Eternal Life

Chapter 931

“Life and life, once you step out, no longer humans, heaven rules, life is short, sun and moon are innocent, Yin and Yang translocation, today’s achievement Heavenly Immortal, his day must be immortal…”

Fang Han’s working force, the body of the world, the true Immortal Dao rule finally concise.

The strength of his body has risen steadily, the power of thirty Heavenly Immortal… forty… fifty… sixty… and finally the violent rise to the power of ninety-nine Heavenly Immortal Just stayed.

Originally, with his anti-day rebellion, he was inspected by the immortal world and violated the rules of the immortal world. It is impossible to promote 圞Heavenly Immortal, and he realized the heavens, but because of the confusion, Heavenly Monarch made a move, in the chaotic flesh and blood. Left behind his own will, reaching the fairy world, guarding Fang Han, so that he finally concise the rules of the fairy world, really honest.

Although the Deaf King is a Demon Dao cultivator, when he was promoted to Heavenly Immortal, it was far from the danger of Fang Han. It was the direct will to reach the fairyland, and he felt a little bit ignorant, and then he fell down and repaired it.

Fang Han did not know how to be led into the Xianxian Pool and encountered the Lord object attack. If it weren’t for the confusion, Heavenly Monarch would be guarded and hard to escape.

The power of the flesh-and-blood elemental refining was incredibly large. Many dragon emperors, Demon Soul, ancient gods and beasts, World of Warcraft, monsters, and even the blood lines of the Buddha, Immortal, all were integrated into Fang Han. In the innocent body, while rushing into the eight floats, 33 Skies world.

Immediately, many of the existences of the eight bas-reliefs were all inflated and promoted one by one.

Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng! ………

Tongyu Tianjian Zongjian fifteen, sword thirteen and so on, all have realized the Void Immortal rule.

The crystal of Water Crystal Paradise, as well as some of the sects of the old antiques, all turned into Void Immortal. The stars, the Master of Star Master, Sun and Moon Sword Sect, were also promoted to Void Immortal.

Kuo Rongzhen was also promoted to Void Immortal.

That sinister goddess, Muna gods respect, Yuan Wuzhen, Yu Wenji, Xuan Wuzhen, Qi Zhenjun……… These original Void Immortal, all promoted to a level, turned into True Immortal.

The most profitable is Mi Bao, she just swallowed the treasure rock, the whole body was shocked, the door of the fairyland opened wide, sucked her soul into it, and then seemed to reach the fairy world, feeling the realization of everything, the next In a flash, the eyes opened, the power of the whole body climbed, and the light of the treasures was released, and it was actually built as Heavenly Immortal.

This is all influenced by Fang Han.

“Follow the wings! Give me refining!”

Fang Han’s promotion to Heavenly Immortal, the whole person’s vision and realm have been raised to a level, the strength is not to mention, almost four or five times higher.

Moreover, the power of the whole body has broken through the limits, and the quality has changed, turning into a pure Immortal Dao Astral Qi. The Immortal Dao Astral Qi is full of fascinating Immortal Dao rules.

This time his law of life rushed into the “wing of self-defense”, this Immortal Artifact immediately could not resist, roaring into two blue dragons, immersed in the eight floating sluts, various The huge symbolic, various Immortal Dao great arrays are displayed in front of Fang Han and appear in his mind. The Artifact Spirit inside is also melted and becomes a supplement.


Fang Han has a pair of wings on his back.

This pair of wings, compared to the “Black Emperor tide” of the year, “Black Emperor tide”, the water and fire wings do not know how many times stronger, how many times mysterious.

“I finally captured the wing of self-defeating and integrated into the eight floating sects. I can use the many abilities of this self-defeating wing.” Fang Han is self-proclaimed by the wing, slightly fanned, and there is a kind of It is possible to break the rules of the fairy kingdom and fly the artistic conception of the fairyland. And he felt that some rules of the fairy world could not bind him.

Even, he wants to try it, carrying his own mountain gates and many Expert Day Demon Soul families flying up.

“Fang Han, although the wing is very powerful, you can ignore the rules, but it is far from being concise. You have to carry Heavenly Demon to fly, you must save, repair and refine to a higher level, and then you will be self-sufficient. With the thorough condensing of the wing, the Great Karma Technique will also promote a realm, and then play the power of the world-famous Wangfu Fu, and perhaps be able to steal the sky.”

The sound of the exquisite Immortal Venerable is passed over.

“When the Great Emperor of Huang Qiquan, at the moment of the ascent, it was Heavenly Monarch. But it was because of Heavenly Monarch, it was really too shocking, and it ignited the 33 Skies artifact, and the creation of the immortal king in the meditation, and There are many ancient Heavenly Monarchs who have joined forces. They are beaten and smashed by a single blow. You can steal the sky if you don’t have a big shock.”

“It’s the same!” Fang Han was immersed in the joy of his realm and the promotion of strength. He heard the words of Immortal Venerable, and he was also a clever mind. He knew that it was soaring now. It’s not the time to deal with the Protoss robbery. Get enough benefits to say more.

Heaven is not better than the world.

Now his strength, in the secular, can be described as invincible, the town is pressing the Quartet, but if it is in the heavens, it is also a small ant, can only survive in the cracks. If you are not careful, you will be slammed by Lord.

