Eternal Life

Chapter 331

Finally, I became a Golden Core. Fang Han started to want cattle. Everyone applauded and voted, congratulations on the birth of “nine thousand years old”.

Fang Han’s Golden Core is getting more and more awkward, and Aura is getting more and more powerful. What stars have met him, they are all swallowed, and they all fall into the “Stars of Promise”, and then by The Promise Book spits out and nourishes the rest of the stars Divine Ability. All kinds of stars Divine Ability, such as “Xingsha Refining Thunder”, “Demonic Blade”, “Big Meteor Shower”, “Beidou Big Handprint”, “Star King and the World”… and so on, are constantly rising.

The power of “Stars Sect”, which was mobilized by the evil spirits, did not cause any suppression to him.

Because “Divine Ability” is the depth of the distant universe, the huge “Dao technique” is the nemesis of the Stars Sect Dao technique, or the source of the Stars Sect Dao technique. Because of this, When Star Master saw the Divine Ability of the Stars Promise Book, he was shocked and even stunned.

After getting the law, even the “Star Master” took a thousand years to live, inferring the ultimate mystery of this law.

Fang Han estimates that this “Star Master” has not yet been fully calculated. He has to go back to Closed door meditation, or go to Elder with Stars Sect and recalculate the mystery of this door.

However, for him, it is after the Longevity Mysteries Realm.

After entering Longevity Mysteries Realm, re-editing Divine Ability, the Stars Promise book is the object of his abandonment. In the future, he will definitely peel off the Divine Ability and seal it on a magical treasure to refine his own Life Origin magical. Treasure. His main core is Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty. Later, open the Yellow Springs treasury and get the cultivation method of the ninety-nine regenerative Demonic art of Great Emperor Yellow Springs, which is by far the most correct choice.

Each Longevity Mysteries Realm cultivator, after recultivating Divine Ability, refines a Life Origin magical treasure and seals its excess Divine Ability in Life Origin magical treasure for added power.

Fang Han has already made some calculations in his heart. After his cultivation to Longevity Mysteries Realm, he has been refining eight battalions as his own Life Origin magical treasure. Seal all the useless Divine Ability. Yellow Springs Diagram Although it is good, it is not refining itself. I am afraid there are some obstacles, not to mention that Fang Han is at the bottom of his heart and does not believe in “阎”.

It’s not because there is anything wrong with “阎”.

It is a cultivation, but it is a strong self, all the way through. With “I” as the core, and outside of me, there is no other thing. Heaven and earth must serve the core of “I”, not foreign objects, and have any dependence on people. Once you rely on it and lose the Spirit that was created independently, that’s it.

Every Great Divine Ability has this determination and idea, otherwise it will not make a big deal.

“With ‘I’ as the heart, Golden Core condense. Heaven and earth exist for me, the sun and the moon run because of me, the wind is shaken by me, the golden is immortal, and it lasts forever…”

Fang Han has a majestic voice.

At this moment, the heavens and the earth are shaking for him. The sounds of his grandeur are spreading everywhere. It seems that he has to break through the void and pass it to the faraway, let all the existence know that he is about to become a Golden Core. Golden Core with 90 Divine Ability! Coming soon!

Whether it is the “lighting ancient Buddha umbrella”, or the Star Light body, or the star of the evil spirits, it is completely forced to retreat, Fang Han’s Golden Core pressure, even oppress it The ground fell, and the pressure of his life was on the ground, worshipping

“condense Golden Core?” Stars destroy the gun! Useless.

Burning the ancient Buddha umbrella out of golden light, no use!

Once again, the power of the stars is still not used.

His body, like a big turtle, was curled up and the entire Yuanshen Star light body was directly compressed back into the body. He is very unremarkable, he has never had this moment, and he has been so upset.

“I don’t believe that you have so much energy to condense the ninety Divine Ability’s Golden Core! Even so, I have to touch you, the lights are gone, Heavenly Demon is gone! Five hundred Wan Heavenly Demon, give me silence!”

At this moment, the star destroys that if he fails, Fang Han will not kill himself. However, grievances are inevitable. How can a person like him endure grievances?

As a result, he finally showed his own powerful move, and all the five million Heavenly Demons that were converted into the “lighting ancient Buddha umbrella” were completely destroyed.

Although this ancient Buddha umbrella, five million Heavenly Demon began to be shocked by tens of thousands of heads, but it is a slap in the face, does not affect the overall situation.

Among the ancient Buddha umbrella flames, the densely decorated Heavenly Demon, his face showed a very pious expression, sitting around the ancient Buddha Artifact Spirit, constantly singing a variety of scriptures, and then began to burn themselves.

The ancient Buddha umbrella is a Dao Artifact, Middle Grade Dao Artifact, which contains Space! It’s not Fifth Hell King Cauldron, it can only accommodate formless Heavenly Demon. Among the five million Heavenly Demons of the ancient Buddha umbrella, there is Demon King!

These Demon King, the body burns, the power generated after the silence is also huge.

A force that was neither devastating nor regenerative, bursting out of it, suddenly formed a terrible deity. There is nothing to describe the horror that is brewing in it.

