Eternal Life

Chapter 344

In the stunned eyes of “Smoke One”, in the distant void, it was torn by the power of formless, and a beautiful youth came out of it.

This beauty youth, wearing a brocade suit, is obviously a woman dressed as a man, but naturally there is a charm. The beautiful and beautiful, the Yushu is in the wind, the free and easy, between the Myriad Heavenly Domain, between the fingers. The beauty of this woman who disguised as a man came out and looked at Fang Han and smiled at him.

“This is the famous Myriad Heavenly Domain, Immortal Demon, and the Immortal Venerable? Even the Extreme Unity Sect, can’t help, open the school, and stand in the invincible Immortal Venerable?” Fang Han almost does not believe Your own eyes, the beautiful people who came in the distance, the men who dressed up as men, is the headmaster of the great sect.

This is quite too big for the Immortal Venerable that I imagined.

In his imagination, this Headmaster Immortal Venerable should be a high-sitting Ninth Layer cloud, swaying to all beings.

However, in front of this woman dressed as a men’s beauty youth, broke the 寰宇符, “Lingbo Wanxian ** sword array”, if it is not this Immortal Venerable, where there is such a big force between the gestures?

“Don’t be afraid! She is just an incarnation, exquisite Immortal Venerable’s true body, the Zuma teaching in the depths of the Foreign Starry Sky, can’t come back, just now her incarnation broke through the Yufu, consuming a lot of power, We don’t have to be afraid of her.” The smoke immediately saw the clue, and it seemed that it was when it came out. After the shock, calm down, the natural disaster gods suddenly suppressed the past, even the immortal Immortal Venerable this embodiment of the incarnation.

The Scourge God, incarnate as a boundless robbery cloud, which conveys the volcanic spray, the sound of the large floor block moving, can damage the Longevity Mysteries Realm’s Expert, the End of the Day Scourge, the Extreme Unity Sect Supreme Divine Ability, the Twelve Golden Core Expert It can be combined to display, and Demon King is useless for countless days, showing its power.

“Vatican Qingying” also flashed, and the “big chaos Leifa” was on the tip of the sword. On her head, the “Heart of Righteousness and Faestfulness” broke out again, trapping Fang Han, and a circle of light behind her head. Out, it turned into a powerful Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation, ghostly wrapped around Fang Han, not allowed to escape.

At the beginning of this woman, she actually retained her strength.

Her strength is still above Fang Han. With full exertion, Fang Han has to show his best efforts to get out.

“Smoke one, you are just a glimpse of the god of water, even if you are a real ancient water god, but the strength of the Longevity Mysteries Realm seven Eighth Layer, still not my opponent, although I am an incarnation, but also It’s not what you can contend with.”

Exquisite Immortal Venerable incarnation of this beauty, seeing the “natural disaster god” oppressed, the body’s void suddenly flashed, the space gap was born, the incomparable violent time and space storm flashed, the power of the natural disaster of the natural disaster, from She is rolling around, but in any case, she can’t hurt her body.

At this time, the beauty of this woman who disguised as a man is like a statue that stands between the heavens and the earth. It has been shocked for hundreds of millions of years, and it has never been moved.

“Exquisite Da Luotian!”

When the smoke body is a whole body, the Bohai Sea Pearl rotates, and the Lingbo Wanxian ** sword array suppresses her. At the same time, among the High Grade Dao Artifact of the Bohai Pearl, it sprays tens of millions of water flows between the heavens and the earth. The world that has become water: “The change of the sea, the accumulation of water, the endless, the river! The exquisite! You and I are the Discriments of Extreme Unity Sect, I don’t believe that you can overcome all my strength with the power of the incarnation. Plus the sea god beads!”

“Tai Huang Tian Lai, but I can’t help you, your pearl of rice, also shines Hua?”

The incarnation of the Immortal Venerable, the face suddenly became majestic, the kimono was hunted, and there was no movement. The space on the space changed automatically. It seemed like a huge chessboard. It was still the Divine Ability of the big Luotian. The water flow was all penetrated into the gap of Space.

She walked step by step, no power could stop her.

“Water god is coming!”

Seeing that the matter was urgent, the smoke suddenly bite the tip of the tongue, and a stream of blood was sprayed on the sea of ​​the gods. The sea of ​​pearls expanded ten times. Between the heavens and the earth, the infinite water power flocked, even Fang Han. The water king Astral Qi in the body is rushing! To break through, it was motivated by the sea god beads.

The blood of this smoke is a different kind of blood. It contains the life of a knives and the strength of the sorrow. This is a self-harming **. It is impossible for Fang Han to display it because it is not worth it, but the Immortal Venerable is exquisite. Different. Although it is an incarnation, it is not allowed.

Throughout the hurricane of the entire nine days, the water was forced to gather together, and there was a huge airborne ocean. Then there was a water god in the ocean. The whole body was blue and the hand was holding a Qi-shaped ancient shovel. It’s a human, the lower body is a snake, the long hair, all of them are blue colors, tall and big, and among the clouds, they open their eyes.

This is actually the shape of the ancient water god!

