Eternal Life

Chapter 1549

The first thousand five hundred and forty-ninth chapter

Mysterious White robed Masked people don’t know where to come from, actually with Hua Tiandu***

It seems that he is still pointing to Hua Tiandu, planning a plot.

Look at this person’s momentum, Magic Force fluctuates, not in the Mother of God, below the Lord of War, actually is an old antique, it is no wonder that the skeleton of the Sanshengshi and the Yuanshizhi can be motivated. Moreover, his relationship with Hua Tiandu is very shallow, Hua Tiandu is almost Are obeying his words

“I thought that the predecessors had fallen, but I didn’t expect that the seniors would still live on this world. According to the Life Cycle, the seniors have been limited.” Hua Tiandu respectfully stands next to this White robed masked man. a word with one word

“My limit is already here, but following the creation of the king, looking for Gate to Eternity, and entering the world above the heavens, I survived.” White robed masked humanity: “Hua Tiandu, it seems that the prophecy of the sacred king was successful. Fang Han is really the robbery in the robbery. The person who has mastered the eye-catching, the identity is very special and you are the legacy of the sacred king, dealing with the existence of Fang Han.”

“I have already known this,” Hua Tiandu nodded. “The reborn of Xianhua from the Chinese Heavenly Monarch became Hua Tiandu, just to deal with the robbery, but I did not expect that Fang Han is this person. I thought that the mother-in-law Heavenly Monarch, if I knew that Fang Han was a big worry now, has long been…”

Between the words, his eyes are very fierce, it seems that he wants to swallow Fang Han and eat it in his stomach.

“ Needless to say” White robed masked mysterious man shook his head: “Fang Han is not so good to kill, and even if he kills him, he will be born Wang Han, Li Han, Zhang Han… these people are killing The only thing is to let him grow up and then plunder his gas. The so-called bottom-up salary is the king. Now that the climate of Fang Han has been achieved, it has not yet reached the most brilliant time. Once it reaches the most brilliant time, it is his In the dead period, if you kill him, you can eliminate the scourge, and at the same time let the sacred king, once again, step into the realm of eternal life.”

“What? Is the king of creation still alive?”

Hua Tiandu was shocked

“Nature, or do you think he has fallen?” The mysterious White robed masked humanity. “The sacred king is entering the Gate to Eternity. In the near future, it will return. Not only that, but many kings, also Entering Gate to Eternity, even the Lord of the Yuan? Do you think he is dead? No, he is not dead, but the legacy of his body, with extremely sturdy Spirit, also entered the Gate to Eternity.”

“What? You can actually enter Gate to Eternity” Hua Tiandu was shocked. “In every era, Gate to Eternity will appear when the heavens and the earth are destroyed. Every time the power appears, it’s almost let the kings fall. There is no existence to enter, and even the close king will fall. In the age of a long time, some immortals also attempted to enter the Gate to Eternity, but they also perished.”

No one can get close to Gate to Eternity

Fairy King does not work, the majesty of Gate to Eternity, not tolerated

At this point, any existence knows clearly, no matter how powerful Magic Force is, Gate to Eternity is a supreme ruler that can easily suppress people.

“Yes, in the past, Gate to Eternity was not able to get close, but since the mother-in-law Heavenly Monarch Fang Qingxue entered it and brought out something…” The mysterious White robed masked man sighed: “The situation becomes The pressure of Aura of Gate to Eternity has weakened a lot. The king of the king can enter Dameng, which is the first to rush into it. After disappearing, he will pursue the path of eternal life. Then, he will make the king of ancestors, the ancestor of the ancestors, and the ancestors of the ancestors. The world is free of the king Buddha, the origin of the king of the king, the king of truth, the king of the kings, and many of the kings of the kings are entering one after another. Otherwise, why do you think that those kings are going to disappear? Compared with the invincible and unfettered in the heavens, far more than Not the belief in the pursuit of eternal life”

“It turns out to be…” Hua Tiandu nodded. “Why did you not enter the Gate to Eternity?”

“I? No qualification, no strength, Gate to Eternity, only Xian Wang can enter it. If I want to force entry, there will be only one in the end, that is, the smoke is gone.” White robed masked people have a faint tone, but with unlimited regrets. “I am now, but I have entered the world near Gate to Eternity, the plane above the heavens, the boundary of the world, waiting for the return of the king.”

“The upper bound….”

Hua Tiandu admired the road: “In the rumor, all of the upper bounds are eternal qi, many gods, there are many Heavenly Monarchs that Life essence has arrived, are looking for the upper bounds, trying to enter the life. If I can get into the cultivation, then the Culture Base will definitely go to advance with leaps and bounds to reach the incredible realm.”

