Eternal Life

Chapter 1523

Chapter 1 553

“Mirror world!”

“Fang Han, you have been trapped in the mirror world, all your Magic Force will eventually bounce back, and all the aftermath of the explosion will still rebound.”

“Nothing wrong, about you don’t know how powerful the mirror world was before a few epochs. Among them, Expert is like a cloud. Anyone who understands the rules of the mirror can reflect many mirrors. Before the five eras, we are days. The mother-in-law destroyed the mirror world, and made all the Experts of the realm together with the entire plane into a mirror array, and any existence that was trapped in it would be completely killed.”

“Fang Han, your despicable slave, actually dared to fight with our Lord of Honor.”

“This time, you are difficult to fly.”

“He can’t run, we don’t have to disturb the godmother, we can kill him, kill him and go to destroy his Yuan Dynasty, then 30 Million merits is perfect.”

“No, don’t rush to kill him. You must torture this beast, let him become a dog, really be the watchdog of our celestial mother. When we go out, we will take the rope around him and let him Climb the ground.”

The vicious language of each one, passed from these women, to humiliate Fang Han to death, this is not a language offensive, but a vicious curse, and these vicious curses, after the blessing of the mirror world, suddenly broke out. Come out, all copied into double attacks.

Mirror world is one, the people trapped in it are indeed under tremendous pressure, especially under the attack of this group of female-like Heavenly Monarch, and there is also a “master of glory” holding the “mother sword” foot It is enough to end the supreme Expert of the end of the Holy King. Even the power of Fang Han feels a huge pressure, and he is crushed into powder.

There is nothing wrong with him, there are gods in the heavens, the celestial burial, the altar of the Zen, the ancient sacred temple, the gate of the celestial celestial…and even the celestial gods that have just been captured, but the expert of the celestial mothers Heavenly Monarch also has gods, the “mother sword” is a god of heaven, apart from this, this mirror world, a great array, is also forged by many gods, after thousands of times Condensed, and there is obviously Aura of the King of the Kings. It is obvious that the forging of this mirror world was shot by Xian Wang.

Fang Han can even feel that there is Aura who made the king of the king, that is to say, the creation of the king of the king has forged this mirror world.

He immediately calculated it, and the relationship between the king of creation and the goddess was not shallow. Actually forging a magical treasure for it? What is the relationship between the two? Lovers, couples? In the rumor, the genius of Xianhua once had a scorpion, called the nine-day mysterious woman, and also the lower bound assist through the mysterious world to resist the Protoss, and now it has disappeared. When all this is connected with the Mother of God, it seems to be somewhat confusing.

However, these are all calculations. Fang Han does not intend to calculate any more. What he has to do now is to defeat the Lord of Ronghua and break the mirror world.


The vast torrent of Magic Force, the vicious curse, and the endless singularity of the great sacred saga, all slammed into the body of Fang Han, causing his crystal gods to violently fluctuate and seem to be drowned by Magic Force.

“Swallow the universe, transform it into treasure, 33 Skies, for my use!”

Fang Han The whole body, the waves of water tremble, 33 Skies, the full force, the rush to reach the maximum realm, the full of those attacks, actually use these forces to forge the magical treasure, the day of the gods in a powerful attack Down, it began to melt, and a series of gods broke out, and some of the top gods such as the original gods and gods were dissolved. The gods were integrated into the Heavenly Gate.

The huge to Heavenly Gate, the door of the Supreme is finally beginning to take shape, and a sacred Aura of Heaven is passed on. The “Supreme Gate” is the full name to Heavenly Gate.

This door is the general outline of 33 Skies, and it is also the way to the highest, the emperor, the king, the end of the emperor.

Originally, this door required a lot of materials, and Fang Han couldn’t get it, but it deprived the Tian Zun god clothes on Hua Tiandu’s body. After dissolving, it made the real material complete, it will change, and now it is lacking. It is the origin of Heavenly Monarch.

Moreover, he wants to dissolve the gods, if in ordinary circumstances, at least a hundred million years, even consume his own great Magic Force, hard work to exercise, but now in the mirror world, all attacks are copied They are all reflected, they are all bounced back, they are all endless, and there is also a group of fierce and sinister female Heavenly Monarch struggling to attack, all of them are blessed on his body, making him use force, it is almost in the blink of an eye, complete For many years of hard work.

This is also the horror of 33 Skies, which can transform everything into your own. The creation of the immortal king is based on this thing, the heaven and earth, in addition to the artifacts of Gate to Eternity and Sansheng Stone, it is simply no enemy.

