Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 165: defeat

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

On the test bench, the ice flame slowly disappeared.

In the corner, Song Ning was covered with blood, lying motionless on the ground, and standing beside him, Wang Yi stood trembling.

A layer of Wang Yi's body fell off like an eggshell. His forehead cracked open, his blood stained his face, which was terrifying.

"I, I want you to die in smoke!" Wang Yiqing's muscles were exposed, his eyes full of blood, and between his hands, he punched Song Ning's head.

When everything happened too quickly, when Wang Lengwu stood in the center of the test bench, Wang Yi's punch was already down.


The dimly burning Tianjian that fell beside Song Ning suddenly flashed, slashing at Wang Yi.

When ~

The clear symphony, but the sound was deafening.

Wang Yilian stepped back a few steps. From the burning sword, he felt a crisis, a crisis even stronger than before!

A cold voice spread from Tianjian, which fell directly on Wang Yi's heart: "Hurt my master, I want you to lose your life!"

At this moment Leng Wuzhen had already flashed, and Wang Yi jumped in panic and flew up to the clouds. He gritted his teeth: "Song Ning ... see you next time, I will make you regret being a person, Leng Yuexiao is me Wang Yi ’s woman, you dare to get involved, I will kill your family sooner or later! "

After a few movements, Wang Yi disappeared, restoring tranquility over the test bench, and the ice-cold Fen Tianjian fell to the ground, and Xiao Fen's voice in it ceased to be a little bit, as if he had fallen asleep.

Leng Yuexiao rushed to Song Ning's body and picked it up. She took out several pills and put it into Song Ning's mouth.

Song Ning's body was trembling slightly, trying to speak, but unable to speak. Just now, the sky-burning chopper with all the creatures under the destruction of Yuanying actually hit Wang Yi without killing him.

Wang Yizhiqiang was unpredictable by Song Ning, and the defeat of Burning the Sky was even more unpredictable to Song Ning. If he hadn't had Xiao Fen fighting for his only remaining power protection just now, he might have died at the moment.

Everyone's eyes fell on the comparison test bench for a long time without a single voice.

The five-thousand-square test bench is messy, and it's hard to imagine what happened in the test bench just now.

They couldn't see it, but heard it, and the sound of the collision of the spells made their heart beat.

Wang Yi, one of the three outstanding youths in Luoyu, is as famous as Liu Ruyan and Leng Yuexiao.

However, at this moment, on this test bench, Wang Yi was injured by an early monk who built the foundation, and escaped!

This Song Ning ...

Who is he? ?

Leng Yuexiao was angry, but when holding Song Ning, her expression was as gentle as water, and this result was beyond her expectation.

"Wang Yi's divine surface ... broken ..." Leng Wu looked at the fragments on the ground like eggshells.

On the surface of the divine power, a defensive magic weapon that the monk of the gods can give people can resist a fatal blow ...

"Song Ning's life is dying, I want to bring him to retreat, anything, don't disturb me!" Leng Yuexiao's voice was cold, and disappeared on the test bench in the blink of an eye.

Reappeared, already outside the gate of Han Xin Palace.

In the Han Xin Palace, Leng Yuexiao couldn't care about the difference between men and women, and both of them took off their clothes and entered the ice spring.

As soon as he entered Bingquan, Song Ning felt as if he was stabbed with an ice knife, and the pain was extremely high. The wound was like a cone, and the heart was bitten.

He roared, his body was tumbling in the ice spring, blood spewed out of the body, but just reached the surface of the skin, he was frozen by the ice spring, and sealed in the body again.

Leng Yuexiao held Song Ning tightly and her skin was intimate.

She closed her eyes, Dan lips trembling: "I'm sorry, Song Ning, I'm sorry ..."

Frames of memory flashed in her mind, the first time, the second time, the third time ...

It seemed that Song Ning suffered severe pain every time, and it seemed that Song Ning's twists and turns were all caused by her.

She was an immortal, no dispute with the world, she had no intersection with others, but she had hurt Song Ning many times.

Above the northern cold area, Wang Yi moved quickly, and his right arm was numb, without any consciousness.

The battle with Song Ning just now was the first time in his life that he felt the fear of death. The source of this fear was not on Song Ning, but on his sword.

"That sword, there is a sword spirit!" Wang Yi's eyes flashed ruthlessly, even more surprised.

There is a sword with a sword spirit, this is a spirit treasure, and it can even be said to be a fairy treasure. The killing of Song Ning just now did not succeed. It was all because of the sword. This time when he returned to Zongmen, he had to tell these things as soon as possible. Master, with the magic weapon rewarded by Master, he does not worry about killing Song Ning.

"Is the Xianxu Treasure Hunter? Ha ha, with the qualification of Hedaozong's five-level cultivation school, two people can participate. I originally wanted to occupy a quota of Lengjia. Now it seems that I still enter with the Hedaozong quota."

Wang Yibao smiled: "Song Ning, Song Ning, you must stay until you enter the Fairy Market."

Time is running.

Three days have passed since the battle between Wang Yi and Song Ning.

In the past three days, Song Ning has spread madness in Leng's family. All the people stationed in Leng's family already know the name of Song Ning, and regard Song Ning as his goal.

Unless Leng Yuexiao's special treatment for Song Ning, I am afraid that the younger generation of the Leng family will dream of marrying Song Ning.

However, the protagonist of this incident did not move at all at the moment, and disappeared at the same time as Miss Leng Jia Leng Yuexiao.

Cold home, cold heart palace.

Song Ning's body wounds have healed. During that battle, Xiao Fen resisted Song Ning's two fatal attacks in a row. Finally, when his physical weakness was weak, he also blocked Wang Yi. If there was no Xiao Fen, Song Ning was afraid No **** is left.

Song Ning's healing was beyond ordinary people's reason because of the passage of the Shinto scriptures, and with the aid of elixir and Lengyue Xiaoling's spiritual healing, he saved his life.

Song Ning's consciousness slept for three days in the dark. Suddenly, he felt a trace of light, and he ran desperately along where the light was.

His eyes narrowed a gap, and he saw the ‘brightness’, white and clear, like the skin of a woman, delicate and smooth, better than the touch of a baby.

So ... what light is it?

Song Ning stretched out his hand, gently touched on this 'brightness', and squeezed it, only to feel soft and elastic.


The voice of a woman whispering came out, and Song Ning woke up from the trance, where there was "light" in front of her, and where her hand was placed on top of "light", which was clearly Leng Yuexiao !

Leng Yuexiao is too exhausted, as she cultivated like this, she has not eaten human fireworks and no need to sleep to supplement, but now, she sleeps so deep, feeling like someone is calling, but she is still awake Come.

Song Ning let out a long sigh of relief. He tried to remember what happened before, and his memory was fragmented, but he vaguely remembered that Leng Yuexiao saved him, brought him here, and took off their clothes, and then ...

Looking at this at the moment, Song Ning knew that Leng Yue Xiaoding did all this to save him.

For many women, chastity is better than everything. Nowadays Leng Yuexiao, Song Ning really does not know how to return.

Just when Song Ning thought to leave Bingquan to put on his clothes to avoid the embarrassment after Leng Yuexiao woke up, Leng Yuexiao's twinkling eyes suddenly opened, and fell on Song Ning's body that didn't heal for long ... …

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