Eternal Life

Chapter 268

What is the most important thing for cultivated Dao?

Not Magic Force, not Divine Ability, but Mortal Body.

When Mortal Body dies, all Divine Ability will disappear, and the Magic Force stored in the sea will vanish, and no one can control this phenomenon.

Even if you are an Expert of Longevity Mysteries Realm, you should protect your Mortal Body and exercise your Mortal Body. So the realm of Longevity Mysteries Realm’s Second layer is the Undying Body.

In fact, although Fang Han’s current Mortal Body is very powerful, it can compete with the powerful flying sword. But when he is playing against others, he still won’t use Mortal Body and other people’s magical treasures. This is a matter of his own life. In case of damage, crying is too late, but also affecting the future Culture Base.

In particular, the brain can’t be injured. Once it is injured, Magic Force will pass away and eventually become a waste. So no matter what cultivator, I will try my best to enhance my Mortal Body.

The best way to enhance your Mortal Body is to take some of the secret medicines of the ancient pill, as well as the cultivation of Divine Ability that helps the Mortal Body.

For example, Fang Han has a “Golden Iron Bone Handprint”, which is a great asist to the Mortal Body after the cultivation. Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty is a great avenue for the body. After the Yamato Body Body cultivation, the Mortal Body is devastated, coming and going, and killing the formless. It can be used to smash the flying sword and use the Mortal Body to penetrate the rock.

But now, at this moment, after taking the “Remy Sullivan”, these Divine Ability are far less than the relic of the Mortal Body.

After the whole body’s pores ejected a strong electric spark, Fang Han used his Magic Force to guide the huge medicinal power one inch and one inch into the body.

A lot of True fire power, tempered every inch of Fang Han’s skin, every meridian, especially the bones, actually draws the power of thunder, gradually transforms from white color to sparkling crystal, lightning is generally dazzling, each The root bone has powerful destructive power and killing power. Especially the skull of the head! It began to grow, and the bones inside became red bones. There was a layer of crystal lightning on it. When it encountered foreign objects, it immediately penetrated and killed the enemy.

In this way, even if the enemy’s flying sword magical treasure broke his body Astral Qi, the body of the magical treasure, and even the life of the symbol, stifled to his body, there is still a last layer of protection.

Moreover, the power of the Thunder has entered its own knowledge of the sea, and even let its own knowledge of the sea expand again. Although it still accommodates the Divine Ability Magic Force of the Golden Core, the space that runs the life is bigger. More convenient.

Kā chā ,kā chā ,kā chā

Fang Han whole body’s bones, once again increased by three inches, expanded by three inches, making him look like a whole, the bones are particularly strong, the whole body has a kind of outward expansion, just bursting with amazing taste.

Originally, after the implementation of Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty, the bones of his whole body had a layer of five-tone, diamond-like. But now that it has been tempered by the medicinal power of the reincarnation, the five colors of light converge again, combined with the power of the Thunder, resulting in a powerful tearing force.

The most powerful thing is his left hand!

That is, the palm, arm, and fingers that blend the “Heavenly Demon Hand”. Even the violent Thunder’s power was absorbed by a large part, Fang Han casually grasped the five fingers, and the shadow of the Heavenly Demon hand flashed out, and there was a layer of lightning tearing power, and the power was strengthened again.

Of course, there are some medicinal powers, which are directly captured by Fang Han’s “Lifetime Symbol”. His symbol adds a lot of entangled electro-optic light, and some faintness is similar to that of “indecibel”.

Among his life, there are still some True Fire Divine Ability, such as “Virtual Crystal Power Claw”, which absorbs the power of Thunder and is more powerful.

After ten days passed, finally, the electric spark that was ejected from him was finally collected into the body, apparently refining all the medicinal power. Absorb this medicinal property of “Rie Sullivan” which is no less than “Nine Orifice Golden Pill”.

After standing up, Fang Han, the whole person, changed the look again. The skin of the whole body was white, seemingly nothing, but if the person with high vision can see the depth of every inch of his pores, it seems to be a Thunder’s world!

In his pupils, there is also a faint flash of electric signs. In the depths of each thread, there is a trace of lightning.

At this moment, he seems to feel that if he is thundering in the sky, he can suck the lightning bolt into the mouth, swallow it in the stomach, and then refine it.

This is a system change that has become a “body of the Holy Spirit” that can communicate with the Thunder.

A medicine pill transforms the body.

“It’s amazing, it’s amazing. My Magic Force Divine Ability hasn’t grown much, but my physique has strengthened again. The power of this reindeer is really strong. With my Culture Base, I absorbed ten genius refining.” Fang Han checked his body and said with joy: “Fang Qingxue has such a medicine pill, no wonder she is practicing so fast.”

“This medicine pill is indeed powerful, but it is worthless compared to Immortal Pill. In the Great Emperor Yellow Springs, I once got an Immortal Pill called Lifemade Pills, which became an Undying Body after taking it.”