“Isn’t it enough?”

At this moment, all the energy accumulated by Fang Han was consumed, but the Golden Core still had no condense, but he was keenly aware that the star evil was driving a horrible technique.

However, he has been prepared.

“Four hundred and fifty black Water Snake King, blow me up!” Fang Han thought, in the Yellow Springs Diagram, all the Black Water Snake King soaked in the Forgetting Emotion Potion, all exploded! The mighty Essence Blood, all the energy, was taken out and sent to its own Golden Core.

He has already prepared!

The hundreds of Black Water Snake Kings, washed in the forgotten rivers, have long been washed out of Impurities, expelling all the different Spirits, and Fang Han is just to get them out of the crisis and provide them with the key to condensing the Golden Core. The strength.

Four hundred and fifty-one Black Water Snake King, all of which are Divine Ability Mysteries Realm’s demon! Hey! Some even Insight Yin and Yang are extremely different, equivalent to the cultivator of the Divine Ability Fourth Layer, and the Magic Force Essence Blood is unstoppable. If you get all the auctions in the Great Clouds Empire market, the value is no less than Nirvana.

Fang Han all made them explode, all Magic Force, vitality, Essence Blood, rushed into a blood dragon and rushed out to re-integrate into Golden Core.


It was like a flaming mountain, and it was poured out of the oil of a lake.

Fang Han Golden Core’s fine light has turned into a substantial crystal mans. Throughout the Stars Sect, there is a streak of white light, and no one can see anything.

“The Thunder of Silence!”


Among the overwhelming crystal mansions of the Fang Han Golden Core, a golden mountain rises from the ground! On top of this golden mountain, the thick thunder is entangled, but it is not an ordinary thunder, but a kind of golden mine, which is the sudden explosion of five million Heavenly Demon. This Divine Thunder, even if Longevity Mysteries Realm’s Expert encounters, if you don’t dodge, you don’t need any magical treasure to resist, you have to be injured.

This is Stars Sect’s first true disciple, just one step away from the Assassin Long of Longevity Mysteries Realm, not at the easy end, not always.

This Divine Thunder, like a golden mountain, came out on the ground and actually went to court with Fang Han’s Golden Core.

“Dragon Divine Pill!”

Fang Han At this moment, he did not hesitate to take out a gourd, which has five dragons, Divine Pill. Originally, there were nine pieces taken from the dragon star, but he took one of his own, Xing Yun Baobao, one black prince, and one prince. There are now five, and the five powerful medicine pills are not taken by him, but suddenly, they are scattered and blended into the blood of Black Water Snake King.


Five medicine pills, originally owned by Long Li, the Essence Qi of Black Water Snake King took the medicine pill and suddenly turned into a strip of virtual dragons, once again absorbed by the Golden Core!

Hey! At this moment, Fang Han’s Golden Core finally has the most abundant energy! Once again, condense becomes a solid! At the moment when the condense became a solid, Fang Han’s Mortal Body disappeared and disappeared. It was actually the core of the Golden Core.

When Golden Core changes, all Divine Ability will be tempered with Mortal Body. Finally, Mortal Body Life essence will increase, and Divine Ability will be more flexible. This is a kind of behavior, so Expert is changing to Goldenen. When Core is used, Life essence can be greatly increased. The more Divine Ability, the more powerful Life essence is.

At this time, Fang Han’s ninety Divine Ability are all blended with their flesh and blood, and they are in the Golden Core. Golden Core is also a wonderful existence among people.

His Mortal Body, all kinds of strengths, all merged into one, he felt his life, certainly nine thousand years old! Because, he seems to be faintly felt, the limits of the Wannian rule.

His Mortal Body, between the Golden Core and the Golden Core, has once again become powerful, powerful enough to be a horrible realm, with every inch of skin, every inch of muscle and bones changing. Even each of his hairs showed a powerful force. If someone can get one of his hair, after refining, it can become a highly damaging Treasured Artifact like a flying needle!

A drop of sweat on his body is a precious water emperor Astral Qi!

Just as his body was pulled into the Golden Core, it rose out of the air and thundered. A fierce explosion, but it has no use.

The brilliance of only the fried Golden Core was scattered on all sides, and the core was not affected at all.

Because this Golden Core is not a virtual Dan, but a real Golden Core!

Fang Han stepped into the Divine Ability Seventh Layer, the key Golden Core realm! Become a young giant! And it’s a Golden Core with ninety Divine Ability, infinitely close to the long lived giant!

If he is the original 56 Divine Ability, he becomes a Golden Core, and the Thunder of Death may hurt him and affect his Dan Cheng. But now, it is impossible!


After the explosion of the Thorium, the Golden Core did not move, Fang Han suddenly landed from it, the Golden Core concentrated, and entered his mind, all the pressures disappeared, but everyone felt the horror of this person, as if facing The giants of the ancient times generally have a feeling of powerlessness that cannot be defeated in the depths of their hearts!

“Stars are evil! You still don’t admit defeat!”

Fang Han step out!

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