Eternal Life

Chapter 941

“What is that? Ouyang Qianjie, who has come back from the fairyland, the Divine Immortal-level antique Expert, was actually kicked into the neck with a palm?”

“Isn’t Fang Han still a human?”

“One shot, just a shot throw, the whole person who has been away from the big world is completely destroyed. Even the Emperor who is away from the big world has been killed. It is too late to resist. What is this means? ?”

“Look, that Ouyang Qianjie is still struggling, he will not die like this!”

“How can a person who comes down from heaven come to die! He also has the means to fight back.”

Many people, when they saw this scene, were shocked and stunned, but this is the general change of the light stone. When some people with illusions think that there is a chance to resist in the Ouyang Qianjie, Fang Han suddenly Long shouting, “Do you think that Divine Immortal, the fairyland, has a chance? No, I am Fang Han, a martial art is going to be extinct, refining it for me, killing immediately!”

Fang Han grabbed the palm of his hand and bombarded it with 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist, and he could only die if he struggled with Ouyang Qianjie.


This is another blow between him. The Ouyang Qianjie, screaming again and again, the whole person was bombarded again, turned into a huge bolognese, and was caught by Fang Han.

“Know away from the world, give me the door.”

Fang Han didn’t stop, grabbed it again, the whole place where the big world existed, all the vitality, the magical treasure wreck, the Heavenly Immortal wreck, and even some True Immortal, Void Immortal, all bursting, dying, sucking in In the palm of my hand.

This is a fierce and plundering, fierce and murderous atrocities and atrocities, but it must be said that it is a necessary means of shocking the crowd.

In an instant, the crowds of the great world disappeared without a trace, as if they had never appeared before. Fang Han directly took the pieces of these magical treasures, Ouyang Qianjie’s flesh and blood, and the wreckage rule again into the eight floating sects, booming!

That morning clock, once again turned to Immortal Artifact.

The huge bells are melodious, and Fang Han’s body is popping up with a big clock. On the big clock, hundreds of millions of dragons are entangled, countless Buddhist temples, dragon race’s scriptures are jumping a little, many People have a kind of sincere conversion and want to feel the cult of Fang Han.

33 Skies, Zhou Tianyi, Rongtian bracelet changed into Immortal Artifact, and now the eight bas-reliefs, the gongs and drums, the morning bells change for Immortal Artifact can be said to have a delicate balance.

The strength of the two magical treasures is more modest under the set of the gods of the wilderness.

That week, Tianyi kept speculating on the gongs and drums, the ability of the morning bell, and the ability to adjust the vitality, and the notes of the drums and the morning bells were actually refining into the charm of Tianyuan.

Pure yang vitality, many willingness, the power of blessing, the celestial charm of the snow falling in the snow, now there is a small gongs and drums, the morning bell and the brand, as long as the repairing Taoist people swallow it, It seems that all the time is in the state of the gongs and drums of the morning bell. In this state of repair, there is no Heart Demon, no negative emotions at all, the whole person is always in an ethereal, deep, and sacred realm, the benefits of the Culture Base is too big to be Imagine.

“Okay, very good, the gongs and drums of the morning bells have finally been refined into Immortal Artifact. The next step is to refine the eight battalions into the Immortal Artifact. In the rumor, the destiny is the combination of the tyrannical ancestors and the Buddhism. , a calculated magical treasure, this magical treasure can master the destiny, of course, is rumor, if you can truly master the destiny, it is Gate to Eternity. But this magical treasure once practiced for my Lesser Karma Technique is very big Assist, because it contains the dying ancestors, Buddhism can understand the fate.”

Fang Han calculated that he had made the next step to see which Divine Immortal was killed and refine the ball.

It is a pity that Fang Han’s fight against the battle, as well as the Ouyang Qianjie, has no Immortal Artifact on the body, otherwise it can be refined again, and one of the magical treasures will be upgraded to the extent of Immortal Artifact.

Once the morning bell became Immortal Artifact, the strength of Fang Han increased again, reaching the horror of the 128-way Heavenly Immortal. On the surface, even beyond the exquisite Immortal Venerable.

“And killed another Divine Immortal….”

At this moment, many characters from the Shangqing Jiutian and the women of the Tianchi School are in a state of numbness, looking at Fang Han with invincible eyes. It seems that at this moment, even Fang Han said that he is a heaven. The avatars are not unusual.

They are in a blind mentality for Fang Han, from shocking to blind, and then from blind to worship.

“Dongling Taoist, I still have some Immortal Dao rules, I can’t refine them. Just enter it for you!” Fang Han raised his hand and banged! There are three Heavenly Immortal Immortal Dao rules, once again bombarded into the body of Dongling’s body, so that her strength, once again improved, the collection of pieces of the Pieerless Grade Dao Artifact is a shock, the change becomes half Immortal Artifact.

The strength of Donglingyu has once again increased.

The face of Zu Qingting has changed a bit. Dongling’s promotion has been promoted like this. Even if he displays the reborn Immortal gourd, he is probably not an opponent.

