Eternal Life

Chapter 285

For three and a half months, the Ascension Sect was quiet, the storm stopped, and all the disciples were hidden and secretly practiced. The whole winter has passed in this calm.

Fang Han also lived a solid three-and-a-half-month cultivate Dao career. In the twinkling of an eye, winter and spring, he finally made four million “Nascent Origin Pill”. Counting, the three psyche Elder’s medicine pill, and Fang Qingxue’s medicine pill are refining. Since then, no longer owe debts, you can also free up your hands to feed the “鲲鹏巨蛋” into a big devouring magic array.

As long as this “鲲鹏巨蛋” hatches, and the “big devouring magic array” brewed by Fang Han is absorbed by Fang Han, it is even more terrifying than Meng Shaobai’s Kun Pengyuan.

Kuang Peng Yuan Shen swallowed magical treasure, after all, by instinct. Still in a primitive state.

The “Great Devouring Technique” is the supreme Powerhouse and Insight in the ancient Heavenly Demon, creating the Supreme Divine Ability that devours everything and plunders everything. More than the original instinct of Kuang Peng is mysterious.

Originally, Fang Han wanted to refine the “Golden Core” of “Zhao Xuanyi” and take it into the sacred sacred sacred corpus, so that all the cultivations of the internal organs were condensed into one place, and I don’t know how strong the body is.

But now a Golden Core can break him up and strip a Divine Ability alone, but it’s not worthwhile.

Because the Golden Core is a whole. Either spread all at once and absorb all Divine Ability. If only one door is absorbed, then the opened Golden Core can’t be condensed again, it is equivalent to abolished, and the Divine Ability great array will dissipate quickly.

“Zhao Xuanyi”‘s Golden Core contains twenty-seven Divine Ability. If you want to use a Divine Ability and waste the rest, it is too luxurious.

Originally, Xing Yun Baobao If the cultivation reached the Fifth Layer Celestial Realm, Fang Han could spread the Golden Core of “Zhao Xuanyi” and leave the remaining 26 Divine Ability to it.

Fang Han has a feeling that it is extremely important for him to be a god.

Even it faintly knows that once the gods are completed, they can melt the six-eye seal into their own six scorpions and reinforce their physical strength.

By that time, White Emperor’s Golden Emperor Chop was on display, and it was really lightning fast. When others started just a thousand miles away, they had already swept past and killed people.

Meng Shaobai’s degree in front of himself has also become a joke.

“Xing Yun Baobao ah Xing Yun Baobao, when can you be promoted to Celestial Realm?” Looking at the giant baby around, screaming and sleeping, Xing Yun Baobao, who has no heart to the extreme, Fang Han Pat his head.


I feel that someone is shooting myself, Xing Yun Baobao is a kind, open mouth, wow bite on Fang Han’s palm, licking and chewing, as if dreaming of something to eat, relish.

Fang Han shook his head and quickly pulled out. Xing Yun Baobao licked his mouth and continued to sleep.

No one can do anything to see this look.

“Sun and Moon Sword Sect Elder Jian Kuang, Pill Cauldron Sword School Danzizi, Connecting Heaven Sword School, Feng Feitian, come to meet Fang Han!” At this moment, outside the mountains, the communication was vigorous. A powerful voice that flies directly into Fang Han’s great array.

“Hahahaha, the three Elders are really trusting people, please come in. The three million Nascent Origin Pill I have prepared are ready. One million people per person.” Fang Han heard the voice and immediately rose to the sky. Sure enough, I saw three Sword lights in the distance. When I heard my answer, I immediately flew into the scope of Ascension Mountain and stayed on top of my “return peak”. The powerful Sword Qi was around.

Three Grand Elders, all of which are Powerhouses of Divine Ability Ninth Layer “Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation”, on which side are the figures of the world of Megatron, and at the same time, Fang Han is placed, and all the true disciple of Ascension Sect are suddenly alarmed. Of course, some of Elder in Heavenly Feather Temple also flew out.

Fang Han’s voice also surprised more people. After all, a large number of people don’t know what he traded with the Grand Grand Elder, nor did he know that he killed the two largest Golden Core Experts of Extreme Unity Sect. Song Weiyi, Zhao Xuanyi.

After the three Grand Elders went back, there seemed to be no rumor.

Extreme Unity Sect naturally does not take the initiative to pass.

The message is now at the blockade level.

“What, three million medicine pill! And Nascent Origin Pill?” At this time, Ling Xiao on the eastern peak is cultivation, he is Golden Core Expert, and now he still maintains the power, because there is no fight with Fang Han, unlike Wan Luo is so famous. He is silently cultivation every day, hoping that one day he will suddenly shoot and defeat Fang Han. This person has a deep heart, although on the surface of relying on Hua Tiandu, but there is the ambition of Sectmaster.

But now, the three major swordsmen, Elder, came to the door. The Fang Han exit was three million pieces of Nascent Origin Pill. It was a last glimpse of his heart and stabbed the last one.

“Three million Nascent Origin Pill, I sold all my treasures, it’s hard to get together, but for this child, it’s an understatement. It’s obviously a slap in the face, will there be a day in my early days?”

