Eternal Life

Chapter 257

A new day is coming, everyone is working hard to get a ticket. The red ticket is now able to exceed 10,000 every day. I am three chapters a day, close to the update of the four-word, it seems worthwhile. Work hard with everyone to write this eternal life more popular

“Sword mad” Elder blocked this, and the Sword Qi that was scattered was fluttering, and the gas of Geng Jin turned into a snowflake and fluttered in the sky. Beautiful, a cold and chilly mood, filled the entire venue, making the Extreme Unity Sect disciple’s anger a little more awake.

The “Sword Mania” Elder is the Divine Ability Ninth Layer, and he has become the Expert of the “Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation”. The one-handed swordsmanship is even more Spiritary Passage, and it is full of enthusiasm. Feel free to wave, the sky is Sword Qi condense into the snow, this trick is “Sun and Moon Sword Sect” swordsmanship without superior Divine Ability “the world has snow.”

He is also afraid of the Extreme Unity Sect’s discipline, so he has drove this non-superior Divine Ability.

At the same time, there are many unvoiced mantras and meditation charms in the swordsmanship snowflake. It is to calm everyone down, lest things get worse and get out of hand.

You know, today’s things are likely to lead to Immortal Dao, and Demon Dao is watching. Once Immortal Dao is raging, the forces are out of balance, and even the three major swordsmen will suffer.

Wang Tianyi, Zhu Yangyi and other ten Golden Core disciple, seeing Elder Jian Kuang blocking the road, showing the “no snow in the world” Divine Ability, the original anger, a little calm, but a heart The gas of grievances was even more intense. They stopped their steps and stared at Fang Han with a faint gaze. Are thinking about the consequences of this incident.


Extreme Unity Sect is completely out of the limelight. If it is passed out, it will become the laughing stock of the cultivate Dao people in the world. Even Supreme Immortal will laugh at Extreme Unity Sect, which is a rogue style and is worse than Demon Sect.

But this time Extreme Unity Sect lost a lot, two Golden Core Expert! The little giants are so annihilated and conveyed that they cannot afford to lose this person.

“Elder Jian Kuang, do you really want to stop our Extreme Unity Sect revenge? Zhao Xuanyi Junior brother, Song Weiyi Junior brother is dead, even the Golden Core is taken away, magical treasure is also collected, this is my Extreme Unity Sect Since the establishment, there has never been a shame. If you stop me, you can’t get through with the entire Extreme Unity Sect. In the future, my Extreme Unity Sect will pay off. You can think clearly, Sun and Moon Sword Sect can’t afford this thing. as a result of!”

Wang Tianyi said in a hoarse voice.

“Oh? Are you threatening?” Elder Jian Kuang heard it, and it was a fire. He was also a temperamental, arrogant person, and he could see it from his nickname “Sword Mania.” This time he blocked, not for “Justice”, but for Fang Han, and for the Extreme Unity Sect, he was also full of anger, this time he came to the Five Elements and has been used by Extreme Unity Sect as a monkey. A little benefit has not been harvested.

And he did not block the Revenge of Extreme Unity Sect, just let them go back and report to Sectmaster, and then decide.

Now Extreme Unity Sect is constantly vocal and fat, and the tone of speech is particularly difficult to hear. What “Sun and Moon Sword Sect” can’t bear the consequences, this is a slap in the face, “Sun and Moon Sword Sect” is also one of the Ten Great Immortal Dao Sects isn’t it? In the martial art, too, Elder also has Longevity Mysteries Realm.

And “Sword Mania” Elder is particularly depressed, he has not done anything wrong? It’s also reasonable to speak. Your Extreme Unity Sect is fat, and the two Golden Core Experts sneak a sneak attack on their own, and they are killed. This is really not good at learning. Is it that people are attacking people, and they are not allowed to fight back? Wash your neck and wait for you to kill?

This time, it is against Ascension Sect Fang Han. If this is the Spirit Talisman who won the freedom to enter and leave the Five Elements? What should I do? Is it true to yourself?

“Wang Tianyi, Lao Tzu murders at the age of eight, nine years old cultivate Dao, fifteen years old to become Divine Ability, sixty years old to become Golden Core, three hundred years old robbery, five hundred years old to become Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation, killing countless, not being someone else Scared. You Wang Tianyi looked down on my Sun and Moon Sword Sect, then come to the plan!”

Elder Jian Kuang growls.

“Flying volley” Feng Feitian, Danzizi’s two Experts are also extremely ugly, but their temper is not as hot as Elder Jian Kuang, can bear. Only the face was gloomy, and the discipline that commanded his own sect was close to the disciples of the other two swords.

This means that the interests of the three major swordsmen have stood together for the time being.

Extreme Unity Sect’s discipline saw this kind of action, and my heart was nervous. If it really turned over with the three big swords, it would be hard to be a man.

“Okay! I am not saying about Sun and Moon Sword Sect, but today’s thing is between the Ascension Sect of my Extreme Unity Sect. I don’t want people from Sun and Moon Sword Sect to intervene. You can watch it. Change!” Wang Tianyi forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, with a slow tone.

“Hahahaha, Wang Tianyi, do you think you moved me? I have now got the Spirit Talisman in the Five Elements, and I can go to the Five Elements at any time. I am leaving now, no one can stop me.”

