Eternal Life

Chapter 349

Start today and resume three times a day! Everyone’s red ticket is coming up, it is still 12 every night, 12 at noon, 19 at night.

Golden Core !

Contains ninety Divine Ability’s Golden Core!

Under the arrogance of Fang Han’s own Magic Force and the vast celestial world, if the gods who master the sun come to the world, it is almost possible to kill all demons, Longevity Mysteries Realm. Even if there is the existence of “Vanqing Shadow” and “Smoke Water One”, in the absence of Dao Artifact, you have to shun. To escape a little slower, you will be hurt.

This time, the mysterious seven great kings of God actually dared to count him. It is the best opportunity for him to kill this group of people, and you can get seven powerful “Divine Ability Fruits” and you can get countless magical treasures. That time I went to Exquisite Jewel Paradise to go to life, and I really shook it up and acted as a big money.

One after another, the door of the nose, ejected Devil Qi, who was contaminated with Devil Qi’s Heavenly Demon and Demon King, lost all the ability to act. It was swallowed up by the Great Devouring Technique and then transferred to the Pagoda Space of the Eight Floats.

“Eight Buddhism”, now has opened Space, which can accommodate many Heavenly Demon.

Originally, after the refinement of this magical treasure, it was necessary to store infinite living creatures, and then use the “morning bell” and “drums” to surrender it, to produce a devout faith, to pray at all times, to generate willingness, to quench Refining the “Eight Buddhism”.

In the record of “Heavenly Dragon Manual”, the “sacred float” is truly sacrificial refining success, which is to open up 3,000 small worlds in it, and 840 million souls in each small world, praying for thousands of years, resulting in The combination of force and tower body can make this magical treasure change into Immortal Artifact.

Of course, this ability, Fang Han can not do.

However, Heavenly Demon, Tian Demon King, who was present all collected, placed in the tower, can also enhance the power of the “eight floats”.

Submission of Heavenly Demon is difficult for the general cultivate Dao.

However, it is not difficult to domesticate Heavenly Demon with the existence of “Yellow Springs Holy Water”, “Anatou Gate”, “Da Pudu Zen”, “Drums” and “Chen Bell”.

In the twinkling of an eye, there are millions of Heavenly Demons, and two hundred days of Demon King, which were included in the “eight-headed buzzards”. The entire pagoda-shaped buoys suddenly flew out of Fang Han’s body and skyrocketed. A hundred times, it still turned into the size of the original “blood dragon crystal” peak.

On the top of the blood-colored mountain peak, a blood-colored Buddha, with his hands folded, sitting on the bloody lotus platform, sang “six-character mantras”, such as burdocks, such as tiger cubs, such as dragons, thought-provoking, and gongs and drums, morning bell It is also violently resounding.

Heavenly Demon, who was pulled into the “Eight Buddhism”, Day Demon King, himself was contaminated with Devil Qi. So drunk, his face appeared suffering, there was no way to use Heavenly Demon to disintegrate. Now I am sung by these Buddhist monks, and immediately wash the whole body, move toward the bloody Buddha.

The “Blood Buddha” is the appearance of Fang Han and the “King of Blood Night”.

At this time, underneath it, there was still a green sword, a green girl on the top, a bite of teeth, but no effect.

This is the body and spirit of the “Blood Water Sword”.

As long as the king of blood night can truly surrender this sword, the two are dissolved into one. Immediately, quality and strength will skyrocket and become Middle Grade Dao Artifact, which is much more powerful than the “lighting ancient Buddha umbrella”.

However, what is the magic of the flying sword at the Dao Artifact level? Reluctant to be refining easily, even if Fang Han shot, I am afraid it will take several years. Now Fang Han has already sent this sword into the “Eight Buddhism” and let the “King of Blood Night” go to power.

Now the king of blood night, can also be described as the Artifact Spirit of the “Eight Buddhism”. The stronger it is, the more powerful it is.

Million Heavenly Demon, two hundred days of Demon King, entered the Space of the “Eight Buddhism”, was directly domesticated, and devoutly converted, suddenly worshipped each other, and in a flash, they gathered together into a powerful Willingness, blessing on the body of the king of blood night.

The body of the King of Blood Night, once again inflated, more and more clear, the blood of his body is gradually contaminated with the color of pale gold, behind the head, there is a faint aperture, and it is comfortable to yell.

And the Artifact Spirit of the “Blood Water Sword” showed a desperate look on his face.

“Good and powerful willingness! These Heavenly Demons are almost ten times more powerful than the Heavenly Demon, which is raised by the ancient Buddha.” How is this? Yes, these Heavenly Demons are contaminated with Protoss. The vitality of the bloodline has made up for the defects of the bloodline, so it has been powerful many times! Their willingness is naturally stronger.”

The stronger the soul, the stronger the willingness to produce.

If anyone can surrender a Longevity Mysteries Realm’s Van Gogh giant, and sincerely convert, the willingness of this ancient giant prayer is incredible, but it is tantamount to idiots and dreams. The Van Gogh giants are super powers with strong self-existence. How can they be sincerely converted? It is absolutely impossible to suppress them and make them feel in their hearts.

Fang Han suddenly found such a situation.


