Eternal Life

Chapter 350

Even the Demonic blade in the hands of Fang Han, the bloody sky and the bloody soft water sword, two pairs of double repairs, running Yin and Yang, to be promoted to Middle Grade Dao Artifact, do not know how much energy to consume, how many opportunities, how many treasures, It is possible.

Hua Tiandu’s coaling martial is the Middle Grade Dao Artifact.

Power rips the mountain peaks and smashes the earth. Even the black god king’s hard-working millennium’s life, the “dark god”, can’t resist it.

Now, the two Middle Grade Dao Artifacts of the “Sun and Moon Fine Wheels” work together, and the power is bigger than the coaling martial sword. Although it is not as good as the “Indefinite Electric Symbol” and “Bohai God Pearl”, these are High Grade treasure, Lei Di, Water God. Symbol. But if you encounter the Golden Core of the ordinary Expert, you can tear it in an instant. Not afraid of the explosion of Golden Core.

Even the Golden Core giant of Extreme Unity Sect is simply not allowed.

“This person, Golden Core actually has ninety Divine Ability, it’s a small one. It must be Fang Han of Ascension Sect! It seems that Fang Han, you already know our identity, our secret. Missing in Ascension Sect The magical gods, the magical spirits, are definitely your hands and feet! Today we know this secret, you are in this life, I think there is a moment of peace, you destroy the plan of my family, it is to die!”

Da Xia Shen Wang, Da He Shen Wang, using the powerful Dao Artifact of the Sun and the Moon, is hard to resist the pressure of Fang Han’s Golden Core, while the powerful gods, the storm sweeps the past.

These two great kings, Magic Force, are much stronger than Extreme Unity Sect’s Golden Core, although they are not as good as Hua Tiandu, Yanshuiyi, and Fan Qingying on the Longevity candidate list. Strength, enough to be able to squeeze into the top 50, such a role, in the Xuanhuang big world, where are the giants. And they are savvy, clear-cut, and have already recognized the true identity of Fang Han.

A powerful god, such as a million swords, sweeping across the sky above the sea level, encountering Fang Han, like a spike, smashing into his five seas and assassinating his soul. Even his Magic Force was scattered, his head, the pain of the bursts, his eyes black, and the operation of Magic Force was almost interrupted.

“Heart Flying Spirit!” Fang Han was shocked. He knew that this was the Protoss’s school, and the Flying Spirit was much more secretive than Demon Dao’s Divine Ability. It’s a special attack on the soul, just a moment, The Expert of Celestial Realm will be insane and in a state of madness.

Fang Han didn’t invade, but he now sacrificed the Golden Core and lost his suppression in his mind, so he was empty and was multiplied by the Protoss Heart Flying Spirit. When he almost turned the ship inside the gutter, he did not think that there were actually two Middle Grade Dao Artifact among the Protoss. Can withstand his Golden Core!

In the twinkling of an eye, the Golden Core faded. Fang Han also shook his body.

“He has been stunned by my heart, Flying Spirit, and can’t run Magic Force for a while. Go up and kill him!”

Dahe God King, Da Xia Shen Wang saw this scene, and his heart was overjoyed. The more powerful heart of the Flying Spirit, spread out from their minds, and smashed! The air current at sea was torn apart from the air and attacked Fang Han again.

“Golden Core is home!”

The Golden Core in the sky suddenly disappeared. Once again, I entered Fang Han’s body, and the Golden Core disappeared, causing a huge collapse.

The collapse of the airflow caused the seven great kings to retreat and try to stabilize their bodies.

Putting the Golden Core out first, causing pressure, and then taking back the body, causing the world to be unstable. Fang Han used his Golden Core to become more and more powerful.


The King of the Great and the King of the Great Summer, suddenly felt that their two treasures, the sun and the moon, the slashing of the slash, the empty and sloppy, immediately knew that things are bad, and quickly took the magical treasure back, guarding Live your body and greet other gods.

But it is late.

Fang Han and so on is this moment.

At one thousandth of an hour, he was swaying, the Golden Core was motivated in the body, the Magic Force burned all, and it turned into the power of the Golden Core. The high-speed movement transformed seven shadows, and each shadow broke out. The “100 million” fierce horse rushing to the power of the seven kings!

“100 million” fierce horse rushing power!

This is the great strength of the Longevity Mysteries Realm’s Van Gogh giant.

That is to say, at this moment, the seven kings of the gods, at the same time encountered the Longevity Mysteries Realm’s Wangu giant hit.

“Longevity Mysteries Realm !Longevity Mysteries Realm ! A force of Heavenly Dragon!” Mr. Yamato, a powerful mind burst. Between the lights and the fire, a punch. Hard hit Fang Han’s punch.

At the same time, his body changed, his head grew sharp corners, his body arched, his armor-like skin, showing a noble color, completely changed into the form of a Protoss warrior.

However, although they are kings of God, Fang Han’s attack is too fierce. One thousandth of an instant, seven attacks broke out, each attack is the power of 100 million fierce horse, equivalent to Longevity Mysteries Realm. This kind of attack, extremely terrifying, is also incredible.

