Eternal Life

Chapter 281

Another new day, everyone please vote

“How is this the wishful child? He is arguing to support Hua Tiandu, so I can’t go with me? If this person is a giant, I will play him like a dead dog.” Looking at the cold, There is also a powerful question, although Fang Han has a good idea, but he really wants to beat the Grand Elder.

He knows that this person is no less than the Heavenly Punishment Elder and is a strong supporter of Hua Tiandu. If he does not remove this stumbling block, he is afraid that it will be very difficult to compete with Hua Tiandu in the future.

When this person is removed, Hua Tiandu will lose the most powerful supporters.

Fang Han knows that he and Hua Tiandu will play against each other in the future. I am afraid that 80% of the opportunities will be equal, and even if he beats him, it is very difficult to kill each other. Hua Tiandu If he is defeated by himself, he will not be dead in a day, and he will have a great threat to himself. Cultivate Dao, I am afraid that I will not die, there is an opportunity.

To get rid of Hua Tiandu, you must first remove this person.

But how easy is it to get rid of this person? Fang Han knows that Magic Force is now tyrannical and can kill the Experts of the Ghost Emperor, but the Van Gogh giant on Longevity Mysteries Realm will definitely die. Unless you are condensing the Golden Core and refining the nine ghosts, it is possible to escape under the majesty of Longevity Mysteries Realm Expert.

It is only possible to escape.

To win, that is to think about it, even if it is to escape, there is no certainty.

After all, Longevity Mysteries Realm and Divine Ability Mysteries Realm are too far apart, stepping out of the way, never ending. The strength and quality of Magic Force is unmatched. Last time in the Primordial Immortal House, Fang Han saw the longevity of Mysteries Realm Expert.

In general, Divine Ability Mysteries Realm is unlikely to beat the Expert of Longevity Mysteries Realm.

Even holding the Peerless Grade Dao Artifact is impossible.

Unless it is Immortal Artifact.

Of course, Immortal Artifact Divine Ability Mysteries Realm is also impossible to destroy, even Longevity Mysteries Realm’s Expert, unless it is the kind of people who are deep and extreme, after the Fifth Layer, it is difficult to destroy Immortal Artifact.

Wind White Feathers Destroy Peerless Grade Dao Artifact The Emperor Mirror is a bit of Magic Force.

In fact, people of Divine Ability Mysteries Realm, even Peerless Grade Dao Artifact, are hard to beat.

Implement, Spirit Artifact, Treasured Artifact, Dao Artifact, Immortal Artifact. Each level is divided into four products, lower, middle, upper, and Peerless Grade. One layer is more powerful than one layer. Fang Han now has a number of magical treasures, covering Heavenly Demon hands, six-eye seals, Yanyue sword array, giant flag array, eighteen arhats, soul swords, and ghost snakes. These are Peerless Grade Treasured Artifact, plus Yellow. Springs Diagram, the power is close to Middle Grade Dao Artifact, the king of blood night is Low Grade Dao Artifact.

However, if they are united, they will only be able to find their teeth in the middle of the game. Even if there are two Golden Cores in Fang Han, they can blew themselves up, but it is impossible to blow them up. Let the power of the Golden Core explosion fall through. The last time I bombed the Emperor, it was a trick. And the cultivation to Longevity Mysteries Realm has a mental sensitivity to the dangers and blessings.

Just as Fang Han was full of tricks, when he wanted to get rid of this ancient giant, Heavenly Punishment Elder spoke: “If Elder, I will naturally enforce law enforcement, and seek truth from facts, I will never let go of a discipline that regulates sect rules. I will never persecute a discipline that has made a significant contribution to the martial art. This time, I am not partial, in front of Sectmaster, I have to say that I am Elder. I am Heavenly Punishment Elder, who is in charge of the sect of the sect, and does not violate the rules. It seems that it is not up to you to blame me.”

“Hey, you are Elder, who is in charge of criminal law. I am a self-defeating Elder. I am the right to impeach you in front of Sectmaster.” Ruyi took a step forward and stroked the black hand in his hand. “Even if the three are Demon Dao’s undercover, Fang Han this child A small true disciple, even the Golden Core has no cultivation, what rights are there to deal with the three? If everyone follows him, then my Ascension Sect is not messy? And today’s move He is a trio and wants to hold my Ascension Sect’s Mountains and Rivers List contest. Tian Xing, today, regardless of whether the three are Demon Dao undercover, Fang Han this child is not advisable. The big sin is coming. It must be whipped! Then turn into Immortal Prison, and it will be effective! 哼! Three Divine Ability Mysteries Realm’s good seeds, said waste cripple, Extreme Unity Sect are not so extravagant. My Ascension Sect only one year A few Divine Ability Mysteries Realm’s injuries? Who can afford this loss?”

Deal with true disciple unless it is a judgment. Otherwise, the criminal law is closed to Immortal Prison, and of course the heavier is tied to the Heavenly Punishment Platform, summoning all true disciple, and smashing with a dragon whip.

The dragon’s whip is extremely powerful, and the whips are drawn. Divine Ability Mysteries Realm’s Expert can’t stand it, and it hurts the body very much.

Of course, what is more important is that the face is lost.