“Yes, a lot of Life essence’s Heavenly Monarch has also risen to the upper bound, and cultivated in it, such as Duobao Heavenly Monarch. He is now in the upper bound, and it is sprayed out in a Gate to Eternity. The magical medicine, interrupted life, at least can live three more eras, now the Culture Base, far above me, almost similar to Fang Han” White robed masked humanity: “He is now hitting Xian Wang, but I don’t have any hope when I look at him.”

“Isn’t the nine-day mysterious woman in it? After the death of the king of creation, she disappeared without a trace. The mother-in-law has been searching for her and wants to kill her.” Hua Tiandu said a secret.

“Tian Tianmu collected thirty-three ancient characters, but it is still not satisfied, but also wants to kill nine days of mysterious girl?” White robed masked man’s face showed a deep killing: “She is looking for dead end, Yes, the nine-day mysterious woman is now in the upper cultivation of the upper bound, and is also attacking the path of the fairy king. At the same time, in the upper and lower sides of the sphere of power, there are many Magic Force Monash, if they all unite, they can sweep. The heavens are gone”

The legend of the upper bounds, Hua Tiandu has long known, is a lot of world near Gate to Eternity, a high-level plane derived from the influence, vast and boundless, rich in gods, but generally Heavenly Monarch can not enter, only Heavenly Monarch, which broke through the peaks of ten eras, has found its position and experienced many hardships before it can enter it.

However, in the rumor, the upper bound of the world is too close to Gate to Eternity, and the Humanity Monarch’s Cultivation Base is subject to huge suppression.

Of course, there are some Heavenly Monarchs that specialize in the pressure cultivation of Gate to Eternity, which is an exception.

For example, when Hongmen Daoist was sitting in front of Gate to Eternity for 90,000 years, this means can be described as unprecedented.

Sitting on the front of Gate to Eternity, Heavenly Monarch will be shaken into powder

“Predecessors, simply let you take me into the upper bounds, and join a group of old officials who made the king of Xian in the same year and went directly to the heavens. The killing of Fang Han is “Hua Tiandu.”

“Where is it so easy to kill Fang Han? Do you know how terrible his current Culture Base is?” The mysterious White robed masked man cold snort: “Fang Han, this person made 33 Skies, Culture Base to advance With leaps and bounds, it broke through the huge barriers of the twelve eras. Even in the upper bounds, Heavenly Monarch, who can compare with him, is very rare. My Culture Base is a Cultivation that has just broken through eleven eras. Base, this came to the heavens, directly found the skeleton of the Lord of the Beginning, and if there were three stones, otherwise you would be first promoted by Fang Han, this time it was finally robbed of him.”

“Well, this time he grabbed his gas, it means that Fang Han’s air transport began to decrease, and after that, it was his death.” Hua Tiandu was overjoyed.

“It’s not that simple. This time it was me and the nine-day mysterious woman. I actually received a faint message, which was passed from Gate to Eternity. It belongs to the Aura of the King of Immortals. The Aura is as fine as a gossamer, but it is still accepted by us. When this is done, it shows that the king of creation has not died, and there is still a chance to return.”

“What? No death, return, then Fang Han will die.” Hua Tiandu surprises again and again.

“Maybe I was trapped in Gate to Eternity, I couldn’t come out. Of course, it was this message. I came to the heavens and successfully obtained the skeleton of Sanshengshi and the Lord of the Yuan Dynasty. Now the skeleton of the Lord of the Yuan Dynasty, or this silk. The message is being suppressed, otherwise it will not be possible for us to use it.”

White robed Masked man with a big hand, he saw, in the skull of the huge skeleton body, a group of scorching flames burning in the flames, seems to be the fire of the soul, in the instinct that controls the skeleton body

It can be seen that the raging fire of the soul is the message that the sacred king passed the Gate to Eternity.

This silk message can actually suppress the skeleton of the Lord of the Beginning, which shows the power of the sacred king.

“Unfortunately, unfortunately, I can’t integrate the skeleton of the Lord of the Yuan, otherwise, with Sanshengshi and skeleton, you can fight with Fang Han.” Hua Tiandu hateful way.

“It’s no problem, you are now shallow, and with the help of Sanshengshi, you can absorb the Culture Base of the Lord of Ronghua, you can be promoted to the peak of ten eras, and it is not impossible to kill Fang Han together. The things, let alone, many of the Experts in the Buddha world, the Dragon World, and the Devil World can also be used for you….” The mysterious White robed masked man laughed and laughed at the big hand, and immediately the three stones expanded again. The radiance came out, and suddenly the entire starry sky was full of Expert, Aura was completely released.

The world’s infinite king Buddha is with many Buddhas.

Eight Heavenly Monarch and many dragon masters

Many of the devils of the Devils also came together, looking terrified, looking at the masked people and Hua Tiandu in front of them, as well as the huge skeleton body, Sansheng Stone

“What I said to Hua Tiandu just now, you have heard that the king of creation is about to return, and the commanders of the heavens, now I give you a chance to follow Hua Tiandu completely. From then on, listen to his command.” Masked White robed people coldly Said

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