The seven kings of the gods, at the same time punched, hard to catch a fist of Fang Han’s seven shadows.


The seven punches touched the phanta of the seven Fang Hans, the landslides and tsunami, the landslides, and the whole world of the sea, all darkened, pressed a large piece, and the vitality completely showed a fragmentation and fragmentation.

The seven phantoms of Fang Han’s incarnation disappeared!

The seven kings of the king, their bodies, were simultaneously cracked and turned into porcelain. A large amount of blood was infiltrated, and it was involved in the Yellow Springs Diagram. It disappeared without a trace.

They can’t pick up Fang Han’s punch!

If you can’t get a punch, you will be shattered and you will not be able to live.

However, they are not directly smashed into powder, and they also see their physical tyranny.

“My Magic Force is exhausted!” The seven shadows, combined in the air, became the body of Fang Han. At this time, Fang Han, his face was very pale, as if he was seriously ill.

His body seems to be standing in the air and falling to the sea.

The five Magic Forces in his knowledge of the sea are now completely empty, without a trace of existence, and the crystal liquid-like Magic Force, completely evaporated, is consumed. In this attack, it became the driving force behind the Golden Core and the body.

This is his first time, completely exhausting his Magic Force.

With “World Tree”, he actually consumed his Magic Force!

“No, I have to recover. Otherwise, suddenly a Golden Core Expert can kill me completely.” Fang Han was pale and took a deep breath. Some of the world’s fascinating celestial worlds rushed into the sea. Among them.

After a while, there was only a trace of Magic Force in his knowledge of the sea.

This Magic Force is not a “crystal liquid”, but a mist, not enough to motivate a Divine Ability, and can barely stay in the air.

He entered the Yellow Springs Diagram, and at the same time, the magical treasure of the “Five Buddhism” gradually narrowed and flew into it.

The Yellow Springs Diagram sank into the sea floor and disappeared without a trace.

“This… it’s broken in an instant, killing people. It’s just the power that makes me face the father. He can burst out of the Longevity Mysteries Realm’s 100 million fierce horse.” The Prince is also aware of the goods. Guang, his father, Emperor of Great Clouds Empire, Xuan Emperor, is a long-term giant of Longevity Mysteries Realm. Naturally, Fang Han is killed seven times, and the next time there are 100 million fierce horses. Force, this giant force, how terrible!

It can be said that even the general Longevity Mysteries Realm first layer “Ten Thousand Life Realm”, it is impossible to break the attack of seven hundred million fierce horses.

Longevity Mysteries Realm’s Expert, Magic Force has passed “100 million”, but it does not mean that he can make such a strong attack all the time.

It is like, in general, Martial art Expert, known as Divine Strength, but it is impossible to punch a thousand pounds of strength.

Fang Han If you don’t have “World Tree”, you will always take advantage of the celestial world. If you use it, you will completely lose your strength.

After sinking into the deeper seabed, Fang Han was in full swing for three days and three nights, which completely restored all Magic Force.

“The number of fierce horses that broke out seven times in a row broke out. It almost made me burn out and died. If I could find more World Tree fragments, it would burst out and be able to play 100 million fierce horses. Force a hundred times, a thousand times! That Hua Tiandu can be directly killed. There is no need for sacrificial refining or magical treasure.”

In the Yellow Springs Diagram, Fang Han opened his eyes and felt that he knew the sea. He was filled with the “Magic Liquid” Magic Force. A Golden Core was in the midst of it, nourishing and nourishing.

Cultivating Dao’s Golden Core is equivalent to explosive power. And Magic Force is equivalent to lasting power.

The more powerful the Magic Force, the longer it will be able to fight. The stronger the Golden Core, the greater the explosiveness.

“Fang Han, you have to infuse the enthusiasm to feed 3.6 million Heavenly Demon, 366 Demon King, and now many Heavenly Demons have begun to become Demon King. Every day needs great energy. They will produce a steady stream of willingness to temper the eight floats. After only a few months, I will be able to refine the blood-stained water sword. I will become the Middle Grade Dao Artifact. By then, the power of the eight floats will be more powerful. Big.”

The king of blood night suddenly said.

“What? Still have to be motivated? I am now fascinating, and I have to be a bit of a support. I have to support millions of Heavenly Demon.”

Fang Han was shocked, but this is no way. To collect Heavenly Demon, it must be supported. In the original Fifth Hell King Cauldron, 200,000 Heavenly Demon was provided, and every day, it cost a lot of medicine pill. Now supporting 3.6 million Heavenly Demon, and Demon King, the medicine pill that is spent is really a horrible number.

Stars Sect’s first true disciple, “Stars”, raised five million Heavenly Demons and spent all of their worth.

“Poor! Poor! Go and see the seven imprisoned gods. There must be a lot of medicine pill, good things.”

Fang Han’s body flashed and was within the hidden space of the Yellow Springs Diagram.

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