Eternal Life

Chapter 876

“You mean the heir to the treasurer? Eldest Young Lady? She has also encountered great dangers now. (peak novels are novels) Poor, originally born in the ancient sects, too up to nine clear days, Father is a big one The hegemon of the world, he is also a predecessor of the Void Immortal level. He had a promising future. Unfortunately, who knows that something like this happened? When the treasure owner died, the forces that were hostile to the treasure rock immediately killed the martial art, and the legend was in the sky. In the past, there was a problem. In the past few days, there were a lot of great powers in the Shangqing Jiutian, and the Baoyanyan was directly taken away. The young master of the Tianya Haige also took the opportunity to force the marriage and seized the land here. The city was built. Moreover, after some of the great powers in the Taishang nine clear days, after getting the treasures, it seems that the Eldest Young Lady should also be used as a chess piece to marry another big martial art. Heaven’s proud daughter, actually fell to such a point, it is pitiful, pathetic. The big family business, in the twinkling of an eye, the tree collapses…”

This cultivator, said a series of words, the East sentence, the West sentence, but Fang Han heard the eyebrows erect, eyes slammed, knowing that the situation of the Eldest Young Lady is very bad.

As for why the treasure owner was in the ascendant, he encountered the punishment of the immortal world. He also guessed it vaguely, and he could not get rid of the source of evil.

Such evil things are not at all accommodated by the heavens.

And in the Di Baoyan, there are many sectarian forces lurking in it. If people who have lost their repression, the land collapses quickly. However, he did not think that the martial art of Eldest Young Lady, who was in the midst of the Qing Dynasty, actually plotted the treasures. At the critical moment of the crisis, not only did not help, but fell into the rocks.

“Where is Eldest Young Lady?”

Fang Han asked again.

“It seems that I have been brought back by some Lord objects.” The cultivator replied honestly: “I don’t know what else the seniors have to ask.”

“You just said that what happened to the lesser and forced marriage of the Yahai Pavilion?”

“Oh, it turned out to be this. This thing, the real world knows. Tianya Haige is the first chamber of commerce, great strength, is the power of the ancient Tianya faction, the lesser of the Tianya Haige, has long wanted to share the treasure rock Marriage, strong alliance, monopolize the real world. Even 3,000 years ago, the owner of Tianya Haige, Yasheng personally went to Baoyan to see the treasure to replace his son to ask for a kiss, but was rejected by the treasure owner. Now treasure When the Lord died, the Lord naturally wanted to force him to marry again. After the death of the treasure owner, the news came out, and the Tianya Haige Master personally came to the door, but was rejected by Mi Bao Eldest Young Lady, so he became angry and sent an Expert to attack every day. Harassment. Finally, I was disturbed by the Taijiu Qingtian and Tianyapai two Taikoo Zongmen came out to mediate, and things came to a halt. The result of mediation was that Shibaoyan was taken away, and Tianya Haige became the overlord of the world of comprehension.”

This cultivator, a detailed explanation, let Fang Han know more about the whole thing.

“Damn! This is the world of the sea, I don’t think I want to live. Or I will let him know how powerful.” Anyway, Mi Bao has a great fate with Fang Han, this world of the sea is too old, unabsolutely Not tolerated.

Fang Han crossed the thunder and achieved Void Immortal. The eight bas-reliefs were built to resemble the existence of Immortal Artifact, suppressing Kyushu Wanfang, the community, and the universe. At this time, it is not afraid of fear.

“In front, is the newly built city of Tianya Haige?” asked Fang Han. Pointing to the thousands of palaces that stand tall above the huge plains.

“Yes, seniors, are you going to buy something? I can lead the way. But the price of Tianya Haige is very high, and the seniors are absolutely unable to argue with the cultivator that sells them, otherwise the predecessor is Void Immortal. “The cultivator be careful.” “There is no division of Baoyan, Tianya Haige manipulates most of the market. Now he has the final say, our small chamber of commerce, but also regular worship, otherwise it will be Get out of the world of cultivation.”

“I want to buy something! Take me in.”

Fang Han waved, the cultivator flew up and led the way.

In the twinkling of an eye, it landed on the huge plain, in front of the newly built city of Tianya Haige. This city, up to a thousand feet, stands like a mountain of God, standing at the gate of the city, standing cocked cultivator, dressed in navy blue clothes.

“Stop! Landing! Tianya Haige heavy ground, cultivator will walk.”

Seeing Fang Han and the cultivator Guanghua of this Creation Realm, there are more than a dozen Longevity Second layer Undying Body’s Experts flying over and slamming. Blocked Fang Han and the cultivator’s way out.

