Eternal Life

Chapter 942


“There is actually such a madness to this point, my Makino family, is the bloodline of the king of Heavenly Monarch, who can be extinct?”

“Must kill him!”

“Since Heavenly Monarch left the Makino family, our family has been hosted in the Central World. It is invincible in the world. No one has ever said this. Now someone is going to destroy our whole family!”………

Hearing the words of Fang Han, all the Experts of the Central World are roaring. (peak novel handwriting novel)

Fang Han’s means of killing the whole shackle of the big world just now is shocking, but now it’s mad, to destroy the whole family of the central world’s dominating “Makino family”, the Expert of the Makino family, naturally there is no one. People can endure.

However, Fang Han did not care about the anger of these people, but smiled coldly: “I can not destroy the whole family of the Makino family. It depends on your cooperation and support, and I support the lord. Otherwise, the disaster will be destroyed. Between the picks.”

“Very good, very good, my wilderness, the universe, the earth and the earth, have never seen such a arrogant person, actually want to destroy my whole family of the Makino family. I think it is the most arrogant person, ruling everything. But Today I have a more arrogant existence than I am.”

Makino Cangwu took a step forward: “Fang Han, let me see, what do you have, destroy my Makino family whole family!”

“Why, you finally dare to fight with me?” Fang Han looked at the wilderness and slowly stood up straight: “It seems that you agree with my proposal. This time, many sects of the big world alliance, select the ally with Magic Force. ?”

“Yes, we have already agreed, the lord must have Magic Force high strength, invincible, alone to support the overall situation, this is the pillar.” Li Tian Wang Lang in the king of the world said: “Fang Han If you have the ability to compete for the big position, We naturally surrender to you, listen to your command, if you die on the battlefield, then the magical treasure on the body will be cheaper for us.”

“Li Tianwang, your son has been killed by me. Do you still want to fight with me?” Fang Han talked unceremoniously.

“The killing of the enemy, blood debts to pay.” Li Tianwang hate the voice: “The old man will wait, naturally will fight with you.”

“I am very welcome.” Fang Han laughed: “My eight Buddhism is lacking Divine Immortal skeleton and the law can be transformed into Immortal Artifact. Since you are willing to give up yourself, I am happy to accept it.”

“Central battlefield!”

Makino’s squatting stepped out, and there were countless turbulent sounds everywhere. The voices gathered in the central battlefield, and the huge platform reappeared.

When he jumped into the body, he entered the core of the central battlefield. He did not bring any weapons on his body. It was empty-handed. It seemed to be fighting with one hand. There was no such thing as Immortal Artifact. It seems that the body is the most powerful. Immortal Artifact has absolute confidence in the body and will of his Martial Dao.

At some point, he and the central Great Emperor’s bloodline are flowing with noble temperament.

The Central Great Emperor does not need any weapons, he does not need to. Even the universe in the body does not have the help of Cultivate Vitality. The whole person is empty and will be concise and ruling the world.

“Good! Makino is skyrocketing, you really dare to do it with me.” Fang Han’s body movement appeared directly in the central battlefield, and all the Makino family’s Experts were shocked because Fang Han entered the central battlefield and they felt no. To the slightest fluctuations in the vitality, and even the operation of the mind, I can not feel the existence of Fang Han, which is equal to, Fang Han can come and go freely in the central battlefield.

In the central battlefield, as soon as you enter it, the general Expert can’t get out of it, and Fang Han can come and go. This is tantamount to ignoring the central law. If it is really true to the Makino family of the Central World, although it may not be able to truly destroy the door, the Makino family must be devastated and bloody.

At this moment, some secret Experts in the Central World are secretly vigilant. Some ancient Experts even have a killing, killing, and even want to kill Fang Han completely and join forces.

“Hey, would you like to join forces to kill me? It is impossible. I have refining the wing of freedom. Even if Profound Immortal is shot, it is impossible to kill me.” Fang Han secretly sneered, “but first put this Makino is killing and saying, I want to kill all the way, see God killing God, see Buddha killing Buddha, condense 33 Skies to treasure, blood stained Xuanhuang!”

“Fang Han, your approach is really strong, and you teamed up with the Heaven Origin Strike by Immortal Venerable to kill the dragon race fighting genius dark blue son, the dark blue son, who became Divine Immortal many years ago, is a legend Among them, the most promising is the existence of Profound Immortal, you get his wing of freedom, after refining, you can indeed come and go in the central battlefield.” Makino looked coldly at Fang Han: “However, Even the Wings of Liberty can’t escape my Seven Styles of Ruling. Under the power of the ruling, the Wings of Liberty will also be flapped.”

“Yes? I really want to see what your Seven Styles of Ruling is so powerful?”

