Eternal Life

Chapter 345

“What? One head has such a large ability? It is too outrageous.” Fang Han’s heart was scared and shrunk. He thought that this is a powerful incarnation of the Immortal Venerable. But did not think that the other party is actually a head.

Think about it, this exquisite Immortal Venerable in the hundreds of billions of miles away from what “Zuma teaches” guest, sensing a small thing in the Xuanhuang big world, rooting the roots, condense Millennium Culture Base, directly throwing time and space, Just knock off Divine Ability Mysteries Realm First Expert, Second Expert.

What is this means?

Unable to describe.

Even Fang Han, a lawless person, can’t imagine it. He has also seen a lot of Lord things, but people like the exquisite Immortal Venerable are so afraid that the seals of the ancient demon statues, mysterious people, must be slightly different.

Of course, these people are not sealed or trapped, and Fang Han does not know what their true strength is.

At this moment, Fang Han finally understood. Why does Immortal Venerable, with one person’s strength, support the great teaching and compete against Extreme Unity Sect.

“For four thousand years, cultivation to this point! How powerful it is! Hey, you know a lot, you look at the Culture Base of Immortal Venerable?” Fang Han said.

“Oh…” “闃?#8221; in the Yellow Springs Diagram, also scared and trembled, “too powerful, too powerful, how could it be, how could cultivation be to this point, a head, attached Millenium Culture Base, you can knock back two Powerhouses, which is close to Great Emperor Yellow Springs. Is this Immortal Venerable Longevity Mysteries Realm Ninth Layer, Tenth Layer’s Expert! Really reached a ruin, with The point of Life as Heaven and Earth?”

“Exquisite Immortal Venerable, a total of four thousand years of Life essence, this loss of Millennium Millennium Base, it also lost a lot.” Fang Han heart.

“Although she has a life span of four thousand years, the Culture Base has reached her realm. The daily sensation of the sacred world is more than a thousand times that of the ordinary Longevity Mysteries Realm. That is to say, the Expert, the singularity of the Heavenly Punishment Elder is one thousand days. It is equivalent to the enthusiasm of her cultivation day. She said that the Millennium Culture Base is actually the essence of cultivation for one year. For her, it is a slap in the face.”

You have not eliminated the panic in your heart.

Fang Han saw these actions of the cockroach, knowing that it was really scared, and encountered the Lord object, otherwise it would not be so excited and fearful.

“Yellow Springs Diagram? I heard the name of this magical treasure, but unfortunately. I didn’t play with Great Emperor Yellow Springs. I didn’t have a cultivation, and the Great Emperor Yellow Springs was a generation of Demon Emperor. The door. Unfortunately, only this Demon Emperor can match me. Now the Demon Emperor, including the innate class, is the shallow of the Culture Base. It really disappoints me. But on your body, I saw it. The shadow of Great Emperor Yellow Springs.”

Delicate Immortal Venerable thin shadow continues to speak.

鈥渕any thanks Immortal Venerable.鈥?/p>

Fang Han hurriedly greeted the beauty of this brocade, and respected him. There was no falsehood. This is humility from strength.

For this kind of existence, you should maintain your own humility.

鈥淭each?鈥?Linglong Immortal Venerable laughed: 鈥淵ou killed Extreme Unity Sect鈥檚 Golden Core giant, and he gave the Golden Core to me for a birthday. If people are hurting halfway, who would dare to send me? These big gifts? However, the two people, Yan Shuiyi and Fan Qingying, are really amazing. I almost can’t beat them. If one day, they step into Longevity Mysteries Realm, the strength is ten times stronger, I must use it. The other gods are in the law. No one can do it.”

鈥淎lso ask Immortal Venerable to point me to the Culture Base.鈥?/p>

Fang Han quickly said that he was in the presence of Linglong Immortal Venerable and would not let her point to practice. It was too failed.

“You practiced Divine Ability of my exquisite Da Luotian. It was Huoyun who was trapped in the Tai Primordial Immortal House. You got her Golden Core. There is nothing. You can come out from too Primordial Immortal House. I have a fate. I will rely on your strength in the coming days. With the door of Immortal Artifact in the Primordial Immortal House, I will prepare for opening the door of the fairy world. Now I will point out your practice, there is not much time, etc. You came to my Exquisite Jewel Paradise, when my real body came back. I will tell you in detail about the exquisiteness of the Supreme Divine Ability. As for your cultivation of the Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty, I don’t point. You. But your ‘Eight Buddhism’ is originally the treasure of the Heavenly Dragon family, and it is very powerful. You actually used the power of the Spirit of the Five Elements to transform it into a prototype, which is quite rare.”

Immortal Venerable looked at Fang Han and was not interested in the Yellow Springs Diagram. Instead, she had some insights into the “Eight Buddhism”.

鈥淚mmortal Venerable, the spiritual land of Spirit Talisman, what is it? I have been unsure now, and when I was cultivating, I didn鈥檛 intend to integrate into the magical treasure of these eight floats. My Culture Base is still shallow, not I know that there are any changes, and if I fly away in the future, I will give up and feel bad.”