He spurted a sigh of relief, this tone, a little golden light, was his recent “Great Pudu Zen Light” spirit, and it was sprayed into the “Eight Buddhism”. Immediately, the Spirit of the Five Elements, Spirit Talisman, flashed strongly. The morning bell among the eight floating sects, the gongs and drums, the sound is almost shocking the sky, and immediately, the remaining Heavenly Demon, all stopped.

This time, the Great Devouring Technique is even more powerful. With only one bulging and concentrating, the remaining 2 million Heavenly Demon and more than 100 days of Demon King are swallowed up and transported into the “Eight Buddhism”. Among the Space.

Almost two or three breaths!

Just two or three times of breathing.

Fang Han broke the great array and flew out of the Golden Core. The Great Devouring Technique swept away, 3.6 million Heavenly Demon, and 366 powerful Demon King, all swallowed up and entered the “Eight Buddhism” In, instantly convert.

Fang Han’s Golden Core is the general pressure of Mount Tai, and it is oppressed by the seven kings of the “Mr. Da Xia” and “Mr. Dahe”.

Since fighting “Smoke One” and “Vanqing Shadow”, nine died. With extremely powerful experience, Fang Han also realized many of the magical effects of Golden Core. Now this oppression is overwhelming, such as the egg-shelled canopy, the seven-headed king, the easy prince, and the thirteen kings and princes. All covered, so that they can not escape.

“How could this be?”

“Mr. Yamato” spurted his own life “God’s Blood” to feed Heavenly Demon, and enhanced the power of hating Heavenly Demon, but did not expect that, in the twinkling of an eye, the shackles turned into a mad dragon.

Nothing wrong, Fang Han was originally a “small shackle”, suddenly broke out, directly became a violent dragon, bursting the great array, collecting all Heavenly Demon, and killing the enemy.

Ninety Divine Ability’s Golden Cores are suspended above their heads, and the gas field is pressed down, twisted, squeezed, swelled, collapsed……… instantly put them in a dangerous situation.

“not good!”

Easy Prince is the fastest awake, he has long used the formless sword array to protect his body. Now I saw the situation is not good, the wind and the grass, suddenly turned into a formless streamer, with the thirteen emperors fighting the prince, fled directly. However, under the cover of Fang Han Golden Core, who can escape?


A huge dragon claw, caught in the void, grabbed a twist of the air directly, exhaled and opened the door, and the door of the nose swallowed the easy prince.

This is the “阎” shot.

The two emperors had to ban them, lest they be killed and troubled. Of course, Fang Han imprisoned them, and certainly would not let them go easily, and then he would pick up the seven gods.

“This person is so powerful!”

The kings of the Great God, the King of the Great Summer, and other seven kings of God were shocked and tried to protect their body! In the body, the treasures of the road fluttered out, and all of them were all powerful magical treasures! Especially the King of the King and the King of the Great Summer, the two of them, one sacrificed a sun-like cutter wheel, the light and the light, the flashing dance, the high-speed rotation, the blade glow, the tens of thousands of feet, the void The cut strips are cracked.

The Yamato God King is offering a sword wheel like a moon.

Crescent shape.

The same rotation, knife gas, electric light, fine light, vertical and horizontal thousand hundred feet, and the daylight blade light combined into one, the power is huge, hard Fang Han’s unexpected.

In the twinkling of an eye, two powerful magical treasures, slashed and smashed on the Fang Han Golden Core, actually smashed the Golden Core.

A Golden Core, two ** treasures, hard hit, bursting with an earth-shattering spark. Mars is like a meteor shower between the heavens and the earth, a kaleidoscope, sputtering everywhere, almost a fire.

“my God, actually two pieces of Dao Artifact, and it is one day, one month. It seems to be the legendary, the sun and the moon. The two wheels are combined, the world is invincible!”

Fang Han saw it at a glance, Dahe God, Daxia God, is actually using two pieces of Dao Artifact! Moreover, these two pieces of Dao Artifact are the kind of two-wheeled combination. It is recorded in the Heavenly Dragon Manual refiner book, called “Sun and Moon Fine Wheel”.

The two-wheeled combination is like the power of the Demonic blade and the double-repair of the bloody sword.

Two pieces of Dao Artifact, Nissei Wheel, and Moonlight Wheel are all Middle Grade Dao Artifact, Magic Force is boundless, and Divine Ability is vast. Fang Han even saw that in the two rounds, a whole body of golden clothes, arrogant, like a nine-day god of men and a cold and incomparable, moon-like cold woman.

This is obviously the Artifact Spirit of the two Dao Artifacts.

The power of Middle Grade Dao Artifact is simply to suppress one side, look at Stars Sect, a grand martial art, the giant of Immortal Dao Ten Sects, Middle Grade Dao Artifact, only one in the hands of the Stars.

And it is still the Buddha’s treasure, which was obtained by his fortuitous encounter. It can be seen how Middle Grade Dao Artifact is difficult to refine.

Two Middle Grade Dao Artifacts show the king of the Protoss, the power of luxury!

Fang Han thought that it would be possible to suppress the seven kings of the gods at a time. Now it seems that after the other two sacrificed Middle Grade Dao Artifact, the situation is likely to reverse!

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