Eternal Life

Chapter 932

“The fragrant incense Buddha, he was flattened by him. This is the Expert of the peak of Divine Immortal. The most great war force that can be revealed in the secular! How powerful is his power?”

Just after Li Tianwang had to escape, he saw that Fang Han had several punches in a row, and the whole body of the Buddha was a group of gold cakes, without any resistance. I couldn’t help but scared and screamed, and the heart came out of my throat. Although he is the master of the king of heaven, he has extraordinary fighting power, but he is also in the middle of the sacred Buddha. Now that Fang Han has flattened the fragrant incense sky, what will he do? ?

Will it be the same?

But he definitely has no courage to test it.

His only thought now is to run and run away on the Protoss.

He displayed the god of heaven, the combination of the whole person’s spirit and the king of the world, suddenly shocked, the world in the distant world of time, some old antiques finally felt his danger, immediately passed the law and force Arrived in his body, at the same time, one time after another, the wormhole was opened, and countless Divine Ability came out. Many unnamed Experts smashed to Fang Han.

It is the old world of Divine Immortal.


Fang Han’s eyes are cold, his body is shocked, his hands are surrounded: “I want to take away the lives of those of you, God, Divine Ability, and the anti-Protoss.”

He was surrounded by the sacred law, and countless time and space wormholes collapsed, and numerous old antique attacks on him shattered.

“Li Tianwang, your son was killed by me. I am going to get rid of the roots, and you can’t escape!” Fang Han grabbed his left hand and displayed the scorpion hand in 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist. The golden pie was caught in the hand, and then stepped out. The heavens and the earth revolved around him. He was invincible, surpassing Divine Immortal, and surrounded by billions of dragons. Life essence is almost immortal. .

The body of the fragrant incense Buddha was beaten into a cake and did not die. His Divine Immortal rule was still struggling in an attempt to condense his body. At the same time, some of the old characters in the Buddha’s passage he opened Many Buddhist statues have been played, and the shadows of countless ancient Buddhas have come to the face of Fang Han, and they have attempted to save the Buddha.

However, this has no use.

Fang Han is standing tall and shouting: “The heavens are dead and I am immortal, the sun and the moon are extinguished and I am not destroyed, Great Dao does not exist, but I will live forever!”

He breathed like a thunderstorm, directly disintegrating the shadows of the ancient Buddhas, and counterattacked the past. Everyone saw a huge passage of the Buddha’s world and he was bombarded with a larger hole. Countless Buddhas and Pure Land, Glass Pure Land , the mother-in-law Baoshu, all appeared. There are gods of up to 100 billion miles, there are King Kong Buddhas, there are golden kingdoms, countless bodhisattvas.

However, Fang Han has counterattacked this, and many Buddhist countries have suffered devastating damage.

Li Tianwang saw a Buddha Vedas who presided over the Buddha’s Kingdom. The Heavenly Immortal-level Expert was bombarded by Fang Han. The whole person was bombed in the Buddha’s world, and a Buddha’s country was destroyed.

Fang Han was so majestic. In the mysterious world, the forces bombarded the Buddha into the world and destroyed a Heavenly Immortal-level Buddha.

“Buddha, save me!” The fragrant incense Buddha made a rushing voice. The people in the Buddha world could not save him. Instead, they were bombarded by Fang Han and they all killed. He knew that the disaster was coming, but he was not willing.

“Give me refining!”

Fang Han strode, his fists pinched, and the scent of the scented Buddha’s entire body of gold was integrated into his body. His whole person once again screamed in the sky and was extremely fierce. The sound wave roared out, and countless protoss in the air fell. In the process of the fall, they burst into explosions and turned into countless Divine Ability fruits. Longevity fruit entered its body and was stored by the Eight Buddhism.

The fragrant incense Buddha is a Divine Immortal! Divine Immortal’s Law is no different. Ten thousand Heavenly Immortal may not be able to cultivate Divine Immortal. Comprehend Divine Immortal’s Law, refining Immortal Artifact, must have Divine Immortal’s skeleton flesh and blood to sacrifice blood, that Yazong Road refining Immortal Artifact Dacheng It was also the occasional death of the Divine Immortal body.

Now, a living Divine Immortal is blown up by Fang Han, refining and refining, and everyone is shocked.

“Zhou Tianyi! Give me promotion to Immortal Artifact!” Fang Han roared and snarled, the Divine Immortal body of the scented Buddha, flesh and blood, entered the Zhoutianyi in 33 Skies world, 33 Skies to Baozhong, Zhou Tianyi hosted The calculations also play a pivotal role. Once promoted to Immortal Artifact, it is likely to produce incredible changes again.

The planet’s general Zhou Tianyi seems to be a big world. The countless days and moons make up the trajectory, star map, sky map, river map, god book, and the Tao.

The fragrant incense Buddha was integrated into it. Zhou Tianyi got the Divine Immortal rule. It was originally a semi-Immortal Artifact. It was turned into a real Immortal Artifact, and the powerful Immortal Dao rule was turned from it. The 33 Skies world’s vitality has condensed into a series of charms. These charms, snowflakes, represent the mysterious world. From then on, as long as the cultivator in the Eight Buddhism, absorb the pure yang vitality, they all absorb these Symbol.

