Eternal Life

Chapter 1541

The first five hundred and forty-one chapter

A generation of devils.

Living in the four eras of the “powerful devil”, cultivation of the powerful method taught by the Yuan Shi Mou, the power of the majestic demon, in the blink of an eye, they have not reacted, they were wearing a body by Fang Han , kill.

The Heavenly Monarch origin has been plundered.

There are no bones left.

Fang Han can not be said to be not ferocious, killing people without blinking, more devil than the devil, in the eyes of many magic masters, he is the devil, supreme magic deity, it seems that the Lord of the Yuan Dynasty has come again, to be a unified demon world.

“Demo Lord” died, and the deity was destroyed.

Fang Han didn’t stop, it was like a volcanic eruption, lightning and lightning, and another magical master on the top of a mountain. This mountain is very close to the mountain where the “Demo Lord” is located. It is a strange stone. The peak of the spiked teeth, the demon Lord sitting on the top, looks like a demon, like a beast like a bird.

This is a “Lord of the Magic”.

It is also the great devil who has practiced four or five eras.

He was originally watching Fang Han rushing to the Devil Lord, but he did not rescue. He thought that the Devil Lord and Fang Han were both defeated, and then they showed their hot hands. They took advantage of it, but they did not expect it. In the blink of an eye, the Devil Lord was Fang Han killed, and swallowed his body, could not help but be shocked, quickly stood up, leap to the back, temporarily avoiding the edge.

It is a pity that he is late. If he didn’t have the psychology of watching a movie, he got up early and had a chance to live. But now that Fang Han is eyeing, where is the chance to survive?

Fang Han, as the tiger slays the lamb, and falls down, the momentum of the body directly condenses into a canopy in the shape of an eggshell, so that the “Lord of the Magic” can’t move.

“The Lord of the Magic” is not a good class, knowing that this moment is the most dangerous moment in his life. His pair of magic eyes instantly became a lot of dream bubbles, such as a kaleidoscope, the world changed, and the dreamy magical shadows made the world have a dazzling brilliance.

He is hidden in the kaleidoscope world and disappears. This is his secret of nature. The magical Demon Soul can create a fantasy and become a magical one. It is not in the real world. In a short time, it is in an invincible state. Fang Han could not attack him at all.

Think about it, it is not the real thing, the flower in the mirror, the moon in the water, even if it is broken, what is the use?

“As long as you can persist for a while, many demons will launch an attack, Fang Han, you are actually against us under Assassin, we will not let you go.” The avatar became the magical magical lord, hate in the heart.

However, just in the moment of his darkness, Fang Han was a punch.

A simple punch, the power does not fluctuate, there is no trace, but the whole dream, all broken, the throat of the Lord of the Magic is squeaky, pinched by a big hand, the volley is lifted up, huge power rushes in, He felt that he had reached his body, and he continued to swell, and the air could not stop.

Finally, the huge explosion, the entire body of the Lord of the Magic, in the enchantment of Fang Han, once again blasted, was all inhaled, broke into the sound of the butterfly, and resounded again. Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, once again become a piece, as long as there is Heavenly Monarch origin, 33 Skies Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, will be one after another.

The magical world, the magical world created is indeed powerful, but it is a pity that Fang Han swallowed the woman of the dreamy master, and mastered the illusion. Almost a trick between them, this magical space was broken, and finally the other party was smashed and devoured again.

Lightning in general, the two great devils, all died in his hands.

嗖嗖嗖嗖……. Killing the two great devils, Fang Han does not stop, the dragons and tails generally turn in the air, directly rushing to another demon Lord.

There is a curved horn on the head of this demon. It is as black as a horn, and the magic spell is carved on the Lord. It can almost be overwhelming.

It is the “Lord of Destruction”, Demon Sect, a big devil who has lived for seven epochs. Compared to the powerful Demon Lord, the Lord of the Devil does not know how much to be tyrannical.

“Fang Han, you dare to kill me.”

Seeing that Fang Han rushed to himself, the “Lord of Destruction” stood up on his own mountain, and the body of the cow was strong, the spells were intertwined, and his face was cruel and cold. The smile, he is ready, and Fang Han compares to see who wins.

After Fang Han smashed the two great devils, almost all the devils had completely returned to God, and they were ready to deal with Fang Han’s thunder, which is also the same as the “Lord of Destruction.”

However, just as he stood up, Fang Han appeared on the top of his head, a huge array of gods, numerous of them, 33 Skies, the celestial burial, the altar of altar….all the gods, Together, they urged the gods, and they collapsed directly.


The Lord of Destruction was almost too late to have any resistance, and he was involved in the gods.

Everyone saw an incredible scene. A Heavenly Monarch, which lived for seven eras, was like an ant caught in the waves of the sea and disappeared without a trace.

There is nothing wrong with it. For example, Fang Han’s attack is the waves of the sea, the storm, and the lord of destruction, an ant, in front of the waves of the sea, weak and pitiful.

