Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 457: Late Sword

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Song Ning took a deep breath. In the face of Chi Ruolan at the moment, Song Ning felt a little timid, a little afraid, and some dared not to look directly at her gaze. There will be such an understanding, but Song Ning understands that Chi Ruolan really fell in love with him.

"I love Leng Yuexiao." Song Ning said lightly.

"I love you." Chi Ruolan smiled and turned away. As she walked, her voice came out quietly: "I love you is my thing, you love her is your thing, you don't love me, I don't force it, But one day, you will understand that the love in my mouth is not just talking. "

Song Ning stared blankly at Chi Ruolan's disappearance and couldn't calm down for a long time. Chi Changjian had been standing beside Song Ning. It was quite quiet at the moment. It seemed she didn't expect anything to go to this point at all.

It took a long time before Chi Changjian said: "What's the matter with you and Ruolan ...?"

Song Ning exhaled for a long time: "I am drinking in the wind, and I am sad about the past. She plays the piano in the wind and plays the sadness in her heart. The two of us chatted a few words, everything happened because of the emotion, but she never fell in love, this matter ... ... may blame me. "

"Blame you?" Chi Changjian frowned.

"If I do n’t show an infatuated appearance in front of people, maybe Chi Ruolan will not expect anything from me. The ideal person in her heart is the one who is emotionally dedicated, and now it ’s better, I happen to be The one in her heart. "Song Ning smiled bitterly. He really regretted it at this moment. How good would it be if he didn't drink at Wangfenglou that day?

Chi Changjian sighed: "You are the first opposite **** to enter Ruolan's room, you are the first man to hold Ruolan's hand, you are also the first to let Ruolan say this ... Worth it. "

"... So what?" Song Ning borrowed Chi Ruolan's words directly for some reason.

Chi Changjian shook his head: "It can't be anything, this is the jade paper that I printed on the Chijia array law code, please hold it, let's go, never come back again, and never appear in front of Ruolan again."

Song Ning picked up the jade paper and hesitated a little. He didn't want to live up to anyone, but he harmed others invisible. At this moment, Song Ning suddenly felt a little surprised. Has he ever hurt many people?

He looked down at Yujian and was making a difficult decision. This decision had nothing to do with love or not. He simply didn't want a young girl to leave regret in the first love.

Chi Changjian had been waiting for Song Ning, how much he hoped Song Ning would stay, but in the end, he watched Song Ning's back disappear.

Song Ning left, and Chi Ruolan cried out in the room. After seeing Song Ning that day, she became curious about the young man.

That day, she talked with Song Ning across the second floor, and her heart could not help but belong to Song Ning. In fact, even she could not understand why she had such feelings for Song Ning.

In the palace's palace, no one dared to speak because of Chi Ruolan's cry, and everyone was sad because of Chi Ruolan's cry.

Of course, it is not only the people in the city's main palace who are sad, but also Song Ning. Song Ning sorted out his mood before leaving this Roland City. After he fully gathered his emotions, he only spread his wits and investigated. For few things, he ca n’t forget that he still has a lot of enemies to chase down because of a temporary emotional problem. Baihuahai is counted as one side. Before that, Bai Yao and Bai Yao were counted as one side, no matter which side was found. Song Ning felt troublesome.

Fortunately, Song Ning still has the effect of Soothing Pill in his body at the moment. He cultivated to reach the peak, and he had two consecutive perceptions, and his strength also increased.

"I don't know what happened to Xiao Ke, so I have to pay close attention to find them." Song Ning thought, looking far away.


Song Ninglingzhi exuded cautiously, and suddenly discovered the Chi Sword in the distance, which caused a very serious blow to his soul. Song Ning will never forget that now Chi Sword appears again. A hundred miles away from this Roland city, and looking like that, still meditating on the ground, it seems to be waiting.

"Oh, you're here, waiting to be impatient?" Song Ning's eyes are cold, although the time in Roland City is extremely short, but many things have happened. Even the saint, I am afraid that my emotions will be moving at the moment. , Not to mention Song Ning?

Song Ning was very irritable. At the moment when he saw this short sword, he couldn't help but vent. He was unable to use his spiritual power in the sea of ​​flowers that day, so he was beaten so miserably, but now there is no Hundreds of flowers are gone, and Song Ning has the Ningxin Dharma and Anshun Dan's blessings on the soul, and the other party's soul attack is minimal.

"Old things, the account of Baihuahai, we should also forget it!" Song Ning had already flashed to the short sword before speaking.

These words fell into the ears of Chi Duanjian. Chi Duanjian opened his eyes and looked at Song Ning: "You are finally out, I'm inconvenient to enter the city of Roland, and it's not convenient to detect, so I've waited for you here God, I thought you were going to be a tortoise. "

Song Ning narrowed her eyes at Chi Duanjian and raised her lips: "Your fairy technique didn't kill me, you have no chance."

"Oh? Then let's try today. The old man has lived for so many years. If you can't even kill a monk who knows **** me, I might as well die!" Chi short sword turned over and took a magic weapon from the storage ring .

This magic weapon shone with the light of cold iron, like a seal, originally only the size of the palm, but it began to grow in the blink of an eye.

"Fan Tianyin!" Chi Duanjian threw Fan Tianyin into the air. This Tianyin quickly became larger, flipped over once, and slammed against Song Ning's head.

These days the sky is not fast, but when it hits like this, it seems like the sky is falling down.

Static domain!

The "domain" around Song Ning suddenly changed, and the static and dynamic domain directly held up this sky seal, even if it was wanted, it could not fall.

Chi short sword hummed: "Second turn!"

Fan Tianyin turned around in a circle, turning it into twice the size before. The size of the body increased and its weight suddenly increased. Song Ning's static and dynamic domains showed signs of rupture. Once the static and dynamic domains ruptured, he relied solely on Song It is too difficult for Ning's spiritual power to contend with these two heavens!

"The second turn of the Tianyin, ten thousand kilograms, I see how you can hold it!" Chi Duanjian's eyes are cold, and he can't use it in Baihuahai that day, because Fantianyin is very powerful. It is not only Song Ning who is dead, but now it is different. To kill Song Ning, he must use thunder.

The static and dynamic area above Song Ning's head was overwhelmed, and a burst of sneering sound came out, apparently to be crushed by the sky above.

Chi Duanjian stared at Song Ning's heart and said: Cut the grass and remove the roots, this song Ning finally died ...

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