That pure yang vitality under the evolution of Zhou Tianyi, actually combined again, turned into a rune.

“Tianyuan Rune! This is the god charm! In the rumor, only the Taigu power, in the breath of the breath, will be pure yang combination of gas into a god charm, and then absorbed into, is the ordinary absorption of thousands 10,000 times!” Feng Bai Yu, Red Devils, Heart Demon, the old man, shocked and shocked.

There are also many flaws in the absorption of vital energy.

The same kind of vitality is condensed and swallowed by different techniques of vomiting, and the effect of repairing sputum is different. It is like the same carbon gas. After the condensing, some are turned into black smoke, and some are turned into diamonds. The difference is so big. The same is true of pure yang.

Now Zhou Tianyi has changed into Immortal Artifact. Actually, the evolution of pure yang into a symbol of Tianyuan is re-absorbed, which is equal to the highest and almost the ability to create.

At this moment, Zhou Tianyi finally showed the magical side of the artifact.

“Tianyuan charm, the snow falls. This is even in the fairy world, it is impossible to show again!” Feng Baiyu excitedly said that he was bathed in it, even out of the ground, the whole body seal was solved again, Dusk of the Gods appeared On top of the head, it actually began to break through to the Heavenly Immortal realm.

The promotion of Fang Han is like the promotion of heaven and earth. Anyone who is in the Eight Buddhism can get endless benefits.

Fang Han, regardless of the promotion of Feng Baiyu, he is now like the ancient gods, the ancient killing of Heavenly Monarch, and the refining of the fragrant sky, making Zhou Tianyi change for Immortal Artifact, its quality has been greatly improved. More and more impossible.

“Run, run! We have been absolutely not the opponent of this person! He is completely crazy! The Protoss robbery is his chance, but also the end of his death!” The Heavenly Messenger yelled at Li Tianwang, at this time he I was also shocked and saw that Fang Han hit the long-scented Buddha and then refining. There is also a cold chill in the depths of my heart.

“I am king of the world, and the Expert of the Central China World has come to support. Let’s go!” Li Tianwang saw and opened countless time and space channels. Some old antique characters felt the Protoss robbery and came one after another. He got the assist, his body flashed and drifted again.

The protoss army in the sky is getting denser and denser, and all the sun and the moon outside the Xuanhuangda world are refining.

“The goddess of heaven, this time we attacked the mysterious big world, but we have to look at the mysterious people in the mysterious world?” On the high nine days, the Lord in the Protoss, the Experts at the Emperor level gathered together. A tall hat of the gods, with a knife and a chisel. The hands are large, but the skin is delicate, and some of them have golden light.

“Hey! Xuanhuang big world is not as good as once. No Lord is born. Coiling Martial Immortal Venerable was only slightly stronger. Then I suddenly got the inheritance of the original Taoist people. I was promoted to the legendary Heavenly. Monarch, which made our Lord’s Seven Emperor’s Emperor’s Emperor Shih Tzu and other Lords to kill him.” Another Emperor said, “Now these powers have disappeared into the long history of history, the most powerful Expert. It is also called Immortal Venerable. Of course, this time we are determined to open the fairyland channel in an all-round way. Zhongguan Yangda World, Tianwang World, and some ancient Taoistmen’s Experts will come to aid. However, under the crush of our Protoss army, it has also turned into powder.”

“What is that? The lower bound is in great war!”

“It is too Primordial Immortal House, the door of Xuanzang was born. The Dragon Expert, the Buddha’s Expert are all robbed! That is the King of Heaven in the King of Heaven. The dragon race’s battle genius, the dark blue scorpion! Delicate Immortal Venerable, also There is a heavenly messenger, a fragrant incense Buddha.”

“Who is that young man? Are we going to snatch it?”

“Ah! Heaven Origin Strike, is Heaven Origin Strike! Killed the dark blue scorpion. This is the Heaven Origin Strike of Hong Meng Dao, who was even seriously injured by our legendary ancestor, the ancestor of the ancestor. ”

“The door of Xuanzang has changed. The young man has been promoted to Heavenly Immortal! The power of tyranny, what power is this? So sharp.”

“The fragrant incense Buddha is actually flattened by a palm! It is refining! What is the horrible thing? The young man is not a human being? How could it be so powerful. The fragrant sky Buddha is Divine Immortal! Oops, our Protoss army Destroyed a lot.”

Many of the gods, just coming, felt a strong volatility, and saw the following scene of the flash of fire. In particular, Fang Han’s promotion reached the level of Heavenly Immortal, and a few punches gave the scene of the scented Buddha. For all the Emperor, the Emperor’s mind has planted an undefeated God of War, a non-deaf and non-sinister horror soul seed.

“The Protoss! There is nothing. All the Emperors, give me a hand!” Fang Han saw Li Tianwang and the Heavenly Messengers fleeing, and did not catch up. Looking up into the sky, they wore many Protoss troops and saw the Emperor In the place where he gathers, he shouts and screams, and when he hits the palm of his hand, the mighty forces form an eternal galaxy, scouring time and space, and smashing the immortal time and space completely.

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