Eternal Life

Chapter 945

No one had thought that after Makino was crushed by the soul of Gate to Eternity, there was still the ability to counterattack, and the seventh style of “Seven Styles of Ruling” was displayed. (peak novel handwriting novel)

One stroke of this trick is to concentrate on the power of his reincarnation, the experience of the reincarnation of the souls of thousands of people, and the opportunity for the reincarnation of the soul in the future, all consumed in this boxing.

In the past, my own soul, now my own soul, and my own soul in the future, are all in this boxing, and have reached the highest peak. At this moment, the life of Makino’s sky has reached the most intense level.

When this move came out, all the people in their hearts rose into a great horror. It seemed that there was no future and no past. I can’t grasp it now. This punch is not only the life of the past, but also the life of all people.

Living in the world, like a dream.

“Fang Han, you are a beast, a small servant, and you dare to hurt me. I will let you see and see, and the last two strokes of Seven Styles of Ruling are amazing.” The voice of Makino is very angry, it seems to be Losing reason, it seems to be desperate, better like urging the last life.

Fang Han doesn’t look like it, and seems to be a combination of the brand of Gate to Eternity.

He raised his hand and poured all of his Divine Ability into the brand of Gate to Eternity. The Gate to Eternity brand suddenly sucks, takes all the Divine Ability of Fang Han into it, and then spits it out, it is ten times bigger!

Fang Han’s Beginning Divine Fist, Divine Fist, various Dao techniques, through the condensate and metamorphosis of Gate to Eternity, suddenly burst out. The rumbling of the rumbling, kā chā! The Seven Styles of Ruling sixth life was resisted, and the dreamlike life began to collapse and was inhaled by Gate to Eternity.

“There is no trick to resist the soul of Eternity’s soul, and Heavenly Monarch doesn’t work either.” Fang Han carries the majesty, directly suppresses it, his hands change, the wing of freedom flaps, and between the ghosts, the palms are again bombarded.


Makino’s sky once again gave a scream of screaming.

His incarnation of the scarlet mist, once again distracted, a hill-sized Divine Immortal rule crystal, suspended in the depths of the bloody fog, actually four or five times larger than the average Divine Immortal, and very concise. This shows his talent, and Fang Han is a type of person. There is potential to transcend realm challenges.

Many of the genius genius are also so, you can surpass the realm to kill the enemy.

However, the two giant genius collided together and Fang Han laughed to the end.

“The six-character mantra, what about you?”

Fang Han puts his hands together and spurs the Great Karma Technique. In the twinkling of an eye, the Great Karma Technique begins to change and merges into the world’s self-contained Buddha. He also launched this Divine Ability, a feminine mandarin. Luo great array.

This great array is the enchantment of the kings of the Buddhas. The altar is used to surrender the Heart Demon and suppress the existence of all evils.

A complex Buddha’s great array appeared, and thousands of Buddha’s phantoms appeared in it. For example, the Buddhist kingdom of the Ganges River number appeared on the great array. It was magnificent and magnificent. It seemed to be a secular world, and it was turned into a solemn treasure.

The six-character mantra resounded through the void, and the power shrouded it, and it completely sealed all the flesh and blood of the wilderness.

Makino Cangjie fights fate.

“Seven Styles of Ruling Last…”

He desperately wants to display the last big killings, Aura skyrocketing, the sky is changing again, the cracks in the heavens are shocking, it seems that the heavens have cracks.

There is a strong presence, and an angry roar is thrown in the heavens.

The fairy tales leading to the secular crystal wall system seem to be torn, and there is really a strong presence in the heavens, ignoring the laws of the heavens.

Everyone is shocked.

“I don’t know if Seven Styles of Ruling can finally be used.”

“It is sure to be able to display it, and the world has a vision.”

“Fang Han is too powerful. He doesn’t know which ancient Taigao is followed. There is a legendary soul to Eternity’s soul brand. This is in the legend of the ancient times. Someone has to see the Gate to Eternity and then Insight in front of the door, or entering the door, can be concise.”

“In the legend of the Taikoo, even if it was Heavenly Monarch, it would not be able to stay in front of Gate to Eternity and could not see the true face of Gate to Eternity. Otherwise, it would be a powder.”

“I can’t see exactly what the shape of Gate to Eternity in Fang Han is?”

“I can’t see it clearly.”

“No one can see it unless he has the inheritance of fate….”……….

Countless people have raised their hearts. This is the difference between the two winners, the two great genius confrontation, one is the noble bloodline, Wutong has the ruling, one is the more powerful genius, got the Gate to Eternity The existence of the soul brand.

“Seven Styles of Ruling is also useless. In the face of Gate to Eternity, even the Heavenly Monarch will be shaken into powder.” Fang Han once again spurt out, is the Lesser Karma Technique, Gate to Eternity After the soul brand took the power of destiny, it did not spit out, but got moisturized.

