Eternal Life

Chapter 1542

Originally, the world’s infinite king Buddha, prepared to deal with Feng Baiyu, Fang Han can not win, he can retreat to the next, the wind white feather caught in his hand, threatening Fang Han to hand over the gods, and even obey their orders. [] (p; but the wind white feathers are not good, have long understood the mind of the world’s infinite king Buddha, before the other party has not yet started, it is turned into a god of light, rushed into the era of the evolution of Fang Han, with In the eyes, refining the “fierce master.”

As soon as he rushed into the eyes of the ecstasy, everyone knew that there was no hope of killing him. His current Magic Force and the ecstasy were one, he was Fang Han, Fang Han. That is him.

In fact, this is the magical use of the Fang Han epoch. If there is a powerful enemy attacking the Yuan Dynasty, he will reach the most critical juncture. You can use the epoch to confuse all the disciples, the Heavenly Monarch, the exquisite, the Mi Bao. All of them are wrapped up, making them their own eyes, not only can enhance their own strength, but also protect the safety of many people.

This trick is not all martial art.

Most, some sects of the world, all the disciplines constitute a great array, but the great array is broken, the tree is broken, and Fang Han’s epoch is not broken unless it is strangled, it can be perfect Disciple All Magic Forces are combined.

The way of the era is the way to accommodate.

“Damn, this wind white feather runs so fast.”

A Buddha’s light brushed down, but it was brushed empty. The world’s infinitely venerable Buddha was so violent that he could only watch as if he was looking at Fang Han and refining the “fierce Lord”. He and the Lord of the Dragons The Heavenly Monarch is both helpless and doesn’t know how to deal with it.

“Fast! Many magic masters, save me quickly…”

The fierce Lord was trapped in the epoch of the ecstasy. In the violent forgiveness, his body was grilled by the raging era of True Fire. The whole body was lost in a lot of energy, but the Magic Force was deep and supported.

Moreover, he was violently shocked in the epoch of the epoch, and he repeatedly played Demonic art and wanted to go out of conflict. Devil Qi 滔天, even the era of the gods are rendered dark.

However, afterwards, several gods appeared in the epoch of the gods, bombing directly against the fierce Lord, and the fierce Lord repeatedly screamed, and there were many sturdy immortal bodies. The cracks, the Heavenly Monarch origin are all lost, the Fang Han is getting stronger and stronger, the fierce Lord is getting weaker and weaker. Under the circumstance, everyone knows that the Magic Force has nine epochs of Cultivation. The demon of Base, I am afraid that soon after, it will perish, and it will not escape the fate of being tempered by Fang Han. []

“The devil is broken!”

“Asura Infernal!”

“Ghost spells kill!”

“Yuanshi Devil’s main battle!”

“The big devil is killing!”


Countless Demon Sect is not on Martial Arts, all kinds of tactics, and the fascinating tactics created by Yuanshi Mou, all of them are displayed on the hands of the fierce masters, facing the countless crystal gods of the gods in the era of the gods. The bombings were carried out, but every bombing of him was absorbed by the Crystal Gods.

At the end of the day, the rich Devil Qi was absorbed by the epoch, and even in the gods, even the same magical master was born around him, and he also used a variety of Demon Dao Martial art.

This is Fang Han’s array of gods, automatically cloned, copied, and can simulate all features.

No matter how the show is made, the fierce Lord is easily resolved. His heart is almost desperate. Many gods are oppressed. He feels that he will perish forever and forever. He is absolutely not reconciled, and he is not willing to die like this. Unfortunately, it is powerless. Fang Han is too strong, and he is almost desperate.

Moreover, many of the devils seem to dare not come up, lest Fang Han hurt himself. Any one of the devils is a selfish person who reaches the extreme, even if his own person is hurt, as long as it does not affect his body. On the other hand, it doesn’t matter if it is high.

The fierce Lord feels that even if he is refining, these demons may not be able to save themselves. Because of the danger, the stronger Fang Han is, the more fear the Lord will be. Instead, Fang Han will show up decadence. On the one hand, then these devils will be bullying and hard, and will force you to die.

“I can’t let him refine the fierce Lord.” The world’s infinite King Buddha saw this scene, the soul of the earthquake: “He is in the cultivation 33 Skies, and the last step is the final step, and once he is made, Every one of us has no way to live. This person will never let go of you, especially in the devil world! Believing in betrayal, no one will be able to form an alliance with you! Now I am not going to bury Fang Han, he will take you all. Once swallowed up, come kill us.”


He once again sacrificed the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, and the huge body rose up, and the big hand caught it. The True Fire of the sun and the moon came down suddenly, and between the burning of the raging, the suppression of the epoch was carried out, and the crazy sun and the moon were bombarded. On the gods, the edge of the gods was bombarded and rotated.

