Eternal Life

Chapter 900

Originally in the “Destroy Saint Great”, Fang Han suffered an attack, and the Astral Qi, which was hit with the bodyguard, was broken. It was a constant temper, and it was a bit of a failure, but he was not so easy to beat. It is about to display counter-attacks, and in one fell swoop, it will mobilize Shibaoyan and the Eight Buddhism to carry out bombing. (peak novel handwriting novel)

Who knows, Aura of the ancestral mirror actually ignited the source of evil in the depths of the Dibao. The dead gray big hand appeared and was invincible.

In the face of such an opportunity, Fang Han will be willing to let go? It is your best chance. If you can kill a few Heavenly Immortal Powerhouses and integrate them into the eight floats, even if this treasure can’t be the real Immortal Artifact, the “semi-Immortal Artifact” can still be transformed. of.

Peerless Grade Dao Artifact and “Semi-Immortal Artifact” are different.

If the eight floats are transformed into “semi-Immortal Artifact”, then you can summon the true dragon power from the void to the ruined ancestors, and even transform your own bloodline, and get the power of the real bloodline of the ruined ancestors. Even the bloodline of the noble dragon before the previous universe.

Moreover, the 33 Skies world by 33 Skies has gained more Immortal Dao rules, and it can also extract more of the power from the air, and there are many unimaginable benefits.

He is especially interested in the “big sword” and must be robbed.

This “big sacred knife”, when it was refining, contained the powder of “Divine Immortal skeleton”, which was also a good material for refining Immortal Artifact. In the past, if it was not “Ya Zongdao”, occasionally found a “Divine Immortal skeleton”, then It is also impossible to practice an Immortal Artifact in the Heavenly Immortal realm.

In the open path of the gray hand, Fang Han showed his 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist and bombarded Yazong Road. At the same time, he and Mi Bao, at the same time spurred the separation of the treasure rock, for suppression. Xiaguang billions of roads, True Dragon Gigabytes, vigorously under the camera, hit the yazon road dodge again and again, the “Daofa nature” state was broken.

“Fang Han, you have even displayed such things as the source of all evils. It is simply not tolerable, and you will not be allowed to go to the world. God will punish you.” Endless starry sky seems to hang down, stars Curtain, to wrap the big hand of the evil source of gray.

However, the dead gray hand was only slightly shocked, and all the blade light was shattered.


Fang Han bombarded the body of Ya Zongdao, causing the doorkeeper’s bodyguard Astral Qi to start to break with the clothes. The blade light of the great holy knife was dim, and the Immortal Artifact was covered with dust.

The branch of Baoyan fell from the top of the head, and even the back of the “Ya Zongdao” was crushed.

“First in the air, Divine Pill, give me a burst!”

In the face of this scene, Yazong Road began to desperately, and opened his mouth. It seems that in the depths of his world, a watermelon pill sprayed like a watermelon, like a star, emitting a million fragrant and red light. Suddenly a shock, a direct explosion, and even explode the treasure rock, he rushed directly from the sound of thousands of explosions, and took out hundreds of millions of knives, each knife contains the heavens and the earth, mellow, like a mountain stream It’s like the tide of the sea, it’s better like the moon and the sky.

For the use of the knife method, Ya Zongdao can be said to be the ultimate in cultivation.

The knife is on the road.

The knife is the road.

“Fully Divine Fist!” Fang Han is not afraid, and the body once again has a tortoiseshell war, letting the blade light rush on himself, exploding thousands of sparks, not moving, he punches, points to the key, footsteps Every step of the move shook the sky.

“Yizong Dao, you don’t have to destroy the holy array to attack me. I don’t use the source of all evil. You are not my opponent at all. Do you think that the law can naturally treat me? I will let you take a look, I Real strength, fate, and fate!” Suddenly, Fang Han is in the blade light, life begins to burn, a fate appears in the whole body, in the long river, everyone, even Heavenly Immortal, Be able to see your life.

This fate of the river is the first, directly a volume, countless blade light is incorporated into it, turned into formless, completely degraded.

Fang Han hands clasped in the day, inward, kā chā ! The big holy blade blade light was all clamped, and the body was directly captured by the hand of the Ten Claw Zulong.


When Yazong’s face changed, he had to take the knife back, but Fang Han was forced to squeeze in. The hands of the ten-clawed ancestors, each paw, flashed the glory of destiny, and made him unstoppable.

“Puzzle!” Yazong Road transported Dacheng Divine Fist, a punch in the past, two punches in the air, and immediately his body, even explosions, flesh and blood, the whole person flew out.

It happened that the big gray hand was caught and was facing his body.