Just now, Fang Han killed the entire people who were away from the big world, refining their twenty-seven ancient Peerless Grade Dao Artifact, killing all Heavenly Immortal, and the income was very rich. Some of the refinery’s vitality entered Dongling. In the body of the cockroach, this is a worldly romance. It’s rare for a million years.

“Okay, Mibao really found the right person. This husband is the scorpion of the destiny of the glory of the heavens. I will go on like this, sooner or later, I will break through the bottleneck and advance to the realm of Divine Immortal. At that time, it will be too clear. The Headmaster Supreme must belong to me. With his support, there is nothing to say about the old antiques of some sects.” Dongling’s refinement of the gains in the body, he secretly thought.

At this moment, the people of the major sects were shocked and shocked.

Fang Han shot, just three strokes and two styles, the thunder and the shackles of the world, the essence of a big world. Even a Divine Immortal Ouyang Qianjie directly killed refining, which is no longer the power that the general Immortal can understand.

A silence.

The top ten big worlds are silent, what is easy to teach, Zuma gods, ancestral land, Wan Yaogu……. countless ancient Taoist doors, demon Demon Dao’s Expert, are also silent, If you measure yourself, can you resist a few strokes if Fang Han is shooting at himself?

The ancient Shenzhou ship that stayed in the sky, the mysterious characters of Shenzhoumen, all flew out of the mind, want to find something, but they can only be smashed outside the karma of the Great Karma Technique. Dare to enter.

Fang Han killed Divine Immortal’s Cultivation Base, which is close to Profound Immortal. This invincible means is mysterious and mysterious. No one dares to go half a step.

“Fang Han, do you want to be the co-owner of this great world, the ancient road?”

Suddenly, in the battlefield of Zhongyang’s world, a voice passed.

It is the voice of the angel of heaven, his tall form, standing in the battlefield, his eyes are piercing, but Zhou Yan is in the layer of protection, for fear that Fang Han suddenly starts and kills him.

At this moment, the central battlefield of Zhongli once again condensed the formed body, and countless old antiques in the battlefield were looming.

The Divine Immortal level of Expert is not a minority.

Zhongyang Central University, known as the world of heaven. Of course, this is just bragging, but from the side it also reflects the number one big world expert like the cloud, definitely not as simple as it appears on the surface.

“Yes, Heaven’s messenger, don’t you agree? When I first came, I met the fighting world of the gods of the gods, and I also disagreed with me as the master. I was killed by a move between the whole family. Just this The people who are away from the big world, I don’t know how to be tall and thick, but I have also been ruined by me. Anyone who defies me will die.” Fang Han swept a glimpse and continued: “But I mind, let’s come again. Anyone who wants to compete for the big names of the lords will enter the ring and fight for a duel, winning and losing moments, and life and death. Which one wins, which one can be a big lord!”

Fang Han’s voice mentioned that none of the people present had dared to export and interrupt him.

Now he has squandered the world whole family, the weight of his voice, reaching the peak, all the cultivators have seen his fierce deities.

“Hey! Do you know? You are a wanted person in the heavens, and dare to think of the big head of the lord? We are now in the middle of the world, and the people of the world, will join forces to crush your town. Can you still turn the sky against all the power of our two great worlds?”

Suddenly, in the Central China World, one and the Great Emperor have some similar Expert tracks.

This Expert, wearing an armor, looks high, the rough and large meridian entangled on the big hand, each meridian, like a Taikoo dragon is crouching.

“This is the priest of the Makino, the great Emperor of the Central Emperor, and the brother-in-law of the Makino, who is known as the ruin of the Immortal Venerable. It is not in seclusion. In the pursuit of the Martial Dao, in the legend, the master of the Makino family has been slaughtered. He repaired the metamorphosis and realized the Seven Styles of Ruling. If the Great Emperor is the king of the world, then his younger brother, Makino, is a peerless warrior. He never cared about power, only Martial Dao Divine Ability. The crystal is determined by the crystal stone.”

Feng Baiyu passed the sound into Fang Han’s ear and said in detail: “The strength of this person may even be above the Great Emperor. The level of fierceness is even worse.”

“is it?”

Fang Han smiled a little: “It turned out to be the younger brother of the Great Emperor of the Central Plains, and the wilderness of the wilderness. I heard that you have brought the master of the warlord Heavenly Monarch to the level of metamorphosis, and evolved Martial. Dao’s incredible Heaven Styles of Ruling. I would like to see, to what extent does this Seven Styles of Ruling reach, can it really judge the life and death of a person?”

“Seven Styles of Ruling, not only the life and death of the ruling, but also the life and death of the universe, everything is under my ruling.” Makino paled said: “Fang Han, you force the Central Emperor Great Emperor Wang Feisheng, this is his plan, you are in his calculations. Now, you challenge me and want to take a look at Seven Styles of Ruling, this is the self-seeking end, anyone who has seen Seven Styles of Ruling , are no longer in this world. You are no exception.”

“Footry!” Fang Han raised his hand. “On your sentence, the Makino family is going to kill the door! It’s about to be destroyed, do you know?”

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