Even Cthulhu Can't Stop Me From Picking Up Trash

Chapter 219 Plan and Wisteria Chamber of Commerce

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Lu Kai curled his lips, took back the black disc, and said, What will you do next? The park is now under construction, and the number of jobs has exceeded 3,000.

Ma Xiaoling: Next, with the stabilization of the leylines, more and more people will find that there is no threat of darkness and erosion in the park, and even lights are not required, and the land price in the park will skyrocket! It will rise to an outrageous level.

Lu Kai thought about it, it was indeed the case. According to Maslow's theory of needs, the bottom layer is physiological needs, eating, drinking, sleeping, and sleeping; however, the second layer is safety needs, not living well, and suddenly dying, and this layer needs to be in this other world. It is difficult for the middle class to be satisfied even by rich businessmen, so once there is a place where there will be no dark erosion, then this place will become a hot spot for everyone!

The third level is belonging and love needs; the fourth level is esteem needs; the fifth level is self-actualization needs.

This world is full of contradictions. Only high-level psionicists or superhumans can not fear the dark and resist various abnormalities, that is, only high-level psionicists can achieve the second level of the theory of needs: safety needs.

But when you reach the second level, you will lose your children and your foundation as a human being. You will directly pass the third level and reach the fourth level. The stronger your strength, the more you can reach the fifth level at will.

The low-level psionicists, through business or work, have obtained wealth, power, status, and family and belonging, and have reached the third level, and they have to further pursue the fourth level. Beat the shit!

Ma Xiaoling continued: At that time, I guess the plot of the park will become an investment product. The major consortiums will join hands to push the price up, and then attract more people who are on the sidelines to take over the offer. The Wisteria Chamber of Commerce is big and small after all. A federation of small businessmen, the president invests their money. It’s good that you leave 8 plots unsold. This is the bait.”

I don't sell it to others at the highest point, but to President Wisteria. Haha. When the leylines are removed, jumping off the building is his final outcome.

Lu Kai listened to the whole plan, thought about it, and said, What about the underground shopping mall? It was taken by the investors of Sun City. And this investment has the intervention of Baita.

Ma Xiaoling: The White Tower? Why did the White Tower intervene? Hmm... There was silence behind the gate for a while. After thinking about it, Ma Xiaoling continued: The goal of the White Tower is not here, but the New World, or the City of Hope. Not sure, although the world of half planes is rare, Baita has also mastered many half planes. If you really want to take action on this half plane, it will inevitably cause resistance from March City and Sun City. something else.

Lu Kai: I'll look back.

Ma Xiaoling: Yes.

Lu Kai: Nothing else, I'll go first.

Ma Xiaoling: Well...

Lu Kai took two steps, stopped suddenly, and looked back at the base gate.

A voice came from behind the door: Why...?

Lu Kai tentatively said, Then... do it again?

Crack clack... The door opened a crack.

Lu Kai gave up his humanoid form, turned into tentacles and drilled in, and the entire base shook.

As for the construction site in the Wisteria District, there was a problem with the construction site that Heizhuang was in charge of. The installed enchantment cornerstone failed to resonate successfully, and it exploded into a pile of rubble, which also affected the surrounding enchantment, and the entire reinforced enchantment was useless.

The supervisor of the construction site called for various teams to have a meeting!

The supervisor held a piece of gravel and was furious: Who did this!? Who accepted the cornerstone of this quality!?

Everyone looked at Heizhuang. Heizhuang said neither happy nor angry: This cornerstone has been accepted, and I am only responsible for the installation. The installation is done according to the process.

Supervisor: If there is a problem with you according to the process, then you will be responsible!

Hei Zhuang: No, according to the process, these questionable cornerstones should be reported and held accountable. Who the hell approved these unqualified cornerstones!

The supervisor smiled and said, I heard that you evacuated the workers after installing these foundation stones, and did not allow the construction to continue. Is there such a thing?

Heizhuang: Yes, after the installation, I saw that the resonance was unstable. I was afraid of an accident, so I let the workers down.

Supervisor: Does that mean that you already knew there was something wrong with these foundation stones? Then you continued to build, which caused this accident?

Heizhuang: I don't know. Didn't they all pass the inspection? I stopped the installation at the back. If the cornerstones were like this, it would be dead!

Supervisor: Can't stop! There is a flaw in the cornerstone, aren't you a master craftsman? You make corrections! Then continue to advance the project, can't stop!

Heizhuang: If you want to continue... Heizhuang took out a written statement, Heizhuang handed the statement to the supervisor: You sign it, and you are responsible for any problems with the installation!

The supervisor looked at the statement, where is this statement, this is the confession of guilt, the supervisor angrily tore up the life, and shouted: You...

In the end, the meeting broke up unhappily. Hei Zhuang insisted that he did not know about it, and the cornerstones were scattered. Anyone with a discerning eye would know that there was a problem and that the matter could not be solved. down.

And it was not the other teams that caused the most turbulent work stoppage, but the workers under Hei Zhuang. These workers were paid on a daily basis, and if they didn't work for one day, they would not get paid.

The workers shouted: Head! The quality of the foundation stone is poor! It won't kill anyone! Just install it! We will starve to death if we go on like this! Start work! Please fix it! Head!

Hei Zhuang was furious and pointed to the cornerstone piled aside: Go away! This kind of thing is also called a cornerstone!? Acceptance and shaping have made money, leaving a pile of shit, you like to wipe shit for people to wipe shit. Go! Don't look for me! Get out! Get out!

So the workers left, most of them went to other teams, and a few wanted to learn techniques from Hei Zhuang, but Hei Zhuang kept his secrets and did not teach them. Everyone was furious.

Hei Zhuang was sulking on the bed in the dormitory of the construction site. Hei Zhuang missed the days in the workshop. It was so simple back then. He only had to be responsible for carving and etching, and inspecting every cornerstone. He lived a simple and pure life.

Now at the construction site, I accidentally take the blame, want to do something, and another team comes to intrigue, the resources are actually so little, but there are so many hungry people, good technology is useless, you have to grab it go relationship.

The apprentices I brought with me are all craftsmen in this large construction site, and they have long been dug up by various teams. Now I am alone, and I have a dead salary, but this salary is not easy to get.

Dong, dong, dong! Someone knocked on the door of the dormitory, Heizhuang looked impatient, and what was wrong, he pretended to be dead and didn't open the door.

Crack! The door was kicked open! Black Zhuang was startled.

The supervisor came with someone. The person who brought it was an apprentice that Hei Zhuang had brought before.

The supervisor shouted: Hei Zhuang! You don't need to do it here! Now the group has new work, you go to the new construction site to take charge!

Hei Zhuang smiled: Hehe, new construction site, okay. I'll pack my things.

Supervisor: There is a car outside, you can take a ride by yourself, and the driver will take you there.

After the supervisor turned around and left, the apprentice behind the supervisor smiled and said, Master, I'm sorry, I took over your work. I will definitely do it well.

Heizhuang: No need, you are no longer my apprentice. It has nothing to do with me whether you do well or not, and don't say that you learned your craft from me.

The apprentice followed the supervisor away with a smile.

Hei Zhuang took out a bucket and put his sundries and small objects into the bucket slowly and methodically. The futon is owned by the company, and you don't need to bring it. The clothes are all work clothes. I only bring a change of clothes and trousers.

Then he left the construction site with a bucket. There was a car parked outside the construction site with a few unknown workers on it.

Hei Zhuang got into the car and asked the driver, Which construction site are we going to?

The driver said, Go to the new construction site in the park.

Hei Zhuang was stunned: Park...! ?

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