Eternal Life

Chapter 1548

{Yesterday was wrong in uploading, I thought it was passed on, but not. }

A terrible great war, slowly fell to the curtain.

Fang Han has caused huge losses to the Buddha world, the dragon world, and the demon world. The word “Sun and Moon” in the Buddha world was directly plundered, and the “Dragon” word in the Dragon World was lost.

The whole world of the devil was destroyed, and many of the devils died.

Fang Han also benefited a lot. 33 Skies was finally made into Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, which made his Culture Base break through the horror of the twelve eras, and it is unparalleled in the world.

Of course, in the end, Sanshengshi, the skeleton of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and the rescue of the Buddha, the Devil, and the Dragon Three, also left a great hidden danger.

“Fang Han, the man who saved the three-line Expert, but Hua Tiandu? How do I feel very familiar? He took the first step and got the three-stone, the skeleton of the beginning of the Yuan? If this is the case, then it is terrible. The Lord of the Yuan Skeleton is the bone of the strongest king. Once it is acquired, if refining enters the body, it will be able to gain the invincible Great Divine Ability and break through to reach peak.”

The white feathers of the reincarnation of the Heavenly Monarch of Sakyamuni leaped out of the ecstasy.

His face is cloudy and uncertain, and some of them are not good-looking. Although he shocked the pass, he broke through the ten eras and restored the power of the year. However, the form in front of him is getting more and more severe, and it is urgent.

“The Three Stones of the Devil World, he has not been able to exert the greatest power. I was convinced by the Lord of the Yuan Dynasty, and abandoned the Confucianism. I saw the Lord of the Yuan Dynasty and displayed the Sansheng Stone and even communicated with Gate to Eternity.” The Spring and Autumn Lord also from the Age of God Out of the array, the faint road, once again swearing at Fang Han, it is awe-inspiring, there is no magic, and it is completely a great Confucian who teaches the world to be born.

“Our Demon Sect’s Sansei Stone has appeared, which means that the Devil World will be unified again, and Demon Dao’s civilization will be popular in the world. This is the prophecy left by the Lord of the Yuan Dynasty.”

The demon Lord is also the body of the sorcerer, there are some fears, his strength is not strong, is the ordinary Heavenly Monarch Cultivation Base, the secret reason can be a fortune in the heavens, but in the circle of Heavenly Monarch is a Small servant.

“Isn’t Hua Tiandu, I don’t know, but I can’t get away with Hua Tiandu.” Fang Han looked at the demon world of destruction, and the layers of the Yuanshi Moshan, the big hand grabbed, and suddenly the whole devil became a group of Devil. Qi, the elliptical sphere, wanders in his palm, then breaks into the body of the demon Lord, and makes the body of the monk swell, the body’s magic wanders, condenses, gathers, arrives The limit.


Yuanshi Moshan, turned into a mountain-shaped font, and finally appeared in the eyebrows of the monk king.

“Hey King, this Yuanshi Moshan, is the Foundation of the whole Devil World. Although it is not comparable to the Three Stones, it is also a mixture of many gods and forged. With Yuanshi Moshan, you have the Foundation of the Devil, I put the whole The Devil’s Circle has given you. Your Cultural Base will not only return to the height of the year, but may even go one step further.”

Fang Han is facing the king of the monks.

The monk king immediately squatted down. “Many thanks to the Lord’s reward. After that, for the Yuan Dynasty, for the Jiyuan Gate, there is no loyalty to the doorkeeper. There will be no betrayal.”

“Yeah.” Fang Han nodded. “I was a person in the Devil world. I don’t believe it, but you are the one who followed me from the world, so it is different. Jiyuanmen will soon come up with a The robbery is not tolerated by the heavens, so it is necessary to fight and fight with the Myriad Heavenly Domain! It is a battle for a thousand years of history, so that the Myriad Heavenly Domain recognizes the power of our era, and ultimately the leader.”

“Yes, the gatekeeper.” The monk king stood up.

“Yes, Fang Han, in the future, our era will encounter heaven, Tianyi mother, war master, and the mysterious character who saved the Buddha, the dragon, the magic of the three worlds, apart from this, it is possible Some of the old antiques in the heavens must be shot, and we are under tremendous pressure. I am afraid that the current strength is not enough.” Feng Baiyu sighs secretly.

“The strength of the present? I am confident that I will fight.” Fang Han closed his eyes and pushed for a while. “I am getting stronger and stronger. Even if they join hands and I have swallowed up a lot of Heavenly Monarch, my Culture Base will endless. Increase.”

“What?” Feng Baiyu was shocked: “Your current Culture Base can be increased? It has reached the peak of twelve eras. Can you still break through?”

“Yes, my way of the epoch, the future, there is no ancient people, can accommodate all the power, as long as there is enough Heavenly Monarch source to let me swallow, the gods let me digest, I will be able to improve all the way, there will be no block. It is not difficult to advance to the peak of the 13th era. Even after fourteen eras, fifteen epochs, sixteen epochs… it is not impossible to reach twenty epochs.”

