Eternal Life

Chapter 280

“Magic God, your three pieces are now obsolete. What do we do to infiltrate Ascension Sect? Is it a failure? So how do we explain it to the future? There are three wastes that are wasted by the waste, and the energy is not one. A small number, we are still only gods, did not evolve to the king of God. These losses are also a large number.”

The illusion of the gods sneered again and again.

“Hey! Let’s go first, then long-term discussion, I finally know why the Ascension Sect is so scrupulous, saying that Ascension Sect is a huge obstacle for my family to occupy the world of Xuanhuang. I think that the obstacles should be in Fang. Han this child. This time I will report all the circumstances of Fang Han to it.”

Between the words of the magical gods, there was a sudden shock: “Go fast and go, but not later. We are now.”

The number of gods, the Divine Ability will be displayed immediately, and the Magic Force will run away, but late, suddenly the snow is ten times more dense, and the numerous snow condenses become a sphere, wrapping them in it, a faint sound. It sounded: “Several Protoss fighters, not far from billions of miles, came to my Ascension Sect from the outer territory, so they left, and passed out, isn’t it said that my Ascension Sect lacks hospitality?”

“It’s the Expert of the Emperor! It’s the Expert of Longevity Mysteries Realm! We are trapped!”

The illusion of true God snarls.

“It’s still a Heavenly Punishment Elder. You can find the Protoss Expert with the soul of three wastes. These protoss are much more powerful than the two I killed last time. If they absorb their power and body. How many medicine pill can be refined!”

Fang Han followed the Heavenly Punishment Elder and saw several Protoss Experts trapped by Magic Force.

“Fang Han, kill them! I want to use Magic Force and cut off them to summon another Expert. The Protoss is very powerful, the god is equivalent to the realm of our cultivate Dao Divine Ability Fifth Layer Celestial Realm. The King of God is Golden Core And Golden Core and above. The Emperor Expert is equivalent to Longevity Mysteries Realm. When the Protoss cultivation reaches the gods, their power of God is changed, they can use the Flying Spirit, not only powerful, but also able to inform 300,000 miles in a blink of an eye. The protoss came to help, I wanted to use Magic Force to catch their hearts, Flying Spirit, and you killed them immediately!”

In an instant, Heavenly Punishment Elder’s Spirit was conveyed into Fang Han’s mind.

Fang Han said nothing, covering the Heavenly Demon hand directly, sweeping on the spot, pinching to a few gods.

“Fang Han, you really are the obstacles that my family has calculated. You should destroy you before you grow up.” The magical god suddenly turned back, roaring, both hands grasping, the center of the palm, actually gave birth to two eyes. It is similar to the eyes on the six-eye seal.

The two eyes in this palm shot a strange light and cut it to Fang Han. The sharpness is as good as Fang Han’s Great Severing Technique. And those strange lights, but also the sound of turbulence, seems to be resonating with the heavens and the earth.

“This is the heart of the Flying Spirit, the power is so great that you can’t keep it, otherwise you will inevitably get hurt!”

Fang Han didn’t put these protoss in his eyes, but the reminder of Heavenly Punishment Elder was conveyed in his ear. At the same time, he “covered the Heavenly Demon hand” and caught the light, but there was some slight pain. .

“Give me all to die! If you are all kings of God, then I can’t help but God.” Fang Han swept his left hand and tore the light of the heart of the Flying Spirit, suddenly bursting into the sleeves. Six seals of the gods flew up, and a great array of gods was formed in an instant.

The rumored “six-eye seal of the monument” is the refinement of the ancient times, specializing in the seal of the existence of the Protoss, and Fang Han knows that this thing must have a peculiar effect against the Protoss.

Sure enough, as soon as six stone tablets appeared in the air, several great gods immediately felt the catastrophe. Crazy stunned, face-to-face, one by one showing the prototype, actually the whole body bone armor, head with a tentacles, and a three-pointer tribe than Heavenly Demon. Those bone armor are their skin. These protoss, some like crabs, have bones that grow outside.

However, the great array of the gods was shrouded in the air, and the six eyes of the six-headed gods were illuminated. The whole body of the gods could not move.

Originally, Fang Han had to pack them up, but he still had a lot of work, but now it is very easy.

“Ha ha ha ha!” Fang Han did not expect it so easily, I felt the six sacred monuments tremble constantly, the eyes above are constantly swaying, the fluctuations of the six great gods are constantly struggling, if these six great gods are The god king, the six-headed god monument, it must be suppressed.

Without further ado, Fang Han flew in. He was close to the six great gods, and his hands were condense, using the power of World Tree, and the palm of his hand was on the body of the six gods.

Wū wū wū 呜,wū wū wū 呜

In an instant, the endless horror in the eyes of these six great gods, all of them are the roots of World Tree, and their power of God is constantly extracted. Even the power of God is not able to be refined by Longevity Mysteries Realm’s Expert. There are actually horrible things to digest!

