Eternal Life

Chapter 256

This chapter is more than 6,000 words. It is a two-chapter chapter that combines the chapters of the 19 points in the afternoon. Today’s three chapters are even more complete, but there is a chapter at 12 o’clock in the evening. Do you see it cool? Vote when you are cool

“You regret it now, you have time! Hey, hand over Spirit Talisman, and bowed to my Extreme Unity Sect, and contributed the Demon Sect artifact Yellow Springs Diagram. I can spare you a life, otherwise. Ascension Sect Headmaster is coming. You can’t save you.” Zhao Xuanyi, who sacrificed the six-headed seal of the gods, fluttered on the body of the gossip purple gold robe, and made a loud voice, just like Fang Han, although he kept saying that Fang Han had a living road, but he did not leave a little life. Because everyone knows that Fang Han surrenders Spirit Talisman, but surrenders the Yellow Springs Diagram, which is absolutely impossible.

“Extreme Unity Sect’s disciples are not good people. If you run into them in the future, be careful.”

“Indeed, every small unit of Extreme Unity Sect has infinite means, and our Immortal Dao can’t compete with them, nor for no reason.”

“Fang Han is dead! It seems that I have to shoot for the Spirit Talisman! I am free to go to the Five Elements. The temptation is too big. But these little giants of Extreme Unity Sect, although not as high as I am, but Hidden so deep! If I lose, isn’t it the name of the hero? Is this risk worth noting?”

Sun and Moon Sword Sect’s “Sword Mania” Elder suddenly thought about it.

At the same time, his gaze looked at Elder, the other two swordsmen, but the eyes of the three men looked at each other.

It turned out that at this moment, the thoughts of the three people were surprisingly consistent.

Fang Han is dead, and the remaining Spirit Talisman, how do you compete with Extreme Unity Sect? This is the idea of ​​the three Elders in the three big swords, and the Yellow Springs Diagram? What about the treasure of Fang Han? Is it still given to Ascension Sect in the future, or is this group swallowed up? After swallowing, how to distribute?

What if you fight with Extreme Unity Sect and fight alone?

Is it possible for Extreme Unity Sect to swallow Spirit Talisman and get the Five Elements? Even get the Yellow Springs Diagram, the king of blood nights, these Dao Artifact? Get the Yellow Springs Diagram, with the strength of Extreme Unity Sect, sure to be able to achieve satisfactory refining, then annihilate the Yellow Springs, and open the same Yellow Springs treasury as the Primordial Immortal. Get the treasures of them.

Since then, Immortal Dao has really wanted to be a minister.

Three Grand Elder, “Sword Madness” “The volley of a sword Feng Feitian” “Dan Yuzi” at this moment, the heart is extremely tangled.

Just in the moment of the entanglement of the three Grand Elder hearts, Fang Han and Zhao Xuanyi in the field have already started!

In response to the aggressive Zhao Xuanyi, Fang Han has only one word! That is “kill!”, the giant python emerged from the throat, the blood of the king of the night flew out, turned into a bloody blade glow, hard to cover the “six eyes sealed god monument.”

“court death!”

In Zhao Xuan’s mouth, six shots of Astral Qi Magic Force were sprayed out, and the eyes on the six-eye seal of the gods were shot. Six rays of light were emitted, and they were illuminated on the bloody body of the Demonic blade.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

Demonic blade Bloody sky, the king of blood night is suddenly trapped by the light, struggling, can not move! If it is a monument, he can open it with a knife because he is Dao Artifact! The monument is just Peerless Grade Treasured Artifact! But now there are six monuments! And six pieces of connections, composed of a mysterious great goddess great array! From a mysterious void, I borrowed the endless Divine Ability Power, and forced him to suppress it!

The king of blood night was instantly suppressed!

Fang Han blinked his eyes, his face showed a cruel smile, this smile was creepy, a cover of Heavenly Demon, suddenly appeared on the top of the six-headed monument, hard-hitting the monument, it was a shot!


The six great monuments, when they were shot, the battle was slow! The king of blood night smashes the power in it, and the blood is skyrocketing! Breaking through the sky: “Blood rain!”

Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng! Hey!

The six-headed god monument was shocked!