“What? 33 Skies, only the last layer is not concise? It must be to Heavenly Gate, he wants to refine the fierce Lord, condense to Heavenly Gate!”

“33 Skies, once refined, all are Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, how powerful is it? In the past, the sacred king of the king used to push it across the world.”

“Absolutely can’t make him refining!”

“Yes! Once we have made it, we have no way to live. We must kill him and get 33 Skies into the hands. It won’t make him succeed.”…

When many of the devils heard it, they suddenly fried their hair, and they all came up with goose bumps. At the same time, their eyes showed a very greedy gaze, and the world’s infinite king Buddha shot, they will follow behind, a swarm of bees. Fang Han attacked.

The face of the Dragon King has a cross, and a long spell emerges from his mouth. Together, one wave, the top of the entire Devil seems to be opening a gateway.

That portal leads directly to the Dragon World.

Among the dragon world, a strong Aura seems to have received his call, the power of Heavenly Monarch, across the plane, to the devil.

A dragon race Heavenly Monarch, who was all in jade, first came to the Lord of the Dragons and looked at the war in the Yuanshi Moshan. God read a conversation and suddenly changed his face: “Fang Han actually wants to destroy the dragon world. a~p, hateful…”

This is the “Lord of Yulong”, the first ancestor of the Yulong family, the first person, who has lived and does not know how many eras, is also an extremely tyrannical existence.

Subsequently, a golden dragon master also came, the owner of the Golden Dragon.

The Lord of the Silver Dragon, the Lord of the Dragon, the colorful dragon master, the nine-headed dragon master………. A powerful dragon race Heavenly Monarch, a total of more than a dozen, all around the eight Heavenly Monarch.

Dragon race All the powers are almost all coming. In the face of such scenes, the world-famous Wang Fo, who attacked the Fang Han dynasty, is absolutely unambiguous. With his hands up, the portal of the Buddha world is slammed.

A powerful Buddha’s Heavenly Monarch also descended, “Lord of the Glass”, “The Lord of Amitabha”, “The Lord of Great Sorrow”, “The Lord of the Vatican”, “The Lord of the Ming Dynasty”, “The Lord of Immobility”…

There are also more than a dozen Supreme Buddha Lords, and all the elites of the Buddhaland have come here.

In an instant, the Expert of the Dragon Circle of the Buddha World really came, almost smashing the entire Devil World. In the magic cloud rolling, there is a golden light, dragon scales.

“The ancestor of Wanfo, kill!”


The world’s infinite king Buddha and more than a dozen powerful Buddha masters, suddenly a palm-pull, suddenly more than a dozen Heavenly Monarch origin in the air condense became a huge font, this font, not a Buddha, nor “zen” It is a “卍” word.

This is another mysterious word in the Buddha world.

However, this word “卍” is not the original version that has been passed down from Gate to Eternity. Instead, many Buddhas have joined forces to suppress all the ancient characters Divine Ability with Divine Ability.

In the rumors, when the world Buddha disappeared, only the word “Buddha” and “Zen” were left behind, but the word “卍” was taken away.

This “卍” word is invincible, destroying everything and creating all the power. At that time, it was circulated from Gate to Eternity, shining a full era, countless kings vying for it, and finally fell into the hands of the world’s free king Buddha.

It is because of this “卍” word that the world has been gambling with Wang Fo and Hong Meng Daoist, only to play a tie, otherwise Hong Meng Daoist as a mysterious immortal king, even the first ancestor of the king is jealous, the world is always the Buddha Short on his head.

Now, although this huge “卍” word is not the original version, it is also the Lord of the Buddha and many Buddhas who have teamed up to fight. Under one blow, it is enough to reshape the reincarnation and open up the heavens.

The 卍 word bombarded on the dynasty of Fang Han, the crystal god country above, exploding again and again.

At the same time, Heavenly Monarch, the Lord of the Dragons, also joined forces with many dragon owners. It was just a broken Heavenly Dragon, and it was bombarded with a blast.


In the epoch of the epoch, as the wind white feather of the eye, it was squeezed by a huge force, and he vomited blood on the spot. He quickly took out the money from the arms and took out a lot of treasures of Divine Pill level. Go on.

Among the treasure houses of the Protoss, there are many medicine pills, which are made from the sprayed medicine herb in the Gate to Eternity. They are almost comparable to Divine Pill. Even if the Heavenly Monarch is damaged, just swallow it. It can be recovered. Feng Baiyu took a lot, in case of emergency.

Swallowing the medicine pill, the warmth of the body rotates around, his body recovers, and the mind passes to Fang Han: “Devil world, dragon world, the three worlds of the Buddha really teamed up to attack us, absolutely not able to resist, how to leave or how?”

“Hey! I will resist, let the Experts of the Three Realms bombard my body and make 33 Skies into the treasure! Break through the Culture Base again.” Fang Han’s invincible voice passed.

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