“Hey, Ruyi! You are nothing more than because of my dispute with Hua Tiandu. I have a threat to his Headmaster. I have to blame me for this. This time, one thousand, I will eradicate Demon Dao undercover, and Heavenly Punishment Elder. Going out and killing Demon Dao Expert in one fell swoop, thanks to Heavenly Punishment Elder knowing the story! I also collected evidence. As far as you have no right to dispose of me, I have important things to report to Sectmaster.”

Fang Han smiled coldly.

“I don’t have the right to dispose of you? Wait for you to say it! There is no need to tell you so much nonsense at this time.” Ruyi suddenly moved.

Fang Han suddenly felt that there was a strong effort to cover himself from all directions. No matter where you run away, you will be imprisoned. Of course, if he fights to sacrifice his own deity, and then suddenly explodes the Golden Core, he will definitely be able to break out.

But he knows that someone will definitely help him. So he didn’t move.

“I like the child, I am Heavenly Punishment Elder, I am the person in charge of the penalty!” Heavenly Punishment Elder also suddenly moved, palms all sides, a stroke! Fang Han’s pressure around his body disappeared without a trace.

These two people started this time, and Fang Han was secretly scared. Although there was no gorgeous sound, it was even more horrible, because he didn’t know how the other’s Magic Force attacked, how to block it, let alone how to crack it. .

“I don’t think of Tian Xing. You are about to become an Undying Body.” If I saw the Heavenly Punishment Elder, it was such an understatement that he broke his spell and couldn’t help but blink. “It seems that you got it from the hands of Fang Han.” Forgetting Emotion Potion, for you to add a lot of strength, no wonder you protect him like this. Hey! Fang Han today destroyed my Ascension Sect three Divine Ability Mysteries Realm’s discipline, such a big loss, my body Elder, must Take care! I can’t afford Ascension Sect!”

“Is it a traitor to lose three Divine Ability Mysteries Realm? My Ascension Sect is a good thing for a few traitors.” Fang Han suddenly felt a move, “Xu Yue’er, come over!”

“Senior Brother Fang Han, what?” Xu Yue’er came over.


Fang Han flashed a hint of green light on his hand, like a strange fruit, chestnut size. It is just one of the five “Divine Ability Fruits” that have just been killed by five gods on World Tree. One palm was shot on Xu Yue’er’s forehead, and the fruit suddenly penetrated.

This “Divine Ability Fruit”, seemingly angry, has a lot of swirls inside, and once it hits Xu Yue’er’s forehead, she immediately enters her brain and immediately combines with her Spirit. Bang! Her body actually floated in the air, and the Magic Force of the whole body oscillated around, shocked and ejected.

Xu Yue’er absolutely didn’t think that Fang Han took a shot like this, the green sphere fruit immediately entered his body, and turned all his Spirit into Magic Force!

I even stepped into Divine Ability Mysteries Realm!

“Good effect! This Divine Ability, it’s so wonderful! It’s just the world between heaven and earth, the first one!” Fang Han saw that Divine Ability really worked, and couldn’t help but laugh, even though this Divine Ability is going to kill. The Protoss at the level of God can be born. God is equivalent to the Expert of Celestial Realm. In other words, all the essence of Celestial Realm can bring a person to Divine Ability Mysteries Realm.

But it is too strong. You must know that ordinary alchemy, as well as “Fa St. Relic”, can only enhance Magic Force, and can not enhance the realm.

The realm of this thing is the most difficult to upgrade. There is basically no play by medicine pill.

“What? What is this medicine pill? It can actually improve the realm and make people step into Divine Ability Mysteries Realm!”

“I didn’t make a mistake! So I stepped into Divine Ability Mysteries Realm? Have Magic Force?”

“Nothing wrong, this is Magic Force. It’s not the Magic Force of Spirit Artifact Treasured Artifact, but the Magic Force derived from her own. That Fang Han is really using a green medicine pill to turn Xu Yue’er into Divine. Ability Mysteries Realm, step into the sky. What is medicine pill? Even Yin-Yang Longevity Pill is impossible!”

“It’s too bad! It’s just acting against the sky! Divine Ability Mysteries Realm is to understand on its own, medicine pill can only play Foundation. What is this Fang Han’s medicine pill?”

“Direct Divine Ability Mysteries Realm, my God!”

Many disciples saw such a scene, mad, and several Elder almost smashed their eyes. “Impossible, impossible, this is just a coincidence! Where is the direct advancement of people to Divine Ability Mysteries Realm’s medicine pill!”

However, Fang Han shouted two people, one is Ye Yu, and the other is a female disc of the Blue Jewel Union. Fang Han took out two Divine Ability Fruits and took them directly on their foreheads.


They actually changed all the Spirits at the same time and turned them into real Magic Force. They became formless and became Divine Ability Mysteries Realm!

This is not a lucky one.

It is the role of the “Divine Ability”.

“Ha ha ha, Divine Ability is the Divine Ability fruit, and now I am up, the Protoss Protoss I will kill the Protoss in the future!”

Fang Han is simply full of enthusiasm.

“Ruyi, I killed three wastes, and also created three Divine Ability Mysteries Realm’s Expert. Two or two! You really think that ** Vertical Mountains and Rivers List? Want to profit from it? Hey, I have Immortal Pill in the sky, able to break through the barriers and create the Expert of Divine Ability Mysteries Realm.”

Fang Han shouted.

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