forward to this.


   Inside the dormitory, Zhang Yao saw Lin Shu walking in with a smile on his face. He was a little confused and confused. He asked, "Lin Shu, are you okay?"

   "It's okay."

   Lin Shu was taken aback, smiled and shook his head, and said, "It's okay."

   Zhang Yao and Xie Chen glanced at each other, both of them had some doubts in their eyes.

   Could it be that Lin Shu was called in to simply drink a cup of tea?

   shouldn't be.

   Lin Shu saw the doubt in the eyes of Zhang Yao and Xie Chen, but he couldn't explain it easily. He just said: "I'm really fine, you don't have to worry about it."

   "Lin Shu, do you want to think about it, don't..."

   Zhang Yao felt that Lin Shu had done enough and stood up on the Internet to speak for Brother Lin, but sometimes he still needs to consider his own situation.

   After all, Lin Shu is still in school. Even if the school doesn't do anything now, I don't know how to embarrass Lin Shu when this matter gets hot.

   Zhang Yao is a little worried for Lin Shu.

   "Senior Brother Lin has dropped out of school, and he also found a lawyer to sue Yang Gui, but you are still at school. If you go against the school again, you might..."

   Lin Shu could understand that Zhang Yao was thinking for him, but he was not afraid at all, and said directly: "It's okay, really don't worry."

   said, the smile on Lin Shu's face remained the same.

   Looking at the smile on Lin Shu's face, Zhang Yao felt even more uncertain. Could it be that Lin Shu had negotiated with those people and reached the conditions?

   In fact, there have always been people talking about Lin Shu's persistence behind his back, but they are just waiting for the price.

   Of course he doesn't believe in these. If Lin Shu really negotiated with the school, he would not publish those remarks on Weibo.

   Not to mention, Lin Shu hasn't said anything about saving people up to now. Even if it is rewarded, Zhang Yao feels that Lin Shu deserves it.


   However, it is clear that some people who remain silent don't think so. Behind their silence, they have been talking about Lin Shu.

   "No one can say this, I think Lin Shu is deliberately using this to negotiate terms with the school."

   "If the conditions are not negotiated, it will be said on the Internet that they are threatened."

A student said with a disdain: "This is not because he was forced to jump off the building. Now it seems that he is the party involved. I think he just wants to borrow this thing~www.wuxiamtl.com~ let the school give it to you. Does he have some qualifications?"

   Someone next to him answered and said, "I don't think he is like that."

   scorned his face and curled his lips, and said directly: "I heard that the counselor will talk to him, and directly give him a scholarship for the whole year, and also promised to let him go to master and doctor."


   Some people doubted this.

   "What's wrong with this? What does this matter have to do with him now?"

   "He is not familiar with Lin Yiming, and he is not a roommate classmate, so he is not at all. I ask you if someone in our dormitory jumps out, and the school promises you to hold a postgraduate course and give you a scholarship, can you still talk?"

   There was a little silence when he said this.

   The disdainful student continued: "He just borrowed this to negotiate terms. He is not Lin Yiming, as for."

   "I bet he will delete those words later and get a scholarship."

   someone asked: "If it were you, how would you choose?"

   The disdain on the student's face disappeared, and he smiled brightly, and said: "Of course it is the choice of scholarship and master's and doctoral studies. Smart people will not refuse. There is no need to fight against the school."

   "Lin Shu is not stupid, is he?"

   This laughter sounded very harsh.

   The harsh laughter, with a chill, whizzed past like gusts of cold wind hovering over the dark abyss of the human heart.

   It was a cold wind.

   "You guys don't say anything! Hurry up and watch it online!"

   A student who was checking his mobile phone stood up excitedly and said anxiously: "Someone posted a video on the Internet, my God, it's terrible!"

   "Go and see it, it's really amazing!"

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