Even Cthulhu Can't Stop Me From Picking Up Trash

Chapter 218 Go to the underground base to report the situation

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Ouch! After the big murloc knocked the young man of Xueqi to death, he roared. The sound waves were transmitted around, and the construction workers who were close to him were shocked.

Then the workers dispersed in a hurry.

The person in charge of the construction site found the eldest brother of the Blood Pact Brotherhood, who was long overdue. The person in charge was in a hurry: Hurry up, we spent money, your Blood Pact Brotherhood will protect us, come on!

Big brother looked at the ferocious big murloc and was very embarrassed. This big murloc is very strong in fighting.

Now that it is difficult to ride a tiger, the younger brother of the Brotherhood is also looking at the big murloc, his eyes are straight: What he said at the beginning was just to maintain law and order and collect protection fees, he didn't say that he wanted to fight monsters.

The eyes and expressions of the workers are saying: There is a good show to watch! Warriors vs. Ferocious Murloc Warcraft! Going to the Colosseum to watch a game will cost a lot of money, and a good location will cost a thousand dollars. Now you can see it without spending any money! Shuang Wai Wai.

Boom! Another excavator was knocked off by the big fish, flew into the sky, and then smashed to the ground. The excavator's psychic motor was impacted, bursting and spewing violent energy, which exploded.

The eldest brother of the Brotherhood was stunned, what is the origin of this big murloc, this ten-ton iron lump just flew out! ! Is this a monster that humans can fight against! ?

The brother of the Brotherhood looked back at the younger brothers behind him. The younger brothers were all stunned. If the elder brother gave an order, he would have to go up to fight. No, this is not a fight, it is a death sentence!

The elder brother tidied up the collar of his shirt, and then said to the person in charge of the construction site, This job can't be done, you can find someone else.

Then the Brotherhood turned around and was about to leave.

The person in charge of the construction site grabbed the eldest brother of the Brotherhood and shouted: You have collected the money! Can't get the money back! I'm looking for someone who has done it to do it!

In the end, the eldest brother said that there would be a hall master to hand over, and then walked away with someone. Leaving the person in charge of the construction site scolding mother on the spot.

The big fish dismantled the pumping device, and the family dived back into the lake. The workers looked at each other on the periphery of the lake, whether the work could still be started.

Lu Kai passed by silently. Now that the place has been rented out, I can't help rashly. If I clean it up, other construction sites will come to the door when something breaks. When this kind of thing happens,

Just passing by, saying that I don't know the best.

I found a place where no one was, summoned the Void Crab, Lu Kai sat down, and entered the subspace.

The Void Crab dived into the ground, passed through the water layer of the mountain, and came to the underground empty layer.

There are new changes in the underground space.

There are green algae everywhere, and there are many types of algae, including bright algae, cleaning algae, predator algae, and planting algae.

Lu Kai looked a little unbelievable. A large ball of algae, the size of a car, stretched out the hands of the vines, pulled out the algae roots on his body, and inserted them into the soil and rock formations.

Cleaning up the algae is a ball of tumbleweed with long feet, rolling over the algae-covered carpet, the dense feet grabbing the withered algae, stuffing it into itself, and returning to a cave when it's full.

There are also algae that cultivate fish goods, make dams and walls in the bottom water layer to form pools, and breed small transparent fish without eyes, as well as crabs and salamanders, or salamanders?

Lu Kai escaped from the virtual skeleton crab, and the air in the entire underground space has been purified by algae, and there is a fragrant smell of plants.

This underground space base has been transformed into an independent ecological space.

Lu Kai picked up the waist walkie-talkie, and Ma Xiaoling sent an algae car to greet him.

Soon came to the gate of the underground base.

It was not Ma Xiaoling who greeted Lu Kai, but Lange. But this cat... has also changed.

From the original cat of about 10 pounds to a half-animal cat that walks on legs with at least 50 pounds...?

Lange spoke to Lu Kai: Meow meow meow!

Lu Kai replied with a smile: Meow meow meow.

Lange: Meow meow meow!

Lu Kai: Meow~~~

Lange was furious: Old woo~~Old woo~~~

Lu Kai was taken aback by the moodiness of the cat, and shouted, What are you doing!?

At this time, a group of algae rustled together on the ground, condensed, and finally formed a human shape, which became the appearance of Ma Xiaoling.

The algae Ma Xiaoling stroked Lange's head, and Lange sat down obediently: You speak cat language to Lange, this meow~~ is a swear word, so it wants to hit you.

Lu Kai: Uh...you...what's your look?

The algae Ma Xiaoling said: This is my new form. When I was promoted to superhuman, it was a little out of control. After all, it became what it is now.

Lu Kai pointed at Lange and said, What about Lange, why has it changed?

The algae Ma Xiaoling said: I don't know, maybe it's because water monkeys eat too much? Water monkeys are also monsters. The psionic content of meat is relatively high. People who eat too much will become psionics, and cats may also change if they eat too much. Become a psychic cat?

Lu Kai Tucao can not.

The gate of the underground base opened, revealing the true colors inside - the space of the base has been filled with algae, and the filling is tight and there is no space.

Algae Ma Xiaoling: The transformation of a psionicist into an extraordinary is a change of life form. This is my body.

The algae at the base wriggled as if to say hello.

Seeing the squirming of these algae and the swaying branches, Lu Kai suddenly wanted to say hello to this group of things.

So Lu Kai opened up the human form of the body, and a large number of psionic nodules unfolded, turning into a group of tentacles with a hollow structure, and the volume increased sharply, reaching ten cubes in volume.

But it is still a lot worse than Ma Xiaoling's hundreds of cubic meters that fill the entire base.

The tentacles stretched out their tentacles and docked the swaying branches of the algae. The two are entangled.

The psionic energy began to flow, and a feedback like a neural circuit electric current was generated between the two, and the feedback loop continued to strengthen and spread.

The algae covered the tentacles, just like the clownfish of the marine ecology entered the sea anemone pile, and the tentacles fell into the body of the soft algae.

The humanoid Ma Xiaoling formed at the gate of the base suddenly couldn't maintain her form, and turned into a pile of algae balls and melted into the ground.

And Lange watched from the side, watching the two piles of strange things merge with each other, the electric current burst out, the psychic energy merged, and then kept squirming.

After a long time, the algae group and the tentacle group were separated, the tentacle group was squeezed out by the big algae group, and it fell to the ground with a slap, and the tentacles became soft. And the large algae cluster also slumped, and it didn't flow into a pool with the support of the rock wall of the base.

Lange ran to the limp tentacles, smelled it with his nose, and tugged at the tentacles with his claws. The tentacles suddenly swayed, Lange was startled, and jumped away furiously.

The tentacles shrank and turned into Lukai's human form.

The large algae group also recovered, retracted into the base, and closed the base door by the way.

Lu Kai took out two black discs and said, The money you gave and the money for selling the land are all here, come and get it.

A voice came from the base: It's no use, it's a good life, I will reward you.

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