Under the joint of Heavenly Demon and the King of Blood Night, the six-headed monument was shaken! After all, the king of blood night is Dao Artifact, and the Heavenly Demon hand is the magic hand of the Divine Ability Tenth Layer. In particular, this magic hand incorporates the Demonic art and is practiced in Fang Han. When Demon Soul was promoted to Divine Ability Sixth Layer Returning Origin Realm, it was more powerful with Fang Han bloodline!

Two great treasures, powerful. After all, it is not Dao Artifact. It is impossible to suppress the Heavenly Demon hand and the king of blood night!

“Cover Heavenly Demon Hand!”

“Ghost Emperor’s Covered Heavenly Demon Hand! How is it in his hands!”

Suddenly, Elder, the three swordsmen who knew the goods, cried. Song Weiyi, Zhu Yangyi, Wang Tianyi and other people suddenly changed their faces. When Zhao Xuanyi saw it, he also slammed Astral Qi, trying to gather the six-eye seal monument again! At the same time, he squatted with a big sleeve, and Astral Qi, the thing that condensed into a shield, stood in front of himself.


Where did you know that Fang Han’s hand suddenly had a giant bow! A long arrow! Falling star bow! Shoot the star arrow! Peerless Grade Treasured Artifact ! Among 40 great thieves, the most powerful magical treasure of Starburst, this bow has no protection power, and there is no other means. The only powerful one is the amazing lethality! Destroyed Taoist Astral Qi. Taoist self-defense magical treasure, the hole wear is unparalleled!

Fang Han sprayed a magic force on it, and the infinite Star light condense on the bow body to form a spiral vortex, like a star river vortex. Peng! Fluffy!

It seems that thousands of gas mines exploded together, bowstrings trembled, and starshot arrows cut through the sky!

Only one arrow! Just smashed the shield of Zhao Xuanyi Astral Qi and killed a few smashes! Subsequently, the treasure of Robe from Zhao Xuanyi was also crushed.

Gossip purple gold robe, inch inch disintegration, hula, turned into a butterfly, flying in the air. Zhao Xuanyi’s whole person suddenly became a **.

“Bearing Golden Core!”

At the critical juncture of this life and death, Zhao Xuan’s slap in the face, actually sprayed the life of the Golden Core from his mouth, just hitting the star on the shooting star. Fortunately, he used Astral Qi condense to shield beforehand, and then Robe resisted it. Shooting star arrows, without these two defenses, he has now been shot on the spot.

** Once you are shot, Golden Core can lose control. You can escape without the Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation.

“Ghost snake sword!”

Seeing Zhao Xuanyi squirting the Golden Core, hitting the star of the shooting star, Fang Han is fierce, killing step by step, absolutely does not give people a chance to breathe. The ghost snake snake flew out, and the gray brilliance of a sneak peek, the head fell to the top of Zhao Xuanyi, to be split into two!

The Ghost Snake Sword is the sword of the Ghost Emperor, the essence of the eternal three thousand years, although not the Dao Artifact, but also the leader of the Peerless Grade Treasured Artifact. When you kill it, Zhao Xuanyi is already unstoppable!

His Golden Core, because of the impact with the shooting star, greatly swayed, and did not have time to destroy the defense of Divine Ability, for the ghost snake sword can only watch. This moment, his heart is big! Unexpectedly, Fang Han is so powerful. Magical treasure so much! Peerless Grade Treasured Artifact, endless!

“Don’t I die, no! I have cultivated Dao for hundreds of years, and I have become a Golden Core. I am a genius. Even in the Extreme Unity Sect, I am also a leader. Little giants don’t know how many people are admired. I am so dead, I am not willing, I am not willing!”

Zhao Xuanyi is arrogant in his heart, but it does not help.

“You are looking for death! Dare to kill me Extreme Unity Sect Golden Core disciple! Even the wind white feathers can’t protect you!” At this moment, Song Weiyi, who is closest to the battlefield, shot! Suddenly violating the single-handed treaty! Although it is the giant discipline of the world’s first door, it should not be reneged, but it is impossible to look at a Golden Core disciple. It is so slain that the loss is too great. It is simply irreparable. To know the Divine Ability Seventh Layer Golden Core realm, not material, Spirit Pill can be piled up, you have to genius general qualifications!

Die one, how many resources are not made up.

Zhu Yangyi, Wang Tianyi and others are also preparing to shoot, but they feel that Song Wei has moved and they will not move. Because Song Weiyi can save the next person, after saving the people, at most Song Weiyi was subject to some punishment. They swarmed out and swung out the Extreme Unity Sect and they were carrying a “shameless” title. It’s really hard to hear.

