Eternal Life

Chapter 267

Fang Han naturally didn’t know that there were so many meetings in the Heavenly Feather Temple that they were all directed at themselves. And among the Grand Elders, there is a Longevity Mysteries Realm giant “Ruyi” because of Hua Tiandu’s relationship, he is very dissatisfied with himself.

Of course, if he knows, he will definitely come up with a variety of conspiracy to design a framed “rule.”

In the past, when I heard that it was the giant of Longevity Mysteries Realm, Fang Han was very cautious in his heart. He did not dare to act rashly, but now he has experienced a series of things, and his courage has gradually let go. Of course, he is bold and courageous. The more he is daring, the more delicate his mind is. Although he does not say that everything is in the calculation, he can also let himself not be in a dangerous state and at the same time obtain the maximum benefit.

It is his principle not to falsify means, to frame all his enemies, and to unite and draw all his friends.

These days, “Heavenly Feather Temple” is in a meeting, he is cultivation, Insight “Feng Shen” and “Five Emperors” are the internal organs, and at the same time gather the power of stars to consolidate the life.

Now his main task is to continue cultivation, Insight’s life, and his own physical changes, so that his body strength Essence Blood and his life symbol will grow again, mutual verification, and finally change, transforming the symbol into Golden Core.

Xing Yun Baobao, Insight After the “Stars Promise Book”, although there is no cultivation, but with their own “future star **” mutual proof, the progress is also fast, cultivation to the Divine Ability fourth Layer “Yin-Yang Realm”, nor Staying, there seems to be a tendency to continue to rise, it seems to be Insight Tianren, condense array, become Daoist.

After entering Divine Ability Fifth Layer Celestial Realm, become Daoist, he can refine a Golden Core. This way back to the martial art, bulls. So even though Xing Yun Baobao is very lazy and wants to sleep every day, he has to work hard to cultivate.

As for the Country Lord Hong Yi, after entering Divine Ability Mysteries Realm, she was also working on cultivation. Fang Han gave her a piece of Black Water Snake King and made it into a Robe.

Crane Fairy is trying to accumulate Magic Force, waiting for the future to spur the thunder, slamming down, making his bloodline conversion, avatar.

On this day, Fang Han was cultivation, and suddenly felt outside the guardian great array. After a moment of induction, he quickly waved his hand and the two great arrays of the guardian turn back were opened. A thunder swayed and a woman’s form appeared in the pill house. It is Fang Qingxue.

“It turned out that Senior Sister is coming, please sit down.” Fang Han stood up quickly. Now, he is not afraid of Fang Qingxue, but after all, the interests of the two are now closely combined to deal with Hua Tiandu. Fang Qingxue is also the most ally to win when he is offended by Extreme Unity Sect.

“I am coming here, not for anything else. You give me a Forgetting Emotion Potion.” Fang Qingxue looked at Fang Han and seemed to be estimating his Cultural Base: “I still congratulate you on cultivation to Sixth Layer Returning Origin Realm. To this point, Ten Thousand Laws Returns to Origin, the power is increasing.”

“Senior Sister has won the award, and I can’t think of the Senior Sister cultivation so fast. I recently practiced Golden Core. It seems that Senior Sister is the first in terms of cultivation.” Fang Han waved his hand. The large yellow Forgetting Emotion Potion emerged from the Yellow Springs Diagram and fell into Fang Qingxue’s magical treasure pouch. “Senior Sister must have used this Forgetting Emotion Potion to wash the Golden Core.”

“Yes, my Golden Core is so condensed too fast, there are many Impurities, but with the Forgetting Emotion Potion ass, you can wash the Impurities, save me the hard work of a golden arm with a thunderbolt. There are more than ten days. Time, you have to fight with Meng Shaobai, I want to remind you that Meng Shaobai can’t be underestimated, he hides deeply. I can’t beat him, but your current Magic Force is still strong. On the other hand, there are many magical treasures, but I am not afraid. But to hold him firmly, there are still some difficulties. I took a cup of Forgetting Emotion Potion, it is impossible to take it. I used these two bones as a relic. This relic is the Heaven Grade Pill medicine that was condensed by the ancient Lei Di, not under the Nine Orifice Golden Pill, Yin-Yang Longevity Pill. After taking it, not only the Life essence but also the root bone can be converted into True fire. God bones, born with the function of communication with the heaven and earth lightning thunder. Take this grain for Forgetting Emotion Potion, you are not losing money, but also slightly I earned. I Fang Qingxue never taking advantage of people’s. “

Fang Qingxue received Forgetting Emotion Potion and his face did not move. From his magical treasure bag, he took out a medicine pill and flew it to Fang Han.

This medicine pill is black and black, like the dark clouds in the sky, but inside the medicine pill, many dragon-snake-shaped lightnings are constantly flashing, and the inside is shocked and held in the hand, whole Body immediately has a feeling of being in the thunder and lightning, which is shocking.

