Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 421: Is it love or complain

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

"If you do n’t hug today, after a long time, I promise you, do not control your mind, although I am resentful, but the resentment is a kind of emotion, I am moved by your feelings, come, hug me, Embrace your beloved. "'Leng Yuexiao' walked towards Song Ning step by step.

Song Ning couldn't control his body, and even his heart was persuading himself to 'Forget it ... why persevere, if you didn't persevere in the past, maybe you would have shared the joy of the world together, if not in the beginning How can the persistence of this become the situation today? Without the original persistence, both of them let go of their beliefs, so they already lived a good life. ’

forget it……

Where are so many scruples in life?

Song Ning took a deep breath and opened her hand to embrace 'Leng Yuexiao' in her arms, but just when he just wanted to hold her in his arms, his heart suddenly shuddered. In the tower, on the 63rd floor, he was also confused by the illusion. In the illusion, he was unwilling to leave. In the illusion, he and Leng Yuexiao created many illusory memories.


Everything is unreal! After all, illusion cannot be turned into reality. If Leng Yuexiao stands here at this moment, he is absolutely unwilling to see him use illusion to make up for his inner emptiness.

Is the sacred love an emotion that can be satisfied by fantasy?

Song Ning bit his tongue sharply, his body quickly backed away, and the speed was so fast that even the 'Leng Yuexiao' who was about to hug Song Ning was shocked.

Song Ning keeps retreating, he sees 'Leng Yuexiao' standing stupidly, seeing the confused expression of 'Leng Yuexiao', and seeing the confusion and shock in Leng Yuexiao's eyes.

In the blink of an eye, Song Ning had reached a mile away, but his ear still echoed the voice, that ... the voice he once dreamed of wanting to hear.

"A relationship, a relationship between three generations, a generation of grievances, are you a love or a grievance to her? I am the Moon River Demon, I am grieved by grievances, grievances are also sentiments, and sentiments are also grievances. Those who can see me are hearts. With grievances, I can see your heart, also grievances ... "

Song Ning shook his head desperately, covering his ears. He kept saying to himself: "I have no complaints about Xiaoxiao, and I have no complaints about Lengjia."

He thought that his emotions were magnified indefinitely at this moment, but in fact, Moon River Demon didn't amplify his inner emotions at all.

He, still him, what he thought in his heart, still what he thought in his heart.

The Moon River demon looked at Song Ning, who had fled away in vain, and muttered in his mouth: "I thought ... My love is suffering, no one in the world can understand it, but now I look at you, but I am ashamed, but he is not In deceiving, this world ... really has the feeling of going through thousands of years without changing, and being inseparable across the world. "

Moon River Demon said, his body began to glow, and it detached from the woman who had been sucked into the river before, turning into a ray of silver smoke, and slowly lifted into the air.

"Fuck ... Fuck ... I have anything to hate when I see you?" He whispered in his mouth, not only let Song Ning pass at the previous moment, but also the woman at this moment, and it, Then all the way, and finally into the moon star.

In Yuexing, Guanghan Palace, a woman in a gown sitting under a tree, she suddenly opened her eyes and watched a hint of thought float.

"For a long time, I have been complaining for a long time. If I didn't think about it, I would be purged." The woman in the gown is Chang'e. She didn't refuse this thought to float into her body, because there is no room for anything in this moon palace. If not, if this is not the case, then this trace of grievances will not be forced out of the Guanghan Palace.

When the mind is in the body, Chang'e's eyes tremble slightly. She sees Song Ning and Leng Yuexiao as well. The various entanglements between the two also flashed away in her heart.

"I was emotional for nine days, disturbed the Immortals, and finally fell into the Guanghan Palace, the Leng Palace Deep Courtyard, without people, but I never thought that there were people who were more severely punished than me ..." Chang'e Fairy sighed lightly , Two drops of tears fell like pearls, and they had condensed before they landed.

She looked down, as if she could see a figure running away in a panic. In her eyes, although it was only a weak body, it carried the infinite hope of two people.

"Your name ... Song Ning ... I remember." Chang'e Fairy closed her eyes and began to practice retreat again.

In the dark night, in the forest, Song Ning continued to escape with his little remaining spiritual power, but no matter where he went, he felt that there was a pair of eyes watching him on the bright moon in the sky, behind him Feeling cold, he always felt that he was being stared at, and with the last words said by Moon River Demon, his inner bottom line had collapsed.

Either because he was too tired, or because his soul was badly damaged, or because of his inner hesitation, Song Ning suddenly fell lightly and fell heavily beside a boulder after several consecutive escapes.

It was late at night that a monk meditated on this stone to practice, but suddenly heard something bang, he was startled and immediately got up and walked back ten feet away.

"Who is this!" This monk only had Jiudan's cultivation behavior. He didn't look very young, only twenty years old. Now his face was pale, staring closely at the boulder, and he didn't dare to look away. .

When he saw that there was no response behind the boulder, he immediately dispersed his spiritual consciousness to investigate, and this investigation immediately froze: "Is it ... a severely injured person?"

He immediately surrounded him, and at this time Song Ning had fainted. The young monk held Song Ning up against the giant stone and patted Song Ning's face: "Dao You, wake up."

Song Ning stayed motionless, breathing weakly.

The young monk frowned and felt a little anxious in his heart. He met a dying person here in the middle of the night, and he was also in a hurry. He was about to drag Song Ning to the side, but suddenly found the storage ring on Song Ning's hand .

"Storage ring! Anyway, here is also a dead person. When the Chou family will catch up, I am afraid that there is no way to live. Instead of letting your Chou family take the storage ring, you might as well give me this ring, and the things in it. It will definitely help me. If one day I fly to Huang Tengda, I will give you a monument. "The young monk's eyes were all on Song Ning's storage ring at the moment. He was talking to himself while removing the storage ring from Song Ning. Remove it from your fingers.

Song Ning did not seem to be saying anything, but it was actually caused by the pain. The young monk was scared to death when he heard it, and hurriedly got up and fled.

Song Ning is still in a fainting, his mouth is drying up, and his body temperature is constantly falling. The attack of the soul before was the most fatal injury for him. This attack of the soul will continue to torture him until the soul completely collapses ...

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