Eternal Life

Chapter 899

Fang Han and Mi Bao did not think that this “Ya Zong Dao” would suddenly be awe-inspiring and display the magical knife of the “three knives of the sacred sacred sacredness”, and entangled himself so that his power could not be exerted. Thus, the people of Tianyamen were once again surrounded. (peak novel handwriting novel)

This time, the people of the Tianya faction are surrounded, and they are really desperate, and all of them burn their lives.

The end of the world, even the destruction of a total of four or five pieces of their own Peerless Grade Dao Artifact, and then the sacrificial, in exchange for a powerful force, transported into the “destroyed great array”.

The great array that the Tianya faction puts out is called “the destruction of the great array”, and the saints can kill them. It can be seen that it is fierce.

“It doesn’t matter, my sister won’t die so easily. He can only bring him back with a flesh and blood. I can take him back, ask the ancestors of the sect, display the Profound Immortal, and break the law of his brokenness. Condensed. And big, I caught dozens of True Immortal, dug out their rules of life and death, and put them down to the great array.”

A group of flesh and blood, squirming in the air, of which only the weak soul Aura, and some broken rules, such a form, can not be called a person. It’s just a piece of rotten meat.

This is the body of the lord of the Tianya Haige, which was smashed down by Fang Han. It is the nephew of Ai Wuben, and the nephew of Ai Zongdao.

“Fighting the great array”, the whole body of Fang Han was covered, and traces of the road appeared on all sides, as if the mirror was broken, like the texture of the Great Dao.

This great array, driven by all the characters of the End of the World, is enough to trap Divine Immortal. Moreover, the Expert of the final array of the great array is the main ancestor of the door. The avatar is natural, attacking Fang Han, the blade light flashing, and depriving the power of creation.

Immediately before the situation reversed, Fang Han and Mi Bao were trapped in it, only the merits of parry, no effort to fight back.

The sacred great array was launched, overwhelming, up and down, all sides, and all the universe was shrouded. In the enveloped void, the Great Dao rips collapsed, killing Fang Han and destroying everything.

“Kill him, regenerate and regenerate!” In the mouth and nose of Ah Wu, all of them spurted out the fire of God. This is a fire that is called the Seven Fire True Fire. It is the cultivation of the life, and it can melt the law of Immortal Dao. At this point, it was sprayed out to kill Fang Han completely in the great array.

“Yes, destroy the holy array, you can kill the ancient sages.” A Heavenly Immortal Powerhouse, also the leader of the Tianyai “Yuyu Daochang”, called the Yum Immortal, is a whole body of the body of the Middle- Aged man, he burned his life, showed his own “Jade Fire,” a torrent of jade torrents, burning, injected into the destruction of the great array, urging the entire great array to reach the extreme, squeaking .

“We shot together and shocked!”

The existence of each giant has spurted the fire, and at the same time, they screamed, and the big hands move towards the array, and they each sacrificed the strongest kill.

“Jade falls!”

“It’s a great sadness!”

“The fierce god is coming!”

“Very full of energy!”

“Xianzong Dawei!”………

There are more than a dozen lore tricks, twisted into one, descending from the sky, falling into the great array, with the Tao of the ancestral Tao, naturally bombarded on the body of Fang Han.

It’s awkward!

Fang Han’s body, the inch of the crack, the blood of the dragon, rogue. In the past, after his body was broken, there was no flesh and blood and no bones, but the endless world of the eight floating sects, but now he has gradually refined the illusion into reality, and there are several appearances of the ruined ancestors, waiting for him all. Refining and smashing the flesh and blood of the fetus, I am afraid that it will have the true form of the ruined dragon.

“Fang Han !”

At this time, Mi Bao hid into the world of Fang Han and saw that Fang Han was smashed and screamed. Desperately conveyed the power of origin, and motivated the demarcation rock, the light flashed, for the Fang Han to resist the refinery of the Saint great array.

The bombardment of the St. Great array continued, and Fang Han was swaying from side to side, and the body was about to explode.

“Fang Han, do you think that my Tianya faction really can’t destroy you? You are too small to see our strength. An ancient school, definitely not your pheasant can be beautiful. Next year, that is The day of the creation of the door. “Awaken this pair of eyes red, angry into the excitement, to kill Fang Han completely, destroyed here.

“Refining this person, getting his eight Buddhism, World Tree, and Di Baoyan. We can really become the first door of the ancient martial art.”

“This is an opportunity!”

“Thousands of thousands of knives, thousands of fires torment. Destroy the holy sage.” … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

Between the two, Fang Han’s body seems to be constantly collapsing. It has been separated by Draconian. In his body, a pagoda float appears and seems to fly away at any time.

“Good! The eight bas-reliefs have finally come out. This treasure, I have to get it. Combine it with my great sacred sword, and then kill the Heavenly Immortal blood sacrifice, you can turn it into a real Immortal Artifact. By that time, I It’s really the first person at the Heavenly Immortal level and can even beat Divine Immortal!”