Fang Han bounced his finger and looked at the distance. “If it wasn’t, the mysterious character ran fast, I would be familiar with the characteristics of Sanshengshi, and even figure out the mystery of the skeleton of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. I won it in one fell swoop and swallowed it. It will be directly promoted to the peak of the 13th era, and even reach the 14th era. When I reach this level of power, I can really kill everything, go directly to find Gate to Eternity, and make this era burst ahead of time. The robbery came and promoted the king.”

Fang Han For Sanshengshi, the skeleton of the Lord of the Yuan Dynasty is also very hopeful to acquire. Once he gets it, he will not fear anyone.

Moreover, on his body, there is a sternum of the Lord of the Beginning, which can be calculated at any time to the whereabouts of the Skeleton of the Lord of the Beginning, and thus the existence of the Three Stones.

“What do we do now? Originally, I was looking for Sanshengshi. But now that Sanshengshi has been captured, there is no huge treasure to find, and the speed of upgrading will not advance with leaps and bounds.” Feng Bai Yu shook his head again and again: “This world is shattered, I feel that it will come soon.”

“No, you and the Lord of the Spring and Autumn, and the Lord of the Devil, first return to the Yuan Dynasty, good management guard. I went out to find the Red Devil, the Lord of Heart Demon, and the reincarnation of the electrician Heavenly Monarch Fang Qingxue.” Fang Han has long been calculating: “As long as you find Qingxue, it doesn’t matter what the robbery is. You can go straight to it. I can join her and definitely kill the Quartet and destroy everything.”

“Oh? Fang Han, is it that you have calculated where Fang Qingxue is?”

“Following ten.” Fang Han nodded. “Qingxue wants to restore the strength of the year. He must go to the front of Gate to Eternity and learn the Daoist of the year. Now if she rises above heaven, it is certain that it is near Gate to Eternity. Going in the world, in the higher plane of the heavens.”

“You want to go to the heavens, the higher mysterious plane? These planes, do not know if it exists? No one is sure, you are looking for Gate to Eternity, very dangerous….” Feng Baiyu was immediately surprised.

In the rumor, there are many planes and world in the vicinity of Gate to Eternity. On the heavens, influenced by the power of Gate to Eternity, there have been variations. Many of the experts, many of them have gone looking for Gate to Eternity, but they are gone.

“Yes, the lord, rumor, only Xian Wang is qualified to find Gate to Eternity, Heavenly Monarch’s Culture Base looking for Gate to Eternity. It is absolutely dead.” The Spring and Autumn Lord also quickly said: “Once, we have a Demon Sect There is no Expert, the pro-disciplinary of the Lord of the Yuan, the Lord, went to practice alone, looking for Gate to Eternity, and it was gone like this.”

“Is it? The Fang Qingxue found the Gate to Eternity and got the Great Destiny Technique from it. I will be careful.” Fang Han waved his hand. “You go back to the sect.”


Feng Baiyu, the king of the sorcerer, the Lord of the Spring and Autumn knows that the power of Fang Han is incredible. The insight into the future of heaven and earth is not comparable to that of ordinary people. It is not as deep as they do, and they are looking for Gate to Eternity. Maybe there will be some changes that are not necessarily true.

Shuā shuā shuā !

The three of them were in the void, and the star pill jumped and returned directly to the Yuan Dynasty. The location of the Devil World is already empty and there is no smoke.

The whole demon world, wrapped in Yuanshi Moshan, was concise by Fang Han and entered the body of the demon.

When Fang Han looked at his eyes, he saw that in the faraway depths, the Yuan dynasty floated in the eternal void turbulence, and there was no fixed place. He could not help but nod. Then he saw the shadow of the three white feathers entering it. The Yuanjie earthquake, all the arrays were turned on, and immediately let go of their minds.

Feng Baiyu has now completely become the Heavenly Monarch of Shakya, even more consolidating than the previous power, the ten eras of Culture Base, enough to guard the Yuan Dynasty.

And among the world, the number of Heavenly Monarch is not small.

Fang Han can safely look for Gate to Eternity and Fang Qingxue.

“This time the world is shattered, it is no small feat. The era gate is about to face the heavens. Qingxue, where are you? But really in front of the cultivation of Gate to Eternity? This time, I have to find you, you and me, together to kill everything. Become the most powerful tyrant in the heavens, and prove the way of the king.”

The body flashed, leaving a faint discourse and sigh in the air, and Fang Han’s body disappeared.

In the depths of distant time and space, a mysterious and unknown point in the heavens, there are all kinds of meteors flashing everywhere, scratching the sky, bringing endless light and heat.

Here is a country in the heavens. Those meteors are not the stars, but the chaos is burning fiercely, producing something similar to a meteor.

In a huge chaotic spirit, a face-faced White robed man sits on a large stone, and the big stone is a three-stone.

In front of the big stone, sitting on a huge skeleton, this skeleton is like a pillar of the sky, even if the big giant god is in front of him, it is just a subtle dust.

Sanshengshi, the skeleton of the Lord of the Yuan Dynasty, White robed masked man.

Apart from this , Hua Tiandu stands next to the white robed masked man, not knowing what to say.

“Hua Tiandu, don’t worry. I will use the three stone, the skeleton of the Lord of the Lord, for you. With these two gods, you can count the Tianyi mothers and suck all their power! “This White robed masked man said to Hua Tiandu.

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