Eternal Life

Chapter 286

Fang Han’s reason for killing himself “Zhao Xuanyi” and “Song Weiyi” is naturally to add a new power to Ascension Sect, which makes people completely admire themselves.

Now defeating Wan Luo, Meng Shaobai, abolishing Fang Man and others, manipulating the Mountains and Rivers List contest, just let the people in the martial art fear. Internal repression can only produce fear, but now killing the enemy outside, it can make people respect. Extreme Unity Sect’s arrogance, has long been seen by countless cultivate Dao people in the world, but the other side is too powerful, a little offended, shouting and killing. The cultivate Dao in the world is afraid to speak.

Even the Elder of Ascension Sect is extremely dissatisfied with the strength of Extreme Unity Sect.

Now I hear that Fang Han’s killing and decisiveness, killing the Golden Core giant, is shocking and deflated, and the mood is very comfortable. Even Elder regretted that he had not seen it with his own eyes.

Killing Extreme Unity Sect Two Golden Core giants, what a stunning picture?

If you think about it, it will be exciting and leaking.

Fang Han saw the whole welcoming hall inside the welcoming hall, and the handle was lifted slightly, and it seemed to be a quiet Divine Ability, and the scene was quiet.

This is because many people have been subjected to his momentum and shut up at the same time.

“This child hasn’t practiced Golden Core yet. It’s so majestic between the gestures. It’s really a high weight in Ascension Sect. If he practices Golden Core, even Great Windfire Tribulation, Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation Still got it? Can you even counter the giants?” Elder of the three major swordsmen bowed.

“This matter, should not be over-proclaimed.” paused, Elder Jian Kuang said: “After all, Extreme Unity Sect is also a face, now they know the loss, do not dare to oppress Fang Han, if you pass this thing crazy Go out. Maybe they are really angry and angry, but they are not good for their friends. Some things, it’s good to cover them.”

“Hey! You didn’t want to kill me when Extreme Unity Sect? They are too elder, too emperor, just as we shuttled the space-time tunnel, we have already killed us. It just didn’t succeed, it was hindered by the ancient demon. If it weren’t for the ancient demon shot, we’ve turned it into a fly ash now!”

Fang Han sneered again and again.

“What? Fang Han Daoyou, what do you say is true?” Danzizi stunned, his face was extremely ugly, then his eyes turned and he remembered that he had reported things to his “Pill Cauldron Sword School” Sectmaster. Sectmaster immediately went to the depths of the martial art and looked for a lot of Elder. When he came out, his face was sullen, his face was angry but he never said anything. He knew what Fang Han said, ** not far from ten!

“Extreme Unity Sect is bold! I dare to be so mean, even we want to obliterate!”

“They want to kill people, and always hide this thing! What is the poison of the heart! Even if it is Demon Dao, it is cruel and sinister. But is Extreme Unity Sect so shameless?”

“Hey, this is the first martial art in the right way. It is clearly a rogue that has fallen into the next three streams! Even the devil is not as good! At least the devil still talks about credibility.”

Feng Feitian, Elder Jian Kuang are all stunned. They also felt the fear, in case the ancient magic devil shot in the land of the Five Elements, now he has become a fly ash. And there is no place to say it.

They are Powerhouse of Divine Ability Ninth Layer, Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation. But who is the “Tai Huang Tian” of Extreme Unity Sect? Ten thousand years ago, I participated in the giant war of the gods! Ten thousand years ago, this person was the Sectmaster of Extreme Unity Sect, the Myriad Heavenly Domain of Megatron, not to mention in the Xuanhuangda world, even in countless Foreign Starry Sky, it was well-known. Longevity Mysteries Realm is about to cultivation. At the end, there is hope that the gates of the fairy world will be torn apart and become an inexhaustible character.

Such a giant, who killed a few Divine Ability Mysteries Realm, is generally simple to eat and drink, who dares to find him trouble?

It can be said that even the Headmaster of the three major sects knows that it is the Emperor’s murder, and they will pretend not to know, and they dare not speak.

“So the three Elders should not be too polite to treat Extreme Unity Sect. But at this time, they are not the time to liquidate, and Demon Dao is watching, we can’t destroy the Great Wall. Our current Ascension Sect and the three swords. All have to be the same, so I can reshuffle the Immortal Gathering Grand Assembly three years later!”

Fang Han succeeded in achieving the purpose of provocation, and the words turned around. “The Spirit of the Five Elements is in the hands of Spirit Talisman. Now I am going to send a letter to Stars Sect. I am inviting the door to send an elite discipline, and the two parties will work together to temper. Set up a team of Immortal Dao joint law enforcement, and then go to the five elements to experience. Do not know the three major swords, do you mean to build a law enforcement team with my Ascension Sect and Stars Sect?”

“Building a law enforcement team?”

Elder, the three major swordsmen, exchanged their eyes: “This is what Extreme Unity Sect once proposed, but Immortal Dao is afraid of Extreme Unity Sect, so there is no agreement.”