“Three Grand Elders visited today, my Ascension Sect has a long-lost welcome, and also redemption.” In the Heavenly Feather Temple, the voice of many etiquettes, Elder, was conveyed.

“Polite, polite! We came here today, purely private visits to Fang Han, and did not dare to alarm Elder.” Elder, the three great swordsmen, talked quickly and fell into the peak of Fang Han’s reincarnation.

“The three Grand Elders are guests. It’s not convenient on my little reincarnation. Let’s go to the welcome hall in Heavenly Feather Temple.” Fang Han pointed his hand and raised a grand grand ball to the Three Grand Elder to Heavenly Feather. Temple flies away.

Three Grand Elder glanced, feeling that Fang Han’s power was dense and boundless, and they were able to resist the taste of them. They suddenly felt that Fang Han was stronger than in the Five Elements. Many, there are some unfathomable tastes. I couldn’t help but look at each other and see each other’s eyes in surprise.

Fang Han is certainly a lot stronger than in the Five Elements.

Taking “Lei Shuli” does not say, and Meng Shaobai realized a lot of things in the first battle, and took a “Yin-Yang Longevity Pill”, ** condensed to the extreme. This time, if he wants to kill a Golden Core Expert, he can almost kill it instantly.

The Elder of the three major swords, single-on-one, which is just a failure.

Each of them is actually worse than Meng Shaobai. Meng Shaobai is a parasitic Kuangpeng. He has all the life characteristics of Zhai Peng, and he seems to be a non-human being.

Heavenly Feather Temple’s welcoming hall is extremely majestic, ten times larger than the Mountains and Rivers Court. The chairs are carved with dragons and phoenixes, and the large jade screen behind them has many Divine Immortal pictures, showing the cultivate Dao ratio. Emperor also has a distinguished identity.

Fang Han walked in, and many of the welcoming guests, Elder, stood up and greeted Elder, the three major swordsmen.

These welcoming Elders are all under the Divine Ability Fifth Layer, the most powerful Insight Yin and Yang, and the weak ones have become hundreds of True Qi.

For these Elders, Fang Han is naturally unceremonious and walks straight to the top chair of the Welcome Hall. This chair is very large, simple, and does not know what the material is. The screen behind it is bigger, but there is no carving of dragons and phoenixes. Just write four big characters “feathering flying up”!

This is obviously the location of the Ascension Sect Headmaster, where the white feathers sit.

Now Fang Han is heading to this position and seems to be seated.

All the welcoming Elders were a glimpse. Even Danzizi, Feng Feitian and Elder Jian Kuang were taken aback. I didn’t expect Fang Han to be so courageous.

Although there is no “true disciple can’t sit in the position of Sectmaster” in Ascension Sect sect rules, this one is simply the unspoken rule of iron. However, Fang Han is not afraid of the sky. He is not afraid. He seems to be creating his own momentum: “This Headmaster is a big place. Can I sit up and sit up? Anyway, more than three months ago, Feng Baiyu said that if he can cultivate to Longevity Mysteries Realm , defeated Hua Tiandu, assisted Ascension Sect to get too Primordial Immortal, he abdicated and gave the Headmaster a big position.”

Going to the front of the Headmaster, Fang Han stopped and seemed to be thinking, not knowing if he was sitting up or not.

Alde, who was almost present in the ceremony, felt the momentum of Fang Han. Immediate silence, not to mention, Fang Han has been violent, killing ghosts, refining mountain peaks, defeating Meng Shaobai, and controlling the Mountains and Rivers List contest. Even Elder, the Divine Ability Ninth Layer Tenth Layer, is reluctant to touch his mold. Not to mention the etiquette Elder.

And Elder, the three major swordsmen, seemed to feel something and nodded secretly.

After a long time, Fang Han did not sit up after all, but stood below the big position.

“Three friends, three million Nascent Origin Pill, please also bear!” With a wave of hands, three crystal dragons flew to the three Grand Elders, each crystal dragon was condensed with millions of medicine pill, rolling medicine Pill is soaring, whoever smells is happy.

Elder, the three major swordsmen, was also welcome, and immediately received it. This is what you dream of, and no one will be polite.

“Right, three friends, why haven’t I heard some news recently?” Seeing three Elders receive medicine pill, Fang Han underestimated: “I killed Extreme Unity Sect two Golden Core Experts, Zhao. Xuan Yi, Song Weiyi’s things have not spread in Immortal Dao? Extreme Unity Sect is shameless, saying that I am single-on-one, actually attacking.”

“What? Fang Han killed two Golden Core Experts from Extreme Unity Sect! Zhao Xuanyi, Song Weiyi!”

“The two Golden Core Experts I know, the wind and the sky, actually killed by Fang Han, how is it possible! Even if Fang Han has this strength, there is no such courage, and several Demon Emperors are afraid to do this.”

“Impossible, impossible. In accordance with the truth, Extreme Unity Sect has already come to the door. My Ascension Sect is in a tough situation right now. Why are so many days, Extreme Unity Sect hasn’t found it yet?”

“Extreme Unity Sect’s two big Golden Core giants are really killed. Say it out, no one will believe it, but things look real.”

In an instant, the whole welcoming hall was blasted.

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