For the Spirit Talisman in the Five Elements, Fang Han has never known what it is?

To be honest, the magical treasure of the 鈥淓ight Buddhism鈥?has always been his most confusing thing. Especially now, the “king of blood night” is integrated into the blood Buddha. In the event of any change in the future, losing a Dao Artifact will be a big loss.

“Spirit Talisman, the land of the Five Elements, I know a little bit. It is the most mysterious ‘six-character mantra’ in ancient Buddhism. The six characters above this are the unseen, innately existing seed syllables, symbolizing the universe of heaven and earth. All the blessings are used to bless the magical treasure. Originally, the ancient Buddhism power, suppressed the Red Devil, and then left this magical blessing, that is, hope that one day, this charm can and the Five Elements The refining of the Red Devils and his 840 million Heavenly Demon turned into an earth-shattering magical treasure. However, he did not expect that the Red Devils were so powerful that they weakened the power of the Spirit Talisman. The control of the Five Elements, it is necessary to get out of trouble. This Spirit Talisman is now greatly reduced in power, the previous power, enough to kill Longevity Mysteries Realm’s Expert.”

The exquisite Immortal Venerable sounds as smooth as water, detailed in Fang Han’s explanation, even the name of the ancient demon statue has been said, apparently familiar with some of the ancient past.

“What should I do?”

Fang Han is eclipsed.

“There is nothing. This Spirit Talisman is a blessing force, that is to say, it is attached to any magical treasure, and it will gradually support the magical treasure. Since you will be Buddhist, you will use the Buddha’s mind every day. Sacrificial refining This Spirit Talisman, this magical treasure has gradually improved its power. The eight floats, I have seen some ancient dragon king refining for tens of thousands of years, have not succeeded, but you have this charm Maybe one day, the final refining will be successful.鈥?Linglong Immortal Venerable said: 鈥淵ou suppressed the bloody soft water sword? This sword is not the same, but the ancient water god made with the Blood Core Green and Water Spirit. After raising for many years, and your blood and blood are two or two repairs, you will definitely increase your power. When you completely surrender this sword, you can put it into the eight floating sects and condense the blood Buddha. Finally, put these eight The Ministry of Buddhism was turned into Dao Artifact. At that time, the power was so big that it was hard to imagine.”

Between this speech, the body of the exquisite Immortal Venerable gradually became thinner and dissipated. The blue silk flew over to Fang Han, wrapped around the tip of Fang Han’s finger, and the sound of Immortal Venerable was from the void. It is conveyed, “This head, although the Millennium Culture Base has run out of light, but it has incredible power, it is wrapped around your fingertips, and you can save your life if necessary. Well, Zuma teaches Xuan Huang The big world is very far away, and with my Divine Ability, it can’t exist for a long time. You go all the way to Exquisite Jewel Paradise and you can do it yourself.”

Then the voice was silent.

The “Lingbo Wanxian ** sword” array also flew over and fell into the hands of Fang Han.

The beauty of the men dressed as women’s brocade suits, the generation of giants, the exquisite Immortal Venerable, disappeared without a trace. But deeply portrayed the brand in the heart of Fang Han.

“There are such powerful people in the world. I can’t imagine anything, I can cultivate to such a realm.”

Fang Han looked at the glimpse of the blue silk, and did not speak for a long time.

“You are now in the realm of Golden Core, Longevity Mysteries Realm is still far away.” Dangdang poured a cold water, “The Immortal Venerable’s Cultural Base, already clouded, close to the realm of Life as Heaven and Earth, Great Emperor Yellow If Springs is resurrected, she may not have gotten her. Unless it is the genius of the immortal world, she can completely destroy her.”

“Longevity Mysteries Realm …………Nothing wrong, I have to upgrade the realm! Now I am only in the realm of Golden Core. I think I can sweep the world. Now it seems that the realm is too low and I have to go further to save my life. Today, if I am Divine Ability, the Third Layer, the Ninth Layer, maybe I can take it easy and even beat the two completely.”

Fang Han At this point, there is another calculation in mind.

“Fang Han, this time we harvested itself is not small, actually suppressed a Dao Artifact, bloody soft water sword! And also got this picture, tens of thousands of flying sword treasure! Lingbo Wanxian ** sword array But one of the Taikoo sword arrays.” I feel comfortable.

“Forget it, this sword array must be given to Exquisite Jewel Paradise female disciple. Exquisite Immortal Venerable gives me this, I can’t just swallow it, naturally I still have to send it out. I can make a personal feeling, if I don’t understand the taste, then Let this exquisite Immortal Venerable look light.”

Fang Han understands in his heart: “Let’s go, this place can’t stay for a long time. Fortunately, Xing Yun Baobao has not suffered any damage.”

Xing Yun Baobao In this fight, I have long been hiding in the depths of the Sun Moon Five Stars Bracelet, and then into the Yellow Springs Diagram, double protection, no harm, in this case of the battle, almost Longevity The battle of Mysteries Realm is only to hide, and the help is also helpless.

“It’s amazing…” Xing Yun Baobao climbed out and swayed. “Almost died, that exquisite Immortal Venerable is even more powerful than my parents!”

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