“Three big swords, my Ascension Sect, Stars Sect, and five Immortal Dao sects, first select a group of elite disciplines. The law enforcement team is specially designed to deal with the disputes of our five sects within the internal discipline. No other sects are involved. However, as a law enforcement team, the strength must be higher than others, so I am going to go to the five elements with these law enforcement figures. I will also provide some practice pill ”Fang Han’s face is very impartial, but my heart is Wishful abacus.

After forming the law enforcement team and leading the team, you can use the name to clean up some of the traitors in the five major sects!

Of course, his main goal is Hua Tiandu!

For example, after the five major factions formed a law enforcement team, he was the leader. The Sectmaster of the five sects recognizes the legitimacy of this law enforcement team, so Hua Tiandu who is close to Extreme Unity Sect will

“Ha ha ha ha ha” Fang Han had a smirk in his heart. “Hua Tiandu, after I got rid of the five major sects, after the establishment of the law enforcement team, your last days came! At that time, I took up the name of the righteousness and came directly to suppress you. Do you dare to resist? It is a big deal.”

He also admired his own unexpected thoughts.

In fact, this thing has always been done by Extreme Unity Sect. After the establishment of the law enforcement team, Extreme Unity Sect can use this law enforcement team to interfere with other martial arts, and the name is justified.

But now Fang Han does something different than Extreme Unity Sect. The first is that the strength of Fang Han is strong, but it is controllable, unlike the giant Unity Sect. The second is that Fang Han offers the Five Elements and the practice medicine pill! Third, Fang Han does not interfere with other sects, but with the help of law enforcement teams.

Now the meaning of Fang Han is actually very clear. If the three major swordsmen agree to establish a law enforcement squad, then the Five Elements can cooperate, otherwise everything will be avoided.

“This thing is of great significance. I have to go back and report to Sectmaster and make a decision.” Elder Jian Kuang said the first time: “But as long as Fang Han can provide medicine pill, there will be ten.”

“We also went back to see Sectmaster and took this as the first big thing in the martial art.”

“This is indeed the first thing in the martial art.”

Feng Feitian, Danzizi stood up and arched their hands to leave.

Seeing the three Sword lights, disappeared into the sky, Fang Han sneered again and again, this law enforcement team’s things, there are five elements, a lot of medicine pill temptation, ten can do. within one year! You can build this law enforcement team yourself! In two years, it will become a climate.

Three years

In three years, you can use it to force Hua Tiandu. Let him struggle.

Of course, the most important thing is your own Culture Base, which must not be pulled down. I am brave and daring, and then use the means to combine the vertical and horizontal, let the general trend take over one side of the side, and both can turn over.

After the three Grand Elders, Fang Han went to the Fang Lightxue’s Purple Lightning Peak, handing over one million Nascent Origin Pill to her, and the debt was fully repaid.

Now, he decided to go out and go to “Stars Sect”. The first is to send the windy white feathers. The second is to go to “Stars Sect” to discuss the establishment of the law enforcement team. Obviously, you must also use the five elements to add medicine pill. within Temptation.

At the same time, he also wants to see other Immortal Dao sects and the Ascension Sect. Who is more powerful, and who is the discipline? He himself, except for Ascension Sect, has never been to other sects.

Take a look at your own mountain and let the witch guard. Fang Han took Xing Yun Baobao out of the mountain gate and flew directly to the location of Stars Sect.

It is rumored that the “Stars Sect” mountain gate is in the “Star Mountain”.

“Ying Xing Shan” is the mountain that formed when a huge star in the sky fell into the big yellow world. How big is a star in the sky? The fleshy quagmire, Heavenly Demon Battlefield, and even the Five Elements, all explained the meaning of stars and planet for Fang Han.

Therefore, the “Xingxing Mountain” stretches hundreds of thousands of miles across dozens of countries, and countless dragon races are contained in it, sourced from thousands of rivers. In the mountains, there are countless mineral lode, countless treasures, outer space aura, rare plant animals. It is even more rumored that in this mountain cultivation, you can draw more stars, more integration and heavenly stars.

However, “Yi Xing Shan” is quite far from “Ascension Mountain”, and Stars Sect is deeply hidden in large and small mountains and thousands of mountains. There are still many hidden obstacles that are difficult for ordinary people to find.

But at this time, Fang Han is as fast as lightning, and the ghosts are incomparable. A thousand miles away, the moment comes, and there is no sound wave that breaks the air. It seems to be absorbed by a strange Magic Force. In order to continue to move forward. This is actually a little bit of understanding between Fang Han and Meng Shaobai.

The Magic Force and the surrounding air shuddering are combined to resonate and resonate. Suddenly, a rotation turns into a propulsive force that completely manipulates the wind and airflow.

Fang Han flies like this, even if it is Divine Ability Seventh Layer Golden Core Expert, he can’t catch his Aura and shadow.

“Help, help, no one will save me.”

Just as Fang Han flew in the sky, suddenly a ground beneath the ground, a faint voice, conveyed into his mind, suddenly let him pause.

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