The six great gods whimpered, their bodies were getting smaller and smaller, and they seemed to be sucked out.

“Fang Han, stop, leave one, I will tell Sectmaster. Elder in the martial art is supporting Hua Tiandu, looking at you, looking for your trouble. If there is no evidence, he will make waves!” Heavenly Punishment Elder saw that Fang Han had taken the power of God and was shocked. But he had already known that Fang Han had a mysterious treasure, which could take advantage of the celestial spirit and refine the medicine pill.

So he used his gaze to see some clues, but now Fang Han’s eyebrows are clear and nothing can be seen.

It turns out that World Tree has been refining and blended by Azure Supreme Wood Emperor Merit. He can’t see the truth, unless he is bombarding his own Magic Force into Fang Han to see it directly.

“Okay, then I will leave one!”

boom! Fang Han pushes the palm of his hand and pushes it out directly. Then the other five great gods narrowed down and then shrank, and even the bones on the body melted. Finally, there was only a cluster of Hundred Treasure Bags, which contained many medicine pill, flying sword, magical treasure, and materials.

“This is the Protoss Hundred Treasure Bag, and their bodies are melting. But the Hundred Treasure Bag has stayed.”

When Fang Han saw it, he knew that the Protoss had a self-contained void and could store things. The crystal ball of this group is the storage space that cannot be melted in the Protoss. It contains five years of savings from the gods, and now he is naturally cheaper.

He is now a poor man, he is tight on hand, and he doesn’t know what to take for the Blue Jewel Union disciple’s Yin-Yang Longevity Pill. Now he has the savings of five gods, at least he is well on hand.

What’s more, after the bodies of the five gods were all absorbed by World Tree, they actually condensed into five small fruits on the World Tree.

World Tree will actually result!

This is what Fang Han has never seen before. Can not help but bowed, and quickly asked about the “阎”.

“It seems that World Tree absorbed the Protoss and condense a fruit on the tree. It was called Divine Ability in ancient times. When the ancient mortal ate Divine Ability, you can have Divine Ability.” “But you also sucked a Protoss last time. Why didn’t you get Divine Ability? I can’t figure it out.”

“Maybe the last Protoss power was too weak. This time the Protoss are all gods! Powerful, equivalent to the Divine Ability Fifth Layer Celestial Realm’s Expert! In the cultivate Dao world, they are both vertical and horizontal, condensing Divine Ability It’s not unusual.” Fang Han felt the Divine Ability. “If it’s really normal, you can make Divine Ability. It’s amazing! I don’t believe that this fruit has such a wonderful power. Knowing that Nine Orifice Golden Pill and Yin-Yang Longevity Pill can only increase the chances of becoming Divine Ability, and build a strong Foundation, you can’t directly promote people to Divine Ability.”

“Try it, anyway, World Tree has all kinds of unimaginable effects. The fruit that comes out is definitely amazing. I also heard rumors that World Tree was in the ancient times, after absorbing the Emperor Expert, the top will still condense Longevity. If you come, then you don’t know if it’s true.” I also felt that I didn’t believe it: “But it’s impossible to take one and get to Longevity Mysteries Realm.”

“This is of course impossible. A fruit can make people become giants. Immortal does not have this ability.” Fang Han also shook his head.

“Okay, all destroyed, their hearts Flying Spirit violently did not pass out, will not alarm another Protoss.” Heavenly Punishment Elder saw Fang Han absorbed five gods, swung the big sleeves, and immediately took the magical gods .

The two then landed in the Mountains and Rivers Court.

“Fang Han is back!”

“There is no punishment!”

“How is this possible, isn’t the three really Demon Dao undercover?”

“It is also possible that Heavenly Punishment Elder also supports Fang Han as the Headmaster Supreme in the future, so this time it will be a smattering of the law.”

“How is it possible? Heavenly Punishment Elder has always been selfless, sect rules are extremely strict, and even if he can’t monopolize power, Jin Ri Lie has gone to Heavenly Feather Temple to find Rue, and come to preside over Justice.”

Some true disciple, and Elder saw that Fang Han was safe and sound, and again shocked and talked.

“Fang Man, Fang Lie, Fang Rui, the three people are really undercover Demon Dao. This time Fang Han is getting early, eradicating the bane, and I went out with Fang Han to kill the dumb Daemon Dao Expert. This time Fang Han made a great contribution, I will hold the Elder meeting, how to reward Fang Han.” Heavenly Punishment Elder is facing the presence of many Elder, inside and outside the discipline.

“Tian Xing, I always thought that you enforced the law impartially, mastered the criminal law, and couldn’t think of it today.” At this moment, a haze sounded, and Ruyi appeared in the Mountains and Rivers Court.

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