The “destroyed master” who was involved in the epoch of the epoch was also trying to struggle, but many of the gods of the heavens bombarded them together. In the blink of an eye, they bombarded dozens of megagrams, screaming and screaming.

The crowd immediately saw that Fang Han’s thirty-three brilliance, absorbed the Heavenly Monarch origin of the ruined master, and suddenly a loud bang, seems to have produced a new metamorphosis, except for one to the Heavenly Gate, all King Grade Immortal Artifact, all transformed into Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, the power rolled over and smashed in the epoch, and everyone felt the body hairy, it seems that a fierce and invincible fierce placenta is waking up.

This is the power of 33 Skies.

This set of treasures is now infinitely close to success.

Fang Han’s original strength can kill the Lord of Destruction, not to mention the fact that now, the word “Dragon” has been swallowed up, and the word “Sun and Moon” has been promoted to an incredible degree. Now it is 33 Skies. The system reached the final level of the First Layer, and the water was rising. The strength of the system has been able to break through the twelve eras at any time.

“Fang Han, do you really want to be against us?”

“Many magic masters, speed joint, no union, he is uplifting, killing us more people, fierce and fierce is getting stronger, the devil really will be destroyed in his hands.” The Spring and Autumn Lord has been thoroughly Panic, he was yelling, greeted many devils, and joined forces to deal with Fang Han.

Fang Han suddenly started, it is indeed a surprise to kill everyone.

Many of the devils can’t think of dreams. When Fang Han is in opposition to the Lord of the Buddha and the Lord of the Dragons, he will suddenly rush into the Yuanshi Moshan, killing and killing, and killing blood.

“Why kill me in the devil world, you are not the Lord of the Buddha, the Lord of the Dragons has hatred?”

Some magic masters still can’t figure out, why are there people like Fang Han? Originally, the devil was watching the fishermen’s profits, and no one thought that Fang Han would kill even the fishermen. Is it not too much to hate? There are still too few enemies in the Yuan Dynasty?

“You guys in the devil world are simply betrayal. It’s no wonder that for the sake of the heavens, even if you don’t kill you, you are my biggest enemy.”

Fang Han made a rolling sound, and his body turned into a “fierce master.” He already saw it: “Cultivation Base” of “The Fierce Lord”, with nine peaks, can be compared The Lord of Chaos is one of the highest Powerhouses in the Devil. If you kill it and integrate it into your body, you can immediately take 33 Skies to the point of cultivation to reach the point of Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, making your own Culture Base. Really break through the 12 eras.

The Cultivation Base of the twelve eras, I am afraid that it is proud of the ancient and modern, under the King of Immortals, I am afraid that no one can help him.

Then the Lord of War, the Heavenly Mother, must be short of him.

The Lord of War, the Heavenly Mother is the Powerhouse of the eleventh era, like his Magic Force, but he was unable to break through the twelve eras.

Magic Force has surpassed ten epochs, and every step of promotion is almost impossible. Only the supreme person who endures eternal loneliness, breaks the curse of destiny, and enslaves the great Dao will be able to step on the law and step by step. Before the arrival, there was no realm of no one after the ancients.

Now, the end of the Holy King is also a fusion of the broken artifacts, attempting to break through the destiny, enslaving Great Dao, and also promoting the Cultivation Base of eleven eras, reaching the realm of Fang Han, the Mother of God, and the Lord of War.

Ten epochs are too different from the Cultivation Base of eleven epochs.

Because of this, Fang Han can easily defeat the Lord of Ronghua and capture the sword and mother characters in her hands.

The difference between the nine epochs and the ten epochs is also very large. Now the heavenly chaos, killing, eternal, and catastrophic Heavenly Monarch, I am afraid they are all at the peak of nine eras, just waiting for the opportunity, and the promotion will reach the end. The realm of the Holy King, even the chaotic Heavenly Monarch.

It was the Heavenly Monarch of Lei Di, because it was captured by Fang Han, the word “True Fire”, the five-line ancient characters and other magical treasures, and the Culture Base was weak. Can’t be promoted anymore.

At the moment when Fang Han killed the “fierce Lord”, the electric light stone in his mind showed all of this. It was almost the calculation of all the powerful strengths of the powerful powers in the heavens. It seems to be a master, an invincible Expert.

In the era of no fairy king, if he was promoted to the Cultivation Base of the twelve eras, he could indeed cross the border.

Bang! Carrying Shen Wei, Fang Han landed directly on the mountain where the “fierce Lord” was located, and the wind white feather seemed to seize the opportunity, stunned, turned into a streamer, fell into the body of Fang Han, acting as Fang Han’s eyes.

The fierce Lord also wants to resist, but no matter how he moves, escapes, counterattacks, they are still wrapped up by the ecstasy. g

[… The first thousand five hundred and forty-one chapters even kill the devil Lord – Valentine’s Court – …] @! !

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