Every Day Upgrades the Monsters and Explosives Equipment

Chapter 101: 【Strong wind and showers】

   Shonan University, Dean’s Office.

   The words of a squally rainstorm roared and roared like a thunderstorm, and everyone at the scene was silent.


   suppressed silence.

   The silence was a bit terrifying, as silent as an extinct volcano was about to erupt, with a frightening atmosphere.

  The professor present, the dean is not respected, and he has never been so face-to-face, pointed to the nose and scolded, and was still accused by a student that they are cannibals.

   This is really throwing all their faces and dignity on the ground, trampling on them severely.

   Zhou Bo trembled with anger, pointed at Lin Shu, trying to say something, but was shocked by Lin Shu's angry appearance.

   The teachers who originally wanted to talk were not only silent, but they were also stimulated by Lin Shu's horrible and intense words.

   is an example of a person's teacher, and the teacher who preached and was puzzled by karma has become a cannibal.

  They are extremely knowledgeable, so they can naturally understand why Lin Shu said that to them, how they should refute them, and what they should refute, because they knew in their hearts that Lin Shu was not wrong.

   This is really stomping them all into the soil, and spitting them severely, without leaving any mercy.

   "What have you taught us? It's just a group of cannibals, pretending to be innocent!"

   Lin Shu's words echoed clearly in their ears.

   "Don't think you have not killed the students, you are innocent!"

   Every sentence, every word was slapped on their faces severely.

   "You keep the cannibals here, let your students be eaten by the ghosts here, you gnaw his bones, eat his meat, drink his blood, and still refuse to let him go."


   I have to say that Lin Shu's scolding really caused everyone in the office to blow up.

   They were completely shocked by Lin Shu's angry roar.

   words like a gust of wind and rain, they rushed on their faces and slapped them frantically, slapped their faces with a loud slap in every word like a slap in the face.

   Be a teacher!

  What do you mean by being a teacher!

   To be an example of others is to be an example and set an example, and to be an example for others to learn in terms of character learning.

   But now they are what a good example.

Liu Hui's entire face was burnt. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything. His lips murmured and looked at Lin Shu's angry look. Those bright and dazzling eyes, he couldn't say anything. So are those words. Hit him in the face.

   Originally, he just thought that Yang Gui had done a little too much, but after all, he hadn't killed anyone, but if it weren't for Lin Shu, the student would really have been forced to death.


Liu Hui was speechless. He knew that the instructor in front of him and Zhou Bo had talked to Lin Shu, and set out many conditions, whether it was scholarships, scientific research projects, and qualifications for Ph.D. Those conditions had been discussed with Lin Shu. , But obviously Lin Shu didn't care at all.

   Lin Shu cares about the poor and precious justice.

When he scolded these words, Lin Shu's heart was rather calm. This was the fire in his heart. He wanted to say it early in the morning, and he spoke very tactfully about what these people had to him on Weibo. His academic concern, and now this is what he really wants to say.

  The place of moral education, you already know that there is [Cannibalism] here.

   Do you still keep this [cannibal] and continue to let it eat people?

   There was silence after the storm.

   No one spoke.

   The counselor did not dare to say a word. The atmosphere in the office was very depressing. This was no longer something he could manage.

   Lin Shu's words really cursed everyone in.

   is really to tear the sky through a big hole.

   They are just a group of cannibals.

   The counselor's face turned ugly, blue and white, and his eyes looked a little afraid when he looked at Lin Shu. Before he talked to Lin Shu, he was not scolded so cruelly or mercilessly.

   Everyone on the scene was scolded in, and they were scolded at all for not being human.

   A group of cannibals!

   This is really too poisonous!

   is really too cruel!

   The teachers in other departments were also very excited by these words, really just hitting them in the face, poking them in the lung tubes, calling them not humans, but human-eating ghosts!

   They didn't expect to be scolded by a student pointing their noses like this. They were all very angry, but how should they refute?

   Zhou Bo was furious, and shouted angrily: "You are too, too much!"

   "Do you know what you are talking about!"

Every word of    trembled and angered. Obviously Zhou Bo was really scolded to the point of soreness. He was anxious and furious.

   "I'm too much?"

   Lin Shu found it particularly ridiculous, and said, "Why don't you think about it, what are you doing now?"

   Zhou Bo opened his mouth, trying to say something, but he didn't know what to say, "You, you, you..."

   is really speechless with anger.

   Liu Hui glanced at Zhou Bo and shook his head. He didn't want to care about it anymore. He was able to call Lin Shu and he had already given face. Now that Lin Shu said that, he has no face to say anything more.

   Liu Hui didn't read Lin Shu either. After all, Lin Shu's remarks just now put him in scolding.

Lin Shu was cold, staring straight, calmly facing, and looking at these few teachers who are worthy of others but behaved as ghosts. He knew that when he said this, the pressure he would face would be More powerful, but he is still not afraid.

   He didn't do anything wrong, so why should he be afraid?

   Lin Shu knew in his heart~www.wuxiamtl.com~ No matter what punishment the school gave him or how to toss him, he didn't care.

   The big deal is to sue, otherwise it is to drop out, drop out of school, drop out of school, take a better...


   Obviously, everyone at the scene knew they couldn’t scare Lin Shu.

   To Lin Shu's angry attitude, it is obvious that they have clearly felt it, that wave of determination and anger is as sharp as a sword, with the determination to kill.

   They even have an illusion that Lin Shu's aura and anger really want to eat them alive and destroy them directly.

   This is completely different from the previous students, as long as they are a little bit soft and hard, and set the conditions, all of them will choose to be silent.

   But the student in front of me is completely different.

   He is not afraid at all!

   "There is nothing wrong, I will leave first."

   After saying this, Lin Shu turned around and left directly.

   This attitude is really arrogant. They didn't put them in the eyes at all. They had never seen such an arrogant student.

   Zhou Bo pointed at Lin Shu, opened his mouth, and said angrily: "You, you, you..."

   At the door of the office, Lin Shu turned his head.

   Zhou Bo's words stopped.


   The sky is getting dark outside, it seems that heavy rain is approaching, and someone has hurriedly left by the office window.

   Lin Shu turned his head, noticed the back of the hurried departure, and then looked up at the darkening sky, his eyes gloomy and unclear.

   The sky will be dark, it seems that a heavy rain is about to come, I don't know if the storm is approaching, and the hundred ghosts will walk at night.

   Lin Shu knows what he is facing, but it is a group of ghosts who want to eat people and also want to scare people.

   But if people are not afraid of ghosts, then no matter how ghosts scare people, it's useless!

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