Fang Han was very uncomfortable with this maddening wilderness, because this person was more arrogant than him, and saw his personal approach to killing the big world, and he was still so arrogant.

“That depends on whether you can’t force me to display Seven Styles of Ruling.” Makino’s face has no expression on her face: “You kill all the people who are away from the big world, even that Ouyang Qian The means of dying in your world, this means is really amazing. But I know that this is the power of your magical treasure, leaving the magical treasure, you are nothing. You are doubtful, I saw you killing Divine Immortal’s means, I am still fighting with you. What is it with?”

“Yes, what are you relying on?” asked Fang Han.

“I rely on myself, I never use any magical treasure, my cultivation Martial Dao, with Mortal Body as a treasure, I have strong confidence in myself, the human body is the most powerful magical treasure, is an inexhaustible Treasure, so I don’t need foreign objects, this is also the most important confidence on the road of cultivation. If there is no self-confidence, even if there are more fortuitous encounters, it is just a small servant, and the small servant is aspiration.”

Between the wilderness and the sky, there is a strong self-confidence, and the hands are slightly pinched. The bones of the whole body are actually similar to the gongs and drums of Immortal Artifact. It seems that there are countless small universes in his body, and now they are exploding. .

“Okay, okay…” Fang Han smiled. “Small servant, I am a small servant. Well, my Fang Han was originally a small servant by fortuitous encounter, Makino, you know me now. How do you see you?”

“What do you think of me?” Makino asked, his mouth slightly tilted up, showing a look of listening.

“I don’t have much opinion about you, because you will be killed by my life in the next moment. I don’t have any comment on a dead person.” Fang Han laughed happily: “I want to play now.” Die you.”


The flash floods broke out, and the sun and the moon tidal. Fang Han’s body, when the voice just fell, turned into a torrent of water, rushing to the pastoral sky.

“Small servant is a small servant, and it is so vulgar to speak. It is difficult to be elegant.” When Fang Han was moved, there was no fear and no movement in the wilderness. He couldn’t move, as if he had become the king of the mountain. Impact on the torrent, not moving.


Fang Han rushed over and handed it over to 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist. He directly hit it and there was a crack in the air. The cracks leaped wildly, such as the tens of thousands of dying dragons ruining Immortal in the fairy world. His body exudes a ray of light, like a chain of order, to block the wilderness.

“The creation is supreme, you don’t have to master it, I will kill you for the heavens, take back your Divine Fist, and return it to heaven.” Makino Cangwu faced Fang Han’s attack, and with a palm of his hand, he played the rule of the Holy Law. A power of dominance, which collapsed the sky and struck from the cracks of the sky, actually blocked Fang Han’s Divine Fist and slowed it down.


One hand of Makino’s sky grabbed Fang Han’s fist in the void.

The two fisters intersect.

Fang Han’s punch is actually caught by students. How big is the power of this wilderness? Divine Immortal peak? Two Divine Immortal, three Divine Immortal? even more?

Makino is in the sky, and at this moment, the peerless Divine Strength is launched.

Fang Han, at this moment, saw the hand of Makino’s own grasp of his fist. The roots were thick and black, like a dragon like a snake, and the knot was inside the skin. In the big ribs, the rivers of the gods squatted, the depths of the skin, Many Immortal Dao texts, which represent the power of the ancient essays, are all contained in them.

“The hand of the ruling, that is the hand of the ruling! In the rumor, the lord of the law is smelt to the extreme, and it becomes the Seven Styles of Ruling. The whole body’s body will change and become the sacred body. Every move has a ruling. Wei. Fang Han can kill Divine Immortal with a punch, but he was hardened by his ruling.”

“How powerful is Makino’s sky? I am rumored to be a man who is not interested in power. Although his reputation is not as loud as his brother, the Great Emperor Makino, but the Martial Dao Cultivation Base is even worse.”

“Yes? But Fang Han can kill Divine Immortal.”

“There is nothing. In the realm of theirs, the gap in the realm can be made up. The Ouyang Qianjie is just a normal Divine Immortal, and Makino can kill him.”

“Fang Han is moving! Look! The wilderness of the wilderness is finally endure, I am afraid to use the earth-shattering masterpiece, Seven Styles of Ruling!”…………

The Instructor between Fang Han and Makino Cangzhen shocked everyone, and many of the world’s top Experts talked about it. On the ancient ship of the mysterious “Shenzhou Gate”, many mysterious Experts have emerged, to see the strikes of these two top experts.

“The hand of the ruling? There is nothing remarkable.”

Fang Han’s fist was caught by the ruling hand, and the whole body suddenly bent like a bow, slammed up, the fist power came back, and then a finger came out.

“Heaven Origin Strike !”

His finger is exactly the same as the Heaven Origin Strike of Immortal Venerable.

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