Eternal Life

Chapter 944

Fang Han Now Zhou Tianyi changes to Immortal Artifact, and can reason about everything. (peak novel handwriting novel)

He almost completely inferred the guns of judgment, and is no exception to the source of all evil. Because the source of all evil is in the treasure rock, Aura let him analyze and deduct, and the gun of judgment is in heaven.

He had already sent a trace of Aura from the source of evil to Zhou Tianyi. After careful calculations and calculations, Immortal Qi in the body can be completely transformed into a source of evil, and an authentic evil hand is displayed.

The huge evil hand, even the sound of it is exactly the same.

“Your eyes will become my eyes, your bones will become my scepter, your head will become my glass….” The evil hands, under the destruction, Seven Styles of Ruling, why not, completely It pollutes his bloodline, making it impossible for him to get the qi of the Yuan Dynasty from the distant fairyland through his own natural veins.

“Seven Styles of Ruling, the fourth style, the invincible of the warriors!”

The Makino sky, his hands reversed, and the song of a warrior resounded.

Numerous ancient war gods flowed out of his hands, and each god of war deducted a Movement. When combined, it turned into a torrent of God of War.

This style is a combination of the first three styles, which combines the melody of the heavens and the earth, the soul of the triumph, the three strokes of the blood of the heavens, superimposed layers, and is invincible.

The torrent of the god of war, the impact to Fang Han, the wilderness of the wilderness to kill the gray evil hands.

“Small servant is a small servant, and then concentrates on evil, stealing and creating, and can’t compare my noble bloodline.” Makino is proud of the road, the whole body is bathed in a light, mastering the true meaning of the battle, this moment, He became the source of all battles.

Fang Han’s face is unchanged. Under the impact of these torrents of God of War, he is as rock-solid and will never change until it lasts forever.

Everyone changed color, and seeing Fang Han’s expression, it seems that no one will ever beat him. Too calm, too calm, and under such a torrent of the god of war, I was able to stay calm.

“My heart is always a long time! The fate of the fate is circulated.” Fang Han transforms the palm of his hand, and the other hand stretches out. True Dragon is beating in the palm of his hand, the void begins to jump, the time and space begin to flow backwards, the Buddha’s light is shining, the holy light is shining, the Sky Wave Blade is awesome. It is sacred.

All Divine Ability is turned into the Lesser Karma Technique.

His left hand, Lesser Karma Technique, the right hand of the evil hand, combined with each other, actually has an indescribable taste.

叮咚, 叮咚……. It seems like a clear spring, like a flowing water, like a guzheng, like a piano sound, the general voice, flowing from his fingertips, this voice, covering up the “invincible” in the wilderness of the wilderness .

Destiny is the most arrogant Divine Ability in the world.

The source of all evil is the last universe, the most tyrannical thing.

The combination of two and two, in an instant, the movement that Fang Han played, runs through the life and death of the two universes, the peak principle.

No one thought that Fang Han would show this trick. Even Makino did not think that Fang Han suddenly broke out with such a powerful force.


Fang Han’s move directly interrupted the “Seven Styles of Ruling” fourth-style “invincible”. Then a finger was placed on the Astral Qi, the bodyguard of Makino. The bodyguard Astral Qi was directly broken up and blasted, causing Makino to retreat, but his face was pale and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

He was actually wounded.

However, his hands changed, and he played a more fierce killing trick again: “You, you dare to hurt me with evil doors, it is just looking for death! You must bear the anger of Heavenly Monarch. You lick my bloodline, that is, Heavenlyly Monarch. Noble Heavenly Monarch, there must be a punishment from the King of Heaven, Seven Styles of Ruling Fifth, Heavenly Monarch!”

Oh! The celestial beings were torn by him, and the heavens were almost completely revealed. The crystal wall system from the Xuanhuang big world to the fairy world was completely torn, and then there was a tall Heavenly Monarch vision in the illusion of that day. It seems to be the real Heavenly Monarch, coming down and angering.


A flaming flame, flowing from the body of the wilderness, the flame rose to the sky, and the Heavenly Monarch in the sky merged into one, burning again, rolling white flames, burning, and the wild body was rolling. The pale flames were caught in one hand and burned against Fang Han. The white flame burned all of the space, even attacking the wing of freedom, refining the feathers on the wing of freedom.

The wrath of Heavenly Monarch!

This is the anger of Heavenly Monarch.

“Heavenly Monarch, Heavenly Monarch has no use, and the Styles of Ruling, you have reached the fifth style. It is already very good. It seems that you are not playing the seventh style. Your current strength, display Such a powerful tactic, too extravagant, will give me this ecstasy, and in my hands, I will definitely be able to exert a hundred times more powerful power than you.”

Fang Han’s fierceness in the face of this Heavenly Monarch is actually more fierce than the wilderness of the wilderness, and it is full of life. It has a life span of millions of years. It burns in an instant, and the fate of the river flows in the palm of the hand. For a moment, his mind, traveled to the fairy world. In the midst of it, I suddenly saw a woman, the woman White robed wins the snow, sitting in the void, showing a faint smile, holding a portal in her hand, this portal is a virtual shadow, above There is heaven and earth, and I am immortal. The sun and the moon are destroyed and I am not dead. The horizontal batch is Gate to Eternity.

