Eternal Life

Chapter 807

Now that I know that this Heavenly Immortal messenger is just a avatar, Fang Han is alive and well. (peak novels, novels) Faced with the request of the Heavenly Immortal messenger, it is actually to monitor Fang Qingxue.

This one is proposed, and the Heavenly Immortal messenger is already a deadly list in the heart of Fang Han.

Although this Heavenly Immortal messenger is not the one that Fang Han can contend with, Fang Han has a firm confidence. One day, he will completely kill Heavenly Immortal and become the legendary Taikoo who can kill Immortal. presence.

“Monitoring Fang Qingxue? Xian made a joke, she is also the first Shennong to see the end, I don’t know where her whereabouts.” Although the heart has decided to kill Heavenly Immortal, but Fang Han is still imaginary snake.

“It’s okay, at the Immortal Dao conference, she should be back. And she planted a destiny seed on your body, and you have inextricably linked.” Heavenly Immortal messenger seems to know a lot, binocular Tightly staring at Fang Han: “Fang Han, Heaven, is not the existence of your confrontation, even the Great Emperor Yellow Springs, is also killed, let alone you? If you are obedient, be a good slave, I will give you a Fuxi, on the heavens, when you cross Void Immortal, the penalty will be reduced. If you are not obedient, even if you escape today, you will have to smash the bones. Don’t die.”

“Yes? The celestial penalty is to communicate with the rules of the heavens. The greater the potential, the stronger the tyranny. The more powerful the singularity of the celestial world is, the more it is not developed by someone. The cultivation of this, I Still know.” Fang Han said indifferently.

“Foolish!” Heavenly Immortal messenger shouted: “Where mortals dare to talk about heaven, do you know what the sky is? What is heaven? You are just a frog at the bottom of the well. No, the frog at the bottom of the well looks at you, you are just a locust in the stinking ditch. ”


Fang Han didn’t think that this Heavenly Immortal messenger, speaking so rudely, according to the truth to draw himself, always has to be false, but the other person really looks like a slave, dismissive, it is like a royal royal Family Aristocrats look at beggar in general.

“How? Live and die two ways, whatever you choose.” Heavenly Immortal messenger eyes cold, without the slightest human feelings: “If you choose dead end, I will send you on the road now.”

“See who puts the road!”

Fang Han was talking between the palms, and the big hand made the Space turbulent. It was almost no time to hit the body of the Heavenly Immortal messenger.

This time, Fang Han is suddenly launched, smashing electric power, thunderstorms, murderous one heart, such as the assassin’s forbearance, perfused with the essence of life.

He has really digested the harvest of this trip to Myriad Resurgence Immortal Island, Divine Immortal tea tree, integrated into the body, Life essence grows, and the eight floating sects have turned into mysterious, Wan Yushu, but also swallowed Divine Immortal The rule of the hole in the tea tree. With unprecedented savings, even Fang Han can go to the Tomb of the Dragon and directly refine it into Peerless Grade Dao Artifact.

However, it will be besieged by dragon race Expert, so he must wait for him to improve his strength and say, at least cultivation to “Void Immortal”.

However, it is necessary to go through this crisis first and escape from the hands of the Heavenly Immortal messenger.


Fang Han saw this palm and hit the body of the Heavenly Immortal messenger, but it seemed to have the illusion that the Heavenly Immortal messenger was not in this Space. “Not in this Space? Free Space?” Fang Han’s heart, Astral Qi Sending and receiving freely, suddenly turned into a claw, the fingertips were free, and tens of thousands of parallel Spaces were scratched, but still did not catch the shadow of the Heavenly Immortal messenger.

“Slave, can you transcend me with your understanding of the Space Law? Tell you that in the mortal world, you will never realize the true laws, and you will not be able to get the precious spirit of the Yuanshi. You have this little Space rule. In my case, it is equal to the simplicity of a child’s family. Do you know what is called the ternary void? Know what is called the two instruments universe? Yuan Shi world? These things, your little Slave, is impossible to understand.”

The immortal messenger, the sound of the yin test, suddenly appeared behind Fang Han.

The strong danger has once again reached the back.

Fang Han only felt the hair on the back erect, as if the scorpion climbed on it, and immediately moved away. But one piece, one is swept away.

The clothes on his body were made by the Yellow Springs Diagram, and they were extremely protective. But with this sweep, countless elements were wiped away, as if they had suffered devastating damage.

“Slave, your alertness is good. But, can you be a little bit of a mortal mortal rule against me?” The Heavenly Immortal messenger appeared behind Fang Han and caught a yellow cloud in his hand.

“The power of reincarnation, good strength, unfortunately, unfortunately, you will not be the Three Thousand Great Daos.” The Heavenly Immortal messenger reached out and slammed, and the yellow cloud was directly burned, evaporated, and turned into nothing.

“Astral Qi of the Yellow Springs Diagram is melted by him. Heavenly Immortal’s understanding of the law is indeed terrible. Oops, Fang Han quickly evaded, and he attacked again.”

