Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 458: Spiritual Power and Domain

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However, just when Chi Duanjian thought that Song Ning could hardly resist these days, he suddenly saw that Song Ning's whole body was flashing.

After the combination of spiritual power and domain, Song Ning's body was about to recover from the broken static domain, and there was no sign of being overwhelmed. However, Fan Tianyin, who was about to be crushed before, seemed to be resisted by some kind of power, and he could not drop it. .

"This, the combination of Xianwu ?!" The short and short sword heart shivered, and the fellow practitioners of Xianwu were rare, but now Song Ning is not only fellow practitioners of Xianwu, but also able to combine 'Xian' and 'Wu', which is still his life. See you for the first time in so long.

The second turn of the day, despite the fact that it has a force of 18,000 kilograms, was still clamped by Song Ning.

"Turn!" Chi Duanjian gritted his teeth, his face was slightly ruddy, and countless monks died under these days of India. Among them, under the days of heaven, even the monks of the Immortals were able to resist, But he did not expect that Song Ning could actually resist.

Chi Shoujian's hands are changing the magic tactics, this sky seal is once again bigger, and its size is several times that of the previous one, and the weight of this sky seal at this moment is as much as 432,000 kilograms.

At this time, the Tianyin has already become the 'sky' above Song Ning's head. Even if Song Ning wanted to escape, he could not escape under this huge pressure. If Song Ning withdrew and fled at this moment, then this Tianyin was not In the face of any resistance, it will immediately fall on the ground, and Song Ning will be directly pressed into a pie before it is too far away.

The power that the fusion of static and dynamic power can achieve is not enough to resist the weight of 432,000 kilograms. Although Song Ning wants to withdraw at this moment, his heart will not be suppressed by this weight.

Xuantian nine steps!

Boom Boom, Song Ning's static and dynamic domain power continues to increase. When the static and dynamic domain power increases, the spiritual power that exists in the static and dynamic domain suddenly disappears, it seems that it cannot coexist with the domain, that is, in this spirit At the moment when the force disappeared, the static and dynamic fields that doubled the continuous effect could not resist the weight of Fan Tianyin, and Fan Tianyin hit Song Ning in an instant.

"The power of the domain doubles, so if you want to merge, the power of the spiritual power must be the same ..." Song Ning strengthened the spiritual power instantly, and the spiritual power was injected into the static and dynamic domain, and immediately increased to reach the previous two. One hundred fifty-six times.

Xuantian took the seventh step at the same time, seeing that the static and dynamic domain that was about to be crushed by spiritual power immediately stabilized, and the power of the spiritual power and the domain merged to resist that Tianyin, and at this moment, Fan Tianyin was not on top of Song Ning ’s head. To an inch.

The short sword was terrifying, and the weight of more than 400,000, let alone Song Ning was just a monk who heard the Taoism. If he changed the virtual fairy, it would have disappeared.

The short-sword looks dignified, this sky seal is his strongest magic weapon. Before that, he knew that Song Ning was an immortal martial fellow and was afraid of out-of-section branches. Therefore, he used this sky seal directly, but did not expect Song Ning to be able to resist now. . Fan Tianyin has a time limit for each show. After this time, Fan Tianyin cannot be used again on that day. If Song Ning cannot be crushed to death with the power of Fan Tianyin, then other techniques may be useless.

Chi Duanjian's strongest magic technique, "Soul Eater", hit Song Ning that day, but now Song Ning is like a boring person. Chi Duanjian's strongest magic weapon has reached its limit, but he still can't kill Song Ning?

Chi Duanjian gritted his teeth: "This son must not stay. If he stays, it will be endless!"

He bit his tongue and drew two mouths in the palm of his hand. At the moment, the blood in his mouth flew under the control of the fairy sword's fairy power, forming a **** triangle, and the blood in this triangle was increasing , The color gradually became crimson.

"Blood sacrifice, the fourth turn!" Chi short sword forcibly opened Fan Tianyin's fourth turn with his own blood as a memorial service.

In mid-air, the huge Fan Tianyin began to rotate slowly. At this moment, this Fan Yin was equivalent to pressing on Song Ning. Song Ning was at the center of this Fan Yin, and Fan Tianyin seemed to be in Song. The top of Ning's head rotates generally. Every time it rotates, the weight above Fantianyin begins to increase, and the area around Song Ning also continuously makes a noise.

Fan Tianyin's rotation speed is extremely slow, but this weight increase is very fast. When this Tianyin turns to a quarter, Song Ning feels that his entire body is about to resist Fan Tianyin's weight. .

"What kind of magic weapon is this?" Song Ning was shocked. This magic weapon was too weird. He even increased the weight. With this weight, the monk would surely be crushed to death.


Under the strong oppression of Song Ning's surroundings, the voice came, and it was already shattered, and Song Ning was pressed to death at the moment, unable to move at all.

Fan Tianyin continued to rotate, and when it reached a quarter, the area around Song Ning had been deformed, but even so, Fan Tianyin still failed to completely fall down and crush Song Ning to death.

At this moment, Song Ning is already a poor donkey. He is not able to take the eighth step of Xuantian, but the eighth step of Xuantian does not have any blessings for the static and dynamic domain. It is completely the fusion of the three types of Yuyu. The eighth step, I am afraid that these days can directly fall down and kill Song Ning.

Song Ning now felt that Fan Tianyin had reached the top of his head, as if he had touched his hair. At this time, Song Ning's left eye flames and right eye frost, and then there was more frost in the left eye, and more flame in the right eye The flame and frost blended, and a force that burst out due to the repulsion was on the top of Song Ning's head, which was opposed to Fan Tianyin, who was about to drop another point.


This is the first time Fan Tianyin is lifted!

Under the bombardment of this force, Fan Tianyin even raised an inch. After Fan Tianyin lifted an inch, Song Ning's body immediately supported Fan Tianyin. Although Fan Tianyin was still slowly decreasing, this inch The distance is enough for Song Ning to persist for a while.

However, Song Ning is trying to fight Fan Tianyin again with the power just now, but finds that the power of frost and flame in his body seems to be lacking. Although it is recovering, it takes time.

The short sword that controlled Fan Tianyin's chest was stuffy, and a blood mist spewed out. If Fan Tianyin was resisted, then he would be restless. If Fan Tianyin retreated, then he would be injured, but only short. Sword never thought that a monk Wen Dao was able to push him up after he made a third of his fourth turn.

The force that erupted from the repel of frost and flame fell in the eyes of Chi Duanjian, deeply convinced Chi Duanjian. In Chi Duanjian's view, these are the two forces of Yin and Yang, according to common sense In general, it is impossible for these two forces to appear at the same time, but now what ...

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