His face is at this moment, and it is like a gray, knowing that it is caught by the source of all evils. It can be repaired by Fang Han. It can be repaired. Even if he is the highest person among Heavenly Immortal, he will be caught in the air. Died of death. The Saitama Taoist just proved this scene.

“The doorkeeper!”

At this moment, the side of his side, the face was cold, suddenly, and the Immortal Artifact of the End of the World was sacrificed, and it hit the big hand of the dead gray.

The End of the World is a Low Grade Immortal Artifact. Although it is not as powerful as a chaotic element, it is a treasure, and it is strong. But after all, it is Immortal Artifact. It has the law of Immortal Dao, the ancient sage refining, the impact, and it is separated instantly. Space and time make the distance of one inch become far away.

Fang Han saw that at this moment, all the Taoist lords had moved to the ancestors of the ancestors, and the time and space of Fang Han was suddenly separated and flew away. In the past, the gray hand of the evil source seems to be unable to get close.

“It’s a long way to go, two divisions.” Mi Bao brows.

The big hand of the evil source seems to have felt it too. The evil spirit is fierce ten times, suddenly stretched out, kā chā! Actually, skyrocketing, filling the heavens and the earth, directly grasping the sacred path of the day.

This ruler seems to be afraid, to escape like a flight.

However, how to escape the killing of the evil source, directly, it was caught, and then the ruler seems to have encountered the giant snake of the flame barbecue, the distortion of the suffering.

“Kill! Immortal Artifact must not be lost!” Ya Zongdao face madness, once again displayed the “Tao Fa natural” knife, hard to rush, save the horizon of the world!

“good chance!”

Fang Han saw this scene and knew the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to come again. His body has been reduced in size, such as the projectile jumping in the sky, directly approaching the many giants of the Tianya faction, the first to aim at the end of the world, punched out.

In this boxing, the virtual shadow of World Tree appeared, and the bombardment of life was entered into the body world of Awaken. I played this screaming scream.


Yawu did not expect that Fang Han would suddenly appear in front of him, coming so fast. Fang Han has just cast a sneak attack with the light and the big fairy, and this punch is also playing all the power.

The body of Awaken was beaten directly, and a green light spread his whole body, followed by roots, green roots and branches from his nose, mouth, eyes and ears. bud. Actually, Fang Han punched the power of World Tree and the key to the gods into his body, then swelled and opened.


The whole body of Ai Wuben produced an explosion.

Numerous flesh and blood, scattered in the air, a small world, evolved into the universe, exudes powerful power in the flesh and blood, constantly vibrating, every trembling power can make a star collapse, this is the Avatar The origin of the world of the world.

The most core strength.

“I killed your son, you have to avenge your son, then I will kill you and refine you. I will smash the roots! Originally, I will go to the End of the World after the Protoss robbery. I can’t think of today. I got what I wanted.” Fang Han succeeded, and the screams rushed into countless flesh and blood, and suddenly displayed the dragons of all things, while his hands showed the tricks of 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist. It captures the core of the world of Awaken.

“Fang Han, you are a beast, you want to refine me. I can’t make your tricks come true.” Yah-Wen is crazy, the world’s original law is trembled, and countless flesh and blood gathers in the center, I don’t know how to display it. What power is out. Actually reborn again, turned into a human form, and launched a counterattack against Fang Han’s lower abdomen.

“The soul is broken!”

boom! A trick was cast out on his hands, directly covering Fang Han.

But Fang Han just sneered again and again: “Dying and struggling, it is useless.” Directly punched, and then defeated the soul of the world, and then the hands of the ten claws, slap down from start to finish, and grabbed it. The hair of Ai Wuben, the seal of the road, appeared on the body of Awaken, and the chains of the road completely locked his limbs, head and neck, and even the cheekbones.

Even this chain of chains directly penetrated his life world, and the Immortal Dao rule that tied him, in a twinkling of an eye, made him an ordinary person, completely controlled by Fang Han.

Fang Han took advantage of the “Awaken”, the owner of the Tianya Haige, Heavenly Immortal, and all the people of the Tianya faction were shocked and stunned. Up to now, there have been “the martial arts gods” and “Yuyu Taoist” died in the hands of Fang Han. Now it seems that this “Awakening” is also fierce.

“Let my brother! Beast!”

White hair, the main door of the ancestor, Zongdao, sees that Awaken is being taken, and his eyes are red. At this time, he is fighting against the source of the dead gray and evil. He was not the opponent of the evil gray hand, but in In the extremely high heaven, a thunderstorm was brewing, and Aura, who was robbed, seemed to be kneeling down, and his Divine Immortal scorpion flew out and formed a great array. Resist some power.


Just as he roared, the sky suddenly landed countless life stars, the emptiness of thunder, and smashed the source of evil to the gray hand.

Unconsciously, I went to the 900 chapter. Everyone red ticket and collection support.

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