Song Weiyi shot and went straight to the ghost snake sword. In his mouth, a small white sword was ejected. It was as lightning-fast as it seemed to be a thought. The white sword is wrapped in a ghost snake sword.

The ghost snake sword was originally very slippery, but it was entangled in this white little sword.

“Soul sword!”

Elder of several great swords knows the goods, and the mind is fierce. Because this white little sword is not a hardware thing, it is a special Divine Ability, concise, using Sword Intent, a bit born from the body skeleton. Sword, very flexible. Experts who have been refined into soul swords, and swordsmen, must be higher than others. Only those who have trained the sword of the soul are the real swordsmen.

Originally, Extreme Unity Sect reneged on the words, they wanted to stop it, but this time the electric stone fire, the rabbit fell, it was incredible. And they didn’t mean to act at all.

moment! Song Weiyi used the sword of the soul to wrap the ghost snake sword. The big sleeves waved, and a series of purple lights hit Fang Han. These purple lights are like grapes, and they are extremely inconspicuous! But it is the Extreme Unity Sect Immortal Demon two purple scorpions! One-time Divine Thunder, the explosion is so powerful that the Treasured Artifact can burst!

However, just as this series of purple lights came, the Yellow Springs Diagram on Fang Han’s body flew out. A black portal opens and swallows the purple scorpion directly.


Yellow Springs Diagram Swallowed the purple scorpion, and Song Wei’s face showed a smile. Suddenly, his head rushed out of his own Golden Core, such as a meteor, and slammed into Fang Han. He used the purple scorpion to lure Fang Han Yellow Springs Diagram out, then the Golden Core hit and killed Fang Han!

In between, use the soul sword to save people, the purple scorpion to contain the Yellow Springs Diagram, and finally the Golden Core kill! Three moves in one go, the sound of the East hit the West, the tactics used ingeniously, and in such a short time, Song Weiyi is not a small giant! Extreme Unity Sect Outstanding Disciples, Sky Wizards!

“You are pushing me! You are looking for death!”

Golden Core flew, Fang Han sneered and screamed, and suddenly flew out of the top of the head, “Feng Ming Fu”, fifty-five kinds of Great Divine Ability condense into the symbol of life, with Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty as the foundation of the supreme rune.

This symbolizes a slap in the face, and there are countless Xiangguang condense into a small golden armor god, a snail in the void, a drum, a boundless praise!


Song Weiyi’s Golden Core hit the top of the “Big Life Symbol”, as if it hit a piece of iron plate, kā chā, a few cracks appeared on the Golden Core! Under the telepathy, he wowed a spurt of blood!

“Golden Core is back!” Song Weiyi didn’t know what was going on, but he still knew that to get Golden Core back. Of course he couldn’t bear to blew his own Golden Core. If he was a little bit at this time, give up everything, explode Golden Core, maybe Will be useful.

But taking back the Golden Core is late.

Fang Han’s life symbol is even faster than his Golden Core, hehe! Just in front of the Golden Core, completely shrouded him and Zhao Xuanyi’s body, a fierce twist!


Blood blast! The body of the two, instantly, turned into a meat sauce! The five elements of Divine Thunder exploded in it, and after repeated shocks, only a moment, the two people’s body residue, and even a trace of residual consciousness were all eliminated. In the void, once again, the sound of the drum was blown and the sound of the snail was blown.

At the same time, the two Golden Cores, spinning in the air, are too late to blew.

Because the two were wiped out too quickly, they did not expect it. Fang Han’s life was so powerful, and in the blink of an eye, they were completely killed.

In fact, the Expert even if the Mortal Body is twisted into fly ash, but there is still a residual idea, enough to blew the Golden Core. But the Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty in Fang Han’s life is really too fast, plus Song Weiyi, Zhao Xuanyi and two people do not believe that they are so dead. Actually, I didn’t have time to explode the Golden Core, and I ended up with Fang Han!

Of course, what’s more, there is Black Emperor’s Water Emperor Fist among the Fang Han, including Forgetting Emotion Potion. Under the smashing, Song Weiyi, Zhao Xuanyi has the idea of ​​self-destruction and is also destroyed. This is also the main reason why it can’t be blasted.

