Eternal Life

Chapter 877

“Hey, these magical treasures and materials, as well as medicine pill are getting more and more expensive. (peak novels are novels.) Since Tianya Haige has mastered the status of the master of the world, our days are not good.”

“A flying sword of High Grade Treasured Artifact, there are so many pure yang Dan, how can I afford it.”

“Hey, forbidden. Don’t let the disciple of Tianya Haige hear it, we’re afraid we won’t be able to eat it.”

“Complete the big world so that they can go on, I am afraid that no cultivator will come to buy things. Business can’t do it.”

Around the newly built city of “Tian Ya Hai Ge”, tens of millions of miles away, there are also some large chambers of commerce that are operating in gloom, and some cultivators are slouching in buying and selling goods. The heart is cursing “the end of the sea”.

Just then, suddenly, some powerful cultivators felt a strong volatility. Experts of countless chambers of commerce saw the newly built city above the Tianya Haige. The huge dragon claws descended from the sky and destroyed the city.

“What the hell is it? The expert of the dragon race? Actually attack the Tianya Haige! Isn’t it afraid to die?”

“It’s amazing, the expert of the dragon race is actually quite savage.”

“The end of the world, the strength. The dragon race Expert, I am afraid to eat a big loss, a few days ago, even the fifth-ranked Chamber of Commerce ‘Weiyang Palace’ was destroyed.”

“Dragon race always has no brains, it will only be very dry. People’s Tianya Haige has been chased away from Baoyan. How could it be destroyed like this?”

“Look, Void Immortal has come out. This is the elder of Elder, who is rumored to be his father. It is an old antique of the Tianya faction. This time he presided over the construction of a new Tianya Haige, sitting in the town. Among them, it is rumored that he will break through to the level of True Immortal. The former Yegong Palace owner was defeated by him and almost killed the other.”

Countless cultivators are guessing, after the hegemony comes out, there will be a great war of what is going on.

However, in the next moment, there will be a scene of countless cultivators that will last forever, a crystal light, and the hegemony will be split into two pieces, and the blood rain will fall. A youth man appeared in the air, grabbed the two bodies of the hegemony into the refining, and then made a rolling voice: “The end of the world, disturbing the world of cultivation, I am the Xuanhuang big world, the main door of the building, Fang Han, a friend of Eldest Young Lady, who is destroying the new city of the Tianhaihai Pavilion today. To give a lesson, if the Tianyahaige does not shrink, I will destroy its whole family.” The voice is flowing and spread. Infinite Space.

“After killing the hegemony! What is this man? Heavenly Immortal? I have never heard of it.”

“It’s so horrible, it’s amazing! It’s the ultimate hegemon!”

“Meng Hanmen Master Fang Han!”………

In the world of comprehension, many Experts, and even some hidden old monsters, at this moment, have deeply remembered the name Fang Han.

Fang Han stood in the air, and after saying this, God swept away and found that there was no other Expert in the newly built city, and he was in a state of desperation.

Because the city here is newly built, far from perfect, it is not the headquarters of Tianya Haige. So there are not many Experts.

Tianya Haige is a world-famous world, the first chamber of commerce, with strong strength, and there is a support from the end of the world, a giant in the universe. It is absolutely impossible to have only one Void Immortal.

However, Fang Han does not want to kill the headquarters of Tianya Haige. He is shocked by the power of the world, and he has landed and landed directly! Hundreds of cities built by the Tianhai Haige were all brushed into his world.

There are a lot of magical treasures, medicine pill, a brain of the bag, and some discipline, Divine Ability Mysteries Realm’s chores, etc., have also been drowned.

The next moment, the entire Great Plains where the sub-Baoyan is located, the central axis of the repairing world, the city built by Tianya Haige was swept away, clean and restored to its original appearance.

Fang Han’s current strength, free to take the stars in space into the body, to collect these cities, it is nothing.

“If you are acquainted with the world of the world, if you are being oppressed by Tianya Haige, you will go to Xuanhuangda World to find me.” When talking, Fang Han flashed his body and stepped into the void, disappearing.

From his appearance, to the destruction of this base of Tianya Haige, there is only a few words of effort, but his boundless domineering, but shocked the countless cultivator in the world of cultivation, this news, the plague generally spreads outward .

“Fang Han, are you going to pick up Mibao in the midst of the nine heavens?”

In the Yellow Springs Diagram, I heard a voice: “In the midst of the nine clear days, Expert is like a cloud, you have to pick up Mibao, I am afraid it is hard to add.”

“That’s going to go. What’s more, I am not afraid of robbing, I am afraid that this is too late for nine days?” Fang Han said: “Feng Bai Yu went to the Promise Star Palace to save his woman, and then he can rest assured in the Protoss In the middle of the great war. I can’t be weaker than him. Anyway, after more than ten days, I met in the Xuanhuang big world, more than ten days, enough for me to complete this. I guess, the Protoss robbery, also in ten After many days, it broke out. At that time, we just came back. Fight this robbery!”