He shakes his head.

“Immortal Pill? I can’t help but suffer. After taking it, I will definitely die and have no choice. Maybe only Longevity Mysteries Realm’s Expert can take Immortal Pill.” Fang Han smiled.

He now feels that his body is strong, and Life essence seems to have increased a lot. At least three thousand years of life.

“Getting this kind of reincarnation and improving my physique, my grasp of Meng Shaobai is even greater.” Fang Han squeezed his left hand, a group of magical fires in the True Fire smashing the air, in this magic hand Under the photo, nothing can be spared: “I don’t know if Meng Shaobai did not cultivate. Come to Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation, his Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation, how powerful is it? It seems to be coming soon.”

Just as his voice just fell, it seemed that he felt his majestic war.


A force that can be stunned can rise far and wide, and the earth is shaking. The peak of Fang Han’s reincarnation is guarded by the great array of the mountain guard, but it also shakes like a big tree in the wind.

“It’s so strong.”

Fang Han turned into a crystal light flying from the pill house, looking far away, and surely, the mountain where Meng Shaobai lived in the distance, a seemingly inhuman, like a demon is not a demon, like a demon, like Aurora Tianzhu in general, straight into the Han.

“Sure enough, Meng Shaobai refining Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation, making a breakthrough. Divine Ability Ninth Layer, Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation, really powerful, powerful enough, I can see what it looks like at the end.” Fang Han’s mouth sneered, and at this moment, he has some confidence to win, and his heart is very embarrassing. However, knowing himself and knowing others can win every battle. It does not prevent him from observing Meng Shaobai’s parasitized Heaven after the giant egg. And Earth Law Manifestation to what extent.

The huge Aura continued to rush and rushed for a few thousand feet, attracting all the true disciple, and some of the Elder of Heavenly Feather Temple came out to watch.

“The cloud water is stirring three thousand feet, swallowing the sun and the moon in the belly, spreading the wings and flying the stars, the Myriad Heavenly Domain, I am the emperor!” Suddenly, the huge Aura condensed at high altitude, and then turned into a youth, it is Meng Shao White, but very tall, with a cloud of water under his feet, especially behind him, with six white wings, this wing seems to be a kind of condensed, and there is a circle of characters on the white feathers. Flowing, every time the wings are swept, the wind between the heavens and the earth seems to have heard the call of the six wings, gathered in madness, gathered from all sides, from the sky, from the heavens and the earth, and so on.

Ascension Sect’s some true disciple, Elder seems to feel a lot of wind, derived from spirituality! The elf of the wind whizzed past the earth and roared. At this moment, Meng Shaobai, who has six pairs of white wings, is the master of the wind, the emperor of the wind.

Some disciplines have changed color because they are flying and can’t fly.

The airflow in the heavens and the earth does not listen to them at all, even if it is running Magic Force, it can’t control the airflow.

They even felt that Meng Shaobai had to blow his wings and violently, and the mountains of the feathered Meng would be blown.

“It’s still powerful!” Fang Han saw Meng Shaobai, who has six wings, knowing that it is not his true form, but “Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation”, which combines the life characteristics of Kunpeng and cultivated Yuanshen, very powerful, dealing with the airflow of the heavens and the earth, the manipulation of the wind, there is no one Divine Ability can compare.

It seems that I saw Fang Han staring at him in the mountains, and Meng Shaobai’s Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation wings suddenly speed up the fanning.

Wū wū wū , wū wū wū , wū wū wū The voice of the ghost crying, there are many devil phases formed by the wind condense under the wings, and the mountain of move towards Fang Han whistling.

These winds and devils turned over the river. Wherever they went, the roots of the trees were pulled up. The boulder on the ground was also blown into the sky, and the high rotation, in which the sand and stone collided, all appeared Mars.

Meng Shaobai’s Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation, the god of Peng Peng seems to be a wing to blow Fang Han’s reincarnation peak.


Fang Han a cold snort! The fingers bounced, and a thousand rounds of bright moons suddenly appeared on the mountain peaks. Infinite Sword Qi cut through the air and whistling out. There was a bright light between heaven and earth. Think about the concept of a thousand rounds of bright moon rising at the same time. What is the concept? That foot can shine the world white, a silver cream.

Hey, hey.

Yan Yuejian’s movement, direct blow, cut the blown wind demon smashed, and the hurricane between the heavens and the earth subsided.

“Meng Shaobai, congratulations on your training as Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation, I am waiting for you. Since you have succeeded in cultivation, you must be brave and can’t wait for a moment. Not as good as you and me, go to Heavenly today. What happened to the Punishment Platform? Who wins and wins, and today I’m seeing it, don’t you feel happy?”

Fang Han is flying up.


Meng Shaobai’s voice conveyed, “I can’t wait any longer. Without the sword, I have to contaminate some swords with blood. Fang Han, since you want to die early, can I not fulfill your reason?”

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