Eternal Life

Chapter 1524

{Go out to watch a movie today, Longmen flying a, watching Chun Ge go. By the way, everyone said that I look like Xu Ke, just take a look at his film, take a day off, a chapter of 12 points at night and tomorrow’s early morning 8 points are gone, and then return to normal. }

The sword of all things is invincible. Any object that encounters this mother sword must be melted into a group of “mother”. This is the real power of this sword, and all the elements are turned into “motherhood.”

Even the King Grade Immortal Artifact, the general Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, the Heavenly Monarch level Expert, was killed by this “mother sword”, and the vitality will be turned into a sword into the sword and become a sword soul.

Such a magical sword was created by the Heavenly Mother’s Cultivation Base, which was worked hard for several times. At the same time, there was Aura, who made the sacred king, apparently when refining the holy sword. The creation of Xian Wang has also been shot.

It is not necessary to say that if the Tianmu is a single individual refining, because it is not a fairy king, then it will not be arrogant to reach where it is, but with the creation of the immortal king is not necessarily, 斩The ray of annihilation destroys Heavenly Monarch is a breeze.

However, now that Jianman is smothered on Fang Han’s palm, it does not move, showing how perfect and solid the body of Fang Han’s crystal god.

Almost any force under the King of the Kings cannot be destroyed.

The celestial burial, the gates of the celestial beings, the ancient sacred churches, and the four gods of the altar of the meditation have begun to merge and become part of the epoch.

Every time Fang Han shot, in the boxing spirit, he showed the invincible power of the four great gods, and the shape of the four great gods.

In terms of strength alone, the Lord of Ronghua is not the opponent of Fang Han at all.


A loud noise. Fang Han was once again shot on the sword of all things. This sword was almost beaten and flew out. The Lord of Ronghua was stunned, and the tiger’s mouth was actually shattered. A large piece of blood was from the hand. Flying out, pale.

Fang Han Every punch, like Hong Zhong Da Lu, open the sky, every palm is shocked, the world is shivering, it seems to be broken at any time, Fang Han is now gradually pondering some truth, converging its own strength, turn True Qi, Astral Qi, Yuan Lidu condense into a group, no longer cast spells, but to display the peerless Martial Dao.

This Martial Dao, with one punch and one hand, one finger and one leg, is an invincible attack that cannot be reflected or copied.

And the power is great.

Basically, with Fang Han’s current Culture Base, the power of condense, the palm of the hand, the person in the palm of this hand, must be directly ruined, beaten and broken, died of death, even the Lord of Ronghua is no exception.


The Lord of Ronghua stepped back and forth again, and a medicinal pill flew out. It was a wonderfully fascinating Divine Pill that swallowed it directly into the body. Suddenly, her injury and her vitality were all restored.


Suddenly, in her body, a word flies out. This word represents the mother of all things, the true mother word that is passed down from Gate to Eternity. This “mother” word is extremely huge, embarrassing, vast, and as big as a mountain, as thick as the earth.

This “mother” did not suppress Fang Han, but directly into the “mother sword”.

Bang! Like an oily sea, it is thrown into a sparking star! Numerous flames have been washed away, and the swords of all things are suddenly ten times larger. Every inch of the sword of all things has a radiance, a brilliance that creates everything.

“Everything is the sword, the three swords are killing! The Virgin Mary…”

The whole person of Ronghua is almost a sword, and three swords in succession, each sword and the sky are born out of a bright moon. The power of the Taiyin is almost a shrouded place, and the sword is fierce. Even the long river of fate fluctuated. This sword went deep into destiny and killed all the vitality. It was necessary to reshape Fang Han.

At the same time, in the mirror world, all the mirrors began to reflect the sword, making the sword of this lord of the Lord increase the power of ten times.

The general blow of the storm, surpassing the infinite time and space, directly stifled on the body of Fang Han.

This mirror world is a powerful world composed of a lot of Expert blessings, such as the Lord of the Skull. It also relies on the power of the celestial patriarchal plane, which cannot be broken in a short time.

Dangdang… A series of sounds of gold and iron symphony sounded out. There were many sword marks on Fang Han’s body. He was like a stone man. How to kill him, he could not hurt him, only ruthless. The years can only leave traces of mottled on his body.

However, this eternal sword has caused damage to him, and it has been stabbed up, but it does not move.

“Fang Han, die!”

The main sword of Ronghua is like a wind, suddenly a thorn, all the Sword light and condense of this master sword become a point, like Heaven Origin Strike, actually point to Fang Han’s eyebrows.

In a series of lore, she seems to have found the weakness of Fang Han.

Fang Han’s body immediately retreats, and the work force forced Sword Qi to violently sneak out in the body. At the same time, his face changed. This sword is really looking for his weakness. It is not because his body has weakness, but because of his smoke and water. The epoch of the ecstasy is in his eyebrows. Once he is killed, he will be most devastated, and the smoke and water will be scattered.