也 also huddled in the Yellow Springs Diagram.

Fang Han didn’t even have time to think about it. There was a coolness in his head, and he diddge again, but his hair hurt, and his hair was full of hundreds of hairs, and he was cut off by a horrible hand knife.

Fang Han is now a good material for refining Peerless Grade Dao Artifact for every hair. Sturdy and incomparable, it was cut off directly, so the rules that the Heavenly Immortal messenger mastered were terrifying.

“I see when you can hide?” Heavenly Immortal messenger appeared again, grabbed hundreds of hair in his hand, huddled into a ball, turned into a flame, and burned. “Your body is very powerful. This body can be used to refine the treasure.”

After Fang Han’s hair burned, the Heavenly Immortal messenger sneered and the body disappeared again.

“No, this Heavenly Immortal messenger, although a avatar, but the understanding of the law is too strong, how can I not grasp the location of his Space, a Space rule, there are still so many famous.” Fang Han heart fast Thinking, at this time he knew the horror of Heavenly Immortal Expert, not the power, but a manipulation of the law, also the Law of Space, Fang Han is like a child dance sword, and the Heavenly Immortal messenger is like a master of swordsmanship. . The two men are not a single series.


Fang Han kept moving in Space, but Astral Qi was constantly being blown up. The Heavenly Immortal messenger caused no small scars every attack. Fang Han couldn’t lock the specific location of the Heavenly Immortal messenger.

There is no way to fight this fight.

Even Fang Han can’t escape.

“The law of body protection! The light of guardianship!” At this critical juncture, Fang Han determined the tactics, the defensive-oriented, and the opportunity to break through, and displayed the guardian light, the great sacred technique, the whole body swelled in the light, and the light came out of the light. The sacred hymn of the epic, the numerous flying wings of white long wings, flowing in the light.

“Do you want to learn this fairy?” The attack of Heavenly Immortal messenger, once again hit Fang Han’s body, but this time did not hurt his body, but caught In the shade of the milky white ornate epic praise.

Pūchī, a large ray of light was caught, but quickly filled.

“I thought that this level of fairy magic can withstand me?” The attack of Heavenly Immortal’s messenger suddenly accelerated. Everywhere Space is his shadow, his power, even filling thousands of parallel spaces, It seems to be the source of water, without holes. All Spaces are infiltrated.

“Heavenly Immortal messenger, don’t you know, will I summon a man to come to the court? If you attack me like this, don’t be afraid of my counterattack, know that anyone who has dealt with me Fang Han is not good. You are the same.” Fang Han was so quiet that he secretly accumulated strength and, when he found the opportunity, he slammed it.

To deal with the Powerhouse like the Heavenly Immortal messenger, even if it is a avatar, the dog bites the hedgehog and can’t make it, because it can’t be locked.

“What is the Emperor’s pen?” The Heavenly Immortal messenger smiled and said: “When he was in his prime, he was just a medium-sized item in Immortal Artifact, far less than King Grade Immortal Artifact, not to mention all the Immortal Dao rules. Lost, it becomes a waste. Even if it appears, I will pinch it like an ant. But bringing this thing back to the fairy world is also a great achievement. You quickly summon this waste.”

“Yes? I am a waste? What are you?”

Suddenly, a long, old voice rang out in Space.

A huge crystal pen appeared on the surface of the sea.

Originally, the sea was a raging wind, rainstorms, thunder and lightning, and no fingers were seen. But when this huge crystal pen appeared, it immediately calmed down, and all the heavens disappeared, which tended to be calm and windy. The sun is shining, and peace, peace, order, and civilization are everywhere.

The pen represents civilization.

A huge crystal pen appeared in the sky, and the Aura of civilization was interpreted to the extreme.

“People’s pen!” The celestial messenger’s avatar saw the appearance of the Emperor’s pen in the air, and all of them were shocked: “You are also a sinister sinner. If you take you, I will be able to get a huge reward, even be given to the Divine Immortal rule. For the Divine Immortal! realm, the status climbs, give me a win! Heavenly Immortal!]

Among the sounds of the singer, the celestial ambassadors of the celestial ambassadors were all purple stunned, and they were twisted into a big hand and caught the pen.

“Is it by you?” The body of the Emperor’s pen was slightly shocked, and he became a middle-aged emperor. His hair fluttered behind his head, his eyes were scornful, and there was no movement. The fairy-tale messenger’s big hand reached him and he automatically Spread, collapse, turn into countless True fire, baptize his body.

“The Tao is natural, the world is integrated!”

The celestial messenger was shocked, and suddenly there was a sword in his hand. He slammed forward and Space trembled. The flower was derived step by step. “Seven steps against the sky, the sword of the penalty!”

Sword Qi, the smashing out of the air, every Sword Qi, is stretched and stretched in the void, as long as 100,000 miles, such as the river of Gengjin, the ocean of laws, killing the pen.

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