Eternal Life

Chapter 332: strength

Chapter 332 Strength

Jin Dan!

Fang Han actually built Jin Dan!

And it is the real golden dragon of the ninety kinds of magical powers.

The achievements of Jin Dan in ninety kinds of magical powers are rare in the past ten thousand years. How difficult is it to make Jindan in ninety kinds of magical powers? It is not enough energy, you can achieve it. The key is that the more magical powers, the more chaotic the vitality, the need for great wisdom, the determination to surrender and the conditioning. And the more magical powers, the harder it is to raise the realm.

Every kind of supernatural power, although it is a force, is also an obstacle. The so-called supernatural power is bigger and the obstacles are deeper. Once there was an ancient monk, this theory was put forward. Some monks even put forward the absurd theory that magical powers are not important, and that they do not need magical powers.

However, the more magical powers there are, the harder it is to raise the realm. This is an iron fact.

Fang Han can actually be cultivated, it can be said to capture the creation of the heavens and the earth, set the spirit of the sun and the moon, and participate in the mystery of the fairy. The rules of the universe. It lies in his profound understanding of spiritual practice and the removal of obstacles. Be brave and refined.

In the past, Fang Han was thinking about it, first cultivated Jin Dan, and then refined the nine ghosts. At that time, you can also sweep the existence of the mysterious secrets and hope to defeat Huatian.

Now, he actually refines the nine ghosts and then rebuilds Jindan, which is even more powerful!

This one after the other is the essential difference.

Now his ninety kinds of magical powers can be described as a sacred magical power, and are closely related to his own life. Ghost Emperor's powerful magical magical powers, he was integrated into his own flesh and blood, and the magical power was also surrendered by his great strength, turning the devil into a Tao.

Mana has been infinitely close to "100 million."

One person and one dragon. It is for billion.

At this time, although he is a master of Shentong seven golden dragons, but the mana tyrannical, have been standing on the peak of the supernatural powers. Next, I saw that he had survived the eight-fold hurricane, and the nine condensed the heavens and the earth, and he changed his life. The three realms also need to be understood one by one.

Now, even if it is a long-lived mysterious giant, it will not kill him. He can completely retreat.

Like Hua Tiandu, I met the Emperor and I was calm.

Step by step, the speed of Fang Han suddenly increased several times. At this moment, his blows have been infinitely close to the long-lived mysterious giants. Although there is no such pressure and shock from the ancient giants, there is naturally a shackle of the world.

Stars destroy evil eyes!

Fang Han stepped over and came to him. His golden light of the "lighting ancient Buddha umbrella" was constantly torn, and it was like a broken bamboo. Although this is a medium-quality device, but because of the five million devout gods inside, all of them are burning and burning, the power is greatly weakened, but it is unable to withstand the blow of Fang Han.

Seeing Fang Han is going to hit a boxer on himself.

On the face of the evil spirits, there was a decisive decision. After the contraction, the Yuanshen star body covered the body of the whole person, and then exhaled and opened the sound, mixing the golden body, and punching it away. The power of the stars in the stars and the sky all gathered wildly on him, and he once again mobilized the world.

However, this is a loss.

Two punches touch each other.

Fang Han’s body just shook a little.

The "star evil spirits" full body starlight exploded, the whole people burned fireworks, flew straight out, glided hundreds of miles in the air, hitting a mountain, his face pale.

Fang Han is in the air, dragons and tigers, breathless, such as stellar illumination, such as the sun and the moon, giving people a heavy oppression, he stepped out again, actually appeared six shadows, and appeared in the periphery of the six disciples watching One palm pressed down.

Wuzi deficiency, flower charming, Yutianhua, Tibetan Wei.... There are two masters who have survived the raging fire, and they are all shocked. At the same time, they burst out and fight against the magic weapon.

However, Fang Han lightly and easily pressed between them, all their magic weapons, magical powers, were shaken, and people fell to the ground.

However, Fang Han did not hurt them. The big sleeves waved, and a soft wind lifted them up and sent them to the side of "Star Destroy".

"You, I am new to supernatural powers, can't take pictures. Please also forgive me. Stars destroy evil friends, let's fight, how about?" Fang Han stood in the air, holding his hands, watching the stars destroy evil Mana, to resolve some minor internal injuries.

Under this time, he did not show his hot hands. At this moment, he is in the middle of the stars and the poisonous hands of the true disciples who have great potential for the stars. It must be impossible, let alone Fang Han will draw them at this moment. This is just showing your strength.

"This person, the mana is too horrible! Actually shot at the same time, hitting us six people, they all shocked us." Yu Tianhua stunned, although he was not injured, but also felt that he was previously provoked how cold the danger is the behavior of.