“Predecessors, must not be mad, the ancient Tianya faction in order to make the Tianya Haige unified the world, sent a lot of Expert to enhance the strength of the Tianya Haige. These people are very arrogant, not a business material. They continue this way, It is very likely to fish for the sake of ruthlessness, turning the world of cultivating into a place where there is no cultivator to buy and sell.” This cultivator quietly passed the mind to Fang Han. Still stayed: “In the next big capital Chamber of Commerce, Vice President Hao Dayuan, came to the tribute, this predecessor, is to buy things. You also ask for convenience?”

“Is the Chamber of Commerce coming to the tribute?”

More than a dozen Longevity Second layer Undying Body cultivators looked at each other and showed a gloomy smile on their faces: “Since it is a tribute, give us a tribute first, what treasure is there, check it out? Not much We will pick one each. Just let you in. Also, that cultivator, come to buy things? We have to check and check, is your medicine pill enough in your magical treasure?”

These people of the End of the World are not like doing business, but directly plundering.

“Let’s go! You know, what is the Culture Base of this predecessor?”

Hao Dayuan screamed.

“Hmm? What is the Culture Base?” An Expert looked at Fang Han and then laughed: “No matter what the Culture Base, even Void Immortal, follow the rules of our world. Do you know? Days, the fifth-ranked chamber of commerce, the Weiyang old blame of Weiyang Palace, is also Void Immortal, dissatisfied with the swearing of our Tianya Haige, to resist, the result was severely wounded and fleeing, even the property of the Chamber of Commerce was lost, and the disciples of the size All are oysters.”

“Two, still give our brother some benefits, or else. It is delayed here, it is not worth it.” Another long face cultivator of the world. This cultivator is just a character of Longevity First Layer Ten Thousand Life Realm, but it is arrogant and arrogant.

“A good master of the world, trading in the Holy Land, how many cultivators are convenient. Now you are messed up by your Tianya Haige. Anyway, I will eliminate you.” Fang Han face the provocation of these cultivators, there is no action, directly Take a step forward.

Hey, hey!

These more than a dozen Undying Body, the cultivator of Ten Thousand Life Realm, the smirk on the face solidified, and then their bodies blasted directly, turning into a group of bloody fog, constantly squirming. It became a blood dragon and entered the body of Fang Han. It was directly refining and refining.

“Predecessors! You!”

Hao Dayuan saw this scene and almost screamed.

“You are an Expert of Creation Realm, what are you afraid of? The cultivation is at this level, it should be stunned and determined.” Fang Han looked coldly at Hao Dayuan. “I am the man of Miedel Eldest Young Lady. Tianya Haige actually dared to bully my woman, this time I came to destroy this sect.”


Hao Dayuan’s eyes almost bulged out and looked at Fang Han, his throat creaking. Then, he saw that Fang Han waved his hand, a dragon claw, huge and huge, falling from the sky, and shrouded the city of the “Tianya Haige”.


Under the dragon claws, the forbidden art of the Tianya Haige’s city was broken and turned into nothing.

These cities, at the time of construction, were equipped with loneliness, but in the face of the absolute power of Fang Han, these great arrays were simply paper-like, and the ants’ sparrow’s lairs were all defeated. After the collapse of the city walls , turned into a dragon shape.

Suddenly encountered such a powerful attack, in the city, a lot of cultivators flew up. They are all dressed in navy blue clothes and are the Expert of the End of the World.

“Predecessors are careful, so as not to fall into the siege.” Hao Dayuan immediately yelled. But Fang Han didn’t seem to hear him, when it was empty!


A mantra, emanate from the mouth, many cultivators, raindrops fall, and a piece of magical treasure burst into powder in the air.

Among the cultivators, most of them are Experts of Undying Body, and some are tyrannical characters who understand the Law of Space, but they can’t resist each other between Fang Han.

This is Fang Han’s “Great Roaring Technique” from the dragon race. He has just sacrificial refining the eight battalions and killed the patriarch of the jade dragon race. He naturally learned this secret.

At a glance, the world of World King Realm Expert has to burst, let alone these small shrimp characters?

“court death!”

In an instant, in the Tianya Haige, hundreds of Experts were shocked to death, wounded, and many treasures burst, and they became dragons. This huge loss, Tianya Haige can not afford it, in one of them roaring, there is a tyrannical Aura. A big man, rising from the depths, between the rise, his whole body flashing, his eyes angry, staring at Fang Han, one after another black hole, appearing around the body, pulling Space to twist.

“I dare to attack the city that I have just established in the Tianya Haige. I will not let you know?”

This big man made a murderous voice.

“Predecessors, this is one of the seven elders of the End of the World, Elder, called the hegemony, Void Immortal peak Expert. You have to be careful.” Hao Dayuan body shrinked, but his voice has not fallen, he saw Fang Han 唰 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The blood rained and fell, and the entire land was millions of miles away, all of which were bloody rains that were destroyed by Void Immortal.

A Void Immortal, a drop of blood, expands to redden the sea.

“Void Immortal, is it killed like this?” Hao Dayuan’s hands and feet are numb. “What is this person who claims to be the Eldest Young Lady man?”

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