Seeing this floating sect, Yazong Road is full of white hair flying, downward impact, blade light changes, the natural charm of the Tao, rolling impact, never ending.

“The power of the End of the World is really powerful. However, it is not an easy thing to want me, the origins are good, the two are one, the treasure is dragon, the eight True Dragon!” Fang Han is here. At the moment, suddenly shocked, actually used the material to turn the dragon, sacrificial refining points, and at the same time forcibly combined the power of origin and the power of creation.

His hand is not to rob the treasures in the hands of Mibao, but to know that with the all-round dragon crucificial refining, you can exert the greatest power in your own hands.

Suddenly, the Eight Buddhism flashed, and Aura, the ancestral mirror, began to flash. It penetrated into the space at the deepest point of the Di Baoyan.


In the deepest part of the treasure rock, an ancient god suddenly began to vibrate. It seemed to be the Aura of the ancestral mirror, the coffin cover was opened, and the Aura of the evil source was transmitted. Subsequently, a large, dead gray hand slowly stretched out from it, a sinful gas, grievances, resentment, grievances, resentment, and grievances… the source of evil.

“The source of all evils? Is it still hidden in the treasure rock?” Fang Han God noticed this scene, but also shocked, for this thing, he knows that the heavens do not accommodate, but in his use of Mi Bao’s points At the time of Baoyan, I did not feel the Aura of this thing. Originally, he thought that he was taken to the fairyland by the treasure owner, and then was erased by the power of the fairy world. It is now hidden in the depths of the core, not being noticed by oneself, but was inspired by Aura of the ancestral mirror.

This surprise is no different.

However, from the depths of his heart, Fang Han felt that the source of all evils seemed to be no threat to himself because of the relationship between Aura and Aura. Instead, he suddenly grabbed his hand and grabbed it out.

Pūchī !

Between the dead gray hand and the sudden shot of the evil source, all the brilliance of the destruction of the great array was broken, and the whole great array was on the verge of collapse, and the air was rolling and filling the universe.

This dead gray hand represents the source of extreme evil, endless horror, endless power.

“What is this?” The sorcerer’s sorcerer’s sorcerer collapsed and saw the big hand of the dead gray stick out, the suffocating, making him almost vomiting, and the body of Heavenly Immortal gave birth to a disease. “How is it possible, I am the body of Heavenly Immortal, no disease, no disaster, how can there be a feeling of disease, but this evil gas, I…”

He hasn’t returned to the gods, and the big gray hand is caught on his side, and he directly catches it. His entire Immortal Dao Astral Qi is ruptured. Then it seems that the eagle picks up the chicken and directly pinches it.


This Saitama Taoist was pinched into a mass of meat sauce, and then turned into a gray color, and even the Heavenly Immortal rule in the body was turned into a gray ash and integrated into the gray hand.

A Heavenly Immortal is instantly killed by this big hand!

“This is the source of the treasure, the source of all evil!” Ai Zongdao looked at it and was shocked. It seemed to know what it was. “It turns out that the treasurer will die. It turns out that he wants to bring such a horrible thing into heaven. How can heaven be tolerated? No wonder he will die. But how can this evil source be controlled by Fang Han? When you come out, you will counter the master, and no one can control them!”


Just between the ancestral flash of Yazong Road, the big hand of the dead gray, once again grasped the “Awakening Road.”

“Retirement! The people of the End of the World, quickly retreat! Leave here, the source of all evils will appear, the heavens will naturally lower the punishment.” Yazong Road flew up, the big Chengsheng knife in his hand, smothered to the dead gray big hand Once again, the natural killings of the deportation law were attempted to resist the attack of this evil source.

“What the hell is going on?” Mi Bao saw this scene and was shocked.

“It is the source of all evil. You didn’t know how to get the source of all evil, and wanted to bring it into the heavens. So you encountered a robbery.” Fang Han immediately said, urging the strength of the flesh-and-blood element, began to recover, and the blood of the flaming fire burned. In the twinkling of an eye, the injury was restored.

“Father said that there is something in the Dibao rock that can’t be accommodated by the heavens, so let me not move him, because once it moves, it will counter the master.” Mibao hurriedly said.

“No matter, I feel that the most important treasure is the source of control.” Fang Han said: “The source of evil will not hurt us, so we take advantage of this great opportunity to exterce the world. More Heavenly Immortal blood sacrifices, especially with the big sanctification knife, together with the dragon, my eight floats will be promoted to a more realm. Together, the thief will first smash the king! Kill the ya zongdao!”

Fang Han regained all strength, and the body rose to the sky. A punch hit the end of the ancestral road. Aura with the ancestral mirror, the dead gray hand of the evil source did not affect him.

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