Zhao Xuanyi, Song Weiyi, the Expert of the two Extreme Unity Sects, completely disappeared into the world, and no trace of their existence can be found in any time and space.

There are only two Golden Cores, and the loneliness exists in the air. To all the announcements, their owners died.

“Growing words and fat! In the face of so many people, self-promise, this is where I said, there is enough reason. If Ascension Sect expelled me because of this, then the wind white feathers will never lift their heads forever. “Fang Han took a wave, and the two Golden Cores fell into the sac. At the same time, there was the “spirit sword”, six “six-eye seals”, long ago and the king of blood nights. Shrouded and pulled into the Yellow Springs Diagram.

Originally, Zhao Xuanyi and Song Weiyi’s body, as well as the magical treasure capsule, were shrouded by Fang Han’s life, directly smashed, and there were countless Magic Crystal Jade, medicine pill, and some Treasured Artifact. It is turned into nothing, refining and refining by the five elements of Divine Thunder, becoming the most pure elemental and dust, or dissipating, and the useful ones are directly captured.

With the power of Fang Han’s present life, even the king of Blood Night and the body of Sun Moon Five Stars Bracelet will burst. Although it is not completely destroyed, it is turned into dust, but it is extremely damaging. Longevity Mysteries Realm’s Expert has been re-sacrificial refining for many years to recover.

Not to mention the general Treasured Artifact.

The power of a pure Space was conveyed to the symbol of Fang Han, and the Great Severing Technique Divine Ability suddenly became alive and improved a lot.

“Well? The original Hundred Treasure Bag can also be used to increase the power of the Great Severing Technique? Yes, the Hundred Treasure Bag is made of void crystal stone, which has the power of Space. It seems that this is an excellent way to practice. If I can find a lot of void crystal stone, then I can definitely make Great Severing Technique cultivation! This is a sign that will add another layer of lethality.”

Fang Han has a heart.

The magical treasures of the two Golden Core Experts were smashed, but they gave him the power of the Great Severing Technique, which he did not consider. Great Severing Technique This Divine Ability is the most brilliant technology of Demon Sect, and the Great Destruction Technique is on the same level, cutting and patching Space. Under the silent, tearing the human body. Even the magical treasure is not immune.

Fang Han really wants to cultivate it, but there is no time. Now that you know that the void crystal stone can enhance your strength, you have a goal.

However, the void crystal stone is very precious, and it is more precious than Magic Crystal Jade.

Otherwise, Hundred Treasure Bag is not likely to auction hundreds of thousands of Spirit Pill prices at the Great Clouds Empire. Fang Han wants to practice the Great Severing Technique, at least hundreds of thousands, and millions of the void crystal stone Hundred Treasure Bag.

“It is rumored that Extreme Unity Sect has a stars, all of which are void crystal stones. If you sneak into me, I am afraid that it will not be a few days, Great Severing Technique will be perfect.”

Fang Han suddenly moved a lot of thoughts, one after another.

However, this is a matter of an instant. The outside people only saw that Fang Han suddenly flew out a “Birth of Life”, and even the Song Core’s Golden Core was bounced back, and the impact broke. Then Song Weiyi recovered the Golden Core. However, this life symbol is faster, and it is over, the two largest Golden Core Experts of Extreme Unity Sect, the little giant! The pride of the sky is turned into nothing.

Subsequently, all magical treasures, Golden Cores were charged by Fang Han.

The change in this scene is amazing! It’s incredible! No one will believe this. No one even believes that Fang Han’s life will be so powerful!

The scene is dead and dead between a few breaths. All people, including the Expert of Extreme Unity Sect, feel that this is not true, it should be the illusion of others. Golden Core Expert, the little giant, the pride of the sky, where is it so easy to be killed? And even the blew Golden Core is too late?

“Low rain, blow the snail, hit the drum! This is how Robust Foundation! There is a qualification for Cheng Xian! His life is worthy of fifty-five Great Divine Ability! How is this made? The rumor, Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty, can be compared with the end of the natural disaster, I have not believed, now it seems, really, really, no wonder, Great Emperor Yellow Springs, you can lead Demon Dao first!”

Suddenly, Elder Jian Kuang jumped and cried. Broke the silence of the scene!

“Falling rain, blowing snails, hitting drums! Ascension Sect has a talented genius, genius better than Hua Tiandu. Peer genius!”

