Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 164: Absolute Defense Enchantment

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When Song Ning was standing in front of Wang Yi, she could clearly see the murder in Wang Yi's eyes.

The atmosphere above the test bench suddenly became tense, and Leng Yuexiao walked to the other side of Leng Wuzhen and sat down while looking at the test bench.

Leng Wuhen smiled and said, "Xiao Xiao, do you want to help Song Ning, or do you want to hurt Song Ning?"

Leng Yuexiao looked at his father puzzledly.

Leng Wuzhen pointed to Wang Yidao: "This Wang Yi seems to have always regarded you as his future companion. Just like you holding Song Ning's hand just now, the intention was to give Wang Yi a warning to inform Song Ning and Your relationship is extraordinary, but is it actually? Wang Yi will be even more ruthless. "

"Song Ning is not a fool. Song Ning's future achievements will not be under Wang Yi. If your father still has some vision, you won't let Wang Yi hurt Song Ning." Leng Yuexiao's expression was a bit of anxiety for the first time.

Leng Wuhen looked at his daughter's changes, feeling with emotion, he never thought that his daughter would care so much about a man.

"It's okay, as long as they don't sign the sign of life and death, then I won't let them come." Leng Wuzhen said.

But when the two of them were talking, Wang Yi pointed at Song Ning on the test stand: "The technique is eyeless. If you really fight, you must try your best. If you accidentally kill you, ,not too good."

"Oh?" Song Ning raised his mouth.

"So, you and I signed a sign of life and death. In this way, we can let go of our hands and feet and fight well." Wang Yi cunningly said.

"If you want to sign, I have no opinion."

In the breeze, Song Ning's strands of hair were blown, and he stood quietly on the comparison bench, his eyes indifferent, and he was not scared by the words "Life and Death".

This is beyond Wang Yi's expectation. When Wang Yi wanted to come, yesterday's broken finger, if Leng Yuexiao helped to resist, Song Ning would die, now when it comes to 'life and death', Song Ning should be scared. Big changes are right.

But no matter what, Wang Yi's killing has moved.

"This is the life and death that I have already planned, I have signed it, you come." Wang Yi said, smashing a jade note, and there was a spiritual force exuding on the jade note, flying to the air, one by one. The word composed of spiritual power appeared at first sight.

Life and death

I, Wang Yi, duel with () here, and each side will do their utmost to make life and death difficult, and hereby make a contract. If there is an accident, no one can be held accountable afterwards.

There was an uproar in the audience, just a contest. If you signed the sign of life and death, it would be an endless scene.

But when everyone thought that Song Ning would not sign, Song Ning extended his finger, swiped out of thin air, and wrote the word "Song Ning" in ().

Wang Yi laughed: "Okay, tens of thousands of people in the Leng family have seen it. Now I am due to fight with Song Ning. The life and death situation has already stood, and the competition can begin."

Leng Yue stood up violently from her seat: "Song Ning!"

Song Ning looked at Leng Yuexiao indifferently, slowly shook her head, and took two steps back.

"Father, this life and death ..."

"Do n’t panic. I will block when necessary. These two are the arrogant sons of heaven. I ca n’t let either party die. Song Ning is your favorite person, and Wang Yi ’s status is very prominent. If any of them have problems, I will be troubled. "Leng Wuzhen raised his hand to signal.

With the assurance of Leng Wuhen, Leng Yuexiao felt relieved.

"Leng Master, the matter of the two of us, I also hope that Leng's family will not intervene. The thing I hate most about Wang Yi's life is that the idler's miscellaneous people are trying to infect my woman. Ten breath, then I will spare him a death, if he can't support it, then ... Ha ha, today's cold home, I am afraid that I will find a place for him to make a grave! "

This is more overbearing than what Wang Yi in the test bench said. He heard that the Leng family was filled with righteous indignation, especially Leng Wuhen. He, the head of the Leng family, had control of the 60,000 people in the Leng family, but no one dared to talk to him like that.

But while Leng Wuhen wanted to scold Wang Yi, Wang Yi turned over and took out an object from the storage ring. This object was thrown into the air by him, expanding rapidly like a small castle, and enveloped the whole in a blink of an eye. Than the test bench.

"Absolutely defensive enchantment!" Leng Wuzhen was shocked and raised his hand to bombard this enchantment.

Hum ~

The enchantment trembles, but it does not break apart. All the people present are shocked. At this moment, many people in the cold family are afraid to meet each other in front of their eyes. This absolute defense enchantment is a rare treasure, the strongest enchantment of the falling feathers. Even if it is a deity, it cannot be broken in a short time, and the defensive time of this absolute defensive enchantment is ten breath!

Leng Yuexiao's face changed with a snap, but when she saw that her father's full blow could not break the enchantment, she had a sudden trance in front of her eyes, and her legs were soft, sitting on the seat .

What price did Wang Yi pay to kill Song Ning?

"Daughter, don't worry, if Song Ning can sustain ten breaths, then I can save him." Leng Wuzhen said.

Song Ning is indeed good, Leng Wuhen also has a slight affection for Song Ning, and Leng Wuhen won't let Leng Yuexiao's emotions fluctuate too strongly when the Leng family wars are tight.

Leng Yuexiao bit her lower lip lightly and asked Song Ning to compare with Wang Yi, not to show Song Ning's strength, not to let Song Ning win Wang Yi.

But now ...

Did he hurt him again? !

Leng Yuexiao's teeth were clenched tightly, and his mood was messed up.

At this moment, many people in the Leng family clenched their fists and snarled.

Wang Yi is too rampant, too unpredictable, so dare to kill in the Leng family so blatantly?

The absolute defensive enchantment is like an airtight palace, and nothing can be seen from the outside.

But after a breath, the ‘palace’ began to tremble violently.

After three breaths, the trembling of the ‘Palace’ became more intense.

With five breaths, the rumbling sound in the ‘palace’ is constant, giving people the feeling that they are about to collapse.

Eight breaths, even the enchantment outside the ‘palace’ had a slight tremor.

Nine Breaths ... the sound is gone.

Ten Breaths ...

Leng Yuexiao's fingertips were cold, if there was any movement, it means that Song Ning was not dead, but now there is no sound, that is, Song Ning can't hold it anymore.

She could not feel the spiritual power in the absolute defensive enchantment, or whether Song Ning existed at the moment, but she understood that if Song Ning died, she was killed!

Leng Yuexiao suddenly stood up from the seat, and the spiritual energy of the body surface sprang up frantically.

At the same time, Leng Wuhen was already well prepared. After ten breaths, he flashed into the center of the test bench.

At this moment, on the test bench, a heart-wrenching force gradually dissipated, and the cold light flashed ...

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