Eternal Life

Chapter 806

“How do you count Myriad Resurgence Immortal Island Sectmaster? I want to be a slave to you. I have to be my slave.” (Fan Han’s novel is a novel) “Fang Han instantly turned the Wanyu book and looked at it. The two most powerful Wan Hai Wang, Wan Haihou.

These two Experts are all mixed Mysteries Realm. If you can get through, the resulting willingness is not as good as it is, and it is quite impressive.

After Du Hua Xuan’s innocence, the willingness of the Eight Buddhism has far exceeded the existence of the original 4 billion Heavenly Demon. If you can cross the Myriad Resurgence Immortal Island up and down, then I don’t know what power will come, and the strong will, turned into a blessing Divine Strength, is also a considerable number.

The eyes of the sweep, Wan Haihou, Wan Haiwang’s two powerful caves Mysteries Realm Longevity Eighth Layer’s Supreme Powerhouse, actually have a sense of invisible, that is, no matter how to escape, it is impossible to escape Fang Han. Under Aura’s lock, even if you escape to the end of the horizon, you can’t escape.

Who can make Black Hole Realm’s Powerhouse feel this way?

This level of Expert is already in a different life form. At this moment, immersive, Wan Haihou, Wan Hai Wang felt the horror of Fang Han.

“Pu Du Tianxia, ​​I am a great Buddha! I am a Buddha, Buddha is a sentient being!”

Fang Han shocked the big hand, the golden light flashed immediately, and it became a kind of red gold everywhere. The top of the red gold color, all blessed Divine Strength, wrapped around the four sides, grabbed Wan Haihou, Wan Haiwang.

Despite Wan Haihou, Wan Haiwang, the two most powerful screams of Elder, screamed, but did not help, and was gradually taken away by Fang Han, falling into the eight floating sects, being eternal repressed. stand up.

At the time of the revision of the world, Fang Han suppressed a sturdy and sturdy man, and it was very laborious. Only after being repaired with Mickey Eldest Young Lady, he was promoted to World King Realm and was really suppressed.

But now, it’s different today.

Duoized Void Immortal, his power is already at its peak, and between the waves, playing with the two big holes Mysteries Realm’s Expert, although it is not like catching chickens, but it does not have to pay a painful price. Not even afraid of the two Experts desperately, because even if they are desperate, they can’t hurt him.

Expert fight, the most afraid of desperate.

For example, an Expert of Black Hole Realm can beat the characters of World King Realm. However, we must also scrutinize the means of desperate efforts of the other side. We are desperately killed, and the other party is dead. I am also seriously injured, so that I can’t make a decision to sever the road of comprehension.

Therefore, it is not a high realm that can kill people.

However, Fang Han is not afraid at all, has so many Peerless Grade Dao Artifacts, and has weathered the thunder. Even if Void Immortal blew himself up, I am afraid I could not hurt him.

“You two, give me a turn!” Fang Han grabbed the two, while the great Pudu Zen light was deeply imprinted into it. It is even necessary to break the two-person mixed-hole rule and completely confuse the two people’s thinking, and the Great Puppet Technique is even more eager to move. The original couple even broke into the body of both of them.

Just then, the change suddenly occurred.

The whole part of the mainland was hidden outside the mainland, and suddenly a purple-colored fairy thunder was bombarded. This purple fairy thunder, a little bit of operation, countless black holes have been created, and the force of these thousands of black holes has made Fang Han’s vitality begin to distort.

“No, this is… this is the means of Heavenly Immortal!”

Fang Han only felt the purple fairy, it was impossible to resist, and the destructive power contained in it even surpassed the power of True Immortal and True Immortal. He had seen the power of the Emperor, and he also had counts in his heart. Even if you can’t win now, you won’t be taken by the other side. But Heavenly Immortal, that’s not good.

Heavenly Immortal is the real Immortal.

After all, Void Immortal, True Immortal, is the realm of Longevity Mysteries Realm Ninth Layer, Tenth Layer. It is not the Immortal of the heavens, only Heavenly Immortal, which belongs to the heavens and belongs to the heavens.

The purple fairy is sent out by the first.

When Fang Han saw the purple fairy, it was a moment of extremes. He was alert and took back all the power, layer by layer, to guard his body. All magical treasures were wrapped in his own body. Suddenly the world rule is displayed, condensed into a subtle Space dot, hidden in the deepest core of all magical treasures.


Purple fairy thunder exploded.

Fang Han only felt that it seemed that the world was destroying, and there was a big robbery. The end of the day was not pure land. All magical treasures forbidden art, one layer of destruction.

The infinite Hengsha, which had not survived the thunder, was shaken down and all flew back, and Artifact Spirit was in a state of fragmentation.

The beasts of the Great Seals, as well as the skeletons in the Yellow Springs Diagram, were shattered by the body.

Even the purple thunder, penetrated into the world of Fang Han itself.