"He is now Jin Dan Dacheng. In terms of strength alone, he can rank in the top three in the longevity candidate list! I don't know what will happen to him after he and Hua Tiandu. Now no one needs to do it. Listen to me." evil ways.

"Congratulations to Fang Handaoyou, Jindan Dacheng. The golden dragons of the ninety kinds of magical powers are rare. But the more magical powers, the more obstacles, the next step for Taoist friends to experience the most horrible fire, you The higher the magical power, the more serious the raging fire, the past, the mana re-construction, and the inability to pass. All the cultivation is turned into a bubble."

The evil spirits flew up and the eyes flowed: "This time I lost a trick, when I fulfilled my promise, I stopped being a true disciple and turned to an elder."

"It doesn't have to be like this." Fang Han smiled slightly: "Actually, I don't want to worry about the things inside your star gates, but now the big robbery falls, the monastic circles are not calm. We need to unite, not hate each other. Stars Detoxification friends need to forget the water. I will not be jealous. Take it! As for the magical symbols of the Five Elements, this time I came to the Stars Gate to discuss and organize a group of law enforcement elite disciples to safeguard the peace of the Fairy. Elite disciples must be mastered, so I am willing to let go of the Five Elements and practice together. As for the Nebula baby, although I am his big brother, I am not willing to encourage him. If you withdraw from the competition, Then he will have a smooth sailing, no pressure, and no great achievements. It is like our feathering door, just because I have a duel with Huatian, so I will grow up quickly. So, for the stars, for the nebula baby, You should not quit the true disciple, be an elder."

A yellow water vapor rushed directly to the "star evil."

"Forget the water!" The star annihilated the big joy, and quickly pulled out a gourd, all loaded in. "With this water, my grasp of the longevity secret is much greater."

At this point, he wiped out the decadence in the hands of Fang Han.

Forgetting the water is something that even the elders of the heavens need, washing their own vitality, can help to cultivate the undead body. Huang Quan’s emperor was able to cultivate to the longevity secrets of the past ten years. In fact, part of it relied on the power of forgetting the water.

"The things that make up the law enforcement disciples are of great importance, but the Taoist friends are willing to share the Five Elements. That would be great. In this way, I have to report to the Supreme Master and discuss with many elders." excellent. After all, for people like him, what kind of grievances and humiliations are not cultivated into the longevity secret.

For the longevity of the world, you can give up everything.

"I am going to stay here for a while, and discuss with you. Right, the star-killing Taoist friend actually cultivated the mysterious Buddha's magical powers. I also have a Buddhist magic weapon. I don't know how to sacrifice. Let's ask each other about the Tao. After the exquisite fairy goddess for four thousand years, go to the gift."

Fang Han is very interested in the "burning ancient Buddha umbrella" of the evil spirits. Mainly to collect the demon inside, can make the devil turn violently into piety, this is simply a means of anti-day.

The devil is not tamed, even if Fang Han uses Huang Quantu, they can only suppress them and then wash them into medicinal herbs. It is impossible to turn them into piety. If this means is learned, it is very useful for refining the magic weapon of the future. It can even change the structure of the five prisoners.

Think about it, in the five prisons, the collection of eight million days of magic, and then turn them into pure and devout believers, how much to give their "willingness"? Helping you to cultivate yourself will definitely go further.

Of course, the vitality needed to support eight million demons is also amazing. Even the stars can only support five million devils. However, Fang Han has a tree of the world and is not afraid. Affordable.

"Give Linglong Xianzun worship life? This is a big event." Stars destroy evil also know this thing, "Linglong Xianzun is very generous, her exquisite and blessed female monks are concentrated, many monks are willing to go, see if they can And the female disciples formed a fairytale fate. I learned the fruit together. I also prepared a gift to go forward. This is not to make a female monk, but to create a Buddha grass if you can I can use it to sculpt my ancient lamp umbrella and enhance my power."

"The exquisite and blessed land is the true land of heaven and earth, and almost all the rare and precious grasses in the world can be found in it." Fang Han read "The Worlds". There are some things that are detailed in the exquisite land.

When Fang Han accepted the "star evil" in the water, many elders who watched it were relieved.

"This cold is really not aggressive." Stars ruling elders nodded again and again, "I am forgotten about the wonders of the water, I also want to see some. It is also very helpful for me to cultivate my undead body. It seems that I am looking for opportunities, to the side. It’s cold to ask for a little bit of water.”

"I don't want to forget the water, I just want to ask him, the magical star of cultivation, what is it. Actually restrain the magical power of our stars."

He has been cultivated as an immortal body, and he began to understand the mystery of the space. He was impressed when Fang Hanshi exhibited the power of the stars to absorb the stars. With his cultivation, moving the stars, arranging a large array, with intuition can feel it, Fang Han Shentong is extremely wonderful.

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