“No, he is at this juncture. The breakthrough has reached the realm of Heavenly Immortal! How can this person break through the sky? How can it be broken? It should be stuck at this mark, and there is no way to enter. If he breaks through, the consequences will be disastrous. Ah.” The Heavenly Envoy was shocked. Although he was Divine Immortal, he combined the power of many Experts in Zhongyang’s world, but for the current Fang Han, he knew that he was not an opponent.

Now Fang Han, standing in the air, behind a pair of self-proclaimed wings, the palm of the hand, like a day, a little turn, you can reverse the Qiankun, destroy the universe, terrible.

And in his eyes, a little flashing, countless thunder bursts, various King Grade Immortal Artifact, Lord objects appear, at this moment, he seems to be the center of the whole time and space, the final and origin of all things . The long river of destiny, he whirls around, screams and roars.

In his hand, he has the most terrifying power. In his heart, he has the most tyrannical overbearing, and the cosmic hegemony is handsome. Among his heads, he has the highest level of wisdom and calculation ability. His eyes can penetrate the heavens. .

This is not the point where general thinking can be guessed.

With instinct, the Heavenly Envoy feels an extreme danger, and life is at stake.

It is Fang Han who looks at it with a faint look. Whether it is the Heavenly Envoy, Li Tianwang, or the Xiangxiang Sky Buddha, there is a kind of will that collapses and can’t resist the taste.

“Recession! Protoss robbery, the situation is chaotic, and soon, the heavens will come to the army to confront, and the major worlds will receive the fairy tales, come to the reinforcements, all kinds of ancient Experts, will also appear one after another, against the Protoss This Fang Han is also fierce!”

The celestial messenger screams, tears and smashes the void, and must flee.

Li Tianwang is also a spirit, to leave here.

“Where to go! You are going to die here today!” Fang Han took a shot, hehe! Countless pieces of explosives exploded, and the pieces of time and space collapsed. They actually smashed the heavenly messenger from the sky and ruptured, and the blood of the big mouth spurted out.


The incense Buddha grew up seeing the fierceness of Fang Han. The Buddha Vedas were also scared and immediately turned to return to the Buddha world.

However, Fang Han saw him again, and his hands were empty, and a golden light, immediately slammed the void and formed a golden cage! This cage represents the order, the chain of the order of the order, no matter how the buddha Buddha struggles, can not escape.

“Wanfo Chaozong, the palm of the Buddha! Give me broken!”

The scent of the scented Buddha is arrogant, and there are sounds like the snail, the drum, the wooden fish, etc., and he spits out the red-golden blood. The blood blazes and burns, and countless Buddha light passes from the Buddha world and turns into a Buddha’s hand. In the center of the Buddha’s palm, a “卍” character, when the air is shocked, breaks the cage of the order chain.

“I am Divine Immortal, you can trap me? You will encounter the disaster of destroying the top! Destroy the Buddha, the contribution of the Buddha! The people of the Vedas will get the contribution!”

The fragrant incense Buddha grows up and vomits, and a scent of sandalwood scent fills the universe. One of the pure gold relics flies out. The pure gold relic is concise by his hard work. It is equivalent to a million years. Cultivation Base. Even directly attacked Fang Han, the power has some “Heaven Origin Strike” that is similar to the exquisite Immortal Venerable.

“be careful !”

The Emperor’s pen, Heart Demon, and the Red Devil are all shocked.

“This is the big Buddha’s contribution to kill, it is the wrath of the Buddha after the Vedic.”

Fang Han is a prestige, like the undefeated God of War, stands on the spot, hits the palm of the hand, the big hand is like a hook, the anti-palm, the Great Dao in the sky, the golden relic, and the scent of sandalwood that permeates the universe, all of which are in the palm of the hand. Among them, “I jumped out of Wanjie, not in the Five Miles, because the result of the report was not able to bless me, I not only want to call the Vedas, but also kill the Buddha Vedas! Give me Dead!” After collecting the Buddha’s relic, Fang Han did not let go of the fragrant Buddha, and his face showed a faint smile. The whole man was strong and strong, and a piece of pure land was unfolding in the body. The images of various Immortal flashed out.

He stepped forward and Zhou countless syllables resounded all the time. It was like a scorpio, like a man, a human being, and everyone in the world was in control. Wisdom, strength, eternity, and void were all in between.

One step punch.

This is a punch through the epic, the peak of hundreds of millions of civilizations.


The Buddha light of the Buddha’s scented Buddha’s body was all broken, and even the contribution of the ruined gold wheel was completely disintegrated. All the magical treasures collapsed under the punch, and he was wounded between the arrogant The general barking, half body body was broken, he tried to communicate with the Buddha world, draw strength from it, and want to repair his body. In the body, there are countless medicine pill burning and providing vitality healing.

But Fang Han didn’t give him a chance, but it was a step forward.

The momentum is like a mountain, the white rainbow runs through the sun, this punch, collapse! The other half of the body of the fragrant sky Buddha once again shattered and turned into a golden Buddha light, and began to burn.

“Niepan Dharma!” He attempted to destroy the confrontation.

“No use!” Fang Han hit the big hand, and Gai Tianzhen rolled down. Just a moment, he made this group of golden light into a group of gold cakes. The fierceness is impossible.

A Buddha Vedas was smashed into a platter.

What a shock? What an incredible?

Countless Protoss above the high nine days seem to have seen this scene, and they have stopped the pace of rushing. Some of the gods scared and almost fell from the sky.

“The Protoss robbery, I have to be resolved!” Fang Han looked into the sky, raised his hand, and banged! A sky was directly smashed into a cyan cake, and thousands of gods, gods, and emperors were blown up and became a pancake.

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