Fang Han burst into laughter.

“You ran past the first day and couldn’t run fifteen. Ascension Sect can’t protect you.” Wang Tianyi coldly said.

“I will not run at all, and this time, I will announce the world. Anyway, with so many witnesses, I hope that all the people of Immortal Dao will comment on the truth. See who is doing too much.” Fang Han Not afraid: “Immortal Gathering Grand Assembly will be held in three years, and it will be good to let everyone listen.”

“You can do a good job now, but the Junior Brother of the Xuanyi, the Golden Core of the Junior Brother, you must stay. There are also the magical treasures left by them, the six-headed monument, the soul sword. All must be given to Our Extreme Unity Sect. Our Extreme Unity Sect people let you kill, do you want to rob them of their legacy?”

Just then, Zhu Yangyi spoke.

This time, I put the words on the idea, and it seems to have made concessions, but it is actually aggressive.

Fang Han couldn’t help but look at Zhu Yangyi. The little giant of the Extreme Unity Sect is nine feet tall, perfect in shape, and the white cheeks are not awkward. He still has a fan made of feathers. Aura of the bones. But when Fang Han saw it, he knew that this person was extremely insidious and poisonous.

Two Golden Cores, he is impossible to give. Although he is now impossible to refine himself, unless he develops a third sea of ​​knowledge, or is a Divine Ability Seventh Layer Golden Core, the capacity of the sea is expanded again.

However, even if the sea of ​​knowledge expands, he will not refine the two Golden Cores, because there is a more powerful “nine ghost gods”.

As long as he builds into the Golden Core, after the expansion of the sea, the nine ghosts are forced to refine and refine, and get the Yellow Springs of the Ghost Emperor cultivation for three thousand years! So with his Magic Force, it is even possible to beat Hua Tiandu! Even the first person under Longevity Mysteries Realm!

You know, Divine Ability Mysteries Realm’s Expert, there are many worlds, there are many sects of the discipline, all cultivation to the Divine Ability Tenth Layer, Defying Heaven Changing Fate level, are closed to death, the millennium is not alive. These people’s Divine Ability is terrifying.

However, if Fang Han refines the nine ghosts, it is not difficult to sweep these people with the help of Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty. The first person under Longevity Mysteries Realm can afford it.

Although you don’t need these two Golden Cores, they have great use, such as being used for sluts? Suddenly exploded. Or is it a gift to a friend who has made a heart for himself?

Even Xing Yun Baobao, who helped him win the Stars Sect Sectmaster, is not impossible.

However, Xing Yun Baobao needs to be refined into Divine Ability Fifth Layer Celestial Realm.

As for the soul sword, the six-headed god monument, Fang Han can not be handed over. Because even if you hand over, Extreme Unity Sect will not let go of yourself, why not increase your strength?

Rather than expecting the enemy to let go of themselves, it is better to upgrade their strength.

Fang Han, who is savvy in the stone, will squeeze out the oil, and will you not understand this truth?

“How? You are not willing to hand it over?” Zhu Yang asked again and again, his face was already gloomy terrifying, “Do not hand it out, that is what you are not, don’t blame me Extreme Unity Sect ruthless, if you hand it out, this There is still room for discussion, because with Golden Core, my Extreme Unity Sect’s Headmaster will use Immortal Artifact to recreate the soul Mortal Body, from the illusion of Zhao Xuanyi and Song Weiyi. Junior brother is resurrected. Your sin will be lighter at the time, and my Extreme Unity Sect may not bother you?”

Zhu Yangyi’s words came out, and no matter who they are, they feel reasonable.

Even Elder Jian Kuang didn’t talk anymore, and he thought it was not bad. Fang Han handed over the Golden Core, then Ascension Sect Headmaster resurrected two, and nothing happened.

“Hey? Can you really be resurrected?” Fang Han remembered that Bai Haichen was going to be resurrected.

“It is possible, but must be cultivation to Longevity Mysteries Realm, Ninth Layer, and even Tenth Layer is about to become a fairy, tearing the existence of the door of the fairy world, but also with the help of Immortal Artifact, costing its own huge Magic Force, and never paying for it. The price can reverse the rules of life and death from nothingness. But the cost is too great. Subversion of the rules of life and death is tantamount to reversing the heavens. The gates of heaven will always be closed to you. The gates of the fairy world will always be for you. Close. Extreme Unity Sect Headmaster can’t be resurrected for the two Golden Core Experts. Even if his wife dies, his son’s family will die, it is impossible to resurrect.”

I sneered.

Fang Han immediately understood, looking at Zhu Yangyi, sneer, as if looking at a fool: “Extreme Unity Sect Headmaster will resurrect for two Golden Core Experts, give up the opportunity to become a fairy?”

“What? I only know that the Powerhouse in Longevity Mysteries Realm can reverse life and death, recover the lost soul from nothingness, but did not expect to pay the price of not being immortal.” Elder Jian Kuang did not know These, I heard the words of Fang Han, was taken aback.

“If you fight with me and kill me in the right way, I will definitely give you the Golden Core. But the two of you attacked me and killed me. I ask you, if I am killed by you, you get The Yellow Springs Diagram, will it be returned to Ascension Sect?” Fang Han asked.

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