“Not good! He actually used our power to forge 33 Skies. Hua Tiandu, you actually lost even the gods. You waste, don’t go out and give me the grand matrix of the whole heavenly mother.” The Lord of Ronghua was keenly aware of the current situation of Fang Han, and immediately became furious. He directly took Hua Tiandu and smashed the great array mirror world.

Hua Tiandu shuttled through the air, and my heart gnashed his teeth: “You all have to die, Tianyi mother-teacher, Fang Han, one can’t survive. My Hua Tiandu is immortal. As long as I can hit a big luck, I will use it in my life. The skeleton of the Lord, the strongest artifact of the Three Stones, can never fall into the hands of Fang Han.”

His body was divided into two, one of which disappeared directly.

I don’t know if I am hosting a great array, or doing something else.

“Fang Han, you dare to run the power of 33 Skies. No one knows 33 Skies better than my celestial mother. You have spent countless efforts, this set of treasures will eventually belong to me, 33 Skies Word, to! Zhou! Shock! Death! Rong! Town! Qing! Steal! Seal!…”

The lord of Ronghua, fierce and fierce, the sword of all things in the hands was shocked, the sword was sharp, the sky was smashed, the Great Dao was destroyed, and the swordsman was shot at Fang Han. At the same time, she spurted out blood. Finger guidance, the dragon’s tail is generally written in the air, a rune, each rune, composed of a single font, these fonts, a total of thirty-three, is exactly the corresponding 33 Skies Ancient words.

Looking at the speed of her writing, as well as the degree of fluency, it has gone through a lot of tempering, almost reached a point of true harmony.

I finally understood why she had to surrender the Emperor’s pen. It was originally used to practice writing thirty-three ancient characters. With the help of the realm of the world, and the practice of writing thirty-three ancient characters, she can improve her arrival. Higher realm.

Thirty-three ancient characters have magical powers. The real ancient characters are not in the hands of the Lord of Ronghua, but in the hands of the Mother of God. It is estimated that they are now cultivation. However, the thirty-three ancient characters in the hands of the Lord of Ronghua have been written with great temperament and are also very magical.

When the thirty-three ancient characters were written, Fang Han’s body suddenly shocked. He felt that 33 Skies in his body almost did not listen to his own command. He wanted to fly out and merge with thirty-three ancient characters. For one, it is equal to an angry wolf who saw delicious tender meat!

Fang Han immediately launched the calculation of the lightning stone in his mind. He knew that if he let his 33 Skies rush out and swallow the ancient characters, I am afraid that it will be controlled by the other party, and the containment is very large.


The countless Magic Forces in his body rushed into the 33 Skies and smashed it into the treasure, so that they could not be moved, so as not to be counter-water.

Unexpectedly, thirty-three ancient characters actually have the role of restraining 33 Skies.

In this way, the power of Fang Han was suppressed by death. Originally, the other party formed the mirror world, and it was already very tyrannical. For the Expert of Fang Han, there was a great suppression. The attack of the Lord of Ronghua was very fierce. The sword of all things is sharp and unparalleled. Every time it is killed, it almost consumes many of Fang Han’s strength.

Now, thirty-three ancient characters are written, and 33 Skies is also contained. Whenever Fang Han wants to resist the attack, one side has to crack the mirror world, and the other side has to resist the sword of all things, suppressing the 33 Skies. Immediately, there are some feelings of being in a hurry.

Fortunately, his Cultural Base is extremely deep, and it works very well. Any means, he has almost cracked.

“People’s pen!”

He shouted, hehe! Suddenly, the Emperor’s pen was turned into a huge imperial pen, and appeared in his hand. “One of heaven and earth, 33 Skies!”

The man’s pen in his hand, the pen and the dragon snake, actually wrote one after another of the ancient characters, turned out to be the fonts that were passed out of the thirty-three Gate to Eternity.

The ancient characters written by the Emperor’s pen are not orthodox, but they are amazingly powerful. Once written, they are not in the body of Fang Han, let 33 Skies go to Baotu, and suddenly 33 Skies is quiet, Fang Han They even feel that they are undergoing a transformation.

“Damn! The Emperor’s pen, not for the service of the palace, but for a slave man to do cattle and horses!” Seeing this scene, the eyes of the Lord of Ronghua almost spurted out the fire, carrying thirty-three ancient characters, hands The sword of all things was shocked, such as a tornado, such as a hurricane, and the glare came back, and the slammed impact hit Fang Han’s body.

“Well come!” Fang Han holds a pen, keeps writing ancient characters, and spreads one hand, such as a giant palm, and makes a hard battle against the swordsman of the sword.

Uh… continuous impact, Fang Han’s finger hit the edge of the sword of all things, bursting out of the fire, actually can not open his skin.

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