“Thunderbone relic! Good things, good things! This is the medicine pill of the cut down and washing marrow made by the ancient Lei Di. It is really not under the Nine Orifice Golden Pill. After taking it, your bones will become lei bones. That’s the legendary bone. Leifa is a magical method, even the Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty cultivation will produce five lines of Divine Thunder. The Fang Qingxue actually took this thing for Forgetting Emotion Potion, which shows she doesn’t want to owe you. “Human love.” He wow wowed up: “No wonder she practiced so fast, there is such a thing to wash the marrow. Unfortunately, she lacks aura now, if you can draw a lot of celestial spirit like you, cultivation only I’m afraid of Meng Shaobai. According to the price of the ancient times, Forgetting Emotion Potion can’t be changed to this medicine pill. But now Great Emperor Yellow Springs collects Forgetting Emotion Potion and monopolizes it, which is worth the price.”

Fang Han listened to the words “阎”, quietly, and received the reincarnation: “Since Senior Sister is not willing to owe me, then the exchange is equivalent. I have a lot of Nascent Origin Pill here, if Senior Sister Without the medicine pill, you can get the magical treasure, material, in exchange for the price. I will be much cheaper.”

“This Mountain and Rivers List contest, rewarded a lot of items in the martial art, in addition to a Yin-Yang Longevity Pill, the first place has a magical treasure, is High Grade Treasured Artifact. Called three Dragon whip, you also hope that the people under your hand will get it. In this way, I will show the True fire sculpt, and strengthen the Magic Force for your Hong Yi, so that she can win the first place in the Mountains and Rivers List. Turning Crane Fairy into * people, and transforming Xing Yun Baobao’s physique, you give me one million Nascent Origin Pill, on my Purple Lightning Peak, the next Azure Emperor wood, let all How do the Medicine Field medicines turn into elves?”

Fang Qingxue really acted and proposed the transaction, but it was reasonable and the two sides did not suffer.

Fang Han thought for a moment: “I don’t know if there is a Rene relic in Senior Sister. I am willing to spend another one million Nascent Origin Pill to buy.”

For the medicine pill such as “Recone Relic”, Fang Han is really eye-catching. Although these Spirit Pill can only take one, it will greatly reduce the medicinal power, which is not worth it. But for Xing Yun Baobao, his chances of breaking through Celestial Realm are much bigger.

One million tablets of Nascent Origin Pill, you can buy Peerless Grade Dao Artifact like the “Big Van Gogh Ship”, in exchange for the medicine pill such as Rebirth Relic, it is also worth it.

“Do you have so many Spirit Pills? After three months of rumors, you have to give Elder one of the three swords a million copies of Spirit Pill. I see you alchemy, and you can produce one million a month. I am It’s not the fourth month before I can get the medicine pill?” Fang Qingxue said: “There are not a few of the bones, but I still have a lot of effects. If you want to change your Forgetting Emotion Potion this time, I won’t take it out. It will be fine.”

“Since Senior Sister is not willing to sell, I am not reluctant. In this way, four months later, Senior Sister came to me to take one million medicine pill. Now I will use the assist Crane Fairy, County Lord Hong Yi, Xing Yun Baobao to wash the body. “Fang Han knows what character Fang Qingxue is, so he talks about business.”

When he got here, he couldn’t help but find a few pieces of World Tree, so that the celestial spirit could pick up a little more, so that it would not be stretched.

Originally thought that he became the big rich man, the largest chaebol in the cultivate Dao world, but did not expect to advance. The cost is really too big.

“Good! I took them back to Purple Lightning Peak. Four months later, I took medicine pill.” On top of Fang Qingxue, an electric sign shines, suddenly sucks, Xing Yun Baobao, County Lord Hong Yi, Crane Fairy draws Go in.

After a bang, Fang Qingxue disappeared without a trace.

Lei Fa, for the forging of the body, the most effective, or else the monster, the grass elves will not rely on the thunder, making themselves into a * person.

“The inexhaustible electrical sign is really powerful, and even the Sun Moon Five Stars Bracelet has no chance to compete.” I sighed, the electric sign on the head of Fang Qingxue, which is a High Grade Dao Artifact, almost equal to Peerless Grade. Although not as powerful as the Emperor, it is definitely a good treasure that many Longevity Mysteries Realm Experts don’t have.

Just when Fang Qingxue sucked away Xing Yun Baobao, the Suni Five Five Stars Bracelet’s Artifact Spirit ran against it, but it didn’t help.

“This is a reindeer. I take a look at it. In the end, the bones in the body will be transformed into mine bones. How much will it be. I know that my body is much stronger than the general cultivate Dao, Five. After the Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty was completed, the Yama Golden Body has changed again.”

Fang Han took Fang Qingxue’s “Thunderbolt” and looked at it. He felt the powerful Thunder power inside. He couldn’t help but feel secret. He was not familiar with Leifa, but he also knew that this Spirit Pill was very big. The role.

A fierce spurt out, wrapped in the “lei bone relic”, swallowed in the stomach.

It’s awkward! In the sizzling, Fang Han has a lot of electric sparks flashing, the whole person becomes an electric man, and every small hole, a small arc is continuously sprayed to form a spark, and the floor of the pill house comes into contact with these. The electric sparks all turned black, then collapsed and began to melt.

The power of this electric spark is so big.

“Good medicinal power!” Fang Han did not expect that this medicine pill is violent and not a grade better than Nine Orifice Golden Pill. Fortunately, if it is someone else, it will be vaporized by electric fire and dust. Nothing left.

So overbearing the medicine pill!

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