“Fang Han, I will kill the traitor of Yanshuitian first. My Tianyi mother-in-law worked hard to train her, and she made her become Heavenly Monarch. Even dare to judge, I will put her in front of your eyes. The killing of life makes you feel the lossing of the lover, to make up for your sins.”


The sword of all things of the Lord of Ronghua suddenly accelerated, and even penetrated directly into the eyebrows of Fang Han, and it would infiltrate into the crystal god country.

“is it?”

Fang Han was very calm. Suddenly, the palm of his hand appeared in the eyebrows. The middle finger of the index finger caught the tip of the sword that entered the assassination and prevented the further development of the sword tip.

“What?” The hand of the Lord of Ronghua was unable to pull out the sword of all things. Her body violently retreated and twitched the sword of all things, but the sword was pinched by Fang Han, and it was immovable, and the stock was extremely powerful. Passed from the tip of the sword, the smashing of the forbidden art and the soul of the sword.

The whole sword, the thunder shines, the electric light splits, the countless robbery, the void, the five elements of the ancient characters, the twelve witches, the six-word mantra, the nine-word secret, one by one, facing the mother word in the sword body world Repeated bombardment.


With so many ancient characters, it formed a torrent of water and shocked the idea of ​​the sword of all things. Under the influence of Aura, the Lord of Ronghua was almost spurted out of blood.

“This sword of all things is a god of the heavens, you can’t have it at all, only I am the real master of her, bring it!” Fang Han caught the tip of the sword, and the inch of the sword must be taken from Ronghua. The lord’s hand grabbed it, and now the two are equal to the original sword of the spirit of Heavenly Monarch.

This is very dangerous. Once a party fails, it will enter a dangerous situation.

Fang Han This is naturally an overwhelming advantage.

“Many junior sisters have helped me. This animal is actually dare to take my master sword in our heavenly motherhood. It is a bold daring!”

Suddenly, the Lord of Ronghua suddenly and again.

“Damn, actually, we are fighting against Heavenly Monarch, killing him. In our celestial motherhood, with one person’s strength, we fight together, we shot together, shocked him! Kill him!”

“He is looking for death.”

“I don’t believe it. He dares to face the team of people like us. Even the king of the kings will explode him alive.”

“This time, I can’t let him run. This person is definitely a great evil. The senior Sister of Ronghua, when we teamed up to arrange the mirror world, can still be so fierce. If it goes out, then it will be worth it? No wonder Tianting He is so jealous. But this time he is dead, no one can save him!”

“Yes, I am going all out.” . . . . . .

In a powerful killing, more than a dozen powerful Heavenly Monarch origins broke through the mirror world and directly injected into the body of the Lord of Ronghua.

The Aura of the Lord of Ronghua immediately rose sharply and changed earth-shakingly. The ghosts were unpredictable, and the heavens could not measure what kind of realm she had reached. In a moment, the Heavenly Monarch in her body almost surpassed Fang Han and even Marching toward a higher level.

Hey! The sword of all things swayed, and it was out of the control of Fang Han’s fingers.

The face of Ronghua is vicious and murderous: “Myths hit!” The tip of the sword stabbed forward, once again piercing into the body of Fang Han, destroying the smoke and water, and seriously injuring his soul.

However, at this moment, the change is sudden.

The tip of the sword reached Fang Han’s body, and the stalwart body suddenly exploded. The earth-shattering, Space turbulence, screaming, the lens artifact that made up the mirror world almost torn into pieces. The Lord of Ronghua screamed and his body was blown out.

“Damn, actually blew himself? This is self-destruction!”

Finally, it was stabilized. The Lord of Ronghua saw that the eyes were empty. Fang Han disappeared. She immediately opened her eyes and fired around, but she did not find any clues. Even the crystal gods did not find it. Complete destruction is in self-destruction? Impossible, even if he is so tyrannical, even if it is destroyed, it cannot be destroyed so cleanly. His wreckage is only to be thoroughly robbed after at least 20 times. Death?”

The Lord of Ronghua looked suspicious.

“Senior Sister, your sword!” Suddenly, many women were shocked, and the Lord of Ronghua immediately looked at the sword of all things in his hand.

I don’t know when, the top of the sword of all things is densely crystal-like.

These crystal gods seem to be a dusty dust and seem to be a piece of the wild universe. They are constantly squirming, arranging and combining, and seem to have assimilated the entire sword.

Kā chā kā chā . . . . . . .

The continuous sound of the sound is complete, and the sword of the object is suddenly abrupt, and it has changed into the shape of Fang Han. g

[… The first thousand five hundred and twenty-four chapters to win the sword – …] @! !

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