The shape of Taikoo Water God was formed by condense, and the pressure was increased tenfold. Fang Han tried to run Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty, and he settled the surging of the water. This is not the quality of Astral Qi, but his Culture Base is weak and the realm is relatively low. No matter how powerful he is, he is always in the realm of Golden Core.

“What is Da Luo? Everything in time and space, eternal freedom, is for Da Luo, what is Jin Xian? Gold is immortal, never robbing!”

The water god is condensed, the pressure is soaring, the airborne ocean appears, and the Immortal Venerable is indifferent. Strolling forward, no matter how ferocious mines, the rushing power of water, it has no effect on her. It seems that she is in another parallel space. .

When she wandered, wherever she went, where the water wave dissipated, in an instant, Space was infinitely concentrated under her feet, the world narrowed in front of her, and the whole time and space were mastered by her, and the whole world was changed by her. She is the master of time and Space.

Even above the sky, there is a mysterious origin. Among the origins, a gate appears faintly. It seems that the door is opened and you can enter the fairy world.


The door suddenly shook a little, and the infinite celestial spirit inside it collapsed and fell directly on the top of the water god.

The tall and beautiful water god, was beaten to collapse.

The water god, which has been condensed with smoke and water for nearly sixty years, has been directly defeated. How powerful is this exquisite Immortal Venerable? Unbelievable!

The smoke and water rushed back!

It is going to be looted, but it is late. Immortal Venerable With one finger, there is a huge chessboard around the smoke. The texture of the board is a crack in time and space, wrapping her in the air.


All the water power was almost shaken, and the smoke once again spurted a blood.

“Dissipate!” Linglong Immortal Venerable once again pointed his hand, and suddenly the sea god bead was wrapped in a chessboard, the power of time and space cutting, the group of god beads hit, the water inside was stirred, and it was greatly damage.


“Vanqing Shadow” is not good, give up Fang Han, hit a sword, chaotic Leifa everywhere, blow to Immortal Venerable, power is much bigger than attacking Fang Han, even the Divine Ability condense The chessboards were all shaken violently.

“Chaotic Leifa, you still only produce a layer of power, can’t open up time and space, can’t make everything into chaos, I will teach you two tricks, let you know what is called real chaotic Leifa.”

The exquisite Immortal Venerable is another finger. In the crack of the void, a hundred thousand chaotic thunderballs were flying out. The van Gogh shadow was blown back, and the blind woman’s thunder was broken and bombarded on her body.

“Vatican Qingying” has a glimpse of the body, and a sword in the palm of the hand waved and wrapped himself in it, but there was no use, it was directly blown up, and the people flew out, and among the blind eyes, blood flowed.

“Exquisite Da Luo, eternal suppression…”

After the exquisite Immortal Venerable defeated the Van Gogh shadow, the backhand palm directly pressed the smoke to the nine-day hurricane. And the sea god beads, have been caught.


Lingbo Wanxian ** array, also by the exquisite Immortal Venerable with a thunder, tens of thousands of swords, flying everywhere. That mouth Dao Artifact bloody soft water sword, also blasted out of the body, a green dress of the woman, panic.

“Good opportunity!” Fang Han finally got out of trouble, his hand rushed, and the eight floaters flew out and directly suppressed. The bloody big Buddha inside, opened his big hand, caught the flying sword in his hand and kept beating.

“The madness loses life!”

As soon as the smoke and water saw this scene, between the moment, swallowed the next medicine pill, Magic Force skyrocketed. The Bohai Pearl was once again spurred and expanded to the limit. Suddenly it exploded and turned into thousands of water and gas. Every symbol was like a dragon and snake, and all of it was in the body.

“Heaven and earth!”

At this point, she did not hesitate to leave.

Exquisite Immortal Venerable hand lifted again, a strong, bombarded in the void, collapse! The woman was shocked out of life, and she squirted a blood, and it was in the water cloud. The degree was accelerated by a thousand times, and it was actually bloody.

The “Vatican Qingying” also had several ups and downs, and it was faster than the smoke. For a time, all the murderous annihilation disappeared, and the water cloud was swept away by the hurricane.

There was only one sword array left, and tens of thousands of flying swords flew in the air. When the smoke and water left, there was no time to take away the “Lingbo Wanxianzheng”.

Now, these tens of thousands of flying swords and maps will also fly away automatically, but where will it be? The exquisite Immortal Venerable waved, and the board of the exquisite Da Luotian shrouded it, trapping all the flying swords and the maps in a row. It turned into a picture, and those flying swords were all on the picture. Even in the blink of an eye, it was refining.

“Exquisite Immortal Venerable, Xianfu Yongxiang, Shou and Tianqi, through the ages, immortal.”

Fang Han saw the exquisite Immortal Venerable’s shot and defeated the two Experts, destroying the general, the heart shocked to the extreme, fixed the gods, and quickly went forward to pay homage, big flattering.

“No need for many gifts, this is not my true body. My true body, in the depths of the Five Star Billion megabytes of Foreign Starry Sky, Zuma teaches you, I feel that you are dangerous to give me a gift, so I pulled out The roots, give me the Millennium Culture Base, and travel through time and space. You see my form now, it is my head, the Millennium Culture Base has run out, it will become the original shape…”

The exquisite Immortal Venerable swings its hands and the body is blurred. The whole person is thin and has a long blue thread in the middle.

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