“Creating artifact fragments, the power of the world, pure yang, fire, repair.” Fang Han at this critical juncture, the pure yang fire, began to burn, his power of the world, from the inside out, the moment I didn’t know how many megabytes of rotation, and finally drove out those infiltrated purple thunder, but all the magical treasure Spaces were already devastated.

“Fortunately, among the eight floats, there is no damage, and among the other Peerless Grade Dao Artifacts, I don’t have a Cultivate Vitality spirit. Otherwise, it won’t be a big loss?” Fang Han was amazed.

Suddenly, he felt a great danger. He came down from the void and was instinctive. He stunned and moved to the other side.

A ray-shaped Sword light, kneeling down from where he had just moved, pulled out a deep gully.

“Kid, your alertness is good, your strength is tyrannical, you can escape this sword, your Culture Base, although it can only be regarded as a slave in heaven, but a slave like you is very rare.”

When Fang Han came back, he heard a voice and rang out in the distance.

At this point, it is already on the surface of the sea.

Returned to the mainland, turned into a small island, caught by a mysterious man, all Elder of Myriad Resurgence Immortal Island, also been included in the mainland, was saved by this person.

This mysterious man has no sword in his hand, and he does not know how Sword Qi was released. A pair of eagle eyes, looking at Fang Han, with a mysterious Aura from the fairy world.

“Extreme Unity Sect’s fairy ambassador!” Fang Han was surprised.

“Yes, you are called Fang Han. A small Slave character in the Cultivation Base can actually disrupt the wind and rain and destroy the layout of the heavenly world in the Xuanhuang big world. Are you not afraid of the scourge of the heavens?” The immortal messenger stood freely, and there was an imposing manner. Aura that brings all the wind and rain and disturbs the sky.


Above the sea, dark clouds, madness True fire flash, suddenly, the pouring rain fell, I don’t know how many miles, all covered in the dark rain, the sky is vast.

However, this Heavenly Immortal messenger does not have any signs of dynamism, purely natural, perfect nature.

It seems that the sky is for him, not for him to motivate the sky. Everything in heaven and earth is centered on him, and naturally he prepares everything for him. You don’t have to worry about anything.

This kind of realm, Fang Han can not imagine.

Now, if it comes to Taiwangtian, Fang Han is escaping, but it is not as powerless as it is now.

All the strengths are unconditionally serving the Heavenly Immortal messenger. Where do you escape?

“Heavenly Immortal” is not yet the existence of Fang Han.

“Master, this Heavenly Immortal messenger, although majestic, but I feel that his power is far less powerful than the legendary Heavenly Immortal, we still have a chance to escape.” Suddenly, mysterious in the Eight Buddhism In the middle of the words.

“Haha!” Fang Han heard, and his mind became active: “It seems that my calculations are not wrong. This Heavenly Immortal messenger is just a avatar. His true strength, I am afraid to prevent the exquisite Immortal Venerable, the strength of the exquisite Immortal Venerable I am afraid I have already surpassed True Immortal.”

“Fang Han, do you think that this seat is now a avatar, and you have the feeling of escape in your heart?” The Heavenly Immortal messenger suddenly said, as if Fang Han was in his insight.

“Yes, Heavenly Immortal! Heavenly Immortal can scare me?” Fang Han looked up, like a cat under the scorching sun, and it became a gap: “Do you think you are Heavenly Monarch? If it is you Heavenly Monarch, don’t Say you are a avatar, even if it is a hair, I have to escape far, but unfortunately, you are a thousand miles away from the Climate Base of Heavenly Monarch.”

“Are you irritating me?” Heavenly Immortal messenger smiled: “Unfortunately, Heavenly Immortal is not irritated by a small slave. I will not do this easily for you. Of course, I will give The right you choose. It will even give you the benefit. It is not necessary to take you to the fairy world. Yes, you have an opponent called Hua Tiandu. I have already accepted him. A few days ago, I have already consumed a fairyland quota. Send him to the fairy world, his cultivation speed in the fairy world, the understanding of the laws of heaven and earth, are countless times in the mortal. Maybe in just a few years, it will far exceed you.”

“Hua Tiandu! You are accepted as an apprentice”

Fang Han has a cold murder.

“Kill the machine? Want to kill me? Hahaha, little Slave Li, want to kill me. Say, I am giving you two roads now, the first is the road, the second is the dead end. Dead end Needless to say, against me, all To perish, the way to live is to tell me where the electrician Heavenly Monarch reincarnation is, and to be my eyes and ears at all times, to monitor the electrician Heavenly Monarch, you will not only get what you want, but also improve your status. The world, though vast, how can it compare with the heavens? The heavens are the real land of bliss.” Heavenly Immortal messenger’s fingers are slightly bounced. “While you have the Yellow Springs Diagram, you can’t see the heavens, only steal. Heavenly Monarch, the fate of the electrician, is truly valuable to the heavens. Your only value is the relationship with the electrician Heavenly Monarch. If this value is, you have no. It also knows the consequences, the heavens will not Concerned about the life and death of a slave.”

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