“This is not bad. That is the important treasure of the Taikoo era. If you can get your hand, then you will get a lot of benefits when you enter the heavens in the future.” The Artifact Spirit of the chaotic element is bloody.

“What is the way to Dibao?” Fang Han frowned.

“Dibao Rock is a treasure of the many treasures of Heavenly Monarch. In the legendary era, even the King Grade Immortal Artifact can be compared. Unfortunately, it is a serious disaster. But it is rumored to be looking for Duobao Heavenly Monarch. The only clue to the drop.”

“Duobao Heavenly Monarch?”

“Duobao Heavenly Monarch is the most mysterious of the Heavenly Monarch, with endless treasures, and has a Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, the legendary stick.” The Bloodicraft Artifact Spirit inherited the chaos Some memories of Heavenly Monarch know more than the Yellow Springs Diagram. The Yellow Springs Diagram only knows the things in the world, and the things in heaven are not very clear.

Immortal Artifact is divided into lower, middle, upper, absolute, king, holy.

Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, even beyond King Grade Immortal Artifact.

“Go, go to the top of the nine clear days, that is the treasure rock is Mibao, I want assist she snatched back, whoever wants to take it away!” Fang Han moved, he left the world of comprehension, because he felt, A lot of powerful Aura seems to have felt that the hegemony has been killed and they have come. Obviously it is the Expert of the End of the World.

Now his top priority is to pick up Mi Bao. I am too lazy to play against the Expert of the End of the World.

Just on the plain that had just left, and the sky was empty, several Lords appeared in the air, and all kinds of holy light went straight into the sky. There is actually True Immortal Expert, and even in some ancient gods, there is a peek of Heavenly Immortal.

“Who is it? Who killed the hegemon!”

“It’s a shame to humiliate and humiliate. We have just wanted to unify the world, and we have such a thing?”

“Check, who is doing this? Such a character, certainly a peerless Expert, can’t act rashly.”

“Don’t check it, the man just said something, saying that it is a friend of Mibao, and Xuan Huangda world is the master of the door, Fang Han. Xuan Huangda world is a declining thing, I only know one Extreme Unity Sect, where is there any custom door? ”

“Mibao’s good friend? Then we just took the opportunity to go to the nine clear days and give the Shaoge master a forced marriage!”

“Made the door, Fang Han! Kill!”…

These peerless Experts, after a party, have skyrocketed and disappeared.

Fang Han shuttles through the universe. I don’t know how many galaxy I have traveled. I have experienced many big worlds along the way, such as the ice world, the fire world, the jade world……… among the three thousand worlds, There are some big worlds, the environment is bad, and it is impossible to live in a cultivator.

However, Fang Han did not stop in these big worlds, and flew far away. His goal was to go to the sky.

Too Shang Jiu Qing Tian is a big martial art in the universe. Compared to the Extreme Unity Sect, I don’t know how many times bigger, and what the Promise Star Palace is far from. Even the gods, the light, the morals… these big worlds are not likely to compare with this sect. As early as before, Fang Han heard that among the martial art, there were even legendary figures in the Jinxian level.

Although it is said that this is only a legend, because the immortal world does not allow such a powerful presence of Jinxian in the secular. The general Expert, cultivation to the Heavenly Immortal, there are signs of the immortal landing, let it fly. If you don’t fly, there are all kinds of disasters. General cultivation to the top of the Heavenly Immortal, will hide Aura, afraid to shoot freely.

The same is true of the Dragon, the Buddha, and the Expert of the Virtual World. Heaven will make them soar. Otherwise, there will be disasters coming down. Of course, the Experts of the Three Realms are less suppressed by the heavens. After all, there are Taikoo great powers to protect them.

Because of this Immortal Dao rule, Fang Han is not afraid of too strong characters to shoot. These ancient characters, unless they are the lawless existence of the chaotic Heavenly Monarch, cannot ignore the rules of the fairy world.

“The front should be too powerful for the scope of the nine clear days.”

Suddenly, Fang Han stayed in the infinite starry sky. He felt that Aura began to differ in this starry sky, with a single planet, a special twinkling, and some huge stars shining.

The airflow in space, this is an obvious kind of light spirit, pervading the surrounding.

“Fang Han, look, it’s a seat of the Taikoo Mountain!” The Artifact Spirit suddenly said, pointing to the depths of the stars.

Fang Han looked out from afar and saw that in the depths of the infinite stars, the ancient Taishen Mountain floats, and each Taikoo Mountain is as big as a chaotic continent. So floating in the air, running according to a certain trajectory, countless cultivators, living in these mountains.

In the depths of the mountain, the more secret Space hides countless tyrannical Aura.

This is the dojo of the nine heavens.

Fang Han’s eyes flashed, his body disappeared without a trace, and he lurked in.

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