Elder’s “Flying Sword Feng Feitian” and Pill Cauldron Sword School’s Elder “Dan Scorpion” of Connecting Heaven Sword School are also mad, and their eyes are full of envy, shock, and embarrassment.

“Hey! Your Extreme Unity Sect is not keeping promises, and the two are besieging me. Do you really think that I am a kind-hearted person! I tell you, the ghosts of Yellow Springs, because they peeped at my Yellow Springs Diagram, were I killed, I charged his nine ghosts! I got his cover of Heavenly Demon, and I wanted to kill him. There are also Xenostar thieves in overseas 40 great thieves, thieves, thieves Star thieves, thieves and thieves, all killed by me, 诛 盗 盗 遁 遁! How do you think?”

Fang Han shouted, his voice was so harsh that he could pierce the tympanic membrane of a person like a sword.

“Ghost Emperor is really killed by you? Impossible, it is impossible for his Demonic art to reach the edge of Longevity Mysteries Realm, practicing three thousand years” Elder Jian Kuang snarls, then he is weak again: “That covers Heavenly Demon’s hand, the ghost snake sword, is indeed his thing, there is nothing wrong. How can you even kill the ghost emperor! Impossible.”

This answer, Extreme Unity Sect’s many disciplines, finally woke up, only to really understand, Song Weiyi, Zhao Xuanyi these two giants, the pride of the sky is really dead, not an illusion.

How many are you?

Extreme Unity Sect’s Golden Core Expert was killed?

A shameful shame!

Shameful shame

Even at the time when Devil Commander killed the three true disciples, several giants went to the gates of Innate Devil Sect, Supreme Demon Emperor like Innate Great Emperor, and dared not to kill Assassin to kill Golden Core disciple! Otherwise, Extreme Unity Sect will use Immortal Artifact to demonize! Completely annihilating Innate Devil Sect! Chicken dogs don’t stay!

what! what! what!

Wang Tianyi and Zhu Yangyi both crossed the Great Windfire Tribulation, cultivation to the Discritory of Divine Ability’s Eighth Layer, and the beast was screaming and arrogant. The rest of the Golden Core disciple also had a screaming voice of the moon-night wolf, and it seemed to be a bloody whine of Du Fu.

Binocular blood red!

All Extreme Unity Sect disciple, binocular blood red!

This is an unbearable weight and can’t bear the pain! It is even more unbearable loss. Two Great Divine Ability Seventh Layer, the giant giant of Golden Core Expert, was killed on the spot. This is tantamount to slap the Extreme Unity Sect Headmaster and all the disciples!

“Fang Han! You dare to kill the Golden Core disciple of Extreme Unity Sect! From now on, you are dead, you are dead. No one in the heavens and the earth has saved you! Even the real Divine Immortal, Can’t save your life, at this moment, you are destined to die!”

Wang Tianyi was in the air, taking steps and stepping forward.

Fang Han did not move, but said to Elder Jian Kuang and others: “What I said just now, the law of life and death, the peace of mind. The death is nothing but the art is not refined, which martial art can not find trouble. And just Extreme Unity Sect rumors and fat, two People sneak attack. This is no worse than the most despicable Demon Dao. What do you think of the three major swordsmen?”


Elder Jian Kuang, Danzizi, volleyball, Feng Feitian, and all the disciples of the three major swordsmen, all stunned and said it was real. Extreme Unity Sect died two big Golden Cores, they were dark, but it was too much trouble. In the sense, Extreme Unity Sect is completely uncompromising, and it is worse than Demon Dao. After all, Demon Dao is also credible. Several Demon Emperors are all one-of-a-kind.

In fact, they really want to stay out of things, but it doesn’t matter, the old face is thrown away, and it is no different from the mantle in the world. Spread out, among the martial art, people were also said to be weak and incompetent.

After thinking about it, Elder Jian Kuang suddenly made a Sword light and blocked it in front of the Extreme Unity Sect disciple: “You, this matter is great. And Extreme Unity Sect has the first words, both sides have agreed. You first ruined two people to kill Fang Han. It’s not the case. Now I’ve been countered and killed. It’s also bad luck. It’s a pity. If you are besieging revenge, it’s really not the style of Immortal Dao. So, go back and report your Headmaster, then decide. So that things don’t get bigger and bigger, they can’t be cleaned up.”

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