The door became clearer and clearer, and the Divine Immortal rule, which was pressed against the wilderness, began to break.

“Seven Styles of Ruling, the seventh style, I want to display it and display it…” Makino also knows that she has reached the most critical moment. He has tried his best to display the biggest killings.

“Pour the reincarnation of my life, destroying my life and life…”

“The sky and the sky, the Makino meteor. Even if I can only exist for a moment, I want to be the meteor, the moment of Fanghua, leaving the eternal memory, the bright light…”

Makino Sky finally ignited all the potential and completed the maximum savings of Seven Styles of Ruling.


The mighty airflow was washed out, filled with a sad, tragic, dripping, like a warrior, against the heavens, trying to break free from destiny, playing a song, and making a tragic shout.

All people are enveloped in a tragic mood.

“This trick…….” Exquisite Immortal Venerable, Feng Bai Yu, Renhuang pen, Red Devil, Heart Demon, the old man was shocked. Feeling the power of this trick, if it can really be played out, it can be equivalent to a full understanding of the mysterious and mysterious door of Profound Immortal.

“Oh, fate, no mastery, no life, no one can continue, there is no eternal life between heaven and earth, there is no crack in Great Dao. Eternal life is wrong, eternal life is sin, and Seven Styles of Ruling is to break sin. Finally One way, no one will live forever!”

Finally, Makino Cangjie played Seven Styles of Ruling, the last resort to dominate the Holy Law, no one will live forever!

This move is the judgment of Great Dao, a natural ruling.

Kā chā !

The soul of Gate to Eternity is branded. Under the judgment of Great Dao, the natural ruling, there is a crack in the above, and then the crack is derived, as if the tortoise shell is cracked, and it is like a spider web. .

This trick is a generation of Heavenly Monarch, a challenge to fate and a contempt for eternal life.

Makino is actually able to comprehend the essence.

A trick to play, is almost close to the mixed yuan, almost natural.

“This trick!” Fang Han was violently beating, and the seal of the Divine Immortal ruled crystal of the Mandala’s great array of ruptures.

The Makino sky, once again condense the body, rushing out of it, such as the warrior against the sky.


No one is eternal, this is a combination of the six strokes in front of Seven Styles of Ruling. The central battlefield, completely collapsed, many big world, the martial art people have been hit. The great array of the smashing, in the distance, there are some small and big world forces, actually shocked. Some of the Void Immortal Experts have been shaken into powder, not to mention Black Hole Realm, World King Realm’s weak small servant.

Fang Han looked very quiet. At this moment, he completely suppressed the swaying soul. The whole person seems to be the brand of the soul of Eternity. The traces of the cracks began to be repaired and radiated. Ten thousand light, illuminating the thousand.

Progress, punch!

Fang Han didn’t have the slightest fear, and the last trick of Seven Styles of Ruling: “Gate to Eternity, real existence, all living beings, have eternal hopes, hope, dreams, rulings, can never kill the dream of eternal life .”

His voice, vastness, and vastness of the universe, the atmosphere, give hope to everyone.

The trick of no one to live forever is the most tragic note between heaven and earth.

Then Fang Han’s blow is the most hopeful chapter between heaven and earth.


The impact of the two Experts was completely smashed together. The central battlefield evaporates from the human world, and everyone sees an unforgettable scene. Fang Han directly defeats the last stroke of Seven Styles of Ruling, and then sticks out the big hand, smashing the head of Makino’s sky, from his body, living and living. The crystal that represented the Divine Immortal rule was caught, and at the same time, the rules of the other hand were used to smash the other’s body.

The flesh and blood of the wilderness of the wilderness turned into a long-lasting bloody dragon, which was integrated into the body of Fang Han, and his bones turned into a strip of white dragon. Also absorbed.

In the crystal of Divine Immortal’s law, Makino’s unwilling screams: “No, my noble bloodline, how can it fail, Seven Styles of Ruling, how can it fail? I will never die, Fang Han, You are always a mean person.”

“Noble bloodline, also plundered and swallowed by me.” Fang Han said with no emotion: “You are going to die now, Seven Styles of Ruling, all of them are defeated by me, you have exerted the greatest strength, There is no regret for death. Now I am completely refining and becoming a stepping stone on my path of growth. Your body flesh and blood rule is enough for me to refine the magical treasure of the eight floats into four pieces of Immortal Artifact. Melting! ”

Fang Han’s working force, bombardment into the Divine Immortal rule crystal, suddenly completely obliterated all the will of the Makino sky, and then he smashed all the Immortal Dao rules. It rushed into the eight floats.


The fate of the Eight Buddhism, the sorrowful sorcerer, the Ming Wang axe, and the eight melting furnaces, suddenly filled, is full of Immortal’s artistic conception. Start converting to Immortal Artifact.

Four magical treasures, simultaneously transformed into Immortal Artifact, that kind of sound is not shocking that the world can imagine.

In the heavens and the earth, countless visions have emerged.

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