Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 420: Moon River Demon

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Song Ning suddenly sobered a bit, and an incredible word came out of his mind, "Moon River Demon"!

At the same time that Song Ning had this idea in his mind, he blurted out the three words "Yuehe Yao". At the moment when these three words came out, the shrinking river suddenly changed and shined. , Turned into a human form, all of this human form shone with moonlight, as if the light came from within.

Song Ning took a deep breath, and the pain in her soul had disappeared, replaced by a shock in her heart. Song Ning felt numb and numb. Before, he had seen the record about the 'Moon River Demon' in the ancient books. The demon of the Moon River originated from the overcast moon, and the remorse left by Chang'e when he ran to the moon. Melted in the holy moon palace, it was pushed out and turned into resentment, forming a colorless, invisible and incorporeal moon river demon. The moon river demon wandered in the world and was noticed by the person who has a grudge in his heart. Body, eat souls. ’

At this moment, standing in front of Song Ning was the woman in the bath just now. When the woman appeared, her body was still full of crystal drops of water. She didn't know where to take out a gauze gown and covered it slightly. Then she looked at Song Ning, and the light of the moon flashing in her eyes seemed to have two full moons in her eyes.

She ... is already occupied by Moon River Demon!

Song Ning retreats again and again, he does not know how strong the Yuehe demon is, but he is still at a loss in his heart. Ordinary people cannot see the Yuehe demon, only those who have grievances in their hearts and have accumulated a certain level of grievances Can see the invisible, colorless and bodyless Moon River demon, and Song Ning and this woman just saw it!

"I never thought that in this age, someone can call my name." The woman's voice was extremely cold, and there was no mood swing in the voice. It was not a person who heard it.

Song Ning shivered in his heart, he stepped back two steps, his spiritual power was running in his hands, and his fingers had to hit him.

But he hadn't waited for the attack, but suddenly felt the moonlight in front of him, and his spiritual power broke without breaking, even disappearing directly!

Song Ning quickly withdrew a dozen feet, and his heart shivered: "The soul was injured and the cultivation fell sharply. This Moon River Demon was originally strong due to the strong moonlight. Now I have just taken another person. I am afraid that It's hard to beat ... "

With this idea in mind, Song Ning immediately wanted to retreat, but just when he was about to retreat, he suddenly heard a voice coming from his mind, somehow, he always felt that voice was the voice of the woman in front of him of.

"Save me, please, save me, please ..." These two sentences are constantly echoing in Song Ning's heart. From these two sentences, you can hear each other's fears, each other's cravings, this Feeling is not something that Moon River Demon can send out.

It takes time for the Moon River Demon to consume the soul, it seems that the woman is not dead yet ...

Although Song Ning already knew it, he didn't dare to hurriedly take action at this time. Now he cultivated too seriously and burned Tianjian away. In the face of this unknown Moon River Demon, he dare not act rashly. What he is good at is attacking people's hearts. It is originally a grievance. If it is captured by it, then the feelings in the heart will be continuously amplified.

The moment when the woman stepped into the Moon River before, her inner desire to become stronger was constantly amplified. Until the end, when she reacted and wanted to escape, she was too late.

Song Ning's mind kept echoing the voice, if in the past, Song Ning would certainly save her without hesitation, but now ...

Song Ning's heart was horizontal, and he turned to escape.

"You ... are you going?" Song Ning's body numb, he was going to escape away, but suddenly heard this voice coming from behind, this voice ... is cold Yuexiao!

Even though he knew that this might be the conspiracy of Yuehe Demon, Song Ning couldn't help but look back.

Looking back, a trace of tranquility filled my heart.

Thousand Baidu, a sudden smile to solve the sorrow.

Peach blossom noodles, star eyes flashing infinitely.

I love you, I don't know where to feel, and it goes deeper and lasts forever.

For a moment, Song Ning wanted to rush to grab Leng Yuexiao's hand and want to hold it in his arms, but Song Ning knew that this was not really Leng Yuexiao, this was the Yuehe demon gradually controlling His heart.

"Do you really want to go? When you left me, I turned into ice and became an ice enchantment. Now I am in front of you, but you are still retreating." 'Leng Yuexiao' said, moving forward In a few steps, she opened her arms as if to embrace Song Ning.

Song Ning backed off again and again, he kept shaking his head, he didn't want to, he didn't want to be controlled by the Moon River Demon, but at the moment his body seemed to be enchanted, and an impulsive impulse forced him to spread his arms.

"Song Ning, are you afraid of me ... or rather, you would rather hold ice instead of hug me?" "Leng Yuexiao" sounded slightly sorrowful, seeming to be sad because of Song Ning's disregard.

Her lumps, her joys and sorrows, falling in Song Ning's eyes, are all so real.

"You ... don't love me anymore, do you? You love Xiaoke, love Xiaofen, you still have Tang Yue, Mu Xuezhao, and ..."

"No! No, I don't love them, I just love you, I ..." Song Ning clenched her fists, her nails pulled deep into the flesh, and Song Ning's eyes contained tears, perhaps because of palm pain at this moment, He was sober for a while, and he was even more sure that the Moon River Demon was in front of him, not Leng Yuexiao.

But even so, his body still has a urge to rush up.

"Hey ..." The 'Leng Yuexiao' suddenly sighed: "You know that I am Moon River Demon, you don't want to step forward and hug, but if I tell you, even if you hug, I will not treat you , Can you believe it? "

Song Ning sneered, the laughter was full of fear.

"I've never seen such obsession, if I said that I was moved by your emotions and would like to meet your little need but not control your heart, would you be willing?" 'Leng Yuexiao' opened his hands and said in his mouth Qing Yin: "Song Ning, you may not yet know that my blood is flowing on you, and each of your ice bones is made of my flesh and blood."

Song Ning shuddered suddenly, Bing Bone ... Bing Bone!

The bones on his body were completely broken twice. The first time was in the fairy ruins. When he woke up, he had extremely tough ice bones. At that time, although he didn't know, he felt a **** taste in his mouth. And, Binggu's physique should only exist in Leng Yuexiao's body. At that time, I didn't think much about it. Now when I hear the words of the Moon River Demon, Song Ning's inner persistence suddenly collapses.

His footsteps keep moving forward, uncontrollably, slowly forward ...

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