This woman is Fang Qingxue.

Her palm moved and suddenly handed the Gate to Eternity to Fang Han.

Fang Han used the supreme idea to communicate with Fang Qingxue, destiny, and use her power to burn the soul of Eternity to suppress the Quartet.

Kā chā !

After handing the Gate to Eternity soul to Fang Han, the body of Fang Qingxue disappeared into the spirit of Fang Han, and I don’t know the woman who is immortal.

However, Fang Han’s smile, it seems to have a good understanding of everything, Zhou Tianyi is running, want to deduct the mystery of this Gate to Eternity soul brand, but at this time, Zhou Tianyi can not figure out.

“It is a legend, it can defeat the existence of all artifacts, dominate the fairy world, and even the existence of all legends. It is the existence of eternal life, and Zhou Tianyi can’t analyze its virtual shadows. However, it is used to kill Seven Styles. Of Ruling is enough.”

Fang Han At this moment, it is the heart and mind, everything is in control.

From the outsider’s point of view, he was completely suppressed by the wrath of Heavenly Monarch. Makino is about to display Divine Ability and kill him in one fell swoop.

However, at this moment, in the hands of Fang Han, suddenly there is a portal, an ancient portal, and a portal that is far more endless than the gates of heaven.

The portal appeared a little, and only the size of the fingernails began, but the infinite majesty has been spurred out. The entire central battlefield began to collapse, and it could not bear the soul of this Gate to Eternity.


Numerous members of the Makino family that formed the central battlefield were shaken open.

The body of Makino’s sky made a sound of kā chā, Fang Han held Gate to Eternity, and pressed down, and the anger of the king of Heavenly Monarch was completely extinguished.

The wrath of Heavenly Monarch, though powerful, has no anger at all in front of Gate to Eternity.

Makino’s eyes, seeing Gate to Eternity, seem to have seen something incredible. He absolutely did not think that Fang Han could actually condense this kind of thing.

The legendary Gate to Eternity, even the Heavenly Monarch is a rare thing, only the creation, origin and other immortals, Insight has the deepest mystery of Great Dao, mastering the creation, origin, truth……. These most essential Great Dao People can only witness.

The King of Heaven, Monarch, although the bloodline is noble, he has no chance to see Gate to Eternity.

The Astral Qi of the whole body is broken, the Immortal Dao law is fluctuating, the Makino is shaking, and I want to try to condense Astral Qi but I can’t do it. Even the Seven Styles of Ruling can’t be motivated, the brand of Gate to Eternity is suppressed. He has all Divine Ability.

When you live forever, you can’t fight for it.

This is beyond the existence of heaven. Under the heavens, no one is eternal, this is the law of nature.


Fang Han pressed this, and the whole body of the Makino sky burst, and white blood flowed out.

“Where is the bloodline of Heavenly Monarch, is it noble? Even if this Heavenly Monarch himself has not seen Gate to Eternity, what is noble?” Fang Han’s powerful thoughts pierced the mind of Makino. Among them.

He carried the brand of Gate to Eternity and descended to the top of the wilderness of the wilderness. He directly pressed it, and the body of the wilderness was completely broken, and it was blown into a cloud of mist. The bloody mist was so scary that if it filled out, it would be able to put a The big world is red, and it can turn a star field into a sea of ​​waves.

“No! What is that?”

“That took the portal and actually defeated the wrath of Heavenly Monarch.”

“Seven Styles of Ruling, all defeated, the wrath of Heavenly Monarch, that is the wrath of Heavenly Monarch!”

“Makino is so vast, are these characters invincible? Can’t believe it….” Countless people have seen this scene, and they are all cracked.

Fang Han didn’t stop at all. Gate to Eternity’s soul branding was shocked, blocking all time and space, preventing someone from invading. He grabbed his hands and tried his best. Divine Ability for the rest of his life, sucking the bloody mist of Makino!


The bloody mist of Makino’s sky was captured by Fang Han, and immediately turned into a long-lasting bloody dragon, vigorous and ancient, integrated into the body, and the eight floating turkeys trembled.

“Good and powerful blood! This power of the wilderness is equivalent to the synthesis of four or five Divine Immortal! How can he train such a powerful blood, is it because of the power of Seven Styles of Ruling? I refine After the Makino sky, look at the last two styles of Seven Styles of Ruling, how sturdy!”

Fang Han absorbed the blood and suddenly he was overjoyed.

Refining and cultivating the wilderness of the wilderness, enough to withstand four or five Divine Immortal, that is, refining this person, at least can make four and a half Immortal Artifact, change to Immortal Artifact.

However, just as Fang Han refining, the scarlet mist conveyed the voice of Makino’s desperate voice: “Seven Styles of Ruling, the sixth style, born in the world!”

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